Dino by Jaime Lewis

Chapter FIVE

Enzo slipped his phone into his pocket. He knew that Agent Hurts would be worried about Arianna, so he wanted to make sure he called as soon as they were far enough from the castle, so he knew she was safe and what her location was. He picked up the bandage and prepared to wrap her arm. He and Ambrose had already cleaned up many of the tiny cuts she sustained, along with a butterfly bandage over her eye.

“Will she be alright?” Ambrose asked Enzo as he helped wrap Arianna’s injured arm. Enzo had been alarmed when Arianna passed out in his arms once they were safe inside the tunnels. Luckily, he had Ambrose, his most trusted confidant who had been outside and was able to quickly pull the car up to where the tunnel exited on the side of the structure.

“Her pulse is steady, and Maxwell said she seemed to be okay besides the arm.” However, Enzo did frown as he looked at the gunshot wound she sustained on her arm. It had only been a graze, but it still required stitches which angered Enzo. Thankfully, Maxwell, another associate of his who was also a medic, had met them at Enzo’s villa in the country to assess Arianna’s injuries and patch her up.

Enzo sat next to Arianna on the bed in one of the guest bedrooms. His mind kept reflecting on the events at the castle. She should have never been put in the situation she was in, to begin with. Had Hurts known earlier what the bureau had been planning, they would’ve had time to warn her before she had wandered off with Demitri. For once, he was glad when he ran into Miles, her imbecile of a coworker, and he had pointed him in the direction where she and Demitri had gone.

“I should’ve never let her meet with Demitri alone. I take some responsibility for what happened to her.”

“Enzo, you had no idea that Petro would react the way he did and go after Demitri.”

“No, but I know Petro and what he’s capable of. Combine that with the FBI changing their approach on the case, and I should’ve known that events would head south. If only I had received the call a few minutes sooner, I might’ve gotten her out of there in time.”

“She was always special to you. In the fifteen-plus years that I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you as protective of someone as you are with her.”

Enzo took a deep breath as he ran his knuckles down Arianna’s cheek. She didn’t deserve what happened to her, especially when it involved putting her life on the line for him. He felt as if he had failed her.

“She sacrificed herself to save my life,” he said as he looked up at Ambrose. “For her selfless actions, I will forever be indebted to her.”

Ambrose smiled. “She is a remarkable woman. Though I have to admit, if I hadn’t known about her background, I never would have pictured her as an agent.”

Enzo grinned. “That is why Agent Hurts always referred to her as his secret weapon.”

“What will happen to her now that the FBI has pulled back on Demitri’s case?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I would imagine she’ll be sent back to the agency in the states. It’s a shame because her abilities on the runway and in front of the camera are rare. Some models who have been in this industry for years will never meet the caliber of Arianna’s talent. She could make a killing before retiring at a young age.”

“The police have tried to keep the events that occurred last night on the down-low. Luckily there weren’t many people on that side of the castle.”

“Any mention of Arianna in the reports?”

“Not yet, but I am hearing that there were witnesses who saw you carrying a female out of the castle that matches her description. I imagine rumors will spread like wildfire.”

He looked at Ambrose. “If we’re asked, we know nothing.”

Arianna started to stir, and Enzo stroked her hair as he spoke softly to her. “That’s it, Arianna. You’re safe now.”


Arianna started to wake, and right away, she recognized one of the two men talking.

“That’s it, Arianna. You’re safe now.”

Slowly she pried open her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Enzo’s dark blue orbs staring at her. He was leaning over, looking down at her. It took a minute or two for the blurriness in her vision to fade, though she felt a little loopy and discombobulated.

“Enzo,” she whispered, though it came out a little husky. She was lethargic, and her throat felt raw. She coughed.

“Easy now,” he told her as he brushed back her hair from her face. She continued to stare at him and knew right away something wasn’t right because of the concerned expression. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

She licked her lips. “Thirsty.”

