Her Possessive Professor by Gena Snow

Chapter 13







Stop! A voice is shouting in the back of my head, but I’m past the point of care. All I know is Hailey is gazing at me with her bright hazel eyes, expecting me to show her how amazing the real thing would be. After all, life is too short to worry about right or wrong.

Well, thank thee, Robert Herrick. I put my hand on Hailey’s shoulder and pull her to me. I stroke her face with the back of my hand to feel her supple skin. She looks so much younger without makeup and so innocent, but it doesn’t diminish my lust for her. I remove her glasses and place them on the table next to the couch, along with the poetry collection.

“So, you want me to take you here lying down or at my desk from behind like you’ve fantasized in your story?” I ask in a gruff voice while feeling her bare shoulders.

She shivers at my touch. “Oh God. I don’t know… at your desk?”

My dick jolts. “Hmm, like it rough, don’t you?”

She giggles in response.

“I’ll do that,” I say in a hoarse voice. “But not your first time. I don’t want to hurt you. The couch is more comfortable.”

She inhales sharply. “Okay.”

I kiss her long and deep before letting go of her. “Now strip for me, Hailey, and display thy breasts!”

Her cheeks deepen into a rosy color as she starts to unbutton her shirt slowly, her eyes gazing at me shyly.

The moment I see her white bra with pink polka dots, my mind leaves me completely and I reach to cup them through the fabric before she unhooks the clasp and frees them of the constraint.

“Fuck me,” I mutter, greedily molding her soft flesh.

“I take it you like my Via Lactea?” she asks playfully.

“Very much,” I croak. “I ought to write a verse about them, too.”

“Yes, do that,” she coos. “Now!”

“You aren’t serious.” I can hardly think, not to mention composing a poem. I summon some blood back north and try. “Behold these gorgeous fruits from paradise—plump, juicy and sweet / I ravish them with my mouth—but the more I do so, the hungrier I become.” I finish my lame attempt with a cringe. Damn. That’s why I’m an English professor, not a poet.

She sniggers. “That’s not bad,” she says, holding her sweet fruits in both hands and pushing them toward my face.

“Well, I guess I’ll just praise them with action.” I lean down to take them in my mouth, one by one, to savor them.

Hailey moans and shimmies out of her pants. Soon she lies on the couch like a beautiful marble statue.

“God, you’re beautiful,” I murmur as I unbutton my shirt. “And I’m going to lick every inch of your skin.”

She gasps. “That’s so hot, professor!”

“Call me Jared!”

“Okay, Professor,” she says with a playful smile.

I grit my teeth, although there’s something sinfully hot hearing her call me that at the moment.

I stand in front of her with my shirt wide open and my pants off, letting her lustful eyes roam over me.

“You’re gorgeous, Prof—Jared!”

I smirk as I go to my drawer to get a condom.

“Do you keep a stock here in your office?” Hailey asks with her eyes widened.

I know what she’s getting at, and I tease her. “Yes. I never know when a sexy smut-writing student will show up in my office,” I say as I roll the rubber down.

“Gosh. You’re a dirty professor,” she says.

“Um-hum. And you’re a slutty student,” I say. The truth is I left the condom here by accident and it’s been in my drawer for years. I’ve never imagined having sex with a student, let alone in my office. At least not until I read her story two hours ago.

When she giggles, I kneel next to the couch and spread her legs roughly apart. I finger her wet petals to make her writhe and beg, and then I hold my shaft and let it glide over her slippery cleft.

“Please, Jared! Come inside me!” she begs in an urgent voice.

I hold on to my urge and tease her. “What do you mean by that? Be direct, baby!”

She whines in protest.  “Okay. Fuck me, please!”

I grunt and straddle her while nudging my engorged cock at her entrance. “Will do!” I don’t thrust yet, but make her ready by rubbing the spot over and over, drawing more and more juice out of her.

“You’d better hurry, Jared,” she begs. “I’m melting into a pudding.”

I chuckle. “I love pudding.” And then, I thrust in, or rather, her walls suck me in.

She gasps and grips my back. “Oh God! This is unbelievable. So full and so good,” she whispers.

I’m still holding my urge before she makes that comment, but I lose it just like that. I let my cock plunge in, breaking her virgin barrier.

Hailey yelps so loud I have to put a hand on her mouth, although Dr. Kennedy is likely not in his office at the moment. “Are you okay, baby?”

“Yes,” she says. “God! This is so amazing. Oh. You’re big!”

