Dino by Jaime Lewis

Chapter one

Two and a half years later

Demitri Barros sat back in his chair and studied the photo he held in his hand. The woman was striking. The press nicknamed her The Black Swan because of the sexy black lingerie she wore on her debut runway show, her ebony hair color coupled with the way she glides majestically across the runways of Europe. It was a known fact that when the Black Swan took the stage, any side conversations ceased as all eyes were drawn to her beauty. Her presence held control of the entire room until the curtain would fall behind her. For the past year and a half, he had watched her from afar—waiting for an opportune time to make his introduction.

He tapped his index finger against his lips while he contemplated the news he had just been given. “I just don’t see it,” he said, as he held up the picture and flashed it toward Carmine, his second in command and bodyguard. “Are you positive this is the woman that Pierre claims is an undercover FBI agent?”

Carmine shrugged one shoulder as he, too, studied the picture. Judging from his expression, Demitri felt that Carmine shared his opinion. “That’s what Pierre said, though he hasn’t provided any substantial evidence that backs up his claim. I’ll admit that I’m hesitant to believe him. I’ve been around many fakes, and in my opinion, she seems as real as you can get. She doesn’t fit the part of an agent.” In his previous interactions with an agent, they’ve come across on guard all the time and can be overly pushy. “This beauty here,” he pointed to the picture, “seems at the other end of the spectrum. She is described as very innocent—respectful, but shy. If it’s true and she is an agent, then she’s one hell of an actress.”

Demitri looked back down at the photo. This was a major decision he had to make. With Anna Humphreys’ contract with Claude set to expire in the coming weeks, Demitri was prepared to make her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. She would look fabulous in his new lingerie line coming out for the upcoming season. He also had a few pieces from his private label that he had been saving for someone special, and the Black Swan was the perfect candidate.

Considering his organization had previously come under fire from law enforcement agencies, including undercover agents, he had to be cautious with whom he allowed in his inner circle. Thankfully, none had ever succeeded.  He had always been able to dispose of those individuals who dared try to topple his empire. However, he had a close call a few weeks ago when an FBI agent had weaseled his way into his New England operation. Fortunately, he had been outed before any damaging information had been shared with him.

He focused back on the picture, and his eyes grazed over every inch of her body. She was sexy, yet modest when it came to the designs she modeled. She showed enough skin to tease her audience but leave them imagining what she concealed behind the sultry lace and satin fabric.

“I’ve studied her in videos from all the shows she’s taken part in. All the major publications in Europe jockey just to land an interview with her. She can put on any piece of lingerie and make it a showstopper. Whatever piece she displays in photo shoots or runway shows sells out within days. I agree with you. I don’t see the agent in her. She’s so graceful and classy, yet sexy.” He looked up and met Carmine’s gaze. “She’s perfect.”

“You’ve waited a long time for the perfect one to come along. I’ve spoken with many top executives in the industry, and they all have nothing but compliments about her. Even the other models worship her, and you know how catty most of them can be.”

“What about her activities outside of modeling? What does she do? Where does she go? Who does she associate with? Any men in her life?”

Carmine chuckled. “You haven’t even been in the same room with the woman, and you’re already so possessive.”

Demitri smirked. Carmine wasn’t wrong. He had been fascinated with the Black Swan ever since she first graced the runway. He was just sorry it had taken him so long to get a front-row seat to one of her shows. His designs were showcased in some of the same events. However, due to some ongoing business obligations back in the states, he hadn’t attended any live shows in Europe.

Ignoring Carmine’s slight jab, he asked, “Is there anything in her background that stands out as a red flag?”

Carmine slid the manila folder across the desk, and Demitri opened it and skimmed over a couple of pages.

“I see nothing. Everything checks out. She’s twenty-seven years old, from San Bernardino, California. She was discovered by the owner of a small local talent agency during a local beauty pageant. She did a few photo shoots for some calendars, but nothing ever materialized. When she turned twenty-one, she moved to Paris—studied at the American University of Paris. She received her master’s degree in Global Communications. While she was in college, she signed a contract with Claude Moreau’s firm. Her big break came on this exact date two years ago, during the big Annual Designers Showcase show. Claude’s top model had refused to walk the runway because of contract negotiations. Anna happened to be there assisting the show organizers when Claude needed a replacement model.”

Demitri looked up, surprised to hear that. “Claude replaced his top model with a never before heard of model?” That was intriguing, considering Claude only flaunted famous faces in his prized designs.

Carmine smiled. “You know Claude. That black lace creation was the industry’s most anticipated piece. There was no way he was not going to present his masterpiece. It became the most profitable piece of lingerie that year. That was when Black Swan got her name. She swooned over every reporter after that show. I saw some of her interviews. It was unbelievable and quite impressive. You would’ve thought she had been walking the runways all her life. She’s a natural and would be a significant asset to your brand, amongst other things,” he said with a sly grin.

The more Carmine told him, the more Demitri was confident that the beautiful creature wasn’t living a double life as an FBI agent. He wasn’t naïve and knew he was under the FBI’s microscope. He had been ever since his father's untimely death, and the Barros business was handed solely over to him. That had been about fifteen years ago.  Since then, he had restructured the family business and built it into one of the most notorious and profitable empires in the organized crime profession. He sold off portions that weren’t cost-effective but then acquired a few that were sustainable that he believed could be beneficial to the future of the business. It wasn’t all about money, though. There was a lot of strategic planning involved. Someone could have all the money in the world, but it wouldn’t do them any justice if they didn’t know how to use it wisely.

