Tormented Royal by Lily Wildhart

Chapter Six


Kind of.

Well, my first week anyway. It’s been pretty fucking hellish. Between Lincoln, Maverick, and Finley terrorizing me daily, Blair and her bitch squad ramping up their assholeish ways, plus the general taunts and social media hate from the rest of the student body, I’m worn thin.

A girl can put on a brave face, but on the inside, I’m crumbling a little. Bullying isn’t something I’ve ever dealt with before, not like this anyway. The online stuff I can handle, I’m used to tabloid bullshit, but my dad was there to shield me from most of it. Now I’m alone, and I’m not so sure I can handle it. I’ve questioned more than once this week if my inheritance is worth staying here. Between that and the struggle I’m already having trouble focusing in some of my classes, I’m not sure I’m going to meet the requirements of the will anyway.

I’m just glad I made a few good friends who haven’t even blinked at the social bullshit that seems to come with being associated with me. Indi is my fucking rock, and Raleigh has all but ignored the off-limits warning. We’ve sat with the jocks everyday at lunch since then, which meant that at least at lunch, I’ve felt somewhat safe. Some of the players still won’t talk to me, but Jackson seems to have gotten over his aversion to eye contact, at least. He mostly spends time talking to Indi rather than me, but that, at least, makes me happy. Jackson chatting up Indi was always my endgame anyway. Becoming friends with Raleigh along the way is just an added bonus.

Throughout the week, I’ve managed to get lost inside my own head and packed up my meager belongings in the pool house. I also returned my rental in fear of it being fucked with because I wouldn’t put it past the animals I go to school with to do something like that. Surprisingly, my aunt and uncle haven't put up much of a fight, though that could have something to do with the money I've already transferred to them for my ‘rent’.

The few boxes of my dad’s records are stacked in the corner along with the three duffel bags full of my clothes.

My new furniture has been delivered to the house throughout the week, and according to my regular updates from Smithy, everything is coming along nicely. Indi is going to help me drive the few things I have here over to the house in the morning, and then I never have to grace this house of horrors with my presence again.

It’s almost enough to make me let out a whoop of joy. I focus on getting ready for Jackson’s party instead. I’ll save the celebrating for tonight.

I finish the final touches on the waves of my hair and add a batwing of eyeliner to each eye before adding a swipe of mascara. It’s simple, but that’s all I’ve ever done anyway. I’m not a cake-it-on kind of girl. I have mad respect for those who can, but contouring my face is basically the same as asking me to contort my body… It’s just not going to happen. I’m hopeless.

I’m just glad that the cut Maverick made has mostly healed and what's left can be hidden with makeup. I sure as fuck don’t want to spend my night explaining that away.

Indi sashays out of my bathroom, and I can’t help but grin. She looks like an emo princess. “Damn girl, you are fire!”

“Why thank you.” She blushes, taking a curtsy in her tutu, and I laugh. I’m not sure many people could pull off a black tutu dress with a leather jacket and flip-flops. “I don’t want to get sand in my boots, so I figured I’d make this work.”

“Dude, you look amazing! You’re totally making it work.”

“Are you ready to go?” she asks as I shrug on a kimono over my white tank top. I glance at the storage box of my shoes and ultimately decide to go shoeless. It’s on the beach anyway, so fuck it.

I look outside at the pitch black sky and grin. I mean, who turns up to a party on time anyway? “Yeah, let’s hit it.”

I pull my phone out of the pocket of my cutoffs and send a message to Raleigh.

Me: You still there? We’re heading down now.

Raleigh: You know I got you. I’ll meet you at the bottom of the stairs.

I shove my phone back into the safe in my closet before we head down the stairs from the McMansion down to the sand below. I’m not going to need it tonight, but I learned long ago not to be stupid enough to just leave it lying around.

It’s impossible not to see or hear the party from here, but it’s nice of Raleigh to come get us anyway.

I think he might be one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.

Indi’s phone goes off, and she squeals a protest when she looks at the screen.

“What happened? Is everything okay?”

