Stranded With The Billionaire by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Fifteen

~ Lily ~

The school was everything I’d imagined. Small, well-outfitted, lots of open air befitting an island school.

“Oh, thank God, you’re here,” Stacy, the other teacher, gushed. “I think I would have lost my mind if I had to do all the grades again this year. I could just kill Eliza for up and eloping—not that I could have said no if I’d had a tasty fiancé like hers.”

I laughed, knowing I’d have gone off and left everything behind for Silas, too. I hoped Eliza was getting more time with her husband than I was, though. “I’m glad I caught you here,” I said.

“Yeah, with classes starting again in a couple weeks, I wanted to get a jump-start, especially since I thought I’d be handling K through twelve again.”

“Nope. I’m ready to take six to twelve off your hands.”

“Thank God. Don’t get me wrong. They’re wonderful kids, but the lower grades are more my speed. Let me show you your room.”

What a ball of energy! Stacy would be fun to work with. I followed her across the hallway to my large classroom. The building was just four rooms, not counting the boys and girls bathrooms. There were two spacious classrooms with an office between that I’d share with Stacy. We each had long desks facing the glass walls overlooking our own rooms. The remaining room was an open-air lanai-type lunchroom. There wasn’t a principal. Silas actually oversaw operations as our boss, and we reported grading to the education headquarters in Guam through some arrangement he’d made. We followed standardized requirements for a diploma in the US.

“Everything’s arranged in pods,” she told me. “Sixth graders there.” She pointed to a group of six desks. “You have the most of them. The other groups are seventh and eighth, ninth and tenth, eleventh and twelfth.” She indicated each of the other three arrangements with a varying number of desks. “Silas has arranged video teaching for some of the subjects—math and science for the older grades. Language electives are also through video teaching. You’ll teach all subjects for junior high and English, History and other required classes for high school.”

“You were doing this for all grades…and you’re still sane?” I knew the school had somewhere around seventy-five students.

She laughed. “After Eliza left, we switched the kids to three-day school weeks. I taught grade school for three days and the older kids the other three days. The high schoolers also did some self-study. It wasn’t ideal, but we made it work. Still…I was probably the most excited person on the island to learn you’d been hired.”

I laughed knowing Silas had been the most excited. I could give Stacy a close second. Truly, I had to admit, I felt a bit overwhelmed now that I was here. I’d understood I was taking on a big job. Facing it now, I realized it was…massive. I’d definitely be stretched, but that wasn’t a bad thing. I liked a challenge.

“Well, I’m glad to be here,” I told her. My spirits had lifted considerably since getting to the school. I’d been right. Having a purpose renewed my happiness. “Do you have records for each of the students?”

She nodded and led me into our office and over to my barren desk, the surface of hers being covered with papers and knickknacks. Mine had only a closed laptop. She opened my bottom drawer on the right, and I saw a row of thick manila folders filled it. “These are the current folders with their histories since Kindergarten. Everything new is scanned at the end of the year, then the paper files are shredded after graduation since everything is electronically saved. I have them in the drawer by year, but if you want to alphabetize them…” She shrugged. “It’s your class, so however you like things.”

“This way is great,” I told her. “Thanks for getting everything ready for me.”

She blew out a breath. “Sister, I’m going home and having a party today. You have no idea. Filing is nothing.”

I laughed. “Just don’t elope and leave it all to me, okay.”

“Hmm, my husband might have some objection to that. I have a feeling he’ll be sending you and Silas a thank-you gift.”

“Does he work for Silas?”

She tilted her head back and forth. “Um, sort of. You met him. David?”

“You’re married to David? I guess I didn’t realize… Doesn’t he—and you, I guess—live an hour from here?”

“Yeah, our new place is being built on the other side of the island, though. It’s easier for David to be here since he partners with Silas, and it’s definitely easier for me. Hopping between islands isn’t a big deal—I mean…you can see this island from my yard over there. Some of the islanders even swim between for fun—but weather can be a pain in the rear for traveling. Silas gave us a plot of land here when we got married five years ago, but David’s stubborn. We have a beautiful home there—had, actually. We’re staying at a small place here while Silas is having the entire house moved. Literally moved from there to here.” She shook her head. “I’ve been part of this life for more than five years, and it still boggles my mind to consider what all that money can do.”

In my opinion, Silas could move mountains. A house wasn’t a big deal. I couldn’t help getting warm inside just thinking of him. Hopefully, we could get into a good rhythm soon, one that would let me see him once in a while—when we were both awake!

