Tormented Royal by Lily Wildhart

Chapter Twenty-Seven

After reporting the pictures to Smithy’s friend at the FBI and actually having a meeting face-to-face with the guy Smithy sorted my security out with, I feel a bit better.

Needless to say, Halloween was fucked up, and I felt so bad for Indi. Which is exactly why I’m about to cave to her yet again.

Please.” She gives me those puppy dog eyes of hers, and I about die.

I hate telling her no, especially after how shit these last few weeks have been, but I can’t help but want to hide away in my house and never leave again. “This probably isn’t a good idea. Not if I have a weird stalker out there.”

“There’s no way your stalker would dare to do anything to you at Ryker Donovan’s party. The stalker seems like a total creep, but Ryker Donovan’s a legitimate psychopath.”

I swear, she almost sounds wistful when she talks about him like that. “I think I’ve had enough of psychopaths lately.”

She bursts out laughing like I’m a fucking comedy genius, and I can’t help but shake my head at her.

“Come on, we deserve some fun. We’ve been so good, and this is our senior year. One party won’t hurt. We won’t even drink if you’re worried. I just want to dance and have fun. We could both use a night of that. I’m friends with Ryker’s little sister, Scout, too, so if we hang out with her, Ryker will keep an eye on us anyway. Plus I have, uh… history with the twins. But that’s a story for another day.”

“Don’t think we’re not going to revisit that little tidbit.” I bite my lip, indecision eating me. It would be really good to let loose for a night and live my life like an actual fucking teenager, but I can’t help feel uneasy about it. Between the flowers, the dress, and the creepy-ass pictures, I want to hide in a hole somewhere that no one can find me.

We head to my locker so I can pick up my books before heading home for the weekend, and I consider going to the party. It’s the moment I have all of my books gathered in my arms that I hear my name called.


I look up to see Lincoln stalking toward me, looking just about ready to commit murder.

What the fuck did I do now?

Indi winces as he comes to a stop before us, and I put on my cheeriest smile.“Hey, what’s up?”

“The flowers. Have you gotten any others?”

Ah yes, I almost forgot I asked him to look into that. The creepy stalker thing took over my every thought, and it only just occurred to me that the flowers could be from whoever that is too.

“A few different bunches since I came home, yeah. Some were also delivered when we were away on our spa trip… And there’s the dress too, I guess.” I pause, contemplating telling him about the photos. I ultimately decide it’s probably better to tell him since he offered his help once already. “I, uh… also had to call the police last week because I seem to have a stalker.”

He clenches his jaw and quirks an eyebrow at me, like he’s waiting for me to continue. “Someone sent me a manila envelope full of pictures of me with Indi and you guys. Everyone else’s faces were scratched out, and there was a creepy-ass note too.”

“Why are you only just telling me about this now?” he asks, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.

I bite my lip, not afraid of him, but definitely afraid of how he’ll react. “Honestly, I didn’t even think about it. I only just called the police. It’s the first envelope like this I’ve gotten.”

His eyes flash, but he locks down his features in a heartbeat. “If you get any more shit, call me first.”

That’s all he says before he stalks off, joining Finley and Maverick where they’re waiting for him at the main doors. I huff, trying to keep calm about him giving me orders, while trying not to overthink the weird protective thing he has going on. I let out a deep breath because I know Lincoln’s like a dog with a bone. He’ll find something out. He has ways of doing stuff that I don’t. I’m not willing to ask what they are, or look at it too deeply; but if he can stop the flowers from showing up, I’d appreciate it.

“Dude, I’ll never figure those guys out,” Indi says, almost dreamily. “They’re like your black knights or something. Can’t call them white knights, but they’re definitely always there watching out for you.”

“Because that isn’t creepy at all.” I laugh. “Okay, let’s hit this party, why the fuck not?”

She does a little dance as she bounces down the hall. “Hell yes!”

“Do you want me to drive, so you can have some fun at least?” I ask as we head out of the school.

She grins at me as we reach the cars and clasps her hands together in front of her. “Why don’t we grab a cab? That way neither of us has to worry. Besides, I’m sure Ellis can give us a ride home if we need it.”


She smiles dreamily, and I can’t help but laugh. Okay, there’s definitely some history there that she has to tell me about, pronto. “Ryker’s twin brother.”