Adams Ever After was canceled. Goddammit!” she exclaims, stomping her foot. I want to go on whatever journey this is with her, but I literally have no fucking idea what she’s talking about. “Like, I know Ken died, but dammit, I was so freaking invested! I need to know what happens next. Natalie just went back to Banner-Hill. For fuck’s sake.”

“What on earth are you going on about?” She looks at me like I just kicked her puppy and took away her eyeliner stash all at once.

“You don’t know what Adams Ever After is?” I wince at her screech as we reach the bottom of the stairs. Luckily, Raleigh is there waiting for us to save me from whatever this mini-tantrum is. I bounce across the sand toward him while Indi stops to take off her shoes.

“I’ve never heard of it,” I yell back to her before turning to Raleigh. “Hey!”

“You and I have a trashy TV marathon coming up, V. This is an atrocity!”

“What is she yelling about?” Raleigh asks, laughing as she stomps across the sand toward us.

Adams Ever After? I don’t know.” I shrug just as Indi catches up, waving her flip-flops at me.

“You mean the TV show?” he asks, and Indi grins wide at him.

“See, he knows! Natalie just went back into Banner-Hill. I need to know what happens. I know I’m whining, but you don’t understand! I’ve watched this show for years! I know they haven’t finished airing all of this season, so I still have a little more, but this is bad, bad news. What am I supposed to do on Thursday evenings now?”

I can’t help but laugh at her dramatics. TV has never really been my thing, but if she’s this invested… “I’ve honestly never heard of it, but for you, I’ll give it a go.”

She does a weird little dance in the sand, and Raleigh shakes his head before leaning down and saying, “You’re going to regret that.”

He’s right, I might, but she’s happy. I can live with it.

It doesn’t take long for us to reach the outskirts of the beach party, and everyone says hello to Raleigh as we pass. The school might be for rich kids, but they seem to love football as much as any other town with a half-decent football team. I might as well be fucking invisible, though and it’s awesome.

Raleigh leads us to where Jackson and a bunch of the jocks are sitting around the fire, beer in hand. Music thumps loudly all around us, but not quite so loudly that I can’t hear myself think. It also doesn’t quite drown out the squeals of girls being dunked. It’s not like other parties I’ve been to, but then, technically this is my first high-school party.

Indi gravitates toward Jackson, while I chat with Raleigh and some of the other guys on the team. Apparently after my whole strut through the school half naked thing, everyone’s just straight up ignoring Maverick’s decree because I’m too hot to ignore, at least according to Raleigh.

I’m pretty sure that’s the most backhanded compliment I’ve ever gotten in my life, but fuck it.

I drink a little, not so much that I’m going to feel it tomorrow, but enough that I can feel a buzz and loosen up a little. I can’t believe it’s only been a week since I started back at Echoes Cove Prep. It feels like a fucking lifetime with the amount of shit I’ve already dealt with.

So I decide I’m going to have a little fun tonight.

What’s the worst that could happen?

* * *

Tonight has been way more fun than I expected it to be. Raleigh told me that the only reason Blair is here is because the cheer team is always invited, but by some grace of God, they’ve basically left me alone. In fact, I haven’t seen them around for a while. I’m not exactly sad about that either.

I lean into Raleigh, who’s had his arm around my shoulder most of the night. He’s so warm compared to the cool breeze, so I haven’t complained about it, even if it does feel a little possessive. He’s so chill, I’m sure that’s not his intention. I’m new at this whole ‘being around people my age all the time’ thing, though, so who knows?

Man, I miss the roadies.

My attention is pulled back to the group when a roar of laughter goes up across the fire. I go on high alert when I notice Indi gasp. Her eyes go wide as she looks over my shoulder.

I look behind me and groan when I see what has her so on edge. Lincoln, Maverick, and Finley. I should’ve known that I couldn’t have one fucking night of peace. After a week of shit, of course they have to show up at a party I know they weren’t invited to. Even if it is on the beach.

Fuck my life.

“It seems the party started without us, boys,” Maverick snarks as they approach, the firelight glinting on the bar in his eyebrow. Somehow the lighting makes him seem more menacing than normal. How an eighteen-year-old guy can look so intimidating in a muscle tank and a pair of ripped jeans is beyond me, but he manages it. It also reveals the ink I hadn’t realized he had. All of it is normally hidden by his uniform, but tonight his colorfully painted skin is fully on show.

