Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




Serena’s not home from her cleaning job yet. I head into the kitchen and grab my phone off the kitchen counter. Calling, I wait for her to answer.

“I’m on my way,” she says.

“Where are you?”

“About two minutes from home. Don’t worry, we won’t be late.”

“I know, I was checking that you’re okay.” Yeah, I am a bit worried. Serena has a way of leaving things until the last minute. I like to be super organized; she’s always had such a tight rein on everything that now she’s learning how to relax and go with the flow.

“I can hear it in your voice, Alec. Your crazy ass discipline is stressing out right now, right?” I lean against the counter and shake my head. “You’re shaking your head too, aren’t you?”

“No,” I snap.

“Aha. Anyway, open the door, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“A minute? As in a Serena minute, or an Alec minute?” I walk to the front door, open it, and wait out on the small porch for her. “You’re not here yet.”

“You’re so impatient. I can see you, so stop your stressing.” I turn to look to my left and see her car approaching. Hanging up, I head out to meet her at the car. “See,” she says as she gets out. I lean in to kiss her, and she pulls away. “I’m sweaty and dirty. So, don’t.”

“I don’t care.” I pull her toward me, and kiss her with everything I have. I love this woman, and I want the world to know she’s all mine.

“Eww, get off me, you freak,” she says as she pushes me away.

Laughing, I let her go, and help her with whatever she has in the car to bring in. “You’re right, you do stink.”

As she’s walking ahead of me, she swings around to walk backward, glaring at me. “I never said I stink. I said I’m sweaty and dirty, not smelly.”

“I thought we were adding adjectives about the aroma coming off of you.” I wave my hand in front of my nose playfully. She narrows her eyes. “Today is not a good day to die. Especially considering we have to be over at Mom’s for Rhett’s birthday is less than two hours.”

“And you were going into controlling freak mode because I wasn’t home yet. Plenty of time for me to shower, meditate, and get ready.”

“I’ll join you in the shower,” I say once we’re both inside.

“No, you won’t because then we’ll definitely be late. And I still want to do a meditation.”

“You mean, hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo,” I murmur. Deservedly, I get a smack on the shoulder. “Ouch, you hit hard.”

“You see, I’ve got this feeling in my bones that you deserved it.” She smiles widely, as she begins stripping off and heading into the bathroom.

Like a horny teenager, I follow and watch her perform her little striptease for me. Serena doesn’t even have to try to be sexy, she just is. She moves her hips with seduction, and she has no idea she’s even doing it. I sit on the edge of the bed, and watch as she unclasps her bra, and drops it in the laundry hamper. She hooks her thumbs around the top of her leggings, and slides them down her legs.

Jesus, my cock hardens, and it’s taking all my control not to strip off and join her in the bathroom. I can’t take my eyes off of her.

“Enjoying the view?” she asks as she opens the shower door, and turns on the water.

“Immensely.” Fuck it, I’m going to join her. I don’t care if we’re late for Rhett’s twenty-third birthday. I can’t pass up an opportunity to be buried balls deep in my girl.

Serena has her back to me as I strip. She’s completely immersed under the water when I open the glass door. She shakes her head and smiles without even opening her eyes. “I knew you couldn’t help yourself.”

“What can I say. I want to fuck my hot fiancée.”

Her smile widens. “I like the sound of that. Hmmm.” My hands are all over her body, my mouth trailing down the column of her throat. “I like that too.”

My right hand skims down her cute, soft stomach straight between her legs. “I like this,” I say as I continue to kiss as much of her as I can. I tease her before plunging a finger inside. She sucks in a breath, and embraces me tighter. Her mouth opens as a heavy breath escapes past her lips. As much as I want to fuck her mouth and make her lips swell with my cock between them, I know we need to be relatively quick. Especially if she’s going to do one of her meditations. I know how important they are to her.

Serena hooks her leg over my hip giving me the perfect opportunity to fuck her while we’re in the shower. Removing my fingers from her needy pussy, I slide my cock into her. “You waste no time, do you?” She opens her eyes and stares into mine.

“You still need to do a meditation.” I kiss her, silencing her small groans. “You have no idea how much I’m in love with your body.”

“So, you only want me for my body?” she jokes. I push up into her, showing her exactly how much I love her.

“Hold on, baby.” She grips me tightly, and I fuck her hard and fast. Just as I’m about to finish, I make sure to rub her clit and get her to come seconds before I do. “God, I love you.” I pull out of her, and kiss her nose. “But hurry up, because you’re going to make us late.”