“Of course,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I’m good with whatever as long as we don’t end up stranded or dead in a ditch somewhere.”

“Deal! I’ll text you when I’m on the way to your place.”

I nod before climbing into the car. I’m almost looking forward to tonight if I’m being honest. Though there is a part of me that’s dreading getting home to the possibility of more flowers or weird envelopes. My mood’s a wash, I guess.

I cross my fingers and send up a thought to anyone who might be listening to let me have one night of normal, teenage fun.

That’s all I want.

* * *

When Indi said these guys are the life of the party, she grossly downplayed how hard the ECH crowd likes to party. I’ve spoken to a few people I used to be friendly with, but for the most part, I keep to myself and dance the night away.

I’m not even sure whose house we’re in, but the bodies are packed in here pretty tight. There have been more than a few wandering hands, but I’ve been able to fend off most of them and enjoy myself.

Indi has been whisked away into the arms of Ellis Donovan, and I get the feeling I’m missing a big chunk of their story. I’m not about to interrupt them to get more details. She deserves to be happy, and well… She definitely looks happy right now.

I push my way through the crowd. I desperately need some water and some fresh air. When I reach the kitchen, I freeze.

What the fuck is the ECP football team doing here? I thought there was some ridiculous school rivalry stemming from the two teams?

“Octavia!” Raleigh cheers my name like he hasn’t been a giant asshat for the last month or so. He says it like I’m his favorite person in the world. He’s obviously had more than a few too many beers.

I smile tightly at him and grab a bottle of water. “Come sit with us. Talk!”

“I’m good, thanks.” I try to be as polite as I can considering no one knows where I am. Plus, he and his friends are all way stronger than I am, beer or not, and I do not want to have to throat punch anyone today.

I try to move past them, to escape out the back door and into the cold night air, but he loops his arms around my waist and yanks me back against him. He takes the water from my hands and puts it on the counter before spinning me round so the others can’t see us as well. “I know you miss me. You were meant to be mine,” he murmurs into my ear, and an icy shiver of dread runs down my spine. He sounds way too much like the creepy stalker’s note.

It can’t be him, right?

I shake off the thought and push at his hands until I manage to worm my way free of him. I grab my water from the counter and duck out before anyone can say anything else or grab me again. It’s only seconds before I push out the back door and stumble onto the much less occupied patio out back, relieved to get some space for a moment.

This might be the ‘bad’ side of Echoes Cove, but the Donovans clearly aren’t doing badly. I’ve heard a few rumors about them, but I’m not one to judge people based solely on rumors. I mean, that would definitely be the pot calling the kettle black.

I suck in lungfuls of the cool night air and chug the water back. It tastes weird, but it’s been a minute since I had carbonated water. The cold liquid feels too good going down, so I sink the bottle and move to sit on one of the loungers out here.

I stare up at the dark night sky, and the scattered stars call to me, so I stay where I am, enjoying the quiet as the noises around me begin fading out.

“There you are.” I look up, my head heavier than I remember it being, and see Raleigh stalking toward me. “Did you miss me? Look at you finding us some privacy.”

I try to sit up, but it feels like my body won’t respond. He crouches beside me and brushes my hair away from my face. I try to speak, but my words come out slurred. My eyes dart around the space, but everything is fuzzy. Panic creeps in as the world seems to slow down.

What the hell is going on right now?

I try to sit up, but the world spins.

My heart races in my chest and I can’t think straight, despite a thousand things racing through my mind. I try to suck in a breath, but it's like my body won’t work right.

“Where are you going? This is our time.” He pushes me against the lounger before he starts kissing my neck. My blood turns to ice in my veins as I try to push my hands against his chest but my arms are like jelly.

What is happening to me? Why can’t I move properly?


My skin feels like I’m rolling on a bed of needles, the pricking so bad it steals most of my attention.

I try to push him off, to tell him no as tears slip down my face. “You like that, baby? I knew you wanted me.”

My eyes flutter closed, and when the world focuses again, my tank top is gone, and I don’t know how. His lips move down my chest, and I scream out in my mind. No noise comes out of my mouth as he pulls the cups of my bra down, exposing me, before his tongue licks one nipple and then he sucks on the other.

I’m going to be sick.

I manage to lift my hands and place them on his chest as he lowers himself on top of me. “That’s it, baby, fight me. I love it when they fight.”

