Beg For Me by Sierra Cartwright

Chapter Six

Fucking hell.

In his thirtysomething years, Jacob had experienced more than some people did in a lifetime—he’d seen plenty of horrors that he wished he never had, and he’d left part of his soul back in a hellhole. But nothing—nothing—had ever affected him as deeply as seeing Elissa’s beautiful tears while they scened. A part of his heart he believed long dead was slowly healing.

And now her lower lip trembled, as if she were uncertain of his reaction.

How was that even possible?

Though he was always a considerate lover and Dom, he’d never bonded with anyone like he did her. She was the perfect submissive, willing to try what he suggested and to trust him. She’d come apart in his arms, and then she’d turned to him for comfort. Not only was he honor bound to protect her, but now he was determined to find a way to keep her with him after the job ended.

Jacob swept her from the floor and carried her to his room, where he placed her on the bed.

The Dominant in him was tempted to tie her wrists to the headboard. But the need to have her arms around him while he made love to her overrode everything else.

“I’ve got to have you inside me.”

He needed it more than his next breath.

After removing his boots, something he’d ask her—his beautiful little sub—to do in the future, he tugged off his T-shirt.

Elissa turned onto her side to watch him. He grinned.

“You’re gorgeous, Sir.”

Her voice was scratchy. With desire? “Not sure anyone has ever used that word in relation to me.”

“They should have.”

“You got the details right.”

She frowned. “The details?”

“On the image you were working on.”

“Oh my God. You saw?” An alluring shade of pink stained her cheeks. ”It’s not what you think. I mean…”

“I’m flattered. Thank you.”

“Okay.” She exhaled. “It wasn’t intentional.”

“I believe you.” Neither of them were immune to the wild tug of untamed attraction. “But that’s not why I bought it. There’s an honesty about the piece. A yearning. A completion.” And he’d think of tonight every time he looked at the finished portrait in his playroom. “I know you’re wondering…” Jacob pointed to the raised bump on the far left side of his stomach. She’d replicated the jagged edges with extraordinary accuracy. And yet now, he saw the scar through new eyes. It was no longer just an ugly reminder of the past. Instead, it was a natural part of him, and a reminder that he was lucky. He’d gotten out alive. “It’s from a knife.” The wound had been deep, and the team medic had done his best to sew him together given the extraordinary circumstances.

“It means you survived. And we get this moment.”

Jacob finished undressing, and she kept her focus on him. His cock was still hard, throbbing with insistent demand.

“You’re…” She met his gaze. Throughout their scene, her eyes had become a darker shade of blue, and now they were wide. “Tell me you don’t expect me to… I mean, you’re massive!”

“Oh, Elissa, yes. I most certainly do.” He generally didn’t tease, but the indignation in her voice made it irresistible. “I expect everything from you. You’re my submissive.”

Frantically she shook her head.

“I’ve got a generous nature. We’ll go slow.” Then everything inside him became serious. He intended to claim her in every way possible.

Honoring her wish, he grabbed a condom from the nightstand drawer and rolled it down his length before joining her on the bed. “Part your legs for me.”

“But I’m ready now.”

“You’ll be ready when I say you are. Now do as you’re told before I get my ropes.”

Interest sparked in her eyes. It wasn’t defiance, but rather a revelation of what she craved.

“What’ll it be?” He didn’t have to ask the question. Every part of him knew the answer.

She set her chin in response.

His inner alpha happily responded in kind.

Jacob prowled to the closet to fetch his sturdiest rope. Unlike the silk he’d used earlier, this was sisal, a bit ragged, something he’d bought at the hardware store, suitable for use on the range. It might chafe, and at least for a little while, it would leave his mark on her body.

Impossibly, the idea made his cock even harder.

“Come to me, Elissa.”

She didn’t.

“Refusing to cooperate?” The more she played the game, the more ravenous he became. Whether she knew it or not, she was his.


He’d used the word when he collared her earlier. He’d meant it, and this moment only reinforced his intention.

One way or another, Elissa Conroy was going to be his woman.

She curled into a ball, increasing the tension. He was going to fuck her so damn hard.

“Remember you asked for this,” he reminded her as he picked her up and deposited her on the end of the bed.

