Her Possessive Professor by Gena Snow

Chapter 14








“Very few of you followed my instructions,” Professor Price says as he hands our papers back. “And even fewer addressed the questions I required you to.”

The class is dead silent, and I can almost hear teeth chattering. I am nervous, too. I spent less than three hours on the assignment, and I wrote it when I was half asleep. When Jared passes me my paper, his expression is unreadable. I take a deep breath before glancing at it, and then I gasp. D? Unbelievable! I don’t expect a good grade, but not so bad, either. Besides, how could he do this to me, considering our…relationship? Don’t I deserve a bit of special treatment?

I’m so mad and dumbfounded that I sit frozen in my seat long after the class ends. I need to speak to the jerk and ask why. He’s speaking to Alex, who is discussing his paper with him. It sounds like Alex isn’t happy about his grade either and is telling the professor how much time and effort he spent on the paper.

“Why do I only get a C?” Alex asks.

“Because you haven’t answered most of the questions,” Jared says. “For example. The very first one. Why is it called the Love Song? Who or what is Prufrock in love with?”

As they go on talking, my attention wanders away.

It’s been a week since I visited his office. Contrary to his suggestion, we haven’t met again outside the classroom. He didn’t come to the bar last Saturday because of some family obligation. He did send me erotic poems every day, though, and the latest one was sent this morning.

I turn on my phone and glance at his text again.

Jared: memorize Allen Ginsberg’s lines and recite them to me next time when I see you.

please master order me down on the floor,

please master tell me to lick your thick shaft


please master shove it in me a little, a little, a little,


Holy shit. My cheeks burn and my resentment for him diminishes somewhat.

“Miss Carson,” I hear his voice and look up.


“Actually, I have to go to a meeting now. You probably wish to discuss your paper with me. Would you come to my office in about an hour? I should be free by then.”

I shrug. “Sure.”


I stand in the hallway for a moment to think about what to do next. I have two hours between classes and usually go to the library and then the cafeteria. But since I’ll come back to Jared’s office soon, I should go grab some lunch. As I walk toward the exit of the building, I think about what I’ll say to him at his office. Geez. What am I going to say? I know the paper isn’t good enough, but I deserve a better grade because I gave you my cherry? Shit. It doesn’t sound right at all. It sounds wrong. Damn. Now I know why you shouldn’t fuck your professor. It complicates things.

A big girl with dark hair is checking on the posters on a bulletin board, and she turns to look at me. When I walk past her, she speaks, “Excuse me!”

I look around to make sure she’s speaking to me, and then I turn to look at her. She looks like a student, although she isn’t carrying a backpack, but a designer handbag.

“Yes?” I stop walking and wait for her.

“You’re in Professor Price’s class, right?”


“How are you doing in his class?”

I hesitate for a moment and say, “I just got a D on my paper.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m so not surprised. Do you have a moment? Can we sit down at a bench or the cafeteria?”

“What is it about?” An uneasy feeling rises in my gut, and I begin to regret speaking to her already.

“It’s about Professor Price. There’s something I need to warn you about him.”

Oh my God. My heart plunges. Does she know what happened between Jared and me? How? “Who are you?”

“I’m his past student,” she says. “I saw you coming out of his office the other day.”

I blush instantly, knowing what she’s referring to. Why didn’t I see anyone around the office when I got out? Shit. I must’ve been all dazed. 

“Let’s go to the cafeteria,” I say. “I need some lunch, anyway.”


A moment later, I find myself sitting across the table to the girl, whose name is Lora, with two drinks and a sandwich between us.

Lora has dark, wavy hair and large brown eyes. She has quite a rack and she wears low-cut dress to show it. Even I am tempted to glance in its direction, not to mention the guys that sit close by.

From our brief chats on our way to the cafeteria, I’ve learned that Lora used to be a student here, but she dropped out of school last year.

“So, I took English Lit with Jared Price two years ago,” she says after gulping down some soda. “And I was failing the class although I worked my butt off. I spent an entire weekend on my midterm paper and got a D. In fact, no one did well on that, but I was so pissed because I worked really hard on it. So I went to see him in his office. I wish I hadn’t done it.”