Stacy glanced at her watch. “Oh! I didn’t realize the time. I have to run. I promised to meet David for lunch. He was crazy busy while Silas was missing. And it hasn’t gotten much better, but he promises it’s coming. Still, if I don’t force him to make time for us, I won’t see him at all.”

“I know the feeling,” I muttered.

“Girl, a little advice from the old married woman…?”

I laughed because she hadn’t been married that long, and she definitely wasn’t old.

“Call his assistant and tell her to block out lunch for you as many days a week as you can get. Trust me; they love us, but being the best in the business runs through their blood. They lose track of time, and sometimes, you have to make them remember to take a breath and pay attention to what’s really important—you and me. David promises things will lighten up soon, but making our men take a midday break won’t hurt, whether we eat,” she widened her eyes, “or something else.”

I definitely liked Stacy. I could see us being good friends.

“I’ll call her today and see what she can do for the rest of the week. Right now, I think I’m going to hang out here and start going over these files.”

After we said goodbye, I pulled out my phone and powered it up to see if it needed to be charged. Seeing it was fine, I shoved it into my pocket then sat at the desk and pulled out the notebook I’d shoved into my bag before coming over here. I’d already begun a list of supplies I thought I’d need to order. Flipping to the next section, I got ready to make notes about my students and start on lesson plans.

I’d really bitten it off with this job. Instead of one class or one grade to teach, I’d launched myself into all classes for six grades. Yes, there were some video courses, but I still had to oversee them. I took a deep breath and reminded myself I could do this.

The sound of heavy footsteps startled me, and I jumped, looking up. I shot to my feet. My chair rolled backward, and the file I’d been reviewing skittered across the desk then fell, papers going everywhere as I backed away from the man at the door.

“Kyle,” I whispered, my voice strangled.

“Fancy finding you here,” he grated. “Neat trick you played, skipping town and all. You should have known I wouldn’t let you get away from me.”

“No,” I argued. “I’m not coming with you. I’m not marrying you. I’m already married.”

“Funny that you think you have a choice. And about that marriage…” He grabbed my arm in a bruising grip then wrenched my wedding rings off my hand, scraping my knuckles. “Technicality.” He whipped them to the floor, and they bounced across the tile and into the wall. “One I’ll see rectified as soon as we’re away from here. I think an annulment should be pretty easy to come by. Probably had a whack job doing the ceremony, anyway.”

“I’m not marrying you.”

“Oh, you are. I wouldn’t recommend fighting me. It won’t be pleasant for you.”

“Why do you even want me?”

“Because you defied me, you said no and kept me from having what I really want. When your parents made their deal with my father, it only sweetened the bargain. Now, there’s money involved. If you don’t cooperate, your parents will be ruined.”

I would have crossed my arms and glared him down, but he was hauling me toward the school’s front doors. “As if I care about that,” I snapped. “I’m not their property to sell.”

“No, you’re not. You’re mine. The deal’s already done.” As we cleared the doors, I drew a deep inhale to yell, but his hot breath blew across my ear. “Scream and it will be the last thing you do. I promise you that. I’ll kill you and throw you into the ocean for the sharks.”

He’d murder me? Terror like nothing I’d ever felt raced through me in icy splinters, and I stumbled. He pulled me close to his side and yanked me along with him into the trees surrounding the school, going in the opposite direction from the mansion.

My fear closed my throat, but it was more than fright for myself. I worried for the two tiny babies inside me, my children with the man I loved. The man I’d likely never see again because of Kyle.

“You don’t even want a wife,” I tried. I didn’t know that, but it was a tactic to attempt.

“I think having one will be convenient. Sex when I want it, an excuse when I need one, someone warming the home fires while I’m…doing my thing.”

Bile rose in my throat. I wasn’t okay with any of it, but apparently, none of that mattered. Not to Kyle. I’d go with him now—seemed that I had little choice anyway—but as soon as I could, I’d escape again. Hopefully, that would be before he hurt me, before he… I shuddered, unwilling to put a word to it.

My teeth bit hard into my bottom lip to keep from crying. Soundless sobs wrenched at my chest walls, more painful in their silence than if I’d released them. I knew I’d have a bruise on my arm from how hard Kyle held me as we plunged through the trees, heading down a barely discernible trail. I had no doubt it was the first of many marks I’d have.

