Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




“You ready?” I call through the bathroom door.

“Really? You’re banging on the door and asking me if I’m ready? If I was ready I’d be out there, wouldn’t I?” Serena replies sassily.

Pacing inside the bedroom, I stop to stare at the door. She’s such a smartass. “Hurry up.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I head out to the kitchen to grab my car keys, and my wallet that’s sitting on the counter. “You’re quite impatient, you know that, right?” Turning, I can’t believe how beautiful Serena is. She truly takes my breath away. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“How am I looking at you?”

She peers down at her clothes, and flattens the pretty top she’s wearing over her hips and her jeans. Her heels elongate her legs, and right now, I’d really like to have them wrapped around my head. “Like something’s wrong.”

“Oh no, there’s definitely nothing wrong. Quite the contrary, I was thinking how I’d like to have those legs of yours over my shoulder.”

“You really do like having your mouth full, don’t you?”

I walk over to her, and grab her pussy through her jeans. Damn clothing always in the way. “As long as this is wet, I’m happy to have my tongue buried in it.”

“You’re a dirty bastard,” she says, but allows me to keep feeling her up. “Although, if you want, I’m happy to duck into our room, strip and let you eat.”

Her sexual appetite matches mine, and I fucking love it. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’ll have to take a rain check for when we return from Dean and Joanne’s.”

“Then, can you stop trying to rub me through my jeans please?” She turns and heads straight back into our room. I spank her butt before she’s out of arm’s reach. “Stop trying to make me hornier.”

Hornier? I’m gonna fuck her when we get to my brother’s. I need to be inside of her. “Hurry up,” I call again.

“Can you put this on me?” She brings out the necklace I bought her. Handing it to me, she turns, holds her ponytail up and waits until I clasp it on her. When I do, Serena turns, gives me a quick kiss and rushes back into our room only to emerge a few seconds later with her yellow bag.

“Are we ready to go?” I ask once again.

“Unless you want sex, then yeah, we’re ready.”

My lips thin in frustration. Yeah, I want sex. But we’re going to be really late for my brother’s housewarming. And I know, I’ll never hear the end of it from Mom if we’re not there soon. “Hurry up,” I playfully snap.

Serena walks ahead of me down the hall, and I can’t help but watch her ass jiggle in front of me. “Stop staring at me, you freak.”

“I like watching your butt.”

She sways her hips a little more, making her butt wobble that little bit extra. Fuck I love her ass. “Do you still like it?”

“Now, I just want to fuck it.” She turns to look at me over her shoulder, her mouth open in shock. “What, you think I don’t?”

“You’ve never told me you enjoy that.

I lock the front door, and reach for her hand as we walk to my car. “If I could have my cock inside of you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, I would.”

She turns to look at me. “I’d be quite chafed if you did.” I shrug. “Anyway, you want butt stuff?”

I open the passenger door for her, and wait until she’s in before I head over to the driver’s side. When I get in, I put my seat belt on, and start the car. “Yeah, I want butt stuff with you. Have you had butt stuff before?”

“I have to say, other than the spanking, nope, no butt stuff. Have you given or received butt stuff in the past?”

“I have not had the pleasure of giving butt stuff.”

“But you’ve received it?”

I glimpse at her and shake my head. “I’m a giver, not a receiver,” I say.

“I’ll remember that the next time you attempt to guide my head down to your cock.”

I start laughing. “That’s not what I meant.”

She chuckles as she looks out the window. “It’s a pretty night tonight, don’t you think?”

“There are so many stars out.” Suddenly, my nerves spark to life, because in my pocket is the ring I’m going to give to Serena tonight. I try to push those thoughts to the side and focus on anything else but the proposal. “When do you want to see your brother again?”

“I think if we can get out there every three weeks, that would be good.”

“Okay, I’ll book our flights for next week then.” Serena knits her hands together, then pulls them apart and slides them under her thighs. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I haven’t spent much time with your family, Alec.”

“Are you afraid they won’t like you?”

“We’re moving along by leaps and bounds. What if they want us to slow down?” I laugh out loud. “What?”

“Dean and Joanne are engaged, and they barely knew each other for five minutes before they decided to get married. He’s in the process of adopting Thomas. Maybe it’s a Morgan thing to do. Although, I’m not sure about Rhett. Maybe he was adopted.” I shrug.

Serena stares at me, with a wicked cheeky smile. “Dean and Rhett look like brothers, and you look like the odd one out. You sure you’re not the adopted one?”

“Shut up,” I scold. “As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me.” Serena laughs again, and turns to keep looking out the window. “I know Rhett likes Dani, it’s so obvious to everyone. But, for some reason, he’s not doing anything about it.”

