Stranded With The Billionaire by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Nine

~ Lily ~

“I feel like I’ve waited for you forever,” Silas murmured against my mouth, not giving me a chance to respond before he nipped at my bottom lip.

“Me, too,” I sigh, shifting beneath him, trying to get even closer. “I feel like I wanted you before I ever even knew you. Like I was just waiting to find you.”

“And now, you’re mine,” he promised. He kissed along my jaw and down my neck. He scored his teeth along my collarbone, and I cried out, arching into him. Spirals of pleasure twisted in my core, spreading and tingling as we moved together.

As we touched everywhere while we kissed, neither of us tried to remove our clothing. Not yet. Instead, we savored this togetherness. I wanted him now, but I didn’t want to rush this first time, either. Nothing in my life had prepared me for this moment, this sense of total belonging and love. Though we had nothing but “together” here, our fresh commitment bound us in a whole new way, bringing us even closer.

He was mine, and I was his, only his. I’d always thought I’d have some fear in this moment, knowing I’d lose my virginity and there would be pain. There’d be no getting back the untouched state. With Silas, I felt confidence—that he wouldn’t hurt me, physically or emotionally, that this was forever, just the beginning of our union. I didn’t fool myself into believing there would be no pain. But I trusted him to make it as bearable as possible. I trusted him to bring me pleasure. Already, just kissing him gave me more bliss I’d ever experienced.

My hands explored his shoulders and chest while one of his gripped my hip. The other cupped the back of my head, angling my mouth to just where he wanted. I moaned as his rigid cock rubbed my pussy through our clothing. I rocked into him, putting my all into returning the sensations he delivered. I wanted this to be great for him, too. If I worried about anything, it was in that. That my inexperience would keep it from being good for him.

“I don’t know what to do,” I confessed. I had an idea. I mean, I wasn’t completely innocent about what went on during sex, but there was a big difference between intellectual and practical experience. I almost wished I did have some practice to bring to our bed. But I knew Silas liked that I didn’t. He liked that I was fully his—not that I believed he’d reject me if it were otherwise.

“You’re doing fine,” he groaned. His hand slid to my thigh, bared by the way my dress bunched up between us. His fingers stroked along my skin. “Much more fine and I may come before I’m inside you.”

I giggled, unable to help myself. “Really?”

“You have no idea how aroused I am just being right here like this, from knowing you’re mine. I almost shot off when you walked out to meet me tonight. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

After a lifetime of people telling me otherwise, Silas’ words warmed me with pleasure. Okay, “people” was my stupid parents and Kyle, but it had still affected me deeply. Being with Silas had gone a long way toward healing me.

“You looked beautiful, too. Handsome, I mean.”

He caught my left hand and brought it to his lips while he looked at me. He kissed the back of my fingers. “One day I’m going to shower my beautiful bride in diamonds and emeralds that match her eyes.”

“I don’t need that. I just need you,” I whispered.

“That’s the beauty of it. You want me for me. I want you for you.”

I lifted my upper body to get closer to him. My free arm wrapped around his neck, and I kissed along his cheek to his ear. I nipped the lobe. “Right now, I kind of really want to feel you inside me finally.”


I shrugged, unrepentant. I knew he was struggling to make this a sweet moment to remember, but I needed more than sweet. We’d been building to this for so long. I needed and wanted my husband.

“Here?” he asked.

“Yes. Here under the stars, in our slice of paradise.”

He didn’t point out that it forced confinement here in paradise. “I want that, too, baby,” he replied. His hands went to the tie behind my neck, and in moments, he pulled down the top of my dress. He stared at my breasts, my nipples pulled so tight they almost hurt. “So fucking perfect,” he murmured.

His hand shook as he reached out and stroked his thumb over one peak. I moaned, arching into the touch, spirals of pleasure coursing through me as he circled the areola.

“Oh my God, Silas,” I gasped. Then his head lowered, and he sucked the tip between his lips. I couldn’t control my cry. My hands buried in his thick hair, probably pulling, but he didn’t complain. His answering growl was full of pleasure. He flicked his tongue over the nipple he’d captured, driving me wild. The muscles of my core tightened, and I felt myself getting slick—more than I already was, anyway. I knew he’d find me so wet for him.

“Mine,” he rasped before he caught the peak with his teeth. “All mine.”

