Lured into Lies by Melanie Martins

Chapter 40

Manhattan, February 8, 2021

Petra Van Gatt

I have been awake pretty much the whole night, unable to disconnect and relax. While Alex has been sleeping beside me like a baby, my eyes remain wide open, fixated on the ceiling. My heart is still racing in apprehension for the meeting with Mom. On one hand, I’m glad to know she’s well and alive, but on other, I’m terrified to know the truth. What if she confirms Alex is involved? What if she has evidence against him and gives it to Eric and Matt? Evidence that could put my husband in jail? Fuck… I just hope Alex has told me the truth since the beginning and that he doesn’t have anything to do with it. But if he does, I don’t even want to imagine the consequences of his actions. And us? Where would that leave us? How am I supposed to forgive him if he truly is involved in the abduction of my mom? Jeez, I’m gonna be so tired if I don’t get some sleep. I roll over and grab the pill bottle, take a Melatonin pill and swallow it, hoping it’ll help to silence my mind for a few hours.

* * *

The ringtone of my iPhone doesn’t stop echoing around the room, but despite my eyes still being shut, my hand finds its way to the phone resting beside me and presses the snooze button. Silence ensues for five more minutes until this stupid sound breaks through the room again. Dammit! I crack my eyes open and turn to the nightstand to grab my iPhone, ready to turn it off. But it’s not the alarm that I had set up that is making noise… it’s Matthew calling me. I give a quick glance around the bedroom to make sure Alex already left and thank God, he did. So I pick up the call and bring the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey,” Matt answers, his voice always so friendly and heartwarming. “Have you spoken to your Mom or Carice today yet? I tried to called them this morning but nothing.”

“Huh…” My mind is still asleep, and I take a bit longer to process his question. “I haven’t tried calling them yet.” After a few more seconds though, I add, “Wait—what time is it?”

“Eh, nearly midday.”

WHAT? I jump from the bed, my heart leaping into my chest as a gasp lodges my throat. How did I manage to sleep until so late? “Oh jeez, um, I’m gonna shower now and we meet at my dad’s place, alright?”

“It’s still yours too, you know,” he corrects me. Yet, I no longer live there, and to me, it feels odd to say, “my place” even though I know I still have my bedroom there. “Anyway, try to get your mom or Carice over the phone, we have tried a few times but haven’t managed yet.”

Oh gosh… my nerves are rising up again at his words. “Alright, will do. See you soon.” And I hang up before he can throw some more bad news at me while I haven’t even taken a Xanax yet.

After taking one, I try immediately to call Mom, but just like with Matthew, she isn’t picking the phone. Oh gosh… I don’t like it. I truly don’t like it. Then I call Carice, but nothing either.

I head to the bathroom and take a shower at light speed. Once done, I get dressed, and as I step into the hallway, I find Maria, who greets me with a big, friendly smile.

“Good morning,” she says, her tone always so sweet. “I didn’t want to wake you up as you seemed to sleep so peacefully.”

“Oh, well, no worries.” I return the smile and walk past her.

As I stand in the corridor and take my coat, I hear Maria asking, “Don’t you want to have breakfast first? I can do something for you.”

“Thanks, but I’m gonna head to my dad’s house to pick up some books and will eat there,” I tell her, knowing she will most likely inform Alex that I left the house without eating. They are so freaking annoying when it comes to what I eat.

“Do you want me to call Zach for you?” she asks.

While I’m already on the Uber app, booking a car, I say, “I’ll just book an Uber, it’s fine.” Fuck! I bite my tongue, but it’s too late. I know Alex hates Ubers, and I’m pretty sure he gave a word to Maria about it.

“Um, your husband was quite clear about what kind of transportation is safe for you.”

Rolling my eyes, I can’t help but say, “I’ll be fine, Maria. Thanks for your concern.” I’m not an idiot, I know perfectly well that Alex wants me to use Zach, not because it’s safer, but because he reports directly to Alex.

After I step outside and get into the Uber, my heart keeps racing as he takes me to Park Avenue. Meanwhile, I decide to call Mom, but once again, she isn’t picking up. This is insane! Is there a reason for her not answering? Fortunately, I see a text message from Carice, and a huge weight slips off of my shoulders.

Hey! I can’t talk right now, but I’m on my way with Matthew and Eric, see you soon.

Why didn’t she mention Mom? Are they going in separate cars for security reasons? My heart is stuck in my throat, and I’m glad this Uber has got a complimentary bottle of water for me to drink from.

Once the Uber stops in front of my building’s entrance, my legs are nearly numb by the stress and anxiety boiling within me. Somehow I manage to rush out of the car and run into the elevator that will take me to my dad’s place, I mean, my place. Yes, it’s mine too, as Matt said.

As I get inside the entryway of the apartment, I see Janine standing in front of me, totally startled by my unexpected visit. “Oh, God, you scared me!” she chides, a hand on her heart. “I thought it was a thief or something. Why you didn’t warn me you were coming?” Despite her scolding, she walks toward me and gives me a hug.

“Hey,” I greet as we embrace each other. “I just wanted to surprise you guys,” I tell her for the sake of courtesy. “Is Dad here?”

“No, your dad is out. Shall I call him?”

“No, no, no,” I answer quickly. “That’s okay. Um, I’m meeting some people for lunch now, and I wanted to make sure he wasn’t coming home.” Yeah, the last thing I need is for him to find me and Mom here.

“Oh, shall I prepare something, then?”

“Um…” I remain undecided, not knowing if I’d have appetite or not, but for the sake of my guests, I agree to it.

After Janine leaves to the kitchen, I hear the doorbell ringing, and my heart nearly freezes at the sound of it.

Here they are.