“Maybe he wants to live the bachelor life. He is hot, and he is a fireman. He probably can get whoever he wants.”

“Did you just call my brother hot?” my voice holds a tinge of irritation.

“Oh, come on. All three of you have been blessed in the looks department. Not to mention, you’re all tall. And really easy on the eye. And have great bods. And oh my God, so nice to perve on.”

“You’ve mentioned our looks three times in one sentence.”

“Well, you interrupted me, I was going to keep saying how sexy the three of you are.”

I briefly hold my hand up to her. “How about you talk about me and not my brothers?”

“I can appreciate a beautiful person, male or female. Doesn’t mean I want to use their face as a chair. You, on the other hand, any time you want to hold your breath, you’re more than welcome to. Unless I’m on my period, or sick. Then it’s a no-go zone.”

“I’m agreeing with you on both of those instances. But, fucking you on your period, then, you know.”

“Eww, that would be messy.”

“Not if we have sex in the shower.” She turns her head slowly to stare at me. “What?”

“I’ve never had sex on my period.”

“I read something once that says when women orgasm while they’re on their period it actually helps with cramps. I mean, we could try it.” I can sense her still staring at me. “If you want,” I quickly add.

“I’m kinda grossed out right now. But, in saying that, I’ve never done it, so I suppose we can try. But the caveat will be it’s gotta be in the shower.”

“Deal.” I hold my hand out to her.

“Uh, we don’t need a handshake, Alec. What is this, a business transaction? A gentleman’s agreement?” I place my hand back on the steering wheel, but chuckle to myself. I round the corner where Dean and Joanne live, and pull up outside their house. “Wow, this house is massive.” Serena’s wide eyes take in the enormous house. “It’s so damn pretty too.”

“Dean’s shown us pictures of it, but I haven’t seen it myself either. I think Mom helped them move in. And FYI, Mom’s gonna be helping us too when we buy our house.”

“Elise doesn’t meddle, so I don’t mind. Anyway, I like your mom. She’s really chill.” She shifts in her seat, then opens the door. “Well, let’s go.” She’s out of the car before I can stop her.

I meet her around the front of the car, and take her hand. Serena takes a step forward, but I pull her back toward me. Her forehead crinkles, as she silently questions why I’ve pulled her back. “For me, you’re it.” A huge smile pulls at the edges of her lips. Her nose slightly wrinkles, as she sucks in a deep breath. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

There are cars everywhere, and we can hear music coming from the back of the house. We walk to the front door, where we knock, but I doubt anyone will be able to hear us over the music. I try the lock and find it’s open. “About time you guys got here,” Rhett says as he’s walking toward us. “Hey, Serena.” He leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “Dick,” he says to me and holds out a fist.

“It’s bigger than yours.” I fist pump his balled-up hand. I look at the drink he’s holding. “Whatcha drinking?”

“Bourbon.” He waggles his brows at us. “Everyone’s out in the back.”

“Better be careful, Rhett. You’re a lightweight when it comes to bourbon.”

“Fuck off,” he teases.

Serena chuckles. “I’m gonna go find your mom, and say hello.” She loosens her grip on me, but I tighten my fingers around hers.

“I’ll come with you. I don’t need to hang out with this loser.” I punch Rhett in the shoulder.

“That’s abuse,” he says. “Personal space, dick.

“The joys of brotherly love.” Serena shakes her head. “Come on.”

“What are you doing?” I ask Rhett.

“Just waiting for Pen. She’s not here yet.” Rhett opens the front door, and heads out.

“Hey, where is everyone?” I ask before he closes the door while he waits for Penelope.

“Follow this long ass hallway, and to the left, then down the back.”

“Thank you,” Serena says. We make our way down the wide, bright hallway. “Wow, this place is awesome!” Serena looks around. “It’s so light and gorgeous.”

“Yeah, it is.” When we get to the end of the never-ending hallway, it opens up to a massive family room. We walk in, and Mom’s in the kitchen making something. She looks up, and smiles widely. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hey. Here’s my boy. I didn’t know if you were coming.” She leaves whatever she’s making, comes over and throws her arms around me. When she’s hugged me, she grabs Serena and hugs her too. “Serena, you look so beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“How’s your brother doing?” Mom rubs her hands up and down Serena’s arms.

“I’m going to find Dean,” I say to Serena, then lean in and give her a kiss.

“Okay.” She smiles at me like I’m her entire world.