I shook as a frenzy of sensation sizzled through me.

“Yes, yes,” I cried.

“Never letting you go, my Lily.”

“No,” I agreed. “Never leaving you.”

He lifted his head, his eyes full of possessive desire as he stared hard into mine. “You better not.”

“I won’t, I won’t,” I vowed. I tried to pull him back to me. He chuckled as he detoured to the other breast and repeated what he’d done to the first. I shuddered caught up in bliss when he drew his tongue along the puckered flesh.

His name chanted from my lips, and I forgot where we were. We could have been on the beach, in his bed, in the middle of a crowded room and I wouldn’t have known. My world had narrowed to only Silas.

Gently, he guided me to lie flat on the blanket again. All I could do was gaze up at him in a daze while he pulled my dress over my hips then down my legs, leaving me in only my thin panties. Kneeling over me, straddling one of my legs he stared down at me as if he’d just gotten the gift of a lifetime on Christmas morning.

“So unbelievably perfect,” he whispered, the words almost lost on the soft breeze blowing over the beach. I saw him swallow hard. He studied me, unmoving, almost as if he were in a trance.

“Silas,” I urged, reaching up for him.

He shook his head. Was he denying this? Going to leave me lying here almost naked and wanting him?

Then he reached for the waistband of my panties. Relief washed over me, and I lifted my hips to help him, my cheeks warming with a blush as I felt the damp fabric sliding along my thighs. He growled, his eyes feral with lust as he drew a bent finger over the damp gusset. Then he shoved my legs apart and dove forward. His thumbs parted me for his mouth.

I screamed, my hips jacking up, as he captured my clit and sucked hard. It was too much…too much. Already close to the edge, I surged over, free-falling at his first touch—the first time any man had touched me there.

“Yeah, that’s right, baby. Give it to me. Come all over me,” he rasped against me. His tongue drew up my cleft several times, teasing my opening, before returning to the bundle of nerves that throbbed for him.

I writhed mindlessly beneath him, barely connected to my body. I drove my fingers into his hair, anchoring myself lest I float away with what he did to me. My unrestrained cries burst from me. I had a moment of reprieve when he lifted his mouth from my clit, but then he took over circling it with his thumb and his tongue flicked over my opening once more, this time penetrating. Had I been overwhelmed before? Feeling any part of him in me pushed me even further down the dark road of no return. And his tongue… Holy…shit.

“Silas, oh my God,” I gasped.

“So fucking perfect and mine,” he muttered against me, never letting up on the way he licked and thrust with that talented muscle.

“I’m going…to…come…” I gasped out.

“Yes, give it to me.”

Like I had a choice! His hand tightened on my hips, no doubt leaving finger-shaped bruises, while the other still stroked along my folds. He started sucking at my clit again while a finger pushed inside me. “So fucking tight,” he said. “You’re going to kill me.”


He laughed, the vibrations sending ripples through me. “I’m so damn grateful for every bit of you, love. It’s definitely not a complaint.”

“Can you maybe…?” I trailed off, unable to vocalize that I needed more.

“Could I…” he prompted, his teasing clear.

I dropped back my head and growled, frustrated. “Fuck me,” I whispered.

“What was that?”

“Silas!” I yelled.

He crawled over me then knelt up and stripped off his shirt. Through all we’d done so far, I’d been so lost I hadn’t even realized he was still dressed. I watched captivated as he unbuttoned his pants then dragged down the zipper.

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. I panted, watching him pull open his trousers and push them down, along with his boxer-briefs. His long, thick cock sprang free, and though I’d seen it before, it was just as breathtaking as before. Literally breathtaking. I couldn’t breathe.

“Don’t be scared,” he said, misreading my expression.

I dragged my gaze from his erection and met his eyes. “I’m not. I just… I can’t believe that’s mine.”

I hoped my grin alleviated his worry about my worry.

“Oh, it’s all yours. It’s going to be so much yours you’ll get sick of it.”

I chortled, though in truth, it was mostly a snort. “I doubt that.” My arms reached up, urging him down, and I sighed in pleasure when he complied, and I felt his solid weight over me. “More likely, you’ll get tired of me begging you for more.”