Oh God…

I could think of nothing but Silas and my babies. Whatever Kyle did to me, he chanced doing to those small lives, as well. And Silas, my beloved. The pain of losing him, of what would happen to him, his grief, it almost overwhelmed me.

I stumbled again, and Kyle wrenched me upright. A cry escaped me as pain sliced through my shoulder.

“Cut it out, bitch,” he growled. “The more you stall, the greater the chance I empty this gun into anyone who gets in my way.” Never letting me go, he pulled out the small weapon, flashing it at me before shoving it back into his pocket.

He could shoot someone. He could shoot me. I fought the instinct to press my hand over my belly. I had to be careful. I couldn’t let him know my secret. I didn’t trust him not to rid me of what he’d see as an inconvenient problem. The threat of violence, the worry for my children, it was as if invisible shackles had closed around me to force me to do Kyle’s will.

I thought of the phone in my pocket. Thankfully, it was on the opposite side from Kyle, and his attention was on our path. Reaching beneath the shirt that hid it, I moved the switch to silent. I had no doubt that if Silas found me missing, he’d immediately call to find out where I was—or he’d have someone else call, I thought with mild bitterness as I recalled how busy and inattentive he’d been since we’d arrived to the plantation. Even so, the phone was a link to escaping Kyle.

A loud rumble drew my attention from my immediate situation and drove a new fear into me. Looking around, I realized it had grown dark. I guess I’d just thought it was the tree canopy, but no… Through the branches, I saw ominous steel-gray clouds had rolled in. Though I couldn’t see the lightning, occasional flashes of light broke the roiling darkness and was soon followed by the accompanying thunder.

We were about to be hit by a storm.

And Kyle intended to take me out on whatever boat he was using as his escape vessel.

No. Fucking. Way.

I’d been lucky to escape death to a storm once. I wasn’t chancing it again. I sure as hell wasn’t getting stranded somewhere with Kyle. Wrenching my arm from his grasp, I stumbled a few feet backward. When he headed for me, dark anger distorting his features, I took him by surprise and lunged for him, shoving him as hard as I could. This time, it was his turn to stumble. His foot twisted beneath him, and he landed on his ass, swearing loudly. But I was already on my way. I tore through the trees, hoping to lose Kyle in the growth off the path.

I heard him raging behind me, heard the slapping of branches. I just kept running, my blood pounding past my ears and drowning out everything but my breathing and my determination to escape. He hadn’t grabbed me yet… If I just kept running…

Then I slammed into something hard and strong hands wrapped around my upper arms as if they’d never let go.

It was over.

* * * *


I needed my wife. When Stacy came back to see David, she told me all about meeting Lily and how great she was. Yes, Lily was amazing, and I’d had quite enough of missing out on that magnificence. As soon as this damn interview was over, I planned to round up my woman and hide away with her for the foreseeable future. My empire could stumble along without me for the time being. Which was counterintuitive to what I’d been working against the past week, but enough was enough. I needed her.

I glanced at my watch. My interviewee was late. I pressed my intercom to my assistant.

“Rosalie, what’s the story on my appointment?”

“Let me check, sir. He should be here. His transport is at the dock.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. Not at all.

I snatched up his file and slammed it in front of me, laying it open. Kyle Ewing.



The brain that had built my billions slammed into gear, clicking cogs and making connections. Kyle. That was the name of the man Lily’s parents wanted her to marry. Kyle was a common enough name, but what were the chances of this Kyle coming here and getting lost between the dock and my office. Unlikely. The path was clearly marked and plenty of people would show him the way.

I didn’t need Rosalie to answer me. I was already on my feet and heading for the door. She was on the phone as I passed.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “Of course, I understand ‘disappeared’. I want to know how that’s possible. You know Mr. Rutherford’s policies.”

I met her eyes and could tell she knew I knew that Kyle was gone missing without her conveying it to me.

Fuck! I was already running, tearing toward the schoolhouse, panic propelling me. I heard running behind me and knew without looking that Rosalie had called security. Good. I’d need them because if he’d done anything to my wife, I didn’t know what I’d do. Killing him wasn’t outside of my scope of actions. Already, rage pulsed through me. I hoped I was wrong. I hoped it was a misunderstanding, and I’d find my Lily working away in her classroom.