When she immediately scooted back, he clamped on to one of her ankles and dragged her toward him. Her breath whooshed out, and her eyes darkened once more. She wanted things his way. She just wanted him to work for the victory.

Already he’d learned to recognize her expressions. He adored every aspect of her—playful, serious, emotional—and he vowed to fulfill all her fantasies.

Quickly he tied one of her ankles to prevent her from retreating again.

“Ouch! That stuff’s rough!”

“Maybe that’ll teach you to be a good sub and follow your Dominant’s orders.” Lord, he hoped not.

Once her other ankle was secure and she was spread before him, helpless, he crawled between her thighs, then parted her labia to devour her.

“Jacob! Don’t.” She thrashed her head. “I can’t. It’s too much.”

“Would the lady like to wear a gag?”


“In that case, I recommend you use your mouth for happy sounds. Moans, groans. Sighs. Or if you must, screaming my name.” That would be the sweetest of all sounds.


“Last chance.” He slipped a finger inside her. “You’re wet for me.”

“Desperate for you.”

He licked her clitoris rapidly, bringing her to the edge of an orgasm before slipping a second, then third finger inside to ensure she was fully prepared for him.

Her frantic cries were every bit as sexy as he imagined.

“Please.” She curled her fingers into his hair and held him tightly. “I’m going to come.”

This time, he wanted to own it.

Before she could climax, he worked his cock inside her welcoming warmth, a little bit at a time, letting her accommodate him.

“Oh…” She closed her eyes and thrashed her head from side to side.

“Yes. Take it.”

Her pussy tightening around his cock, Elissa lifted her hips as much as her bonds allowed. Fuck, but she was so damn hot and tight.

He stroked harder and faster, meeting her demands.

When she screamed out her pleasure, he captured her mouth in a searing kiss, holding off his orgasm until she was completely satisfied.

Finally, she loosened her grip but didn’t let go.

“That was spectacular, Sir.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

She smiled softly, then traced a fingertip across one of his eyebrows. “I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

“Me either.”

“Really?” She wrinkled her nose as she studied him. “Do you mean that? Or is it something you tell every woman?”

“Believe me when I tell you that I’ve never said it before. You’re one of a kind, Elissa. And sex with you isn’t like with anyone else.” He began to move inside her again. Need was a raw and hungry thing, demanding completion.

“Come in me.” Elissa met each thrust, concentrating all her energy on his pleasure.

Yeah. She was unique, all right. Perfect for him in every way.

Wanting her to always remember this moment, he took her deeply. With a guttural moan, he ejaculated in long, hot spurts. He’d wanted to claim her as his. But now he knew the truth. He was hers.

Breath ragged, mind splintered by his realization, he collapsed on top of her, then immediately rolled to the side so he didn’t crush her.

“That was amazing.” Fuck. He was a goner. This woman well and truly owned him. “You are amazing.”

As confident as if she knew that already, she smiled.

He left the bed to release her ankles, and then he massaged them to restore circulation. “You’ve got a mild case of rope burn.”

“I was hoping I would.”

“My girl.”

They agreed to shower together, and as they did, he inspected her body for marks. There were none from the flogger or the electroplay.

After lathering some gel, he washed her. He could live for the sound of her soft, sweet sighs and the way she swayed toward him.

Jacob took his time rinsing her off. “How was the violet wand?”

“Spectacular. All those sensations, everywhere. It’s unlike anything else, and I’d enjoy playing with it again sometime.”

“I also have attachments you might enjoy.”

“Can I tell you something honestly? I liked that you used your body as the conduit. Your touch is what made it special.”

“Anything my fair Elissa wants.”

“Anything?” She curled her hand around his cock.

The whole time they’d been together in the shower, he’d become more and more aroused. And now, from her touch, he was fully erect.

She lowered herself to the tile floor and took him in her mouth and swirled her tongue around his tip, devilment dancing as she asked, “Even more sex?”

“Even more sex.”

A few minutes later, they were dried off and back in bed. This time, they leisurely explored each other, and he savored every secret she revealed.

When it was over, he pulled her into his arms.

As she drifted off to sleep, she murmured something he couldn’t quite make out. But she wiggled a little before settling more closely against his body.

