Stranded With The Billionaire by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Seven

~ Silas ~

On day ten—or maybe, I should consider it ten and a half—I woke with Lily in my arms. My body ached for her. Not with an emotional desire, but actual pain from being so close to her, craving her so deeply yet holding back. I wanted more from her, more than she was willing to give. The longer we were here, the more I wanted everything from her. Her body. Her soul. Her confession that the asshole fiancé meant nothing to her and she would be mine, only mine. She’d come home with me, marry me, have our babies. I thought of it more and more every day we were here.

So far, I hadn’t pushed her, not wanting to drive her away—though really, where would she go? It was a small island. She could run, but I knew she’d have no choice other than to come back to me. Proximity could work in my favor, but I didn’t want her accepting me for the moment because she had no choice, no better option or she feared we’d never be rescued.

I’d allowed us to go about our days as strangers falling into a routine. After ten days, I had to think we’d moved from strangers to friends. If she noticed me staring at her in longing, she didn’t say so. I definitely needed a cold shower…several times a day. The waterfall we’d found, about five minutes from here, was cold, but not cold enough to ease my constant arousal.

Smothering my groan, I pulled my hips from where my morning wood nestled against her sweet ass. She never said a word about that, either. I couldn’t help but notice she never moved away. Carefully, I climbed from the bed, left the cabin, then went into the trees to take care of business before I headed toward the beach. Following routine, I secured the distress flag, with its silver-lettered SOS, to the trees, tying it with the ropes I’d rigged into it. Then I made my usual trek to the shore’s edge to see how much the wreckage of my boat had drifted. Over time, it had moved enough to make me uncomfortable. I was afraid one of these mornings I wouldn’t be able to see it.

With my hands on my hips, I stared at it. What was taking so long for rescue? Why hadn’t we been found? I knew we were like tiny pebbles in an enormous stack of rocks out here, but even underwater, the beacon’s signal should be like a big, neon arrow pointing to where we were. Rescuers were looking for us, right?

Sighing, I shoved my hand through my hair and tried not to think about the mess awaiting me when I got back to the plantation. If I got back. David had everything under control; I had to trust in that. But for how long? How long before they decided Lily and I were gone? Dead?

Had the search been called off? Had they already stopped looking for us?

I forced down my worry and focused on what was at hand—taking care of Lily. She was my life, my future, and I had to show her that. I needed a plan, something far better than this wait it out bullshit I’d been doing.

As if summoned by my thoughts, Lily exited the path and entered the beach.

God, she was gorgeous. She’d pulled her hair up into a messy bun and wore a black tank top and tiny little denim shorts I wanted to skim off her body. Fuck! There went my cock, rock-hard again at the idea of tasting her, of taking her.

No. Nope. Stop.

I needed to get out of here and wash up before I made good on my thoughts. If I didn’t get moving, I’d end up dropping into the sand behind her and watching her do her yoga while I covertly rubbed myself. Staring at her sexy curves while she stretched, the way her shorts crept up and revealed the bottom of her ass and pulled tight over her pussy, would make my gut clench with need and test all my control. I should know. It happened often enough.

I hadn’t kissed her in days, not since I’d been so fucking worried something terrible had happened to her. I needed her lips. I needed her wrapped around me, but I knew if we got that far again, there would be no stopping. She claimed to have a fiancé, and we still needed to clear up that shit. She belonged to me. I wasn’t losing her to some stupid prick who’d let her take a job halfway around the world from him. She needed to know and understand that. And soon. I’d given her enough time to get used to me and to know I’d take care of her, in any circumstance, good or bad.

“I’m heading to the waterfall, then I’ll be back to check the crab traps,” I all-but-growled. She loved crab, and I did my best to provide it regularly for her. The first full day here, I’d built some traps, and we’d caught something every day since.

“Okay,” she said as she stretched into a downward position that stuck her ass in the air.

My teeth clenched. I wanted to grasp those hips and—

No. Stop it.

“When I get back, we need to talk,” I said.

Breaking her rhythm, she straightened and turned. Her brow furrowed. “Is something wrong?”

I fucking need you; that’s what’s wrong.

I didn’t want her to worry. “Nothing to be concerned about,” I hedged. We’d get into details later.

She didn’t look convinced. Her head tilted, and her eyes narrowed. “Silas…?”

Screw it. I took three giant steps toward her and cupped her cheek, being more gentle than I felt. “It’s time we talk about you, me and that fucking fiancé.”

Heat lit in her eyes, and I didn’t imagine her leaning into my touch. Her eyes echoed what I’d felt all week, though her gaze was tinged with an innocence that made me hotter. She needed me, too, but if the pink in her cheeks told me anything, it was that she didn’t know what to do about her feelings.

She worried her bottom lip, and I felt her swallow.

