Mistakes I’ve Made by Jordan Marie


“Crap, Callie. Can we run out to Dad’s truck? I forgot my prom ticket in there, and I’m going to need it to get into the after-party area.”

“Oh, sure. I’ve got mine stuck under my wrist corsage,” I murmur, like that even matters. I’ll probably tell Reed how I feel, he’ll tell me it’s too late, and I’ll run out crying. I’m fully prepared for that to be the way things go.

“It won’t take a minute,” Mitch says. “I should have put it in my billfold, but until I saw you here, I really wasn’t planning on staying around that long.”

“Not a prom person either?” I laugh.

“You were the only person I really wanted to see. Honestly, it’s an effort to be around other people right now—you know?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, as we walk into the parking lot.

“It’s just things with Dad are bad, so it takes energy to even attempt to be around others.”

“I get that, and my dad isn’t half as bad as yours. How did you talk him into letting you drive his truck tonight?”

“He was passed-out drunk,” Mitch laughs. “He couldn’t argue. I was going to hitch a ride with Reed, but things are kind of tense between us since he lit into you at the school that day.”

“He shouldn’t bring you into all of it. I don’t know why he thought that you and I were dating anyway.”

“Chasity might have lied to him. It’s completely possible. She was pissed I broke it off with her and she can be vindictive for sure.”

“Maybe,” I sigh.

“Besides, I’m the one that lit into him for the way he treated you.”

I stop walking, turning to look at Mitch, not quite understanding. “You yelled at him because of me?” I ask, this funny feeling inside of me fluttering to life. I don’t think anyone in my life has ever taken up for me—not even my mom, who I love dearly. She lets Dad say whatever he wants to me. I don’t blame her, but deep down it still hurts.

“Of course. I told you, Callie. I care about you. Reed needed someone to set him straight, so I did.”

“Thank you, Mitch. You didn’t have to do that. Although, I do appreciate it. Besides, I don’t think it helped.” I give him a smile in appreciation.

“It didn’t seem to. I’m not sure what’s going on with him. He leaves me to face Dad all alone now—even lies to Dad to make him focus his anger on me.”

Wow. The Reed I know would have never done that. Of course, the Reed I know would have never dated Chasity Newberg. He always told me he didn’t understand why she and Mitch have been together as long as they have. That she was a straight shooter and he respected that, but he would never want anything with a woman like her. He wanted more.

Stupid as I was, I thought he was talking about me when he said that….

“Maybe, if things work out, I can talk to him,” I compromise, still not fully believing that he would change so drastically. I remind myself that Mitch could be over-embellishing. I need to remember why I’ve always been cautious around him.

“Maybe. Dad’s truck is over there,” he says, pointing. “I parked a couple of vehicles across from Reed because I was hoping to talk to him.”

“Okay.” We begin walking that way. I breathe in the night air, letting it relax me. There’s a hint of rain in the air and as I gaze up at the stars, I silently send up a wish that things will work out with me and Reed. I’ve never truly wanted anything in this life—not one thing—except Reed.

“Oh, God, that feels so good,” a woman moans, shocking me. From the tone in her voice and the whimper-slash-groan she lets out afterwards, it doesn’t take much of an imagination to know what is happening.


“Sounds like someone is having a better prom than we are,” Mitch jokes quietly.

“Fuck,” she cries, and I hear a male make a grunting noise as my feet begin to slow.

“Maybe we should come back later to get the ticket,” I suggest, not wanting to catch the couple going at it. I really have no desire to see live-action porn.

“I want you. Jesus, I want you so much,” a man groans and I stop walking.

I stop moving.

That was Reed’s voice. I know it as sure as I know my own name. I don’t even need to look to know I’m right, but the next minute, it’s all confirmed.

“Deeper, Reed. C’mon baby, I need you deeper.”

“I’m coming. Christ, I’m coming.”

I look up at Mitch, heartbroken. I can barely breathe. I feel like I’m going to pass out. I am hoping he’ll tell me I’m wrong—that that’s not Reed I’m hearing. All I see on his face, however, is pity. I force my feet to move. I don’t want to see it, but I need to. It’s the only way I’ll be able to convince my heart. It seems to take forever, but I know it’s barely a minute and I’m standing at the back of Reed’s truck. He’s underneath her, his hands on her breasts, and she’s riding him. My stomach churns. Oh, God.

Chasity turns her head to look at me—just as Mitch comes up beside me.

“Callie,” Reed groans.

“You two want to join in?” Chasity laughs. The look on her face tells me she’s obviously gloating—knowing she is hurting me. I long to beat the hell out of her. Instead, I take off running.