I chuckle as I pull out to the tip and thrust again. “You feel good, baby,” I rasp as I close my eyes to savor the sensation of her warm, silky walls wrapping me like a glove.

“Don’t stop, please,” she begs while tweaking her nipple.

I groan, reaching to cup her breast while thrusting with abandon.  

Soon she’s writhing on the couch and begging for more. She looks dreamy and satisfied. “Thank God for poets,” she says while rolling her pelvis up to meet my thrusts.

“And smut writers,” I say between grunts. I grip her hips and wrap her legs around my waist so I can reach deeper inside her.

She whimpers right away. “I’m gonna come soon.”

Her words summon a wave down to my thighs and I hold the urge. I slap her buttock and knead her breast. God. I can never have enough of her body. “Baby, tell me you’re mine!” These possessive words just fly out of my mouth.

She hesitates for a moment. “Yes, Jared. I’m yours.”

“Promise me you won’t let anyone else touch you!”

Her green eyes sparkle with excitement as she nods. “I promise.”

Joy rushes through me and I reach down to kiss her, ravishing her at two locations at the same time. Hailey’s breathing becomes loud and rapid and she starts to convulse. My body gets the message and trembles right away. A buzzing sensation zaps through me and I stiffen for a moment before I thrust violently again and explode.

I’m on top of Hailey, panting heavily, when I hear a loud knock on the door. Shit. Who the fuck is that?

I don’t have office hours today. The janitor isn’t here so early. I look at Hailey and put a finger on my lips. The knocking stops soon.

We get dressed quickly. “Oh God, Hailey,” I say to her. “I lost my mind, but I don’t regret what I’ve done. I hope you won’t, either.”

She looks at me wide-eyed. “Of course I won’t! What do you think I am? I… enjoyed it! At least I won’t die a virgin.”

I chuckle. “It was never a possibility. But I’m glad to be your first.”

She smiles. “You’re welcome.”

“And I’ll be your only, too,” I say, gripping her shoulders to make her feel the force behind my words. “Don’t forget your promise.”

Her mouth falls, freezing her smile. “You don’t mean it.”

“I do,” I say. My breathing is uneven again. “I meant it when I said you were mine.”

“B-but,” she stutters. “We’re not even supposed to…”

“I know, sweetheart. This is very wrong, and I’m alone to be blamed. But we’ll make it work. Understand?”

“Are you saying we are… we will meet again?”

“Of course, sweetheart,” I say, touching her again. “You’re like food to me from now on, and I will be starved without you.”

I must appear to be a hungry animal because she shudders.  “You’re so possessive!”

“I’m not usually like this, Hailey,” I say in a hoarse voice. “You’ve bewitched me.”

Desire fills her eyes when she speaks again, “Well, you know where I live.”

I smile. “I do. But it’ll be more convenient to meet at my place. I’ll meet you at the bar on Saturday and take you from there.”

“Sounds good,” she says, her cheeks are still pink, and it’s all I can do not to take her again against the wall.

I let go of Hailey reluctantly and kisses her one more time before reaching for the door.

“I’ll see you Thursday,” Hailey says before stepping into the hallway.

“See you,” I say, watching her entering the elevator.

And then my smile freezes when I see Dr. Kennedy, poking his head out of his door.

How long has he been there? I thought he wasn’t in his office. Was he the person who knocked on my door?

“Jared!” he says with an insincere smile as he steps out of his office, beckoning to me.

“How may I help you, Dr. Kennedy?” I ask coldly.

“Oh. I heard noises in your office, and I thought I would check to make sure you were all right.”

“Thank you for your concern,” I say calmly despite my racing heart. “I was just showing my student a film. I’m sorry if it was too loud.”

“Ah, I see,” he says, with a smile that looks malicious. “What film is it?”

Are you kidding? I sigh and blurt, “Poets of the Twentieth Century.”

“Ah! A good film!”


I close the door behind me and sit on the couch, letting out a breath of relief. No doubt the old fiend sniffs something rotten. I know it isn’t the end of it. I’ve been a thorn in his side ever since he took over his current position. He might’ve made the rule of assigning classes according to passing rates just to get rid of me. Well, maybe I’m paranoid. We didn’t have a good start. Soon after he became the department chair, I was wrongfully accused of sexual harassment by a student. I can’t blame him for suspecting, especially if he heard the “noises.” Holy fuck. It was unwise of me to have taken Hailey here. But then, if I could go back in time, I would do it all over. I’m not only possessive of the girl, I am possessed by the need to own her.