I hurry up to crack the door open and welcome them inside. Yet, I only see three people: Matt, Eric and a woman who I assume is my mom’s attorney, Carice.

“Where’s Mom?” I ask immediately, forgetting my good manners. Despite looking at them for answers, no one bothers to say a word.

“Hi, Petra,” Matt greets. His voice is totally different from earlier; it’s now so much more serious. “Um, can we come in?”

I stand beside the door, gesturing them to step inside. After closing it, I lead them into the living room because I need to sit before I faint or something. I’m nearly sweating at the tension in the air. Something is going on, and they know it well. Once we all sit, I force myself to breathe slowly and to relax my tensed body. They all remain silent though, and the fact that no one dares to speak first makes me even more nervous.

“As you might have assumed by now, I’m your mom’s attorney and best friend, Carice Knowles.” She takes a business card from her purse and gives it to me.

“Where’s my mom?” I ask again, having no patience whatsoever for introductions, formalities, or anything that isn’t about telling me the truth once and for all.

“At the morgue,” Eric informs me, his eyes avoiding mine.

My jaw drops, unable to process those three words. “Wha, what?” What the fuck is he talking about? I keep observing the gravity their expressions carry, and my heart freezes as the word morgue sinks into me.

Eric heaves a sigh, then glances briefly at Matt and Carice, who remain mute, before proceeding. “Carice found your mom lying on the bed with no heartbeat just a few hours ago.” I don’t think I’m able to close my mouth; I need the gap to breathe and to keep my composure despite my wanting to break into tears right in front of them. “Her autopsy hasn’t been conclusive yet.” My fingertips go to my eyebrows, and I rub them to alleviate the pain that is taking over me. “I’m really sorry for your loss, Petra…” My hands remain covering my face, and my eyes remain shut, like I don’t want to see the reality that is in front of me. Reality is too ugly to face. I want to go back to that moment in time where I was unable to sleep. Instead of taking that stupid pill, I should have taken my phone, gone outside the bedroom, and called Mom once more so that I could tell her everything that I never did. “Mom, despite all our fights and differences, I’m extremely proud of you and of your unwavering courage to face those criminals.

But I didn’t do any of that. I took that fucking pill, and I slept until midday.

Deep down, I knew this would happen. I knew it. And yet, I did nothing to prevent it. Words aren’t enough to describe how I feel for not being able to save her. I’m unable to think, unable to process anything. All I can feel is the climbing tears.

“I need to see her…” I mumble between my hands.

“I don’t think going to the morgue—”

Dropping my hands, I cut Eric off before he can bring some bullshit excuse. “I need to see her, god damn it!” I repeat once more, glaring at him. “If she died, I want to see her.”

* * *

The last place I expected going on a Monday afternoon was to the morgue to see my dead mom, but I have to make sure it’s her. Words aren’t enough for me to believe in anyone anymore. After identifying ourselves at the reception, we are finally escorted by the forensic pathologist who did her autopsy into a cold room with body freezers on one side and two stainless steel autopsy tables in the center. The idea that there are corpses stored in those freezers makes my already nauseous stomach churn more. Yet I keep a stoic expression like everyone else as we stop in front of the table where my mom’s body is lying. Her naked body is covered with a long white sheet up to her collarbone, letting only her face be seen. My mind is suddenly blank as I observe Mom resting peacefully. Thick tears brim my eyes, but I push them back. It’s hard though, so hard knowing those closed eyes will never see the light ever again. All the hopes I had for us to turn the page are now gone. And I didn’t even have the chance to tell her goodbye. The thought that Mom will never get to know her grandchildren fills my heart with indescribable sorrow. The back of my hand softly goes and caresses her cold cheek, and it takes everything in me not to let my tears fall, so I try to fill my mind with something positive despite her death being all I can think of. Well, at least they didn’t bomb her car, which would have left nothing but ashes. Looking at her, Mom just seems to be asleep. Her facial features are exactly like before, except for her skin that is now colder and devoid of color. “Do we know what she died from?” I ask the examiner, after wiping my tears away.

“Not yet; right now, we’ve observed signs of asphyxia,” he tells us. “But we are still waiting for the results from the lab to give us further details.”

“Asphyxia?” I repeat, frowning in confusion. “You mean she couldn’t breathe and died from it?”

“Yes, something led to the paralysis of her respiratory system, and she died from the lack of oxygen.”

“Do you have any idea what it could’ve been caused by?” Eric asks.

“So far we didn’t find any injuries, whether external or internal, or disease that could have led to it. I’m not an expert in toxicology, so I need to wait for the results, but it might have been from something that she took before going to sleep. We found an empty teacup on the nightstand, and there was some remaining tea in the pot, so we took it to the lab too.”

“You think her tea was poisoned?” I keep inquiring.

“As soon as I have the results, I’ll let you know,” he replies. “Otherwise, we are just speculating.” Then the examiner turns to Eric and says, “We already have your contact information, so you should hear from us in the next twelve hours.”

“Thank you,” Eric replies.

“Where are her belongings?” I ask the examiner, looking around the room for her clothes and everything else.

“Everything is still in her hotel room,” the examiner tells me. “Just the clothes and the jewelry she was wearing are here. Follow me, please.” We leave the autopsy room and go to another room where they keep all the belongings of the cadavers. He opens a vault and takes from there a plastic storage box containing her clothes and jewelry. I find in it her pajamas, her cross, and her Tiffany’s gold heart locket pendant that I gave her on the last Christmas Eve we spent together. To my surprise, as I open the locket, I find the selfie we took together on Christmas Eve placed in one side and a picture of me when I was a baby with her on the other side. A wave of emotions consume me, and I let some tears course down my cheek in silence while everyone else waits for me outside. I give a quick kiss on the heart like it was hers and put the pendant on my neck; then I take the storage box and leave the room.