Breaking Conviction by Greer Rivers

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Tell me again what happened.” Officer Henry Brown looked uncomfortable in his questioning, shifting on his feet. “Sorry, man,” he whispered to Wes. “He’s a former officer so we gotta make sure we play this one by the book.”

Shit, maybe Naomi was right and her ex has more pull than we thought.

Wes nodded and did his best not to go into another fit of rage as he recounted what happened since Thea called him crying. It was hard to piece everything together as it was. All he’d known after hanging up was that he needed his teammates.

He’d put out an SOS alert on his phone to Hawk and Devil, knowing they’d be the fastest ones to Naomi’s, and thankfully they’d pulled through for him. Wes didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if they hadn’t all gotten there in time.

Seeing that pistol underneath Naomi’s chin had taken him back to a childhood he’d desperately tried to forget. One where he’d been helpless to do anything. That hadn’t been the case tonight.

Naomi had given Wes an opening to intervene when she’d used her damn four inch heel to stab Dean in the neck. But once he’d gotten going, Wes gave in to a flashback and had nearly killed the man. It didn’t help that Naomi had dug so deep with her heel that—according to the medics—the injury was likely going to have to undergo surgery to make sure she didn’t hit anything too vital.

Paramedics checked Thea and Naomi over, too, and aside from minor injuries, gave them the all clear. Thea didn’t have any wounds. Not physical anyway. Wes knew from experience that the pain of this memory would last a lifetime. Naomi’s bumps and bruises were already starting to show. He’d watched her body language while she spoke to the medics and when she insisted she felt fine and was satisfied with an ice pack and extra-strength Tylenol, he believed her. It still made his soul ache to know she’d been hurt again.

Right before they’d been separated by officers and EMTs, Wes told Naomi not to worry about him and made sure she could leave with Hawk, Devil, and Thea after she gave her statement. But now that Naomi was gone and adrenaline had subsided, Wes recognized the shit show he’d thrown himself into.

Fuck… what if I don’t get out of this?

As he retold his story, Wes swiped at his face, massaging his eyes. Thankfully, after pictures were taken, he’d been given the opportunity to wash his hands.

“Sounds like defense of others to me… barely.” Henry gave Wes a pointed look. “Listen, man. Dean left on a shitty note with the station—”

“Really?” Wes was unable to keep the question out of his voice. “Naomi said he had lots of cop buddies?”

“Nah, man. Dude took bribes. When he got offered that cushy ass gig with AIE Securities, an internal investigation was already in the works against him.”

“No shit?” Wes felt his eyes go wide in surprise as he ruffled his hair. “Naomi had no idea, I’m sure of it.”

Henry shrugged. “He’s still got some friends. She wasn’t wrong about that. But no one with near enough clout to make a difference.” His eyes darkened, but then he shook his head. “This doesn’t look too good for him.”

Wes nodded, unsure of what else to say. Finally, he cleared his throat past the dryness there. “Can I go?”

Henry nodded. “Yeah, but stick by your phone ‘kay? I gotta go interview Dean at the hospital. Then, since a former officer was involved, I’m gonna take the case to a judge to cover all my bases with warrants. Should be exactly what I said, but it’s always good to be available if we need ya, ya know?”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Damn… thanks, Henry. I owe ya one. I’m headin’ back to BlackStone to make sure Naomi and Thea are alright.”

Henry nodded. “Just… be careful. When Dean gets outta the hospital, he might get a bond. No tellin’ what he’ll do once he makes it and gets outta jail.”

“Thanks for the tip, Henry. Be safe.” Wes raised his hand to say goodbye and tried not to focus on the bandaged wounds there from punching Dean.

The ride back to BlackStone was a blink and a blur. When he got to the facility, he parked his Trackhawk, ignored the aches already setting in after the fight, and took the steps two at a time to the residence wing.

Wes.” His name was a prayer, and before he could fully register what was happening, he was enveloped in a warm embrace. Vanilla sugar calmed his senses and immediately set his muscles at ease as he returned the hug.

“Naomi.” He wrapped his arms around her to hold her close as she clung to him, much like she had when she’d taken him out of his trance with Dean. The other hand cradled the back of her head, his fingers threading through the soft dark auburn tresses.