He trailed a fingertip across her throat, then the collar he never wanted to remove.

Yeah, he’d seen a lot of ugly in his lifetime. Death. Despair. But Elissa’s brightness was starting to vanquish the dark. For the first time in his life, he felt whole. And it was all thanks to her.

In gratitude, he kissed the top of her head.

* * *

“Good morning.”

“Ugh. No.” Elissa burrowed deeper under the covers and pulled the pillow over her head.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Next to her, the mattress dipped.

Jacob?Suddenly she was awake. Awake and scrambling to understand what was happening.

Images, memories, flashed through her mind. The violet wand. Calling him Sir. His hands on her. Him carrying her to his room and tying her to the bed before making sweet, sensual love to her. Then falling asleep—naked—in the comfort and protection of his arms.

He tossed the pillow aside, and she blinked a couple of times, bringing him into focus.

As always, he was breathtaking. Along with faded jeans, he wore a T- shirt that clung to his broad chest. The crisp scent of the outdoors clung to him, but it was his slow, predatory smile that sent cascades of shivers through her.

He was so complex, from stern—even implacable—to reassuring, sexy, and now this. Lethal. All at once, his smile made her remember yesterday while simultaneously hinting at what was to come today.

“I’m a smart man. I brought you tea. Duke Somebody or Other.”

Smart? How about perfect?“I think you mean Earl Grey.”

“Whoever. I watched you make it yesterday.” He shrugged “Hope you like it.”

She sat up, dragging the covers with her, conscious of her nudity. “Is there a reason for your…hospitality?”

“Other than wanting to please you?”

Elissa narrowed her eyes.

“And knowing you’re not much of a morning person?”

“Or the fact you’re taking your life into your hands by waking me up?”

“You’re ferocious, little lady. Terrifying, even.”

“Hand it over, Mister.”

With a grin, he gave her the peace offering. Surprisingly, the drink was still hot, and every bit as strong as she liked.

“And you are correct.” He waited until she’d had a second sip before speaking again. “I do have ulterior motives.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Over the rim of the cup, she regarded him. “I knew it.”

He scooted closer to her, and every one of her synapses fired. “But first…” He brushed his lips across her forehead, then took away her beverage and kissed her mouth.

“Ohhh, yes…” The taste made her ravenous for more.

“That will have to do for now.”

She scowled.

“Definitely ferocious when you don’t get your way.”

“You’re learning, cowboy.”

“Cowboy?” He lifted an eyebrow. “Rather than Commander Walker?”

“Seems fitting.”

“I’m liking it. And don’t think I don’t want to tie you up and fuck you.”

“We could start the day a little later.”

His eyes darkened, and she wondered who she’d suddenly become. He brought out a naughty side of her personality she hadn’t known existed.

“Except for the fact we have company, and while I enjoy your screams of delight, I’m not certain you want others overhearing them.”


“Deborah—my housekeeper—is here with her daughter.”

“I’m glad you told me. Does that also explain why you’re dressed?”

“That, and the fact I wanted to get ready for our date.”

“Our what?” Elissa searched his eyes for signs of teasing, but yet he’d told her he rarely joked.

“I thought you’d like to get out, take a ride out to the creek on the four-wheeler. Deborah brought us a picnic basket and filled it with food and all the other stuff she said we need to go with it. If you want, we can take a bottle of wine. We can head out around noon, assuming you want to go and your schedule permits?”

“You’re serious?”

He nodded.

“You had me at wine.” If she hurried, she could get in a couple of hours of work, even chat with her parents and Mary, the night manager at the pub, before leaving.

She put aside her cup and tossed back the covers.

“Oh, my lady, now we’re definitely going to be late…” His eyes darkened as he moved toward her to capture one of her bare breasts.

Her nipple lengthened as he flicked a thumbnail across it, and an involuntary groan escaped from between her lips. “Jacob, please…”

“Is that a yes, continue? Or a please stop?”

Both.She wanted him to suck her nipple deep into his mouth, but she knew where that would lead. And he was definitely right about the way she’d scream when he had his wicked way with her. “Can we continue this later?”