“I didn’t realize you guys were coming,” Jackson says, pulling Indi closer to him. “You know you’re always welcome.”

Raleigh throws a sharp glance over at him, and Jackson just shrugs. I get it. Those three run the school. Just because Raleigh dislikes them on my behalf doesn’t mean Jackson can afford to as well. I elbow Raleigh softly, bringing his gaze to me, and smile at him before looking over to Jackson to let him know I’m good.

“Of course we’re welcome. This is our beach, just like ECP is our school,” Maverick says before grabbing a beer and heading toward the gaggle of squawking girls by the water, crashing into my shoulder as he does.


“Surprised you showed your face, Royal,” Lincoln says, his tone biting as he grabs two beers from the cooler. He offers one to Finley who refuses it. The refusal doesn’t surprise me. His mom always had substance abuse issues, and he definitely seems like the straight edge type.

“Why wouldn’t I? My friends are throwing a party—of course I’m here.” I raise an eyebrow in challenge but bite back any other response. I couldn’t be anymore fucking annoyed with myself for responding to him, but prodding him probably isn’t going to make my life easier either. I haven’t spoken to him since he saw me in my underwear as I left school the other day, and it isn’t like he’s made any effort to talk to me either. He’s just watched as his loyal sycophants have terrorized me all week.

He stares at me, his expression blank, before walking away to another group as Finley drops onto the sand and gets comfortable.

Of course he fucking does.

I try not to let their appearance fuck with me and turn my attention back to Raleigh and the guys, but it feels like the whole tone of the party has changed. The music is lower, and everyone's mood seems a bit more subdued. It’s almost like a parent just crashed the party. My buzz sure as shit took a hike when they appeared. I let out a sigh and untangle myself from Raleigh. “I think I’m going to call it a night. I have a big day tomorrow.”

“You sure?” He frowns down at me as I take a step back.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Okay, you want me to make sure Indi gets home okay? I’ve only had one.” I look over at her, and she looks so happy I don’t want to rain on her parade.

“That would be awesome if you don’t mind?”

“Nah, it’s good. I’ll make sure she’s safe.”

“Thank you.” I smile at him before heading over to Indi. “I’m heading home. Are you still cool to go car shopping with me tomorrow?”

“You know I am.” She grins at me, and I can tell from the faraway look in her glassy eyes that she’s quite a bit more buzzed than I am, and I bite my lip.

“You okay staying? Do you want me to get you home?”

“I’m good,” she giggles. “I haven’t drunk that much, and I’m sure Raleigh the Protector will make sure nothing nefarious happens.”

“He did say he’d get you home for me,” I tell her, and she giggles again.

“See, I’ll be fine. I’ll pick you up bright and early in the morning!” She moves from Jackson and wraps her arms around me, holding me tight for a second before letting go.

“Have fun.” I grin and wink at her before turning and heading back up the beach toward the pool house. I definitely have a lot going on this weekend. Between moving, car shopping, and homework, I’m sure I’ll barely have time to breathe. And I’ll bet there’s probably more that I’ve forgotten about, but I mean… I need a car, and I need to get out of the McMansion. Stat.

I rub my hands up and down my arms as I trek down the beach. It’s definitely cooler than I thought it would be. I lose myself to thoughts of the rolling to-do list in my head, but the sound of sand shifting behind puts me on high alert. My heart rate spikes as I look over my shoulder, but it’s so fucking dark out here, there could be someone there and I wouldn’t know it.

I pause for a moment, but I don’t hear anything else, so I pick up my pace. I practically run up the steps to the house, but freeze when I take in the backyard.

The doors to the pool house are all open, and my clothes are in pieces and scattered across the yard. Fuck. Some of them are in the pool too.

I decide to leave them and head into the pool house. There’s no point trying to collect the clothes outside. They’re in shreds. I just hope whoever did this didn’t find my band tees. Dad and I collected those from his shows, as well as some others that we went to together. They’re more than just t-shirts.

I flick on the lights and stop dead in my tracks.


