Lured into Lies by Melanie Martins

Chapter 39

Manhattan, February 7, 2021

Petra Van Gatt

It has been over two months since Mom disappeared, and despite Carice’s insistence, the police have somehow dropped the investigation due to the lack of any trace or evidence. “There’s not much we can do,” they had told her. But I’m pretty sure the police might have been dissuaded from searching. Just like when they erased my mom’s report from their system twenty years ago, they are most likely being financed by my in-laws to do the same now. Is Alex also involved? Despite him denying it multiples times, I can’t help but think he is. I don’t have any evidence to prove it, but something tells me he is.

The reality of life pulls me back from my thoughts, and I remain sitting in the bathroom, staring steadily at the pregnancy test between my fingers. After two cycles without periods and yet without any other symptoms, it was time to be sure once and for all.

It’s positive.

I should be freaking happy, and a part of me is, but there’s always a dark cloud over my thoughts that prevents me from smiling as I look at the result. There’s the uncertainty of the future, and then there’s Louise playing again in my mind. “I only see death and misery…” I shut my eyes, forcing her words out of my system. But they are trapped inside me, like truths that I don’t want to face. “This relationship is going to destroy you, my dear…” Truths that you can’t silence, they come back to the surface and terrorize you. A sudden sound startles me, and I drop the test on the floor.

It’s just my iPhone, gosh!

I stand up and pick my phone, which is resting beside the sink. As I read the name of the caller though, I freeze on the spot. It can’t be true! I blink twice, making sure I read it properly, and I answer immediately.

“Petra? Can you hear me?”

“Mom?” Recognizing her voice, I put a hand over my mouth to cover my gasp, but it’s too late. “Gosh, everyone thought you were dead! Where are you?”

“It’s a long story. Are you in New York?” Her voice is rushed, like she’s in the hurry to go somewhere.

“Um, yes, we came back last month,” I answer, my mind barely processing that she is talking to me. “What happened to you?”

“Great, can I talk to you in person?” she asks instead.

“Um, yes, sure. But, wait—are you coming to New York?” Wow. Is Mom really talking to me right now? “Is everything alright?”

“I don’t have much time to talk right now. Shall we meet in Park Avenue at around one tomorrow afternoon?”

“Tomorrow? Um, okay, but what happened?”

“Petra, it’s not safe to talk over the phone,” she says, stumbling over her words. “I’ll explain everything once I’m here. Please don’t tell anyone we’ve been in contact. No one,” she asks, and her tone sounds truly frightening. “Do you hear me?”

“Mom, you’re scaring me. Please, call Eric, he’ll arrange security once you land.”

“Eric is already informed I’m traveling. He and Matt are the first ones I reached out.”

“What about Carice, did you call her?” I keep asking. “She was so worried about you.”

“Yes, I did too. Well, I have to go. I love you so much. See you soon.” And she just hangs up.

Jeez! I gape in shock at her rushed phone call. Was this even real? Did she really call me? I go and check the recent calls, and yes there is her phone number right on top. I delete it straight away, just in case, as I remain under a wave of shock at the whole thing.

* * *

I try to spend the whole day studying, but I can barely concentrate as I think about my phone call with Mom. Maybe Matthew knows what’s happening since she called him and his dad first. So I leave the dining room where I’m studying, go to the ensuite bathroom, lock myself inside, and call him.

“Hey,” Matthew greets, his tone as joyful as always. “So good to hear from you again. How are you?”

While I can’t match with his excitement, I do my best to be polite and not sound too alarmed. “Hey, I’m doing great. Um, did my mom call you like yesterday or today by any chance?”

“Oh, yeah, she and her attorney are on their way to New York as we speak.”

“Do you know what happened?” I ask impatiently.

“Yeah, I do…”

My heart sinks into my stomach at his straight answer. “What happened?”

“Well, I think it’s better she tells you directly.” Matthew seems to be just as secretive as Mom. “We’re gonna attend the meeting too.”

But I keep asking, regardless of his advice. “Was she abducted? Did you manage to find any evidence? Do you know who did it?”

“Yeah, we do know who’s behind all of that.”

