Virgin Romance by Penny Wylder


“Oh my god.” I say, shoving Andrew off me and scrambling to my feet. If the sex I just had was a dream, this is a fucking nightmare. Uncle Roger is going to kill me. Then he’s going to kill Andrew. Then he’s going to resurrect me and kill me again for being unprofessional and fucking the man he hates.

From the bed I hear soft laughter—Andrew is laughing, covering his face with a pillow to keep the sound low. His beautiful body is shaking with it. “Stop,” I hiss. “You have to get out of here, you know he’ll kill both of us.”

That devilish smile is back. “Where do you want me to go? The house is an open plan. The minute I walk out the door he’s going to see me.”

I find my skirt at the end of the bed and pull it on, quickly grabbing a shirt from the top of my suitcase. I don’t see my bra.

“Naomi?” my uncle calls again, up the stairs.

“Up here,” I say. “Please, do something,” I beg Andrew. “I really need him not to fire me.”

My underwear is nowhere to be found, and I can hear my uncle coming upstairs. I grab my laptop from my bag and open it on the desk, decided that I’ll risk the lack of underwear and hope that he keeps to his usual self and not really looking at me with any scrutiny.

Andrew is still laughing, but I hear him get off the bed, and he moves around the corner from the door. Thank goodness for the weird shape of this room. I can still see him—completely naked and cock erect again—but as long as my uncle doesn’t come into the room it might be all right. If Andrew can keep it together and not make any sound.

Just then my uncle comes around the corner and stops in the doorway. “Ah. There you are. I’m glad you found the place all right.”

“It’s so large it would be hard to miss.” I take a breath, trying to ignore the fact that I’m sweaty and my hair is a mess and I no doubt look like I just got fucked senseless.

“I haven’t been inside the main house yet, but I’m sure Mr. Sterling would be willing to give us a tour at some point.”

In my peripheral vision I see movement. Andrew has found my underwear where he tossed them earlier. He holds them up for me to see and grins. “I’d like that,” I say to my uncle.

“Did you have a chance to catalog everything yet?”

My heart freezes in my chest as I see Andrew raise my panties to his mouth and lick them. It’s long and slow as he stares at me, reminding me of where his mouth has so recently been. I feel a blush rising to my face, and I manage to take a breath.

“Naomi?” my uncle prods. “Did you?”

“Uh…no. I got everything into the dining room, but I haven’t been here that long and it was really hot, so I decided to rest first. I’ll make sure everything is catalogued tonight.” Rest. Right. That’s exactly what I was doing.

Andrew has my panties in both hands now, and he’s…I blush and snap my eyes back to my uncle. “Good,” he says. “I didn’t think I would need you to head back to the city so soon, but opposing counsel is messengering over discovery tomorrow morning to the office, and I’ll need it right away. So first thing in the morning, head to the office and pick it up. Then come back here. I have a meeting with the client and it will be good for you to sit in on it.”

I nod. “Okay. Great.”

I glance at Andrew again. My panties are wrapped around his cock, and he’s stroking himself with them. His eyes never move from me, and his hand moves faster. Oh god, he’s going to make himself come with my uncle standing right there, just a few feet away.

My uncle checks his watch impatiently. “Have you seen Finch? I saw his jacket in the dining room, but no other sign of him.”

I swallow, unable to focus on anything but Andrew’s hand on his cock. “I saw him earlier when I got here, but not since. He’s probably in his room, or maybe he went back out for something,” I lie.

Andrew’s eyes are closed now, his muscles taut and straining. His hand moving so quickly that I know he must be close. I feel myself get wet, and tighten my legs together. But nothing can stop all the blood in my body from rushing to my face.

“Hmm.” My uncle narrows his eyes. “Are you all right, Naomi? You seem flushed. You’re not getting sick, are you?” He takes a step back, as if I might be contagious.

I laugh, a strangled sound. “It’s just the heat. I’m fine. Better than fine. Perfect.”