“Let me help you up.” With Enzo’s assistance, she was able to sit up and used the headboard to lean against. She winced as pain tore through her left arm. She closed her eyes, laid her head against the headboard, and took a few deep breaths until the pain subsided.

“Here you go, doll,” Ambrose said, appearing next to the bed with a glass of water and two pain pills.

She took the glass from him, but her hand shook so bad that Enzo helped her raise it to her lips. She took a sip, and the cold water felt refreshing as it traveled down her throat.

“Thank you,” she told both of them as Enzo took the glass and set it down on the table next to the bed.

She took a few moments to look around. The bedroom they were in was stunning and quaint—like something out of a home magazine. The lighting in the room blended with the sunny yellow walls, and colorful décor gave it a cheery atmosphere, though her mood was anything but cheerful.

“Where are we?” She asked.

“My country estate.” He eyed her over. “Do you remember what happened?”

She scrunched her eyebrows together as she played back the timeline of events from the night. She had started in the room with Demitri, and then he had kissed her when Enzo barged in, ordering her to go with him. But then two armed men entered the room and started shooting. There was a lot of smoke, making it hard to see, but Enzo had gotten to her and led her to the secret door behind the wine rack. That was when…

She looked up at Enzo for confirmation, “Demitri shot me.” She glanced at her arm, then back up at Enzo, and he nodded his head. She blew off the part where she threw herself in front of Enzo. “I remember everything up until we were in the tunnels. I remember I felt weak, and there was a lot of blood. I was so scared, and I was leaning on you, but after that, everything just faded to black.”

“You were in shock and were bleeding pretty badly. Ambrose was able to meet us at the side exit with the car. I carried you out, and here we are.”

“What about Demitri? What happened to him?”

“I honestly don’t know.” Enzo looked as if he had so much more to say but was struggling. He took her hand in his. “Arianna, I can’t begin to tell you how brave you are. The bullet you took was meant to end my life.”

She covered his hand. “Enzo, I would’ve done that—” Wait…did he just call me Arianna?

She looked at him, and he stared at her waiting for her to continue.

“What did you just call me?”

“Arianna is a beautiful name,” he told her, and instantly she became alarmed and pulled her hand back quickly, ignoring the pain in her arm. How did he know her name? For three years, she had been extra careful to only go by Anna. Had he figured out she was working for the FBI? Or worse, did he think she was investigating him? She felt sick to her stomach. She started to slide out of bed, ignoring the pain, but Enzo stopped her by placing his hand on her thigh.

Enzo hurriedly assured her that everything would be fine. But in her opinion, everything wasn’t okay. Nobody was supposed to know her true identity.

“Don’t be alarmed. Agent Hurts should be here soon, and when he arrives, he’ll explain everything to you.”

She didn’t want to wait for Agent Hurts to get there. She wanted to know what in the hell was going on now and, most notably, how did Enzo know her real name?

“Tell me now,” she demanded, glaring at him. “What in the hell is going on. How do you know my name?”

He pressed his lips tight and looked away from her. She knew the look. It was what he did when he was either angry or annoyed. Finally, after a few tense moments, he turned back to her.

“Your people fucked up. That’s what happened.”

She stared up at him in shock.

“If it wasn’t for a phone call from Agent Hurts, there’s no telling what would’ve happened to you.”

She pressed her fingertips to her forehead. This new information was mind-blowing yet confusing.

“I don’t understand; why were you in contact with Agent Hurts?”

“I may dabble in some borderline dealings that your government frowns upon, but I’m in a position where I can provide substantial and damaging information on others who your government agencies seek on more high-profile crimes. I’ll be completely transparent with you. I’ve never endangered or did wrong to an innocent person.”

She thought about his comments for a moment before responding. “Are you saying that you’re an informant? Have you been working with the agency the whole time?”

He looked away.

“Enzo…” She squeezed his hand. “You’ve never once lied to me. At least I don’t think you have.”

He turned his head towards her and squeezed her hand back. “Never. I’ve always respected you. Not once have I ever betrayed you.”

They were staring at each other when the doorbell rang, bringing their conversation to a halt.