She leaned back and locked her fiery brown eyes, full of emotion, onto his.

“Thank you.”

He was stunned by her whispered gratitude, and even more surprised at her fierce kiss. Adrenaline that had taken over his body during the fight surged through him again, demanding a completely different dance. He picked up the rhythm and devoured her, sweeping his tongue against hers.

With her still wrapped around him, he walked them by the kitchen toward his room. Visions of the last time they were in that exact spot burst into his mind, and his length hardened against his pants zipper. Just like last time, he couldn’t take his lips off her, craving her for dessert again.

“Thea?” His voice was heavy with need, even to his own ears.

“Asleep.” She held on to his shoulders and nipped up his jawline. “Out like a light.”


Back first, he barreled into his room, turning the doorknob with the hand that wasn’t helping lift her, pressing her core against his lower abs. Once they were inside, he led her to his bed, turning to collapse backward onto the mattress. The motion brought out the aches in his muscles from his fight with Dean, but he’d be damned before he broke the moment with Naomi.

He stroked up her dress, loving the feel of her soft thighs under his fingertips. Loving even more when he drove them farther up and grasped her ass hard in his grip.

She moaned into his mouth and ground her pussy against his shaft. The fabric of his jeans prevented them from connecting and he growled against her lips in frustration. She paused the kiss before nibbling his neck and shoving her hands underneath his shirt. Her nails scratched him just hard enough to make him hiss as the cotton rolled up.

“Off,” she whispered, and Wes lifted into a sit-up to help her tear his shirt over his head. When it was gone, he couldn’t stand not kissing her, so he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck.

“Shit,” Naomi hissed in pain and Wes immediately let go. “No, no. It’s okay, he just knocked me around a bit.”

Fury boiled in his veins. He opened his mouth to speak and sat up on his forearms, but she surprised him by pushing him back down to the mattress.

“Listen, troublemaker. I see you gettin’ that alpha male you-better-not-hurt-my-woman look, but I’m fine. Just a little sore.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” She bent to kiss him softly on his lips. “You never would. I know that now.”

Before he could ask what she meant, her lips became more insistent and she ground her pussy into his cock. Need made him so hard it was painful. He nestled his hands in the crease of her hips and thighs, tugging her against him as he surged up, searching for relief.

“Too… many… clothes.” She groaned and scooted back to unbutton his pants. He raised his hips so they could slide his jeans and boxers down, just enough to reveal his shaft.

The hem of her dress was rolled up, and he twirled his index finger around her lace thong before tugging hard. She yelped when the fabric popped off her, but in the next breath she had him in hand, stroking his cock up and down before her thumb spread precum around his swollen head.

She tightened her hand around his shaft and leaned down to kiss him once on his lips, ending with a whisper.



She leaned the short distance to riffle through the drawer of the small table. When she came back to him, she sat her bare pussy on his cock and he moaned her name while her desire soaked him.

“Fuck, Naomi.” He rolled underneath her, gliding his cock in her arousal.

The condom was in her hand, but she made no moves to sheath him. Her teeth captured her lip and the fire in her whiskey eyes begged him to keep going. He gripped her hips and moved in a delicious imitation of the way he was about to fuck her, ending every slick thrust to massage her clit.

Her hips rocked against him like a boat on an ocean, drenching his length. He got lost in the motion until he felt his cock breach her opening and they both stilled with him half inside her.

“Condom, now,” he gritted between clenched teeth as he pulled out of her. She nodded and before she could obey, he pulled the wrapper from her hand, ripped it open, and thrust into his own hand to roll the condom on. In his next thrust, his hands aligned his cock with her entrance before plunging inside her.

He wanted to go slow and savor the feel of her warm pussy tightening around his cock. But need, desire, and adrenaline controlled his baser instincts more than the need to coordinate a romantic moment.

She kissed him again and he got lost in her plush lips against his as their tongues danced against the other. Slowly, he withdrew from the embrace and gently pushed her by the collarbone so he could look deep into those firelight eyes.

“Next time, love… I’m going to take my time. Candles, music, whatever you want. I’ll treat you like you deserve. Like a queen. But right now—”

“Right now, I feel more like a prisoner who’s finally broken free. You can have your way later. I’ve been caged for too long and I can’t wait another second to taste freedom.”

