Nanny For The Alien General by Athena Storm



I wonder how this is going to go down in Cytheira, I think as I wake up with Serafina in my arms.

My right hand is in a slightly uncomfortable spot, but I don’t dare move it while she continues to sleep. I find that even this discomfort is pleasurable because it is connected to holding her.

My arms feel like they were meant for her. Her nakedness against mine beneath the covers feels like the coming together of two magnets.

She is definitely my mate. The feelings – both physical and emotional – that I felt last night and feel again this morning are clear on that.

Less clear is how people will react to the king of the Lakes declaring he is mated to a human woman from a secret island community.

There will be factions, I’m sure. Some will genuinely have my side. Some will take my side to curry favor. Others will genuinely react against it. Others will take advantage of it to try and undermine me.

Just usual politics. I’ll figure it out. There’s got to be some benefits to being the King, after all.

Serafina’s breathing changes and she inhales deeply. I feel her body shift from sleep to waking. Thoughts of political intrigue vanish with the sight of her eyes opening. We kiss before we speak, delicate touches of our lips.

“Morning,” she murmurs.

“Good morning.”

“You’re still here, beside me,” she says, touching my body with her hand.

“Where would I have gone?”

“I thought maybe it was all a dream…”

“Shall I prove it wasn’t?” I ask seductively, beginning to kiss her neck. One of my hands slides beneath the sheets and begins to explore her bare skin.

“Mmm…” she responds. “Your majesty… what will your subjects think if they saw you now?”

“They’d think… why is she still talking when that handsome piece of royal ass is trying to seduce her…”

“Smart subjects…”

And we are kissing again, tenderly, with slowly increasing passion.

Then we both hear the commotion outside. Sounds of a flying vehicle. Cries of exclamation from below. A sudden, insistent knock on the door and calls of “your high—I mean—sir…!” from the other side.

“I think our ride is here,” I say to Serafina. We both try to hide our disappointment as we hop out of bed to get dressed. I watch in slight disappointment as her beautiful body disappears into her clothes and wonder longingly when I’ll get her out of them and into my arms again.

The innkeeper has roused my children, as well. Impressively, they’ve even gotten themselves dressed and ready. I suppose they’re eager to get home.

Coming down the stairs to the inn’s main hall, I’m surprised to see Staja himself standing near the front door.

“Your highness,” he says with a slight nod. His eyes flick past me and land on Serafina coming down the stairs in my wake, holding the kids’ hands. As I’d expect from Staja, he notes the situation but makes no indication of his thoughts on it one way or the other. I love Staja.

I make introductions. Staja is professionally courteous to her. Then he turns his attention to the children.

“Little ones, shall we get you on board before the King and your caretaker steal the window seats?” he asks.

The kids yell in the assent and suddenly they’re racing out with Staja close behind. I settle with the innkeeper and then Serafina and I step outside.

“Whoa,” she says, seeing the airship. The wind from its engines throws her red hair across her face. I whisk away some of the strands. “That thing flies?” she asks.

“Of course,” I say. Then something occurs to me. “Have you never been in an airship before?”

“Oh, sure I have,” she says sarcastically, “the secret little human village of Tilleli has a dozen of them, at least.”

Stepping close, I take her hand.

“It’s perfectly safe,” I assure her. She looks at me with a slight frown. “You’ve come with me this far,” I tell her, “please don’t leave now.”

“Of course not,” she says. She squeezes my hand.

For propriety’s sake, we release our grip and I follow her onto the ship. Belanna and Emex have already taken up seats at opposite ends of a row, each eagerly staring out the windows in anticipation of takeoff.

Despite Staja’s dire warning to the children, there are plenty of seats with a view on the Royal Airship. I watch Serafina slide into one. How I wish I could sit beside her. There are more people on board than just her, my kids and Staja, however. A few other attaches and guards made the trip.

I had almost forgotten what it was like to not have any privacy. I’d grown so used to Serafina’s little secluded cabin in the woods. Now here I am, suddenly reminded that a king’s life is not his alone.

How long will it take Serafina to realize that, as well?

How long will she put up with that?

I settle into a seat across the aisle from Serafina and then the airship takes off. One of my attaches attempts to give me a briefing on all I’ve missed during the last few weeks. I could care less.

My focus is first on Serafina, watching her nervous excitement as we climb into the sky. Then on my kids as they excitedly begin to point out sights to Serafina. Soon, all three of them are crowded around one window, “oohing” and “ahhing”.

Unable to resist, I step away from my briefing without an explanation or apology and stand behind Serafina and the kids.

She responds to my presence with a slight stiffening. I get just close enough for part of my leg to brush up against hers. She gently presses against me there. Letting me know she feels my presence. Likes it.

I force myself to concentrate on the sights below. I quiz the children on what they’re seeing and we take joy in sharing the view of the Lakes Kingdom with our human guests.

It makes the journey home fast and pleasant. However, I cannot deny that most of all I am longing to be alone with Serafina again.

I can only hope that time comes sooner rather than later.