His operations in the United States were what he considered low-level crimes involving; illegal gambling, extortion, money laundering, and counterfeit goods distribution. Overseas was where he really generated his fortune, especially within the human trafficking realm. He was careful to only run that operation in Europe, where it was easier to navigate the system using aliases. But that hadn’t stopped the feds from following him across the Atlantic to try and catch him in the act. He made sure that all of his transactions were buttoned up and concealed.

Trafficking women was a brilliant and profitable scheme. It was one area of business that his father never ventured into. However, it had been on his radar right before he was killed during an FBI raid. Shortly after taking the organization's reins, he traveled to Europe to meet with several business associates who had been close to his father. During one of the meetings, Takashi Chen, one of his father's closest allies, provided him the blueprint that his father was working on. It had taken a lot of work and planning to get the business off the ground, but it had been worth it. In less than six months he had already made his money back for the initial expense.

Even though he ran the business, he often distanced himself from the actual hands-on, operational side. Every so often, he would make an impromptu visit to one of the locations to ensure that things were running smoothly. His focus was on the financial side and making sure buyers were happy with their merchandise. His buyers paid a large sum of money for women with specific characteristics, such as; body type, hair color, eye color, just to name a few. Once an order was received and a down payment was made, he would send the order to a team of exploiters who would scour bars, clubs, and restaurants looking for a match. They preyed upon those who were susceptible for a variety of reasons. It was a somewhat tedious process. To avoid being caught, everyone involved had to make sure all their “i’s” were dotted, and their “t’s” were crossed. They had to ensure that there was nothing that could be traced back to them.  Once a scout had a potential victim in their sights, they would sit back for a little bit and examine their behavior. Some women could be lured in with a promise of money, love, or fame. Some didn’t quite cooperate, and the exploiter would use force to incapacitate the victim. Once the merchandise was secured, they would transport them to one of the many holding facilities Demitri had all over Europe until arrangements were made with the buyer for shipment or pickup.

Demitri hid his smile as he stared back at her photo. The Black Swan would never be subjected to his trafficking crimes. At least as long as he had anything to do with it. He wanted her. Not only would she make him a ton of money and look fabulous in his designs—she would look incredible under him in bed. If she was as innocent as she portrayed herself to be, he could only imagine how sensational it would be to be her teacher in the bedroom. Just imagining the many ways she would learn to please him, had his dick hardening beneath his trousers. He was more than ready to meet the beauty that has captured the hearts of Europe.

Demitri tapped his fingers on his desk. “Call her agent and set up the introduction for tonight.”

Carmine grinned. “Shall I call ahead and see if I can reserve a room at the castle for the evening?”

“That won’t be necessary. I figure I’ll make my introduction at the after-party. From there, she and I can grab a drink and find a quiet corner to get to know one another. If I play my cards right, I’ll be in my own room tonight with her next to me as we celebrate her becoming my newest money maker, amongst other things,” he smirked as he reached for his bottle of water and took a drink.

“Lucky man,” Carmine said before he handed over two small, oval, greenish gray pills. Demitri looked surprised, and Carmine shrugged. “Just in case she isn’t cooperative. Slip her a pill, and I can guarantee she’ll sign anything you want her to.”

Demitri grinned, but he preferred not to have to drug her. Especially on the first night. But as Carmine said, he’d do anything to make sure she would work for him.

Carmine stood up from the chair and prepared to leave when his phone rang. He looked at Demitri. “It’s Monte.”

“See what he wants.”

There was only one reason Monte Bertola would be calling—and that was to give Demitri a warning that trouble could be headed his way.

Demitri listened and tried to decipher what was being discussed, but Carmine’s short one-sided yes or no replies made it difficult.  Moments later, Carmine disconnected the call and faced Demitri. Demitri raised his eyebrows in question.

“It seems that Petro will be at the venue this evening as well.”

Now that was news Demitri was not prepared for. Petro Shevchenko and Demitri’s differences went way back and stemmed from a business deal that Petro stole from under Demitri and his family, costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Demitri found it interesting that of all nights, Petro had decided to attend the same event that he was. Primarily, since it was known that Petro had been laying low while he was being investigated for murder along with a handful of other charges.

Unlike Petro, Demitri knew how to run illegal businesses and not get caught. Petro’s main problem was the people who worked for him. They were not loyal and would talk for the right price. Petro was a thorn in Demitri’s side. There were some business transactions long ago that Petro had been involved in with Demitri. Demitri wouldn’t put it past Petro to sell him out should he be questioned about them.

Demitri held Carmine’s gaze. “Do we know what business Petro has at the castle?”

“A business meeting is all we know.”

“I want someone on him. I don’t trust his sudden appearance.”

“Not to worry. I’ll have Nico seek him out.”

“Let Nico know that Petro likes to create distractions, especially if he thinks he has a tail.”

“I’ll inform him.”

“Do that and also draw up Anna’s contract. I want it ready to present to her tonight. Fill it with extras so she can’t say no.”

“Yes, sir.”

Carmine left the room, leaving Demitri to himself. He reached for her photo again. She wasn’t skin and bones like most models who walked the runway. Anna Humphreys was built to please a man, and he was hoping for a preview of what could blossom between the two of them. He was prepared to offer her an opportunity that she couldn’t pass up. If she balked, she would learn quickly that no one turns down Demitri Barros. Ever.