Nanny For The Alien General by Athena Storm



Though things feel dire, it’s amazing what a good meal and simple home comforts can do for the spirits. Serafina takes the news of my cousin’s betrayal quietly and stoically, but I can tell she’s shocked.

I wish I could stay shocked but it has been replaced by a smoldering anger and a burning need to get back to the palace and set things right. I wish the morning would come faster but a good night’s rest will help settle my spirits.

But first, we must get the kids to bed. They are practically drooping out of their chairs. Without speaking, Serafina and I begin the process of getting the children out of their clothes and into bed.

She takes Emex while I pick up Belanna. Though they are small, their bodies are dead weight as sleep begins to overtake them.

Soon, they are tucked side by side in the small but plush bed by the window, the blankets pulled up to their chins. Already, their cherubic faces are relaxing into slumber. I can’t help but feel a sting of envy at their ability to just drop to sleep with no cares and no worries.

With one last tuck, Serafina and I step back, taking a second to admire the two children. There are so few moments when they stand still enough for me to truly look at them. They are so beautiful and I feel a sense of pride that is often hidden under all the layers of worry, doubt and official duties that hold me far away from them.

I pat the bedclothes and begin to tip-toe away when I hear a little voice trail after me.

“I love you, Daddy.”

Belanna smiles slowly as sleep overtakes her. But the words echo in my ears and my throat closes with emotion. Did she really just say that to me? All on her own? Because she wanted to? I can’t quite believe it.

Trying to swallow my emotions, I turn away. Serafina, however, has other plans.

With a nod, she indicates we should step into my room, which lies just adjacent.

I don’t object as I’m just trying to get a hold of myself. Walking ahead, I keep my back to Serafina as she sits on the worn but comfortable chair in the corner of my room.

“Well done, Daddy,” she says.

Turning, I play ignorant.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, shush. You know what I mean. You’ve made amazing progress with them. Belanna was giving you a gift. A gift that you earned.”

I look to the floor. I still can’t quite believe it. Slowly, I sit on the edge of my bed, facing Serafina. The weak light of the ion stone in the room gives her face a warm glow. Her eyes glitter at me with pride and something else…is that affection?

“I never could have done this without you. You showed me how to be a father to my children. Thank you.”

Her head cocks to the side in genuine surprise.

“Me? I didn’t do anythi—“

“You did. And you continue to do it. I wouldn’t be here now, with two happy, sleeping children, without you. Your help and your support on this journey…have been everything to me.”

Our eyes lock and her surprise melts into a quiet kind of joy. My own words have surprised me once again but this time, I don’t bother to check them or be ashamed of them. I said what I said and I meant every syllable.

Before I know what’s happening, Serafina crosses the room and stands before me. Her speed is dazzling and the next thing I know, her small hand has taken mine, giving it a squeeze.

“I am happy to be here for you. To help you on your way.”

“I…” my words drift off. I’m at a loss. My spine thrums quietly as she continues to hold my hand.

“I will help you get back on your feet. It’s what I promised, remember? I can’t promise I’ll stay in Cytheira for long. It isn’t my home. But…I’m not ready to say goodbye to you just yet.”

Her words set off a chain reaction in me as if someone has set off a series of small fireworks.

I’m not ready to say goodbye to you, either. Not now. Maybe not ever. Can that really be true?

My brain and my mouth cease to function - at least to be able to form words. I can’t articulate to her just now how I feel. That I can’t ever part with her.

Once again, my body does the talking for me. Lifting her hand, I kiss the top of it, my eyes locked in hers.

Slowly, our eyes still on each other, I turn her hand palm up. There, in her wrist, I see the incessant life beat of her heart, pulsing with life. Slowly and deliberately, I kiss the delicate skin on the inside of her wrist.

A small gasp escapes her.

In one movement, we come together. I stand to face her as our lips connect and I swear I feel fire blazing within me.

Our hands break from each other. I pull her close to me as our mouths kiss deeper and deeper, the fire within us both rising.

I have never felt such hunger. Such desire. Never before.

My hands snake upwards into her hair, tangling between my fingers. Her hands traverse across my back and I feel delicious sparks as she rakes her nails across my spine, which is now red-hot. I’m surprised she doesn’t snatch her hands away, it feels that hot.

She seems as hungry as I, her ferocity in returning my kisses heavy and urgent. Suddenly, there’s a tugging at my waist. She’s pulling up my shirt and within seconds, it’s over my head and on the floor. My body yearns for her with a need that I’ve never felt before. I feel almost drugged, it’s so overpowering.

I want her wholly, completely…

With a push to my chest, she breaks our kiss and just stares at me, her eyes hooded with desire, the amber flecks blazing. Her red hair forms a halo that matches the fire within me.

“We must be equals,” she whispers, with a sly smile.

“What does that mean?” I can barely think straight.

“It means, you can’t be the only one without a shirt.”

Crossing her arms, she whips her shirt off in one brisk move. Her breasts spill upwards out of the small bra that can barely contain them.

My desire only grows. A good night’s rest may restore the body, but something tells me there will be little rest tonight.

I have absolutely no objections.