“You can count on it.” He lowered his hand, and she sighed, as much from relief as from frustration. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

Once she was alone, she momentarily closed her eyes. This relationship with Jacob was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, and she needed to be careful with her emotions. Circumstances had thrown them together, and in a matter of time—hours? days? weeks?—she’d be back in her Denver apartment, working at the pub while building her business and finding rare, precious moments for her art.

No matter how much a part of her wanted this to continue, it wouldn’t last. It would do no good to think about anything beyond the moment.

Resolved, she finished her tea, then hurried through her shower before dressing and going downstairs to meet the housekeeper.

Deborah was a tall, beautiful woman with a quick, welcoming smile, and she wore a T-shirt that read GOING DOWNHILL FAST. “Morning! You must be Elissa.”

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“Jacob’s been telling me all about you.”

“Has he?” She scowled at Jacob, who was leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee in hand.

With a grin, he shrugged.

“I hear you’re quite an artist.”

“Ah…” Elissa cleared her throat. Just what had he said? Surely he hadn’t mentioned her erotic images.

“You’re working on a corporate logo for a motivational speaker?”

She released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

“I’m writing a children’s book.”

“Are you?”

“The main character is going to be a ski bunny.”

“Your T-shirt… Obviously a skiing reference?”

“Yeah. I’m an instructor.”

“Deborah is being modest.” Jacob drained his cup, then slid it onto the counter. “She used to compete for the women’s alpine team.”

With her mouth open, Elissa looked back at Deborah. “Seriously?”

She nodded. “Until I blew out a knee one too many times. Still love it, though.”

“Your celebrity will be a huge advantage.”

“That’s kind of you to say, but I’m sure no one remembers who I am.”

Elissa’s creativity was sparked. “Do you have a website?”

“No. Should I have one?”

“Absolutely yes. Do you mind if I come up with a couple of ideas for you?”

“Are you kidding me right now? I mean, I can pay you a little bit, but—”

“Say no more. It’s been a while since images have come to me this rapidly.” And the Bonds computer would make working on them pure pleasure. “Do you have any concept drawings of your ski bunny?”

Deborah shook her head. “I don’t have any talent in that area, and I haven’t started looking for an illustrator yet.”

“How about a color concept?”

“I was thinking along the lines of something like green or yellow.”

Elissa nodded. “Bright? More muted?”

“Whatever inspires girls to go for their dreams.”

“I love it.”

At that moment, a young child walked in, clutching the massive, squirming Waffle against her chest.

“This is my inspiration.” Deborah smiled. “My daughter, Adele.”

Elissa grinned. Waffle’s back was against the child’s tummy, and the cat’s large front paws hung over Adele’s forearm.

“Honey, say hello, and put down the cat.”

Rather than doing as her mother said, Adele held Waffle tighter. “But I love her, and she likes it.”

Elissa was surprised Waffle tolerated being held at all.

Deborah sighed. “Do I need to repeat myself?” Though Deborah didn’t raise her voice, her words were firm.

Chin set at a stubborn angle, Adele did as she was told. Shockingly, Waffle plopped her enormous body down at the girl’s feet.

“And say hello to Miss Elissa,” Deborah prompted again.

“Hi.” She offered a tiny wave.

“Nice to meet you, Adele.”

“There’s a teacher in-service at the preschool today, so we’re driving to Steamboat for a little shopping.”

Adele grinned, evidently forgetting all about the cat. “And ice cream!”

“Of course. How could I forget?” Deborah glanced at Jacob. “Picnic basket is on the table, and remember to use the ice packs I put in the freezer. Is there anything else you need before we leave?”

“That should be it,” he responded. “I appreciate your stopping by.”

“I’ll send you some ideas for your website—and maybe even the bunny—in the next couple of days,” Elissa promised.

“I’m so excited. Thank you.”

After exchanging contact information, they hugged goodbye. And then Adele ran over. “Me too!”

Elissa crouched. “Of course.”

For a quick second, Adele wrapped her arms around Elissa’s neck before hurrying away to chase Waffle into the living room.

“I guess we’ll be going for real now.” Deborah grinned.

Jacob said he was going to walk them to the car and promised to be right back.

When the door closed, the house was suddenly silent, and Elissa stood there, staring, a dozen different thoughts and feelings racing through her.