“That would be Agent Hurts.”

Ambrose excused himself to go and answer the door.

Before Hurts made it to the bedroom, Enzo placed his palms against her cheeks and stared into her eyes. “No matter what happens after tonight, know that I will always have your back.”

He went to stand up, but she grabbed his arm.

“Does anyone else know my identity?”


“Will, I ever see you again? At least answer that.”

Without saying a word, he pulled her into a hug, and her heart sank because it felt like a goodbye hug. There was never any romantic attraction between the two—only a great friendship and one she would cherish for the rest of her life.

“Eis to Epanidein.” Until we meet again, he murmured to her, and she smiled as she looked up into his eyes.

“Until we meet again, Enzo.”

He stood just as Agent Hurts appeared in the doorway and rushed to her side. But she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Enzo. She had friends back home, but for the last two years Enzo had been her only friend that she could trust and wouldn’t stab her in the back.

Moments later, she watched as Enzo disappeared into the hallway, and then Ambrose appeared, following behind Agent Hurts.

“Ms. Roland, should you wish to change clothes before your departure, Enzo left some spare clothing in the bathroom.”

She gave him a soft smile. “Thank you, Ambrose.”

Once Ambrose left the room, she turned her attention to the FBI agent, who had a lot of explaining to do.


Agent Hurts stood next to the bed. “First things first. Are you okay?”

She glanced down at her bandaged arm but then thought about how she was feeling mentally.  The news that Enzo had dropped just minutes ago had her head swimming with all kinds of questions she wanted to ask. Not to mention the trust she had instilled in Agent Hurts for the last two and a half years that left her wondering what else he may have kept from her. She was hurt not only physically, but mentally as well.

“I think I’ll live,” she snapped, keeping her answer short.

Agent Hurts frowned. “Arianna.”

She let out a frustrated sigh and looked at him. “Okay, it hurts like hell,” she admitted and pointed to her arm.  She was exhausted, frustrated, and sore. She just wanted to go to her apartment alone and decompress.

She saw the remorse and worry in his eyes. She didn’t want his pity. She was angry and hurt. Sure, she was taught in her brief but thorough training never to wear your feelings on your sleeve, but deceit stung. She could’ve been seriously injured, or worse, killed last night, and it could’ve been prevented.  All she needed was a heads up.

“Arianna, we need to talk about last night.”

She gave him a funny look with her head tilted. “Ya think?”

He pressed his lips together and gave her a stern look. “How bad is your arm?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I didn’t have a look at it. I just woke up a little while ago. It was already bandaged.”

“We need to get you a doctor and get it looked at.”

She shook her head. She trusted Enzo, and because of that bond, she trusted the person he had brought in to stitch her up.

“Enzo took care of it. In fact, Enzo took care of a lot of things last night, including saving my life.” She laughed sarcastically. “You’d think my employer would have the best interests of its employee at heart, but last night proved my instincts wrong.”

“Arianna, let me explain.”

She held her hand up. She needed to know one answer first. “How long has Enzo known my identity?”

He let out a frustrated sigh. “Enzo has been a trusted informant for certain divisions in the FBI for years. Knowing you were going into this operation with no experience, the agency and myself felt more comfortable knowing someone had your back on the inside.”

“But I had Miles,” she argued.

He squinted his eyes. “Yeah, and how did that turn out? We don’t even know Miles’ whereabouts.”

That wasn’t surprising news, though it was concerning.

“Enzo was brought on for precautionary reasons only. It doesn’t mean that we didn’t think you weren’t capable of taking care of yourself; we all knew how dangerous and aggressive this industry is, and you were going into it blind.”

He did have a point. Enzo had saved her ass early on because of her lack of experience.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because everything had to look real.”

She nodded her head. “What was the deal with last night?”

Hurts’ expression grew angry. “The bureau, for the most part, pulled the plug on Demitri’s case.” He explained everything that went down with Agent Gabbert except for the part about the complaint being filed against her. “I didn’t have any way of contacting you, and Miles wasn’t answering. Thankfully Enzo answered. And here we are now.”