“You’re a fiend.”

I quickly wash myself, and get out of the shower. With my towel hanging on my hips, I turn to see Serena staring at me. “What?” I ask.

“You have that delicious V women go crazy for. How have I never noticed it before?”

“Delicious V women go crazy for?” I look down at my torso. “You mean this?” I slink the towel lower, highlighting it.

She licks her lips, and cocks a brow. “Yep, that one,” her voice brightens. “I can’t believe I’ve never noticed it. Now, I have to lick it. I mean, I can’t pass up an opportunity to lick every part of you. Especially that part.” Her eyes are lowered and staring at my hips.

“You haven’t made eye contact with me once.”

“Are you crazy? I’m ogling you.”

Smirking, I stand with my legs apart and start skimming my fingers across the top of the towel. Serena’s mouth opens further, before she visibly swallows. “Am I only a sex toy to you?” I ask, pretending to be hurt.

“Yep,” she responds without missing a beat. “Can you just drop the towel? I don’t have such a great view from over here.” I tease her, playing with the edge of the towel as I walk backward into our room. Serena steps forward, pressing her face into the glass shower door. “Don’t go!” she calls as she tilts her smooshed face into the door.

“Hurry up!”

“Party pooper!”

I make sure to stand so she can only just see me as I get my clothes organized before I towel dry and change. “Hurry up!” I call again when I have my jeans and t-shirt on.

The water turns off, and within a few moments, she comes into the bedroom with a towel around her head, and one around her body. “You distracted me. So, it’s your fault. And if we’re late, I’m telling everyone it’s your fault.” She pokes me in the shoulder as she gets her clothes ready. “I’m thinking of wearing jeans too.”

“What about a dress? Easy access for me.”

“We’re going to your mom’s so, no sex for you while we’re there.”

“Not even a little feel?” I argue. “Just a finger or two?”

“Not with your entire family there.”

“And about another thirty-odd people.”

“Definitely not then. Jeans it is.” She opens the drawer, and takes out a pair of blue jeans.

“If you’re going to wear jeans, do me a favor and wear the black ones.”

“But they’re a bit tight.” She places the blue ones back in the drawer, and takes out the black ones holding them up to me. My cheeky smile, tells her why. “Oh, you like these?”

“I love how your body looks in those. Reminds me what’s beneath the clothes that I get to fuck whenever I want.” I walk over to her, and grab her ass. “Wear the black ones.”

“How can I deny you when you’re so greedy for my body.”

She seriously has no idea how much I adore her body. All her soft parts are incredibly fucking perfect. I clear my throat, because I’m getting hard again. “I’ve gotta go do something. Hurry up.” I spank her butt again, she yelps and hops forward. When we get home tonight, I’m so using the vibrator on her while I spank her ass. I know how much she loves it. But right now, I have to remove myself from her or we won’t even make it to Rhett’s birthday party.

Mom has one arm around my waist, and the other around Dean’s. “My boys. I’m so proud of you. Now, we need Rhett to find someone, and my life will be complete. Then. I can wait for grandbabies.” I look to Dean whose features slightly drop.

“Back up a bit, Mom,” I say making sure Mom doesn’t see Dean’s sadness. “Let us have a bit of a life with our women first.”

“Not yet, obviously. Maybe in three or four years.” She reaches up and gives Dean a kiss on the cheek, then gives me a kiss. “Where is your brother? Have you seen him?”

“He’s been drinking hard since we’ve been here. Which means he’s going to have the worst hangover ever tomorrow,” I say.

Mom shakes her head and sighs. “That boy is a lightweight when it comes to drinking. But, it’s his birthday, and he is twenty-three, so let him go.” She shrugs. “Just keep an eye on him, okay?” she turns to ask us both.

“Yeah, of course,” Dean says. The moment Mom turns her head, he mouths no and shakes his head to me.

“Elise, do you need any help with anything?” Joanne asks when she sees Mom has her arms around Dean and me.

“Oh no, darling. I think I have everything covered. Go, take your husband and enjoy yourselves.” She pushes Dean out of the kitchen. “Go with your wife.”

Dean leaves Mom and me in the kitchen. A flurry of people are coming in and out of the house from the back. Mom’s smile is large as she bops along to the songs blaring from the sound system in the backyard. “You okay, Mom?”