Her days were consumed with work, and it had been a long time since she’d dated or even thought about the future.

But seeing Deborah and Adele together had made her wonder what she was missing.

The love between the mother and daughter reminded Elissa of what she shared with her own mom. And would she ever feel that with her own child?

Fortunately Jacob returned, interrupting her musings.

“Deborah liked you.”

“It’s mutual.” To keep herself busy, Elissa turned on the kettle. “How did she become your housekeeper?”

“She’s the sister of one of my ranch hands. Left a bad relationship right before Adele was born, and we put her in one of the property’s cabins while she got back on her feet. She refused to accept what she called charity, so she insisted on doing some work around here. At this point, I’m not sure how I’d manage without her.”

“Adele is wonderful. And even Waffle seems to like her.”

“That says something.” He grinned. “She’s smart for her age, too. And she shows an aptitude for skiing, like her mother.” He placed his cup in the sink. “Can you be ready to leave around twelve?”

“That’s perfect.” Even if he wanted to head out in ten minutes, she’d make sure she was ready.

“I’ll meet you back here then.”

She nodded.

Once again she was aware of how big the house was, and for the first time in her life, a pang of loneliness assailed her.

The strange emotions had to be a result of the even stranger circumstances, she reached for the box of pastries sitting on the counter. Bypassing the apple fritter and several eclairs, she grabbed a chocolate-covered chocolate doughnut, complete with sprinkles.

After she’d devoured it and brushed off her hands, she finished brewing her tea, then carried it outside.

She paused for a second to take in the view from the patio, refusing to admit the truth to herself—that she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Jacob in the distance.

With the drink cooling, she continued toward the garage apartment. Waffle darted in front of her, nearly tripping her as she opened the door.

The cat wound her way between Elissa’s legs before racing up the stairs. “I see you’re joining me.”

Inside, Waffle found a patch of sunshine and dropped down to groom herself.

Before starting work, Elissa made calls home to talk to her parents and to check in with the bar.

Once she’d powered up the computer and settled into her chair, her creative energy flowed. The previous day, she’d been stifled, but now, inspiration danced from her fingertips.

It took only a couple of minutes to decide on her final choices for the motivational speaker’s color palette. It was a shade darker than she’d been working with, and the change made the logo pop.

Less than two hours later, she’d added a couple of finishing flourishes to the logo and drafted a mock-up of his website’s landing page. Finally satisfied, she sent the files to her client for his approval.

Then, captivated by Deborah’s excitement about the ski bunny, Elissa spent another hour sketching out a couple of versions of the cartoon bunny.

She was deep in concentration when a notification skittered across the bottom of her screen, signaling an email from her client. Curious to know if he was pleased, she clicked through to find he was more than happy. “Yes!” She fist-bumped the air, and Waffle shot her a narrowed-eye sleepy glare. “Oh. Sorry. Didn’t mean to disturb Your Majesty.” Elissa had never had pets, and she was enjoying the feline’s companionship.

Elissa promised the vector file to her client within twenty-four hours and asked him to supply pictures and videos, along with text to populate the actual website. Elissa shut down the computer and headed back outside, Waffle trailing behind her.

A noise captured Elissa’s attention, and she paused. Moments later, Jacob drove up in a red all-terrain vehicle.

Instead of continuing on inside, she waited for him, admiring the way sunlight glinted off his dark hair. Even across the distance, she was aware of his gaze, and shivered anew at the way she’d come undone for him.

When he reached her side, he shut off the loud, rumbling beast and climbed out of the bucket seat. “Your ride, ma’am.”

“I’m impressed.” The machine had half doors, and the front part had a cover over it. “I imagined it would be a little more rugged than that.”

“In what way?”

“I thought I’d be sitting behind you.”

“You’re thinking of a quad—all-terrain vehicle. Generally carries one person. This is a UTV—a utility task vehicle. It hauls cargo and can pull a small trailer. The seats are actually comfortable. Has heat and air-conditioning. Even a sound system.” He cocked his head to one side. “But the idea of you straddling me and holding on tight has me rethinking my decision.”