At that moment I see Andrew’s whole body jerk, and I see him come. Semen spills out over his fingers and onto my underwear. He continues to stroke his cock and he comes longer than I thought possible. The way his eyes are closed in ecstasy, the way his mouth has fallen open, is so sexy I’m practically coming myself, and I think my heart may have actually stopped. My uncle is definitely going to know something’s wrong now. I’m soaking wet and my mouth is dry and I don’t understand why that was so hot.

“Well, make sure you drink plenty of water,” my uncle says, backing further into the hallway. “And let me know when everything is catalogued.” He turns to leave, and I let out a sigh. “Oh, and Naomi,” he says, “watch out for Finch. The more I dig, the more I think he’ll do anything to get control of the firm.”

“I will, don’t worry. Careful is my middle name,” I say weakly.

He leaves without saying anything else, and I slump in my chair. I’m overheated and horny and exhausted. And angry. I hear a door shut somewhere in the house and I know my uncle has gone into his own room.

I turn to Andrew, who’s finally pulling on his pants. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“That you look hot when you’re flustered, and that we were interrupted. I didn’t want to let Roger ruin the fun.”

“Do you have any idea what would have happened had he walked in here?”

He takes a step toward me, and I feel my body react instinctively, wanting to be closer to him. “Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters. You may not have a lot to lose, but I do. Is what he said true? Are you just using me to take down my uncle and take over Grayson & Wates?”

Andrew frowns at me. “How did your uncle suddenly end up at the center of this? What he thinks and how he feels aren’t relevant to what just happened between us.”

“That’s a lawyer’s answer,” I say. “Because it doesn’t actually answer the question.”

His eyes narrow. “Naomi, did you like the sex?”

“Of course.”

He reaches out to grab my wrist and pulls, causing me to stumble up against him. It’s very hard to ignore the fact that he’s still half-naked, and that his lips are inches from mine. “Then why does anything else matter?”

My body protesting, I pull away. “Because it does.” He’s not smiling now, instead his face is stoic. I want to think he’s feeling hurt, but that’s not what I see. “You said you’d always tell me the truth. So tell me.”

“I am telling you the truth. I really don’t see how your uncle or his approval has anything to do with us having sex.”

Another non-answer. Maybe it really is true, and this is all a means to an end. “I need to take a shower. I have to catalog all those boxes downstairs and make sure everything we need made it here.”

He moves to kiss me and I turn my head. No. Not like this.

With a sigh, Andrew picks up his shirt and slips out the door. I hear his door close, and I let myself relax.

That’s when it hits me. I’m not a virgin anymore. I smile, and allow myself to bask in the memory of that for a moment. But no, if Andrew is using me as a tool to take over the company, nothing more is going to happen. No matter how hot he is, no matter how good the sex, I won’t let my uncle’s company be taken over because of me. Even if my uncle is harsh, and an ass most of the time, he’s still the only family I have left.

I close the door to the room and start getting ready for a shower. I wasn’t lying, I do need one. A cold one.

As I’m heading to the bathroom, I see my underwear on the floor where Andrew was standing. They’re crumpled into a ball, and I can still see his come on them. I’ll just throw them away. It’s probably easier. As I pick them up, I think about how he took them and licked them like I was the best taste in the world. My pussy clenches in response. If he thinks I taste that good, I wonder what he tastes like…

It would be so easy to find out.

Before I can think about it more I lift them to my mouth and lick, drawing his come into my mouth. It’s still warm. A little salty, a little sweet, and not at all unpleasant. I swallow, and feel like I’ve just done something dirty…and hot. I take another taste, because if I have to give Andrew up, this might be my only chance. I stroke my tongue along my panties a third time before I throw them away.

I rush into the bathroom, so turned on that I’m desperate for the cold water of the shower. But I know deep down that it’s not going to be enough. I get into the shower and before I can even feel the temperature I’m bringing myself to orgasm, moaning softly as I do. But now that I’ve had the real thing, this feeling will never be the same.