Fuck, I love how she makes me feel when she looks at me like I’m her everything. I hover for a moment, just in case she’s uncomfortable. “I’m not going to bite her, Alec. Piss off.” Mom flicks her hand at me.

“I’m going.” I hold my hands up in defeat. Heading out the back, I search for Dean. There are quite a few people here, maybe about fifty or so. Most of whom I know through either Dean, or being a firefighter. “Hey,” I say when I find Dean. He’s drinking a beer, and talking with Hugo.

“Hey. Where’s Serena?” Dean asks and looks behind me. We both turn to see she’s still speaking with Mom. “I knew it wouldn’t have taken Mom a long time to get her claws into Serena.”

“Beer?” Hugo offers.

“Yeah, thanks,” I reply. Hugo walks away, leaving Dean and me. “Where’s Joanne?”

“She’s upstairs.” He shakes his head. “What do you think of the house?”

“It’s massive. But you have to give me a tour.”

Dean squints at me. “Go have a look yourself.” He flicks his head to the side.

“Yeah, I’m not about to go wandering through your house,” I say.

“Here.” Hugo hands me a beer. “The wife is summoning me.” He looks over to his wife where we both wave to one another.

Dean lifts his beer, and gestures toward Serena. “How’s it going with you two?”

“Yeah, pretty good. I proposed,” I say.

“What the fuck? Congratulations, man.” He comes in for a hug, but I step back. Stopping himself, he reads my deflated expression. “Oh shit, she said no.”

“Yeah, she said I haven’t thought about it long enough to actually make such a big decision.”

“Ouch.” He clenches his jaw in a wince. “What happened?”

“I was going down on her, and I asked her to marry me.”

“Fuck, you didn’t. Did you?”

“Yeah, I did. She asked me for a ring. I told her I didn’t have one yet.”

Dean attempts to conceal the chuckle. “So, let’s get this straight. You were eating her out, and you asked her to marry you, and she said no?”


He shakes his head, and pinches the bridge of his nose. “No wonder she said no. She probably thought it was just the high of having sex with her. You gotta do something grand. Or at the least thoughtful.”

“How did you propose?”

“I asked Thomas if he’d be okay with me marrying his mom, and she lost her shit. Started crying and all that kind of stuff.”

“Wow, you paint such a romantic scenario.” I take a drink from my beer. “Punch me if I ever come to you for relationship advice.”

“Says the guy who was going down on his girlfriend when he proposed.”

“What’s going on?” Rhett asks as he nurses his bourbon.

“Actually, I’m glad you’re both here. I have a question for the two of you,” Dean says when Rhett joins our conversation.

“What?” I ask suspiciously. He better not say anything about my proposal to Rhett. Rhett would never let me live it down.

“You both know that Joanne and I are engaged, right?” I look to Rhett, trying to figure out where this is going.

“Yeah. Even though there’s no date set yet,” Rhett says. “Maybe she’s come to her senses and would rather have the hot brother than the boring brother.” He points to himself, then to Dean.

“Shut up, Rhett,” Dean snaps. “Anyway, I’d like to know, if you two would stand by my side as my groomsmen?”

“I should be your best man,” I say almost offended. “You’ve known me longer than him.” I point toward Rhett.

“He may have known you longer, but it doesn’t mean he likes you more,” Rhett retorts.

“You’re both my best men then. Jesus,” he mumbles something inaudible under his breath. “I need to know if you’ll both be my best men?”

I smack him on the shoulder. “What a stupid question.”

“Dude, seriously uncool,” Rhett says. “Of course, we’ll be your best men. Why are you even asking? We are your best men. Who else did you think would be by your side when you two finally get married?”

“You two are killing my brain cells.” Dean looks to me, then to Rhett. “Follow me inside, we need to talk about something.” He begins walking inside while Rhett and I follow him.

Serena is still with Mom, and when she sees the three of us heading past her, she squints and lifts her shoulders, silently asking where we’re going. I lift my hands in resignation. I don’t know, I mouth.

Okay,she replies then blows me a kiss.

Dean takes the steps two at a time, and when we’re on the landing upstairs, I look around, noticing how massive the upstairs is. “Dean, is this the never-ending house?”

“Joanne wanted a big house. So we’ve got a big house.” He opens a door and steps inside. Once Rhett and I are in there, he closes the door, walks over to the walk-in wardrobe, and comes out holding two black suits. “Here, yours.” He hands me a suit. “And yours.” He hands Rhett a suit too. “Put it on.”

“What’s going on?” Rhett asks.

Dean disappears back into the walk-in wardrobe, and returns with a third suit. He takes his t-shirt off over his head, and starts placing his arms through the crisp white shirt. “Holy shit!” I say.