The image made her squirm, just as he’d no doubt intended. “This one’s fine. Great even.” Her tone was somewhere between prim and squeaky, and she cleared her throat.

He grinned. “Of course, we can save that for this evening.”

For a moment, her heart skittered. She’d hated the idea of coming to his ranch, and yet all of a sudden she didn’t want to leave. Denver and the outside world seemed so far away.

“I’ll grab the picnic basket if you want to get a couple of towels from the hall closet.”

“Why do we need towels?”

“So you can dry off after you get out of the water.” He grinned.

“You might remember I don’t have a swimsuit.”

“Yeah. That’s right.” His grin turned feral. “There’s a camping blanket in there too. Something for us to sit on. Or for me to ravish you on.”

She shivered. His words excited her more than she could ever admit. “Oh no. No no no. No. Nuh-uh. There shall be no public ravishing, Cowboy.”

His eyes narrowed. “Challenge accepted.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Or was it? She cleared her throat. God. The way he looked at her… It might be impossible to deny him anything.

“You may want a hat. Or something to keep the hair out of your face.”

She nodded, then hurried inside. While she was there, she changed into a pair of shorts, telling herself it wasn’t because they’d be easier to get out of than her jeans were. As she’d already told him, she wasn’t the type of woman who skinny-dipped or who made love outside—not ever.

Within minutes, carrying the items he’d requested, she rejoined him.

Very slowly, very thoroughly, very approvingly, he swept his gaze over her, lingering on her bare legs. “You’re a beautiful woman, Elissa.”

His words were laced with conviction. She’d never seen herself as anything other than ordinary, but she had no doubt he meant what he said, and for the first time in her life, she saw herself the way he did.

“You ready?”

“Yes. I’m excited.”

He placed the picnic basket and a bottle of wine inside a storage box, then stacked the blanket and towels on top. After that, he added a folding table and a couple of collapsible chairs to the cargo area.

“I see we really don’t need the blanket.” Elissa propped one hand on her hip.

This time, there was no trace of a tease in his eyes. Instead, his gaze was as dangerous as it was predatory. “Oh I assure you, we do.”

Her pulse picked up a few extra beats. Silently she cursed her very feminine reaction to him. The more determined he was, the more she was attracted to him.

He helped her into the vehicle. “Buckle up, Elissa.”

Was that a warning?

After donning a ball cap that had been on the floorboards, Jacob climbed in next to her. Then he grabbed his cell phone and activated a button on its side. “Wildflower on the move. And we’d like some privacy.”

“Roger that.”

Without another word, he slid the device into a plastic holder attached to the dash.

“For a minute, I actually forgot why I was here.”

“Good. I want you to relax.”

Even though she honestly believed there was no real threat, there were constant reminders.

“We’re doing our best to keep the intrusions to a minimum.” He started the vehicle and headed down a narrow dirt road, in the direction of the distant Saddle Mountain.

“So who were you talking to?”


She waited for him to go on. Instead, he focused on the road in front of him, features inscrutable. “Are you going to tell me anything more?”

“He’s a coordinator, of sorts.”

“Is this part of you trying to keep the intrusions to a minimum?”

After sparing her a quick glance, he nodded. “It’s a balancing act. There’s a lot of activity in the background that you don’t see. And you have a right to the information you want to receive.”

She was more curious than ever. “You said the man on the phone is a coordinator, of sorts. What does that mean?”

“When we’re running ops, he oversees them. No one knows more about the nitty-gritty details of how Hawkeye is organized than he does. He works out of a control center where he monitors everything and provides us with any assistance required.”

As much as the safety belt would allow, she angled her body toward him. “Go on.”

“He has our backs—handles any emergency call from anywhere on the planet and dispatches appropriate resources. Police. Fire. EMT. FBI.” Jacob paused. He appeared to want to go on but didn’t.

“And other people?”

He didn’t respond. Instead, he deftly changed the conversation. “He was injured in combat, and he lost the use of his legs.”

“Is he a friend of yours?”

He kept his gaze trained on the road ahead. “Yeah.”

“And Hawkeye’s?”

“We go way back.”

“To the service? Peru?”

“Astute guess. When you go through something like that, it changes you. Those of us who made it out are still close. Well, except for one guy.”