In my gut, I knew that wasn’t what would happen. My gut never steered my wrong. Her room was empty, and I hurried through it to the office. I didn’t see much that would point to a struggle; papers lay on her desk as if she’d just stepped away. But there were a few on the floor, and her chair was shoved away and against Stacy’s work area. Then I saw the gleam on the floor. I scooped up the rings, closing my fist around them then holding my hand against my chest. My heart thundered inside me, rivaling the thunder overhead.

Turning I faced the security detail that had followed me here. Mike and Stellan, men who usually accompanied me everywhere. “My wife’s been taken,” I rasped, fiery anger and icy terror battling inside me. “It couldn’t have been long. See if anyone saw anything.”

I headed outside and shoved her rings in my pocket so they weren’t lost when I beat the shit out of the asshole who’d stolen her. Large raindrops were starting to pelt the ground, and I knew time was limited before any meager trail would be lost. I wished to my soul that I had some damn special-forces ability to read the ground. I didn’t. I had to find her. I had to… I couldn’t let anything happen to her.

“This way,” Stellan yelled, calling me from the edge of an impending freak out. I raced his way, but he was already on his way down the path.

“We should spread out,” Mike suggested. “He might not stay on the path.”

True enough. Determined, I broke from them, heading west of the trail, intent on circling around and beating them to the dock on the far side of the plantation. Suddenly, I heard cursing and thrashing through the growth to my right. I headed for it. It had to be Lily. I’d barely made it three steps when a familiar, small body slammed into me, her scent bringing a minuscule measure of calm to my fury.

“Lily,” I murmured, not daring to take in her face. I looked beyond her, watching for the man I’d heard chasing her.

“He…has a…gun,” she sobbed out, clinging to me.

Fuck. I hated that he’d threatened her, that he’d circumvented my security, that I’d allowed him on my island and anywhere near my woman.

I pulled her behind a dense thicket of wide leaves and branches, thankful my crew hadn’t gotten this area cleared. Watching for Kyle as we crouched, I tried to wrap myself around Lily to protect her. I’d run out of here with her, but if the asshole had a gun, I didn’t want to take chances with my wife or my unborn children.

Pulling out my phone, I hit the code for Stellan. His cell wouldn’t ring. It would just open the call to the earpiece he wore.

“Boss,” he growled.

“West of the path. He has a gun. I have Lily, but he’s headed this way.”

“I’m behind him, and he knows it,” Stellan reported in a low voice. “He veered North toward the beach. I’m in pursuit. Mike is en route to intercept.”

Thank God, I kept the best of men in my employee. They’d never failed in their mission to protect me—at least, when given the opportunity. Occasionally, like when I’d thwarted them the day I’d picked up Lily alone, they were left to play catch-up and figure out the boss’ whereabouts.

A yell then shots rang through the line.

“Report,” I demanded, my arms tightening around Lily as she shuddered against my chest, her hands fisted in my shirt. Rain thudded down on us in sheets, and thunder boomed as the storm grew closer. I needed to get her inside to safety.

“Shots gone wide. He’s down. We have him restrained. We’ll take it from here, boss.”

“Thanks. Good job. I’m taking Lily back to our quarters. We’ll be there when it’s time for a report.”

I shoved my cell into my pocket and lifted her into my arms. “It’s over, baby. You’re safe.”

“I was s-s-so s-s-s-scared,” she stammered, her little body shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. I had to get her inside ASAP.

“Hold on to me,” I commanded then broke into a sprint. I didn’t slow until I was through the double front doors. In long strides, I headed for our rooms. Once the door was securely locked behind us, I strode toward our bedroom. Setting Lily on her feet beside the bed, I began to pull off her sodden clothes. I needed to be with her, to make sure she wasn’t hurt, to reassure myself that I’d gotten to her in time and she was okay. I think we both needed that.

“I-I didn’t think you’d know I was gone,” she murmured as I cupped her cheek and admired her beauty. My precious angel. Mine.

Guilt hit me, knowing I’d left her alone while I’d submerged myself in work and duty. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll do better.”

“I know you have work to catch up on.”

I lifted her hand to kiss then noticed the scrape over her knuckle with a bruise forming around it. That bastard.

“Nothing is more important than you,” I told her. “I’m sorry I’ve left you so alone lately. I kept thinking if I can just…” I shrugged. There were so many things I could fill in there.

I smoothed my thumb gently over her abused flash. Lily followed my gaze.

“He yanked off my rings off,” she told me. “Threw them against the wall in my office.”