Dean’s face lightens, his smile wide and proud. “What?” Rhett says.

“They’re getting married now,” I say to Rhett.

“Joanne’s next door in our room getting ready. Her parents are downstairs too. No one knows this is happening now, except us, and Thomas. And just so you know, Thomas is standing beside the two of you.”

“Fuck man,” I say as I grab him and hug him. “Fucking congratulations!”

Stepping back, I take my shirt off, and put on the one Dean wants me to wear.

“Jesus, this is awesome! About time,” Rhett says. He hugs Dean too. “This is totally cool too. Spring it on everyone.”

“Joanne didn’t want anything fancy. She decided she only wanted the people who are important to us to be here.” He does his buttons up, then puts on his suit pants. “Rhett, when we’re ready, I need you to check on Joanne.”

“Got it.” The three of us dress quickly. The perks of being a firefighter and having to work well together under pressure. Rhett fixes his tie, and looks at himself in the mirror. “You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I say.

“Right, I’ll go check on Joanne.”

Rhett leaves the room, and I notice Dean pacing back and forth in front of the door. “You okay?” I ask.

“Nervous. I’ve never done something like this before, and I’ll never do it again.” He stops to look at his reflection in the mirror. “But it feels right, you know? I can’t imagine going through a day without her.”

Yeah, buddy, I know how that feels. At the risk of sounding pussy-whipped, I need Serena. “Yeah, I get it.”

“When are you going to propose again?”

I was going to propose tonight, but I refuse to steal the spotlight from my brother and his family. Tonight is about them, not about Serena and myself. “Soon, real soon.”

Dean paces some more, waiting for Rhett to return. “You have to do something.”

“Whatever you need,” I reply.

“When we’re ready, I need you to go downstairs, and get everyone to gather on the north side of the pool. The moment you do that, I’ve got the remote for the music system to start. The celebrant is already down there, and they’ll stand in place. Just stay where you are, Rhett, Thomas. and I will join you.”

I clap a hand to his shoulder. “Consider it done,” I say.

The door opens, and Rhett steps inside. “She’s ready.” He smiles. “And she looks perfect.”

Dean takes a deep breath, pulls his shoulders back and smiles. “She’s ready?”

“Yeah, she is,” Rhett says.

“You know what to do?” Dean looks to me.

“I’ve got it.” I hold my hand out to him. He takes it and we shake. “I’m proud of you, Dean. Really proud of you.”

He pulls me in for another quick, brotherly hug. “Let’s do this.”

I head out of the bedroom, walk down the stairs and find Mom and Serena still in the kitchen, talking easily. Serena sees me before Mom does. “You’ve changed?” Serena approaches me, and wraps her arms around me. “You look sexy. Wait, why did you change? Wait,” she pauses. “Wait?” she says in a lower voice. “What’s happening?”

“What’s going on, Alec?” Mom asks.

“Dean and Joanne are getting married right now,” I say.

“AHHH!” Mom screams, jumps off the seat and claps her hands together. “What? Why didn’t they say something?”

“They wanted to keep it a secret. So, I need you outside.” Serena pulls away from me, her eyes are teary, and she’s wearing a huge smile.

Mom is already a mess, crying. Serena slings her arm around Mom’s shoulder. “Come on, Elise.”

“Oh my God, I would’ve dressed nicer,” I hear Mom saying.

“You look perfect to me,” Serena replies.

I walk ahead of them, and look for the sound system to turn the song off. Dean beats me to it, turning the music off completely. “Ladies and gentlemen. It appears we were brought here under false pretense tonight. Dean and Joanne didn’t invite us for a housewarming.” I see people’s smiles fading, and everyone appears confused. “Would you all please come to this side of the pool?” I boom loud enough so everyone can hear me. The celebrant must be a woman, because she stands alone, at the front, while everyone gathers together. I turn to see Rhett and Dean approaching. “Dean Morgan, our groom,” I introduce.

There’s a sea of awws, and ahhs, and a ton of clapping. Dean stands beside me, Rhett on my other side. Quickly, Thomas follows. I hold my fist out for Thomas, who returns a fist bump.

Dean takes a small remote out of his pocket, and presses it. The moment the song starts, all I can do is look for my girl. She’s standing beside Mom, holding her hand while Mom sniffles into a tissue. Serena doesn’t even notice me staring at her. She’s too busy consoling my blubbering Mom. Serena looks up to see Joanne, her eyes widen and her right hand flies up to her heart. She’s staring at Joanne with admiration and happiness in her eyes. I can’t tear my gaze away from my girl. She’s so perfectly beautiful. She catches me staring at her, and she smiles at me. I love you, I mouth the words.