“I doubt that,” he echoed. His lips brushed over mine, then he nipped at my lower one. “Where are Lily and Silas, they’ll ask? We don’t know. They’ve been gone for days…”

I moaned as he rubbed his cock along my pussy. “Oh, I think everyone will know,” I gasped, my anticipation stringing me tight. My insides clenched with every slide along my slit.

“Good. Everyone should know you’re mine.”

“And you’re mine.”

“So mine,” he said, his cock lining up with my opening. He slid in the tiniest bit, stretching me. “So mine; all mine.”

My fingers bit into his shoulders. “Please, Silas. No more waiting.”

“No more waiting,” he echoed. Our gazes locked as he drove forward. I couldn’t hold back my gasping whimper of pain, then I was panting hard, overwhelmed by all the sensations—less from the ache of his tearing inside and more from the total fullness. Good lord, he stretched me so much.

“I’m okay, I’m okay,” I hurriedly said at his concerned look. My arms tightened when he tensed to draw back. “Stay. Please. I… It feels…” I sighed, beyond words.

He relaxed but stayed still as he looked down at me, his weight on his elbows. His hands, near my head, gently stroked back my hair. “You’re so precious,” he whispered. “So much more than I ever thought I might have in my life. But the moment I saw you…I just knew. You were meant for me. Made for me.”

“And you were made for me.” I smiled at the thought. Despite the romances I’d read, I’d never much believe in soul mates. I was starting to think it could be a real thing, that there could be one person meant for me. I’d been immediately drawn to him too, though I’d fought it.

My hips moved in conjunction with my words, and I groaned from deep in my chest. Sparks of pleasure blazed through me.

Silas peered at me in concern, then apparently seeing the pleasure on my face, he grinned the devilish smile that always sent tingles and moisture to my pussy. This time was no different—except that he accompanied it with the movement of his hips. In. Out. In…

“Oh, God,” I gasped.

“Just your husband,” he murmured, his drives growing stronger as he kissed my neck. “Fuuuuck…” he breathed. “You feel so fucking good.”

My mouth moved, but I couldn’t speak. I kissed his chest, stroked my hands wherever I could reach, and struggled to move with him. Silas reached down, guiding me and showing me how to rock into him. His fingers were so hot against my already heated skin. I stared up at him, wanting to close my eyes but wanting to be connected with him. The open vulnerability on his face stole my already short breath. This moment meant as much to him as it did to me. This wasn’t going through the motions; he really felt our deep connection. It consumed him as it did me.

“I love you,” I mouthed.

He bit his lip then let it go when his smile went wide. “I love you. I adore you. I will always cherish you.”

This man. I couldn’t speak, and he was making more vows. Reaching up, I caressed my hand over his face. I hoped he read my promise of the same.

Then I couldn’t even think as his drives reached their crest inundating both of us in waves of pleasure. My cry was almost immediately joined by Silas’ groans as he jerked against me. His heat filled me, triggering a second, more-powerful climax that had me clawing at his shoulders and arching beneath him.

All was silent around me when I was fully back to myself. The fire had burned low by now and barely threw off much light, but the night was bright from the large moon on the horizon and the multitude of stars that shone brightly without the light pollution from any nearby civilization.

The waves gently washed in and out on the shore, the gently rhythmic sound lulling me, along with the thump of Silas’ heartbeat beneath my ear. He’d pulled me close to his chest and tugged the edge of the blanket over us.

“You know,” I murmured. “Considering we’re stranded out here and I’m beginning to believe no one’s looking for us, I’m pretty darn happy right now.”

He chuckled. “I am, too, but baby, you gotta believe they’re looking for us.”

“It’s been so long.” I hadn’t spoken my fears before now as if to do so would make them true—that no one really was out there hoping to find us.

“Not so long. Only a few weeks. And not to sound full of myself, but my people won’t give up on me so easily. They’re going to be fairly invested in finding me—or finding some proof that I perished.”

“Okay,” I whispered into his chest. “But…”

“What is it, love?”

“At what point do they give up?”

He shrugged. For a long time, he didn’t answer.

“Not yet,” he finally said.

“Okay,” I whispered again. I didn’t want to taint this moment any more than I’d just done. But now that I’d said it, the words kept repeating over and over in my head. How long until they give up on us? How long? How long?

I hugged him tighter, trying to banish my negative thoughts. I wasn’t alone, and the most breathtaking, remarkable man in the world loved me.