With that, she pulled his hands from her thighs and placed them on either side of his head in a position of surrender against the mattress. She intertwined their fingers, using him to balance as she rocked up and down his cock until she found a rhythm that made her breath heavy with panting moans. Her pussy throbbed around his shaft and Wes gritted his teeth to keep from taking over. Instead he watched, enthralled, as she took what she needed with a fierce determination that was hot as hell.

Her face was level with his, but her gorgeous eyes were closed. Wes squeezed her hands once, trying to get her to relax and look at him. She squeezed back three times, jarring something from his memory until she lost her balance. The move shoved his cock so deep inside her, they both moaned the other’s name. Still, her eyes were tightly closed, even etching a line in the middle of her brow.

“I need you here with me, Naomi. Open your eyes and let me touch you.”

Bright fiery eyes fluttered open and she eased off his hands as her movements above him slowed with exhaustion. He stilled her hips and withdrew slowly, hissing a curse of ecstasy as her pussy trembled against his shaft on his way out. Banding his arm around her lower back, he lifted up and gingerly flipped their positions so that she was the one that lay on the bed and he was kneeling.

His pants were still around his thighs, so he backed off the bed to stand and let them slide down the rest of his legs. He stepped out and caressed his hands up Naomi’s soft skin, rolling her dress all the way up as he explored.

Even though she moaned, she knocked his hands away. “Later. No time now,” she whined and grabbed his cock, making him chuckle at her urgency.

He leaned over her, allowing her to guide his cock to nudge at her entrance. But before she could get farther, he grabbed her hand and stretched it across the mattress above her head and encased her with his body.

“Let me take care of you,” he whispered against her lips before sinking into her and ending with a kiss. “I want you to feel what it’s like to be treasured.”

He drove deep inside her, loving how her hips met his thrusts, obviously having gained back some energy in this new position. Together they reached a pulsing tempo and Wes got lost in the give and take. She seemed to be just as entranced, her eyes unfocused as they looked up at him and her swollen lips parted.

That look made his cock jump, threatening to combust too soon. He pulled out again to stand, but dragged Naomi gingerly across the bed as he stepped off. The movement was so fluid, he didn’t even give her enough time to whine before he was sheathed in her channel again. He hooked his arms underneath her legs, using his fingertips to dig into her bare hips to keep traction as he kept up his smooth strokes. With every plunge, he barely kept from coming as his entire length escaped her tight sheath just to fight for entry again.

“Touch yourself, love.”

Her eyes widened and she gripped one of his wrists while the other hand traveled down the bunched-up fabric of her dress. When her fingertips found her clit, she bit her lip and released a breathy whimper before closing her eyes.

“Eyes open, Naomi.” With that firm command, he pumped one long, hard stroke, making her suck back a groan and snap her eyes open.

Now with her sparkling eyes in the low ambient light of the room, she met his gaze, lids heavy with need. As she massaged the small bundle of nerves, it was all he could do to keep from spilling inside her at the sight. And when he felt her fingers stray to his shaft while she worked her clit, he bit back a curse.

“Wes… oh my God, I-I’m gonna come.” Her voice was a higher pitch, almost like she was surprised at her own confession and Wes drove into her harder to release with her.

“Come for me, Naomi. I want to see your face when you get the pleasure you deserve.”

She nodded once, seeming like she was trying her best to keep her eyes open and focused. But when a low moan escaped her, she succumbed to her ecstasy. She began to tremble just before her pussy gripped his cock, locking him into her core, and spurring his release. He shouted her name and dug his fingers into her thighs as he drew out their pleasure with deep, slow thrusts.

When his cock was spent, he collapsed over her, making sure to catch himself on his forearms. She wrapped her arms around his back and squeezed him even closer. Still sheathed inside her, Wes palmed her ass and pulled her closer to drag her up the bed and rest her head on a pillow.

She reached up and kissed him, her pillowy lips melding against his for a quick peck before she spoke.

“So that wasn’t treating me like a queen?” Her giggle made her pussy spasm around his cock and he resisted another moan. “I think I’ll pass out if I receive your version of royal treatment.”

He gave her another kiss and lifted up to look into her warm brown eyes with a grin.

“Oh, my queen. I’ve only just begun to serve you.”