My dad’s records… They’re in pieces around the room.

This cannot be happening.

I fall to the ground, my knees crashing against the wood flooring with a bang. I can’t breathe.

This is like losing him all over again.

This is all I had left of him. All that really mattered anyway.

All I can see is the destruction around the room. Of my memories.

Of my dad.

I think I might officially be losing the tenuous grip I’ve been holding over everything since Dad died.

This? This might be the thing that actually breaks me.

I didn’t have much that mattered left in this life, just the contents of these boxes. And now everything’s gone. Destroyed. In a matter of hours.

I don’t even have to think twice about who did this. I knew there was a reason the bitch squad disappeared from the party. I just hadn’t considered that even Blair would be this hateful. What did I ever do to her?

“Lookie what we found here, boys… You know, you really shouldn’t spend so much time alone, whore.” I spin around at the voice and see four guys I don’t know. I recognize their faces from school, but I couldn’t name them even with a gun to my head.

“What do you want?” My voice sounds as broken as I feel. I climb to my feet, tired of all of this already. All I want to do is tidy up and then drown myself into oblivion, preferably with tequila. Because this week has been fucking awful.

They press closer into my space, and the hair on the back of my neck goes up. It didn’t occur to me to be afraid of anyone that wasn’t Lincoln, Maverick, and Finley, but the smiles these four give me tells me that was stupid. “We just want to have some fun. You’re already putting out for Coach. Why not us too?”

“I didn’t put out for anyone,” I argue, folding my arms over my chest to hide the shake of my hands. I don’t even have my phone to signal for help, it’s locked in my goddamn safe.

The leader of the pack steps even closer to me, so close I can feel his breath on my skin. “That’s not what we heard. What’s wrong? Are we too good for you?”

“I said scare, not play.” I look up over the guy’s shoulder and see Lincoln, Maverick, and Finley, all leaning against the glass wall that makes up the front of my pool house.

Of course this was them.

“You heard him,” one of the other four guys says, and they rush me. I kick and shout, trying to get them off of me, but they hold me while tearing at my clothes. Pawing at me in the process. I call out until my throat is raw, but it’s no use. No one is going to help me but me.

They have me down to my underwear, and I thrash harder. They are not getting me naked. Not a fucking chance. I throw out a fist, catching one of the guys in the face, but I don’t have time to take any happiness from my victory when he clasps me around the throat. “Stupid bitch.”

“That’s enough!” Lincoln's voice booms around the room. “Leave.”

At his decree, the four of them pull away from me, grumbling under their breath as they leave the pool house. They each look like they’d like to complain, but they don’t actually speak up. Who would dare complain to the King?

I clutch my arms around my body, trying to cover myself up as humiliation burns through me. “What the fuck do you want?”

My voice is harsh, but it doesn’t affect them. Not at all. They close in on me, and I stumble backward until my back is pressed against the wall. I might not have had the sense to be afraid before, but I know for sure that these three have zero hesitation in regards to hurting me. Maverick already proved that. And money talks in this town, so even if I went to the police, nothing would be done. Nothing is ever done with people like this.

“You came back.” Lincoln shrugs, like that should explain everything. Tears well in my eyes, but I blink them back. I refuse to let them see me cry.

With a slight nod from Lincoln, the other two step forward. Finley grasps my wrists, and despite my attempts to break his grip, he lifts them and pins them above my head on the wall. I’m usually all for consensual restraint, but this is different, despite the shudder of excitement that runs through me. I struggle against him, but Maverick pulls that knife of his again. “Please, don’t.”

“You don't make the rules here, Octavia. We do. The moment you set foot back in our town, we owned you. You want control? Leave,” Lincoln says as he smirks at me. “But don’t worry. You’ll enjoy this.”

He drops to his knees at my feet, and I lock my ankles together. “What the hell are you doing?”

He glances up at me before his gaze moves to Maverick. The sinister grin on his face as he steps toward me makes me fight Finley's hold even harder. He is not putting that knife near me again.

“Stop. Wait. Fine,” I say because really, what other choice do I have? I uncross my ankles, and Mav steps back, watching me like a bird of prey. I am most definitely the mouse in this situation.