“Okay,” she whispered. Her fingers circled my wrist, holding on to me. Her determined green eyes met my stare. “You’re right. We do need to talk about that.”

I nodded, and she stepped back. “I’m going to finish my yoga then head over to the waterfall, too. Do you think you’ll be done by then?”

I shrugged. I wanted to say no, that I’d wait for her. We could swim together, and I’d watch the water cascade over her taut curves, making her little nipples tight from the chill. My mouth would warm them right up.

And there went my cock again. As if sensing it, her gaze dropped, and her cheeks reddened even more. But then, the tip of her tongue darted along her top lip. I’m not even sure she realized it. Fuck, the ideas that went through my head, of her mouth, of her on her knees…

I pivoted away before I dragged her to the sand and completely forgot we needed to talk. Some people would say I’d fled. I called it self-preservation. We needed to talk. After that, I’d never shy away from anything sexual with her. Fuck, we might spend days with me deep inside her. Because after our talk, we’d both know exactly where we stood with each other.

She’d know she was mine. I wasn’t letting her go.

I stomped halfway to the falls before I realized I’d never actually answered her question about whether I’d be done washing before she arrived. Maybe, I wouldn’t be quite finished when she got there. Maybe, she’d see exactly what she did to me.

* * * *

~ Lily ~

Confused, I watched Silas stalk away. He seemed…angry. Was it anger or something else? Frustration, maybe? I was sure frustrated. My emotions, mind and body were in a jumble. That man did things to me I’d never experienced. Even when we weren’t together, my awareness centered on him.

Our first day here, I’d vowed not to get involved with him. He was my boss, and I couldn’t jump into bed with him for that very reason. It had nothing to do with Silas, and everything to do with his position over me.

I almost laughed aloud. Now, I desperately wanted him over me, teaching me everything there was to know about what went on between a man and a woman. I sighed at my thought. My hand pressed to my middle where butterflies jumped around in my belly.

Then I sobered. I’d told him I was engaged, and he wanted to discuss that. I’d have to confess I’d lied to him—well sort of, anyway. I’m pretty sure Kyle and my parents considered me pledged to him.

Would Silas be pissed at me? After I told him the truth, things might be awkward between us. Really awkward if he started questioning everything I said. I wasn’t a liar, and truth be told, it surprised me he’d believed me that day. I’m crappy at lying. Would Silas understand I’d done it for noble purposes? At the time, I’d thought we’d be off this island soon, and he’d be my boss. I didn’t want to be that girl, the one who slept with her employer—and at her first job, too!

I wasn’t feeling so noble now. I wanted him. For safety, his arms were around me every night, but I wanted more. I wanted him to hold me close because he couldn’t stand not to. That hard cock that pressed against my ass every night? I wanted to touch it. To taste it. To feel it in me.

I hadn’t exactly been saving my virginity. I just hadn’t given it away yet. I wanted Silas to take it. I wanted him to fuck me and make me forget all about this island, my parents, Kyle and any other problems awaiting us once we got off here. I couldn’t imagine my parents wouldn’t track me down and make my life difficult. And I couldn’t keep working for Silas if I was fucking him. I’d have to find another job. Who would hire me? A brand new teacher who’d quit before she’d even taught her first day?

All my worries could be moot. Maybe, Silas didn’t want me anymore. Other than when I’d frightened him by wandering off, he’d kept everything so businesslike the past few days. Our interaction was all about survival, exploration and doing what we could to be comfortable and safe.

There’d been little to tell me he still desired me. I mean, I might be a virgin, but I knew about morning wood. That was less about wanting me and more about biology. Listening to other girls at school had gotten me pretty well-informed on men. I just had no practical application.

But that look Silas had given me today. It was the same as when he’d kissed me that first afternoon. Hot, possessive, determined. Maybe, there was something there.

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry.

Maybe, I should have filled my canteen from our reservoir before I’d come out here. That had been one of Silas’ first tasks—getting us a water supply in camp. The water from the falls was fresh and drinkable, and we lugged some back to our cabin every day.

I didn’t need a drink. Not right now, anyway. I needed Silas.

Abandoning my yoga, I returned to our cabin, grabbed my towel and soap and followed him down the path to the falls. Maybe, I shouldn’t head after him right now, but something told me, he wouldn’t mind if I were bold.

I wanted to be brave. I was done with people dictating my life. No more of that! I needed to be Silas’ partner—at least, here on the island. And in whatever relationship we had. His equal. It was why I couldn’t sleep with him and work for him after leaving here. It would put us on too unequal of a footing. It would give someone power over me again and make my life uncertain. More uncertain than life already was, anyway. But here? Maybe it was the desperation of being stranded, but here, I could have what I wanted—what he wanted, too. This one time, I’d do what I craved and worry about the consequences later.