“I’m so proud of my boys. I just wish your father was still alive to see how amazing you all turned out.” She blinks rapidly, her eyes becoming misty. “Anyway, it’s time for cake. Can you go find that brother of yours and get him up here ready for us to sing to him?”

I turn to look out at the patio, but don’t see him. “He and Pen will probably be passed out drunk somewhere.”

“I’m not drunk!” I hear Penelope call from outside. She staggers inside, holding a drink that’s sloshing around. At least she can walk. “Who said I’m drunk?” She approaches Mom and throws her arms over her. “I love you, Elise.”

“I love you too, Pen.”

“You’re like my second mom.”

“Yes, I am.” Mom is stone cold sober while Pen is drunk and slurring. Mom gives Pen a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for being the best friend to Rhett anyone ever could be. I just wish you two would end up together.”

Pen sticks her tongue out, and pretends to vomit. “That’s like me and Alec being together. No thanks, the only man I want is Dane, and he doesn’t want me.” Her smile quickly fades, and the drunk sadness is about to take over.

Mom quickly hugs her. “It’s okay, sweetheart, you’ll always have us.”

Penelope goes from sad drunk to happy drunk in three seconds. “Yay!” she cheers.

“Go find your brother,” Mom says to me. “Come on, Pen, let’s get ready for cake. I’m going to take you outside, so you can sit and wait. But you have to stay there, okay?” I hear her instructing Pen as I walk out.

“Hey, have you seen Rhett?” I ask Serena who’s talking with Dean and Joanne.

“Nah, I haven’t. I’ll come with you to find him though.” She smiles at Joanne. “Excuse me.” Serena has molded into our family so easily. She’s a Morgan through and through. “Have you checked his room? He’s been drinking so hard, he may have gone in there to pass out.”

“Not yet.” We both walk to his room and open the door. Nope, no one is in here. “He’s probably passed out down in the back somewhere,” I huff.

We head out and down the back of the yard. The further we get away from the patio, the less light there is. “Wait, I think I can hear something,” Serena says. We both stand still and can hear soft voices coming from further down.

As quietly as we can, we both tiptoe in the direction of the voices so we can hear what the hell is going on. The closer we get, the louder the voices become, though still they’re merely above a whisper.

We stop walking when we hear Rhett mumbling about something. Then, as clear as day he says, “I’ve always loved you, Dani.” Serena places her hand on my shoulder, stopping me from walking further.

“I’ve never loved anyone but you, Rhett,” she replies.

What the fuck did we just hear?

There’s more drunken murmuring and mumbling happening. “I love you,” she says.

“I love you more.”

“What do we do?” Serena asks.

I had no idea they loved each other. Why the hell are they hiding down here? “Rhett?” I say.

“Shhh, it’s my brother.” There’s lots of giggling, and shhh-ing.

“Rhett, Mom wants you so we can have cake,” I say, not knowing what the hell to do here.

He laughs out loud. We hear something scrape, then more laughing. “I can’t get up,” he slurs. He must be so damn drunk.

“Hang on.” I look at Serena and lift my shoulders. Heading toward where he is, I help him up. Dani is now lying flat on the ground, sleeping. “Serena, can you come give me a hand.” Serena comes over with the torch on her phone. She looks at Dani and a slumped Rhett. “Yep, they’re both so drunk. Can you help with Dani?”

“Sure.” She rouses Dani, and helps her up.

“Come on, buddy. We’ve got a cake for you.”

“Yum, I love cake. But not as much as I love Dani,” Rhett says. His words are becoming jumbled as he stumbles alongside of me back toward the patio.

Mom sees me half carrying Rhett, and Serena helping Dani up. She starts laughing, but lights the candles on top of Rhett’s cake.

“Sit him here. My God, he’s so bad,” Mom says between laughter. “He’s gonna be so much worse tomorrow.”

“I love you, Mom.” Rhett points to Mom.

“I love you too, son.” She brings her hand up to cover her snicker.

The moment we sing happy birthday, Mom manages to get the candles out of the cake before Rhett face-plants into it, passing out. The loud laughter rouses Rhett, and he lifts his face with half of it covered in cake.

I take my phone out, snapping photos of him with cake all over his face. He’s laughing and swaying from side to side.

“So, Rhett and Dani, huh?” Serena says.

“I have no idea what’s going on there, and for now, I don’t want to know,” I say.

She wraps her arm around my waist, and leans her head on my shoulder. “In case I forgot to tell you, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Keep reading for a preview of Rhett