Lincoln reaches forward, his fingers brushing softly against my skin as he pulls my panties down my legs. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin at his touch, and I hate that my body reacts to him like it does. He smiles up at me knowingly, so I can’t help but taunt him. “This is the only way you’ll ever be able to touch me. Pathetic.”

The light dances in his thunderstorm eyes as he chuckles softly. “By the time I’m done with you, Octavia, you’ll be begging for me to touch you again.”

“You think this is a game?” I pull against Finley's grip again, but it's futile.

“Princess, the sooner you figure out that life is a game, the sooner you’ll understand.” Lincoln throws that bit of fucked up philosophy my way right before his tongue does a leisurely swipe of my pussy that has my entire body shaking with need.

“I hate you!” My words are harsh, but my delivery of them is weak as hell. My traitorous body has abandoned me, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

“That’s okay,” I hear Finley whisper in my ear, his erection rubbing against my hip as he keeps a steel hold on my wrists above my head. “We hate you too.”

I turn to face him, and the fire in his eyes is enough to shock me to silence. It takes a second for me to remember that I want to answer his retort, but Lincoln swiftly grabs my thighs and throws them over his shoulders—giving him open access to my pussy to do with it as he wishes—stealing my attention away from Finley’s hurtful words.

The first full contact of Lincoln’s mouth on my body sends shivers down every inch of my skin in slow fucking motion. How is this even possible? Why am I reacting this way?

Rustling sheets to my left catch my attention, and when I turn to see what’s happening, I see Maverick leaning back on one arm as he sits back on my bed, his other hand gripping his eye-wateringly big cock like he lives here. Like this is his room, his bed.

Like I’m his to admire.

Narrowing my eyes at the sight before me, I try to growl at him, but it all comes out in a moan like I’m the star of an orgy video. None of them miss the sound, the smirks on each of their faces telling they heard it loud and clear.

“Nice. I might just come in my pants if you do that again,” Finley whispers, lips tickling the shell of my ear.

“Fuck you!” I hiss, and Lincoln pulls back from me to look into my eyes. You’d think him being on his knees would give me some form of power, but it's glaringly obvious to all involved that I am not the one with power here.

“Maybe one day, but first, I want to see how fast I can make you come,” Lincoln taunts, which only pisses me off more.

“You’re delusional if you think you can force me to come,” I spit at Lincoln just as his mouth latches back onto my pussy. Finley’s cock rubs up against my naked skin as he grips my chin, turning my head toward Maverick who’s jacking himself off, eyes fixed on where Lincoln’s mouth is fucking my pussy like he owns it.

“There’s nothing more powerful than owning a cunt’s orgasms. And trust me, Octavia, while you stay in Echoes Cove, we own you.”

I can smell my arousal, hear the wet sounds coming from Lincoln’s mouth, and the slapping of Maverick’s cock as he increases the rhythm of his strokes. I squeeze my eyes closed to try to shut out everything else. I am trying really fucking hard not to enjoy any of this.

What kind of fucked up person am I that I have to force myself not to enjoy being taken by three guys I hate?

I’m going to Hell. Yeah, scratch that.

I’m already in Hell.

Finley's grip on my chin tightens before his hand moves down to hold my throat, and he squeezes. “Open your eyes, whore. Watch him.”

All of my good intentions go flying out the window as Lincoln pushes two fingers inside my pussy and curls them just right, hitting some sort of magic button deep inside me that no-one before him has managed to find.

“So tight for a dirty little whore.” Lincoln grins up at me before letting out a dry laugh.

“Fuck you,” I pant, wishing I didn’t sound as turned on as I do, and I grit my teeth at his degradation yet again. If only he knew the truth of it.

He thrusts his fingers inside of me again and I see fucking stars. A shudder runs down my spine, and the sound that comes out of my mouth isn't normal. It’s animal-like. Something uncontrollable and unwanted.

Maverick grins from where he’s splayed out on my bed. “There it is. Keep going, Linc, I think she’s enjoying herself.”

Fucking Finley and his dirty whispers.

Pressing my head back against the wall, I make the mistake of looking down. What I see undoes me completely.