This can not be happening to me right now.

“No,” I manage to murmur, but it seems to excite him, even as more tears slip down my cheeks.

His hand plunges into my jeans, and I manage a garbled scream as his fingers brush against my lace-covered pussy.

Please God, no.

“You motherfucker!” I hear Lincoln’s voice in the seconds before Raleigh’s body is ripped away from me. Indi’s face appears in front of mine, and the sound of flesh against flesh fills the quiet space around us.

“V, are you okay?” Indi asks, tears running down her own face. She looks more angry than anything. She helps me sit up and grabs my tank top from the ground by my feet, helping me back into it so I’m no longer exposed. I look up and watch as Lincoln rains blow after blow down on Raleigh as a sob rips out of me.

I can’t say anything as I rock in her arms.

“Ellis called Lincoln for me as soon as I saw you. They were already here. I didn’t know what else to do. Let’s get you out of here,” she says, trying to help me stand, but my legs won’t work. I can barely keep myself sitting up. Everything just feels wrong.

“Lincoln!” she yells, but he’s lost to his rage. Seconds later, Finley and Maverick appear. Mav glances over at us, and then nods at Finley before heading straight for Lincoln, each of them practically vibrating with rage. Finley comes straight over to us, a sense of calm visibly washing over him despite his rage moments ago, and I swear I want to cry all over again.

I feel so fucking dirty.

I can still feel him on me.

God, I want to vomit.

“I got you,” Finley murmurs quietly, lifting me into his arms like a rag doll. I hate being so compromised, but I know that while they’re here, nothing else will happen to me. Even after everything we’ve been through, I know they’d never try to hurt me like that. Try to rape me.

I start to cry again just thinking about it.

Lincoln and Maverick appear before us, and Lincoln looks fucking feral as he growls at Finley. “Give her to me.”

“Have you got yourself under control?” Finley asks him, and he nods once.

“Good, now I can show him what happens when he touches things that aren’t his,” Finley says quietly as he hands me over to Lincoln.

Maverick smiles softly down at me as he runs a finger down my face. “Don’t worry, princess. You won’t need to worry about him ever again.”

I close my eyes at his touch, and Lincoln adjusts me on his chest so my face is tucked into his neck. “I’m going to get her home. Call me if you need any help with him.”

“Oh, we won’t need any help,” Maverick says almost wistfully.

“I’m coming with you,” Indi speaks up, and I see Ellis standing beside her.

Lincoln shakes his head. “You stay here, I’ve got her now. She’s safe.” His menacing growl is enough for Ellis to place a protective hand on Indi’s waist and pull her against him.

She looks at me and nods. “You better have her, I’m not afraid of you, Lincoln Saint.” Just then, Ryker joins her and his twin, looking just as protective as Ellis does.

He chuckles, his chest shaking where he holds me. “I don’t think you are, and that makes you either very brave or very stupid. Thanks for the call, Ellis. We’ll be seeing you both soon.”

He starts to move, and my eyes flutter closed.

The next time they open, he’s belting me into his car, being more gentle with me than he’s possibly ever been. “Sleep, V. I got you.”

* * *

Linc pulls me from the car and against his chest. I’m not sure what Raleigh drugged me with, but I’m starting to get control of my extremities back, and my brain doesn’t feel quite as foggy as it did before. “I can walk,” I murmur, but Lincoln holds me tighter.

“I’m sure you can, but I already told you I’ve got you.”

“What the fuck happened?” East’s voice reaches us, and Lincoln sighs. He gives him a brief rundown of the night’s events, but that only seems to piss him off more. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“You weren’t with us. Would you have preferred we left her to be raped because we were busy getting you instead?” Lincoln argues, and a shiver runs down my spine.

“Let me down, please?” I ask him quietly, but his arms tighten around me. I place a hand on his cheek and bring his gaze back down to me. “Please?”

He watches me intently, but I see the moment in his eyes that he relents before nodding. He lets me down, catching me as I stumble while struggling to find my footing. “Thank you.”

I really need to fucking shower.

I walk toward the front door slowly but pause when I see it.

A note on the doorstep.

I brace myself on the door to pick up the note, my heart racing as I do. I pull the black card from the envelope and my heart fucking stops.

You’re out of time, Miss Royal.

We’re coming for you.

Ready or not.