Tormented Royal by Lily Wildhart


This book has taken a village. I know everyone says it but it’s true. That being said, I’m going to try and keep this short!

First, I need to say a huge thank you to my besties who kept me on track when I have spiraling and doing the rewrites for this book. If it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve had my ass in my chair long enough to get this book finished. And to the one who doesn’t want to be named for creating my beautiful cover. It’s so freaking stunning.

To my alpha team & wolf pack - I know this one was a little different, but thank you all for the feedback.

Steph & Elisabeth - we all know this wouldn’t be happening without your help. Thank you for the translations, keeping my shit in line, and well, everything.

To Sarah, Sam & Christine for making my word baby sparkle. You guys work so hard, and I really do appreciate it.

To all of the bloggers, instagrammers, booktokers who have been so nice to me on this journey. You didn’t have to, but it was so lovely to feel the warmth of the indie community.

Finally, to you guys for picking this book up and giving it a chance. I know the book will be marmite, but I hope you fall on the ‘love it’ side.