I hurried along the path Silas had cut to the waterfall. That was just one example of the care he’d shown me. He’d spent hours hacking away at the growth and clearing the way. All for me. So I’d have the freedom to move about and not have to rely on him to guide me. With the path cut, I could move about without worry of tripping or getting scraped up. He’d made sure I wouldn’t be contained in the little box everyone else tried to keep me in.

I heard the water before I saw signs of the falls, but when I entered the clearing all sound seemed to disappear as I stared at Silas standing beneath the downpour of water, his head back as the streams ran over his tanned, tautly muscled body. His hand wrapped around his long, thick cock. Sweet God above. The shallow pool hit him mid-thigh and hid nothing from me.

I couldn’t move. I didn’t breathe. Everything faded away but the sight of him.

His full lips parted on a groan, and his head lifted. His eyes opened and pinned on me, but if it startled him to see me, he didn’t show it. His hand never stopped moving. In fact, it moved faster. His chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily.

Mesmerized, I moved closer, not even realizing my feet were moving until I stepped into the water. Before I stopped to think or second guess, I pulled my ribbed tank top over my head and tossed it to the shore with my towel. Standing ankle-deep in the pond, I shimmied out of my shorts. They joined my shirt, leaving me in just tiny, sheer white panties and an equally sheer bra.

Silas made a sound halfway between a gasp and a grunt. His teeth bared, gritting, and his hand moved faster. Our eyes locked as I reached behind me for the clasp of my bra. I waited, for what I wasn’t sure, then he gave it. He stared at me hungrily and swallowed hard. His ravenous blue eyes devoured me.

“Fuck,” he growled as my bra dropped away, revealing my firm breasts to him. I didn’t care that the garment landed in the water. I just wanted to be as bare as he was. To be with him.

I reached for the waistband of my panties, and Silas burst into action. He swept my hands aside and dragged me up against his chest. I gasped as my aroused nipples pressed against his chest and his steely embrace closed around me. One arm wrapped around my waist while the other hand reached up to tangle in my hair, dislodging it from the hasty bun I’d put it in earlier. The strands pulled slightly as he tilted back my head, but I didn’t care. It only aroused me more. Aroused and confused me. I liked his dominance, but I wasn’t supposed to want it, was I? My body said yes, and most of my brain concurred, saying shut the fuck up and let him have what he wants.

Then I stopped thinking entirely as his lips pressed to my neck, biting and sucking. His cock jutted against my belly as he pulled me even closer to him and bent me slightly backward while he consumed me.

He was all dominant male, claiming, taking and being everything I hadn’t thought I should want. Reaching up, I buried my hands in his hair, the thick strands like wet silk against my skin. I arched into him, offering myself…offering everything.

“You are mine,” he growled. He pulled back and stared into my eyes as I clung to him. “You understand that? I don’t give a fuck about anyone else. You. Are. Mine.”

“Yes,” I panted.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

“I’m yours. Please. Silas.” I whimpered, trying to get closer to him. I’d never made a sound like that, but I just…needed.

“Shh. I’ve got you, sweet girl. Hang on to me.”

Silas lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the ledge behind the falls. Laying me back on it, he leaned over me as the water pounded around us, spraying us as it splashed. I braced my feet on the rock and instinctively lifted hips into him. His mouth fastened on my nipple, and I cried out. He feasted, sucking, licking, biting, going from one breast to the other.

I chanted his name, overwhelmed by the sensations yet wanting even more. My fingers dug into his shoulders, my thighs clinging to his hips as if he might try to leave me. When he reached between us and pressed my clit through my panties, I screamed, falling apart beneath him.

“So fucking beautiful,” he breathed as he watched me. “So fucking mine. I’m never giving you up, Lily.”

Before I could protest, before I could say “just for now,” he took my lips, kissing me hard and claiming me, showing me he wasn’t taking no for an answer. I didn’t want him to. This went against everything I thought I wanted, but I had to be with him. I had to be his. If I chose him… That was okay, right? I wasn’t giving up freedom; I was taking what I wanted.

“No, Silas…” I gasped, and he froze above me. His body went tense as he pulled back to stare at me in disbelief. I shook my head and cupped his cheek, knowing I was changing everything I’d planned, everything I thought I should do. This moment, this decision, erased what I’d still believed mere minutes ago. “Always keep me. Don’t ever let me go.”

He closed his eyes, relief evident. To my surprise, he rolled us. Before I could protest him leaving me, he pulled me onto his lap and leaned against the wall of the shallow cavern. His hand cupped my pussy, two fingers pressing against the still-covered folds as he spoke.

“We need to talk before I take this and make it mine. I don’t want misunderstandings.”

My breath shuddered as he rubbed me. “O-okay.”