“Oh, my gosh…” I close my eyes, because the tone in his voice tells me what I already feared I knew deep inside me. But I’ve got ask. I need him to confirm it once and for all. “It’s him, right?”

Matt blows out a breath, not wanting to admit it. “Petra, tomorrow we meet at your place and we speak,” he says again. “Please, just don’t say a word to Alex about your mom. Her life is at stake.” His request leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I can’t believe Alex was involved. It can’t be true! He promised me he’d leave my mom alone.

My eyes remain shut, and I focus on breathing, but the reality that I have married the man who abducted my mom makes me want to throw up. And worse, if Eric has evidence, Alex will go on trial and I don’t know if this time, he can win. Jeez, I’m not even sure I want him to win, especially if he’s guilty.

“Petra? Are you alight?”

“I… Um, I am,” I lie. “Do you think the evidence is strong enough to send him to jail?”

“Woman, drink some tea, do some meditation, and relax. You are getting overly anxious right now,” Matt sounds like he’s teasing, but I know he means well. I just can’t comprehend how he can be so calm after everything that’s going on.

“You don’t understand; he promised me he wouldn’t do shit to my mom, and that he’d always be honest with me.”

“Lol,” Matt blurts out. “I mean, it’s easy to say whatever you want to hear if the goal was to marry you.” The honesty in his tone shatters me to the core. “Men lie all the time to get laid, so I imagine he did the same but to marry you.”

I wish I wouldn’t have to say that, but Matt is right. Margaret told me her son used to manipulate women to get what he wanted. And he most likely did the same with me.

“Thanks for your honesty,” I tell him. “It was very enlightening.”

“We see each other tomorrow,” he says. “Please, not a single word about your mom to Alex, okay?”

“I won’t. Thank you for being here,” I tell him, my heart still racing at the reality I’m living in.

“Always, girl.” His bright tone makes me feel slightly better. “See you tomorrow.” As he hangs up, I didn’t want the call to end. I wanted to stay longer on the line and talk to him, so that I could forget that I married a compulsive liar and a manipulative man.

* * *

A cold chill spreads through me as Alex steps into the dining room where I’m studying. “Good evening,” he greets with a gentle voice as he walks toward me. “Did you have a good day?”

I nod, putting on the best smile I can, and greet him with a kiss.

“Are you alright?” he asks, observing me.

“Yeah, just struggling a bit with monetary policies…” I make this up for the sake of justifying my nervousness. “It’s kinda boring, and I need to know them for the mid-terms.”

“I’m sure you are gonna be fine.”

I return the smile, and as he walks back out of the dining room, my anxiety quietly vanishes.

But before he crosses the doorway, Alex stops and turns to face me. “By the way, um, do you have any news about your mom?”

My heart drops at his question, and it takes everything in me to prevent my jaw from doing the same. With a poker face, I look up at him and say, “Um, why are you asking?”

“You’ve been trying to reach her, no?” Despite his question, I don’t answer, and wait for him to delve a bit further. “I was just wondering if you’d managed.”

Fucking liar. He is just asking because he knows Mom escaped, and he is now trying to help his family to find her.

“No, I haven’t managed to talk to her…” And I just hope I’m a decent liar and my nervousness is not betraying me.

“I see…” His lips slightly curve up and then he adds, “If she calls you, tell her I’d be delighted to receive her here for a dinner or something.”

What? I frown at his answer in utter confusion. “Really? You would do that?”

“Yes, if she ever wants to turn the page, I’m happy to do the same.” What a liar. If you find her, you will probably kill her. While I’m burning with anger inside me, outside I have to show the precise opposite. So I just nod with gratitude and say, “Thanks, I really appreciate that.” My eyes then slowly drift back to my books, and I pretend I’m focusing on them until he leaves me alone. Mom is in danger. My instincts are screaming at me to act, to do something before it’s too late. So I discreetly grab my iPhone and text Matt immediately: Matt, is Mom with you? Please check on her! Alex knows she escaped!

Fortunately, he doesn’t take long to reply. Hey, your mom and Carice just landed an hour ago, and they are now here with us. It’s all good. We're gonna drop them at the hotel. See you tomorrow. If you need anything call me.