I nodded and reached into my pocket to pull them out. “I found them when I went there looking for you.”

“Oh, thank goodness. They’re not damaged, are they?”

“No, they’re fine. None the worse for the wear, unlike your poor hand.” Gently, I slipped them back on her, careful not to hurt her wound as I settled them back in place where they belonged. Though I was still unsettled by what had happened and how close I’d come to losing her, a part of my world clicked back into place. Right and good. I gathered Lily close to me again. “I love you so much. When I realized he was here, that he’d taken you, I about lost my mind.”

“I was so afraid he’d shoot you or hurt the babies,” she confessed.

My hand immediately slid to cover her belly. “He didn’t…”

“No, he didn’t touch me anywhere but on my arm—not that he didn’t threaten a lot more. He’s crazy. I don’t understand why—”

“Don’t, love. He’s not coming near you again; I’ll make sure of it. Neither he nor your parents. They were arrested this morning for the Ponzi scheme I talked to you about. Kyle’s father will be implicated, too. I feel like a fucking idiot that I didn’t connect Kyle Ewing with Edmond Ewing. Kyle managed to get an interview with me, and that’s how he got on the island.”

She shrugged. “Ewing isn’t that uncommon of a name.”


This time, she interrupted me. “Don’t. You’ve been so busy you’re probably on information overload.”

I grimaced. It wasn’t untrue. “Are you upset? About your parents, I mean?”

She shook her head. “No. I guess I should be. But they weren’t parents to me, not really. I’m more concerned about the house staff. They were my family.”

“I’ll take care of them,” I promised.

Realizing, we were standing there with her naked and me still dripping wet, I tucked her into the bed then stripped and climbed in with her. I gathered her close, relishing her skin against mine. She was too cold though, and I needed to warm her up. And the best way for that…more skin-to-skin contact. Us moving together as we fucked. Yeah, I know, totally selfless of me.

“What are you grinning about?” she asked, cupping my cheek with her cool fingers.

“Thinking of how I’m going to warm you up,” I said, rolling her under me. “How I’m going to fill you up, how you’re going to writhe beneath me, how I’m going to fuck you until we’re sweaty and can’t move.”

Her lips quirked, and then she was smiling, too. “So I guess you’d better get to it.” She dragged her fingers along my chest, making me shiver at the light contact. “Remind me why you’re my one and only husband.”

“Woman…” I warned.

“Silas…” She leaned forward and kissed my collarbone.

I held myself back, gazing down at her. “Are you really okay? If you want me to just hold you—”

“I want you to make love to me—five minutes ago!”

No need to tell me twice. I lowered my head, taking her mouth, and she groaned with pleasure as my weight settled over her. Her fingers buried in my hair while I feasted at her lips. Nothing was as pure and perfect as being in my Lily’s arms, loved by her, needed by her, emotionally provided for by her.

I cupped her breast, and my thumb played over her peaked nipple until she was gasping and crying out into my mouth. Suddenly, I tore away from her lips and sucked that hardened tip into my mouth, drawing fiercely and lashing my tongue over the areola. Her fingers clenched, pulling at my hair now, and it felt fucking good, that sign of her passion.

“Oh, God, yes,” she cried. “Silas!”

I switched to the other nipple, giving it equal attention while pulling and pinching the first, never letting her descend from the crest I’d taken her to. I knew if I kept on, I could push her right over the edge into her climax, but damn, today, I needed to be inside her, feeling her walls clenching around me when she came.

Reaching between us, I slid my fingers into her slick wetness and stroked her clit, needing her there, vibrating with readiness, as fast as possible. I could draw out our loving for hours, but right now, urgency drove me to rush. As long as she was right there with me, that was okay.

Her hips canted into me, seeking more. She made mindless little sounds as she ran her hands all over me, pushing her nails into my shoulders, spanning her fingers over my lower back, drawing the pads along my sides. It was as if the same urgency drove her. She needed to touch me everywhere, be connected with me in all ways she could.

Giving my woman what she needed, I lined up my cock with her opening.

“Yes,” she hissed, shifting against me as if she could force me deeper. Giving in to our need, I surged deep with one long thrust. We both paused, gasping out our sublime satisfaction.

“Mine,” I growled.


“Stuck with me forever.”

She grinned even as bliss overtook her features. “No place else I’d rather be. Stranded with my man in our paradise.”

No place else I’d rather be, either. She was my paradise.