Her voice starts to tremble, and her eyes also water. She takes out some Kleenex from her purse and dabs her eyes with it. And then she drinks her soda slowly.

Shit. I already guess the rest. I dread hearing her confirmation but at the same time, I need to hear it. I watch her taking another gulp and lose my patience.

“What did he do?”

“The same thing he did to you,” she says, staring at me.

My jaw drops. What does she know? My impulse is to deny, but I hold my urge. I don’t know what she implies, and I’m too shocked to even lie.

“He wanted to lure me into having sex with him,” she adds.

I feel sick. I thought I was special. Jared said it was the first time he ever had sex with his student, and I believed him. I’m such a fool. I knew it was too good to be true and yet I let him convince me. Why was I so stupid? Hello! He was hot as hell and it would be only normal for girls to throw themselves at him. And who the hell am I? I’m nothing special at all. I’m not half as curvy as this woman in front of me, and I must look like a dork in my glasses. Why did he pick me? My comments that alluded to sex and my smut must’ve given him the idea that I was a slut.

I want to find a place to cry my eyes out, but I compose myself to hear the rest of her story. It’s my turn to drink my soda slowly, aware of Lora’s curious eyes.

“How often did you go see him?” I ask.

Strangely, she doesn’t look emotional anymore. She even smirks a little. “Twice a week. For about seven weeks.”

I feel like I’m going to throw up, and I don’t want to hear the rest anymore. But she continues. “At first, I went up to get help. He did offer me help on the reading, but my grades didn’t improve. I got another D on my second midterm. And then, before the final, when I was in his office asking for help on my final paper, he touched me. He grabbed my ass and told me if I let him fuck me, I would pass the class.”

I feel the taste of bile in my throat and quickly take a sip of the soda to wash it down. So that’s his strategy, then. Giving me a D, so I’ll need his help… but why is it necessary? I’ve already given it to him and agreed to see him again. Perhaps it’s his way to assert his dominance over me? So I’ll beg him when I see him next time? Please master… Holy shit.

“So what did you say?” I hold back my tears.

“I said no,” she says. “And I didn’t pass the class.”

“Good for you,” I say. “I mean, I’m sorry you failed the class. But at least you didn’t…”

“Am I right to guess that you let him talk you into doing it?”

Oh my God. I’m so ashamed of myself I don’t even know what’s the right thing to say. I’m on the verge of saying yes, but then I recall Lora is just a stranger, so I deny it. “Of course not… he didn’t…we didn’t do anything I didn’t want. We mostly just discussed some poetry.”

I wasn’t really lying, but I must be blushing deep. Lora observes me shrewdly, obviously not believing my words. After a moment’s silence, she says. “I wish I had spoken to you sooner, but I’ll tell you what. Actually, I’m here for a reason. I filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, but I didn’t have evidence. I’ve been contacting other potential victims, but no one is willing to go through the stress or put their reputation at risk. Trust me, there are others.”

Despite my effort to pretend, I can no longer hold my tears. Lora passes me some tissue and I blow my nose. She reaches a hand to cover mine. “Don’t feel bad. Do something about it. This kind of scum shouldn’t be allowed to teach here.”

“W-what’re you suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting you join my lawsuit against him.”

I open my mouth but unable to speak. Of course, that’s her purpose. And no, I can’t do that.

“I need some time to think about it,” I say.

“Sure,” she says with a shrug. “Let me give you my number so you can call me.”

After I part with Lora, I head straight to the restroom in the nearest building and cry. Sexual fantasies. Lucky girl. Indeed. Stupid. Hello! The guy keeps condoms in his office!

I’ve been denying the fact but I must face it now. The hot professor is another sexual predator. I’m grossed out when I recall what he did to me. An hour ago, those poems turned me on, and now, I want to vomit.

Just then, my phone chimes with a text message. I open it, and it’s from Jared.

“Waiting for you, my dear Julia. Would you be on time for once in your life?”

I type Fuck you! and press send. And then, I block his number.