She smiles widely, then wipes at her eyes.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to welcome you all here to the secret wedding of Dean and Joanne.” The celebrant looks at Dean and Joanne. “Rascals, aren’t they?” she asks.

An eruption of laughter echoes the backyard.

For the next twenty minutes, I can’t take my eyes off my girl as the celebrant speaks words of love and adoration.

There’s something in Serena’s love that I’ll never have enough of. I need to make her my wife, so the world knows she’s mine. The celebrant wraps the ceremony up quickly, ending with Dean grabbing Joanne and dipping her as he kisses her.

I make a beeline for my girl, grabbing her and kissing her with complete control. “I’m addicted to you, Serena.” Lacing my fingers under her top, I trace my fingertips across her lower back.

“I love you.” She places her head to my chest, and I kiss the top of her head.

I want to slide that damn ring on her finger, but I also know I can’t do it here. Not now. I’m not enough of a prick to do this to my family. Holding Serena, I watch as my mother fawns over Dean and Joanne. This night has not been what I expected it to be.

Serena crawls into bed wearing nothing but my t-shirt, and a pair of the worst underwear I’ve ever seen. I flick her t-shirt up to see the underwear. “These are horrible,” I say.

“It’s not the underwear you want to fuck, is it?” she teases. I remain quiet. “Thought so,” she says.

I grab the hem of her t-shirt, and rip it off her head. “Come here.” Gripping her hips, I start taking the atrocious underwear off, and throw them to the floor. “Note to self, get you sexier underwear. Thongs all the way. Easy access for me. I can move them to the side and fuck you, or eat you.”

“They’re not always the best underwear to have on.” I take my boxer briefs off, already hard and waiting for her.

“Why not?” I move her so she’s hovering over my hard cock.

As she sinks down on me, I try to hold it together. Serena starts swiveling her hips as she rides me. “Because they’re not always convenient, especially when I have my period and I’m heavy.”

I take her tit in my mouth, sucking on it as she continues to her pacing of how she likes feeling me. “Serena?”

“Yeah.” I still her hips and clasp her face between my hands. “What is it?” She looks confused.

“I’m addicted to you.” A small smile begins to stretch her mouth. “I love you.”

“I love you.” I lower her face to meet mine, and kiss her hard. She’s lost in the moment; her hips take over and she fucks me. Serena reaches across and grasps the headboard of the bed, using it to steady herself while she keeps the rhythm of our bodies. I trail my hand down her stomach, and find her clit, rubbing it with my thumb as she increases the tempo.

Jesus, I have to let her orgasm first, or I’ll lose myself and come before she does. She increases her hip movement, closes her eyes and throws her head back. “Shit,” she moans. “Shit.” I rub harder. “Yes. Shit. Fuck.” Her breathing increases as her body convulses around my cock. With a deathly grip on her hips, I thrust up, fucking her until I lose myself, and come inside of her.

She kisses me, then swings her leg over and gets off of me. She heads into the bathroom, and I keep looking at the drawer where her ring is.

Serena returns into the room, and looks for her underwear and t-shirt. “Leave them off,” I say to her. She shrugs, gets into bed and turns the small night light off on her side.

“Love you.” She wiggles her butt close to me. I open the drawer, take the ring out of the box, then turn the light on my side off. I sidle up so my front is to her back. She moves her butt into my crotch. My cock likes her ass against me. I hold her ass cheek open, and nestle my cock between her cheeks. “Oh, are we doing the butt stuff now? I think we better buy some lube if you want to try.” She shoves her butt back, and lets out a small moan.

I wrap my arm around her, holding her hand. Kissing her back, I try and slide the ring on her finger. “I love you.”

“What are you doing?” She reaches across to turn the light on. Looking down at the ring that’s half on her finger, she stares at it, then me. “What’s this?”

“It’s an engagement ring, Serena. A yellow diamond engagement ring.” She looks at the ring, then me. “I can hear your heart beat from across the room. When you laugh, your nose does this cute little wrinkle. You send me crazy with how stubborn you are. You’re the only person I ever want to be with. I need you more than I think you need me. And I don’t want to go another day without you wearing this, so say yes to the next thing I’m about to say.”

Serena’s eyes water as she sucks in a deep breath. “Well then,” she says. “What are you waiting for?”

“Marry me.” I slide the ring down her finger.

She stares at the ring while I wait for her answer. “On one condition,” she says.


“Never stop loving me.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I flip her over, and kiss her as she wraps her legs around me, and I push into her.

About fucking time, she said yes.