“Did the agency take Petro into custody? What happens with Demitri? Does the bureau just forget the fact that he’s responsible for hundreds of girls who’ve been trafficked across the world, many of whom probably aren’t even alive anymore thanks to the cruel and evil owners who purchased them?”

“I’m just as pissed as you are. As for Petro, he was killed during the ordeal last night by Demitri’s men. I’m sure now the bureau will re-focus on Demitri, but I’m pretty sure that Demitri retreated into hiding after last night.”

That news pissed her off. Then she wondered what her role going forward was.

“What happens now?”

“We pack up and go home,” he said, sounding defeated. “The bureau is already working on a cover for your abrupt disappearance.”

“Wow…just like that? We’re just dismissed?”

“That’s the world we work in.”

“So, will I go back to working for Sam?”

“I honestly don’t know. I hope so because you’re good at what you do, amongst other things. Once you get back, the bureau will schedule a debrief with you. From there, they’ll discuss your options.”

“Wow. The way you say options makes me believe they’ll say, ‘see ya, later, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass’.”

“Well, look on the bright side, if the bureau chooses to shut you out, you get to walk away from all the bullshit with a pretty hefty bank account and with everything you’ve acquired in the last two years.”

“That was really true? I get to keep everything?”

He smiled. “All of it. You deserve it.”

“Hmmm…that’s good to know, but I’d rather work and put my expertise to good use.”

“If I have any say so in the bureau’s decision, I have your back, one hundred percent.”

She smiled. “Thank you.  I appreciate it.” But in the back of her mind, she wondered if she even wanted to stay with an organization like the FBI where your colleagues could turn on you. Did she really want that? She had a lot to think about—that was even if the agency agreed to keep her on.

Agent Hurts stood and looked around. “Ambrose mentioned that Enzo left you a change of clothes in the bathroom. Once you’re changed, we can head out.”

“Back to my apartment?”

He shook his head. “No, the airport. There’s a plane waiting for us. A team has been dispatched to clear out your apartment. Everything will be shipped back to the agency, and you’ll be able to pick it up there.”

“Okay,” she mumbled. What else was she supposed to say? This was really happening. Why did it feel like she failed?

Chris helped her off the bed, and she walked to the bathroom. Once the door was shut, she leaned against the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the last two years. But in the grand scheme of it all, she was glad to be going home. She missed her dad. That would be her first stop after she met with the bureau. Christmas was just weeks away. Being home would make an excellent present for her dad.

She looked over the pile of clothes that Enzo had left for her on the vanity. She chuckled when she saw the deep purple bra and panty set with a note attached that said in exchange for the lingerie; he wanted a picture of her in it. It was one of Enzo’s designs from last year that she had fallen in love with but hadn’t been able to convince him to give her one. She knew he wasn’t serious, but she may just do it to mess with him. As she picked up the clothes, something fell to the floor. She bent down to pick it up and realized it was her clutch from last night. She had set it down on one of the tables when she was with Demitri. She had forgotten all about it until now. Enzo must’ve picked it up.

Once she was cleaned up and changed, she met Chris downstairs. Ambrose was there to see them off, but Enzo wasn’t to be found. She was overcome with sadness, knowing she wouldn’t be seeing him again, but she was grateful for his generosity and hospitality the last two years. She would definitely miss him.

The drive to the airport took about forty-five minutes. When they arrived, they immediately boarded the Gulfstream jet that was waiting for them. Being as it was just the two of them, there was more than enough room to spread out. As soon as they were both seated, the pilots wasted no time closing the door and firing up the engines. She leaned her head back against the headrest and looked out the window as they taxied onto the runway. Before she knew it, the plane was racing down the runway and lifted into the air. As they gained altitude, they banked to the left, giving her a bird’s eye view of the place that she had called home for the last two years. It was a gorgeous sight to see. She kept looking until the land was no longer visible. She then closed her eyes and hoped for a peaceful nine-and-a-half-hour plane ride home.