Lincoln eats my pussy like it’s his last supper, two fingers pumping in and out of me as his lips latch onto my clit and squeeze hard enough to make me groan in pleasure. I’m almost resolved to just letting it happen, but then I look at Maverick, and the smug expression on his face gives me the strength to keep fighting them. Until Lincoln hits that spot again, and every thought but their touches and stares leaves me.

“Stop! Oh God, right there! No, yes! Yes!”

I don’t know what the fuck is spewing from my mouth, but the sight of Maverick’s forearm tensing with every stroke, veins popping with the effort, the sound of Lincoln’s mouth and fingers fucking my pussy like he owns it, and the feel of Finley’s body rubbing up against my naked skin as he squeezes my throat, not letting me take a full breath… It’s making my brain melt.

Fuck it, I can’t control my body’s needs, so I just let it happen.

As I make that decision, I relax my body and feel my juices trickling down my inner thighs, eliciting a moan from Lincoln. It’s the first time I’ve realized his enjoyment, and I get a small feeling of empowerment from that. Because they may be using my body against me, but my body is making them lose control just as much.

With a small grin on my face, I bask in the knowledge that I might be having the same effect on them that they’re having on me, and it feels like a small victory.

I open my eyes once more, focusing on Maverick’s face and notice he’s about to come. His dick is a deep, angry red, ready to explode and that, too, gives me a sense of power.

It’s only when I feel another breach of my body that I lose all self-control.

Gathering my juices on his finger, Lincoln pushes one then two fingers inside my ass, and that brief moment of pain is like fuel to an already blazing fire.

The sound that escapes my body is probably loud enough for the entire town to hear, but in that moment, I don’t give a shit.

In that moment, all I want is bliss.

So, I let it happen. I even rub my pussy on Lincoln’s face, making sure he’ll be tasting me for hours to come, smelling me on his breath long after he’s gone.

I writhe and groan, watching as the first spurts of Maverick’s cum splashes on his chest. I watch him as my body, my pussy, makes him lose control. His cum coats his entire hand before he smears it on my bed, smirking at me as he does. Oh, how the tables have turned.

Lincoln doubles down on fucking me with his mouth like it’s his only mission in life. He’s all lips, tongue, and teeth. His fingers move in sync, fucking my pussy and my ass, and I’m a goner. Beside me, Finley whispers filthy words that only add to my orgasm as it hits me like a Mac truck.

“You’re our dirty little whore.”

“That’s right, that tight little cunt of yours is begging for us.”

“I can’t wait to bury my dick inside your pretty little pussy.”

“Next time, you’ll be sucking my cock.”

My senses can’t take it anymore, and my entire body erupts with an orgasm so powerful I think I actually pass out for half a second.

When it all ends and I come back to the reality of my situation, I hate myself almost as much as I hate them. My brief feeling of empowerment is stolen by the shame coursing through my veins. Looking down at Lincoln as he takes one last leisurely swipe of his tongue across my soaked pussy lips, I glare at him.

They won, and I hate them for it.

He must read my thoughts because his next words are like a bucket of ice spilled over my naked body.

“I told you, Octavia. We control everything. Even something as primal as this. The only way to be free is to leave.” Lincoln glares at me as Finley finally releases my wrists and Maverick tucks his dick back in his pants.

“Leave,” I somehow manage to say around the painful lump in my throat. I swallow and clear my throat, but my voice still comes out scratchy as all of my emotions hit me at once. “Get out.”

They just stand there watching me, and I hate how I gave in to them. No matter how much I enjoyed it. I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the floor, knees pulled against my chest, protecting myself from them the only way I can.

“Get out. All of you. Just get the fuck out.” They don’t move, my anger and shame burns hot and ugly in my gut. I slam my fists on the hardwood floor as I yell, “Leave!”

Lincoln steps toward me, a glare on his face, but Finley puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. They all turn and leave without a backward glance.

I swipe furiously at the tears that stream down my face and shut down the hurricane of emotions that are swirling around inside of me.

Tonight was too much. I lost too much.

The second I know they’re gone, I break.

And I’m not sure I can be put back together the same.