She remained quiet, studying him. A line furrowed between his eyebrows, and his lips were set. Lost in the past? “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“But you still never talk about it.”

“No. I don’t.”

What must it be like to have seen so many horrors and to continue on? Jacob found solace in the land, while Hawkeye still sought refuge in his work. “And you don’t forget.” It was more of an insight than a question.

Just when she thought Jacob might ignore her, he reengaged in the conversation. “I moved on. That’s the best I can hope for. Hawkeye is as loyal as they come, never forgets his men or their capabilities. He believes in people, even when they’ve lost faith in themselves. And Lifeguard? Taking care of us—protecting us—is his purpose. It drives him.”

“What kind of phone is that?”

“Designed by—”

“Bonds?” It was a guess, but no doubt a good one.

“It has a few extra features that are useful in an emergency. He has one that allows him to see holograms.”

“That—what? Like in the movies?”

“Entertaining as hell, but I’m not sure how useful it is. I generally like to keep my discussions more private.”

“From what I’ve read, he’s constantly dreaming up new ideas. Some of them are just for his amusement.”

“Probably accurate.”

A minute later, he stopped the UTV to point out a mule deer. As if realizing she was being watched, the animal froze, staring back with enormous eyes.

When they remained in the vehicle, she eventually looked away and began grazing again.

“Thank you. That was amazing.”

“I thought you might like it.”

A few minutes later, he hit a big bump, tossing her around, and she grinned. “This is fun.”

“Fun? In that case, I’ll let you drive us back.”

“I’d like that.” She took in the endless expanse of sky and a few puffy clouds. Because of their speed, the breeze managed to whip a few errant strands of hair across her cheeks.

Less than half an hour later, he braked to a stop in a small clearing.

After unbuckling, she joined him at the back of the vehicle. The ground was carpeted in green, and a few shrubs sprang from the earth. “This is a wonderful spot. So beautiful, peaceful.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

While he set up the table and chairs, she wandered down to the river. Because it was only a tributary, it wasn’t wide, and it was shallower than she expected. Colorful river rocks adorned the bed, and water burbled along invitingly. She crouched to test the temperature, then pulled her hand back against the bite of the chill. “It’s freezing!”

“When the sun heats you up, you won’t be able to resist the temptation of getting naked,” he called back.

“You are persistent.”

“I haven’t even started turning on the charm yet.”

Shaking her head, she returned to the makeshift campsite. He’d covered the table with a red-and-white-checkered cloth, and the picnic basket sat on top.

“Are you ready to eat?”

“I can wait for a little while.”

“Good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.”

She shivered. “Do you ever stop?”

“Tell me honestly…” He thumbed back the bill of his baseball cap. “Do you want me to?”

The world went silent for a moment, and she found the courage to admit her truth. “No.”

“Then we’re in agreement.” Gently, he captured her chin.

Her heart fluttered like a butterfly’s wings. Even though she’d known him only a short amount of time, she craved him.

The intensity of his kiss shocked her. Rather than relaxed, it was urgent, and she responded to his passion, meeting each thrust of his tongue with a parry of her own.

He made her heart hammer and her thoughts swoon.

When her knees buckled, he caught her and pulled her tight against his chest.

“I’ve got you, Elissa.”

Recognizing the inevitable, she surrendered. “Yes.”

Jacob captured her mouth a second time. He slid his palm against her buttocks, pressing her against his pelvis. His cock was already hard, and the knowledge he wanted her turned her on. Response flooded through her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, silently giving more than he asked.

He released her momentarily, long enough to search her features and to thread his fingers into her ponytail. His grip firm, he held her in place as he sought her lips once again, devouring her moans and whimpered pleas.

Desperate for more, she wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her heels so she could move her hips against his.

He needed no other hints. “I’m going to make love to you.”

Shocked that she needed his possession more than her next breath, she nodded and reached for his belt.

Within seconds, he’d taken over, pulling her shirt off over her head and unhooking her bra, seemingly all in the same sweeping move.

In the breeze, her nipples instantly hardened.

“Nice.” He bent his head to suck one into his mouth, and desire plowed through her.

“Tell me you have condoms.” She had to ask before common sense fled entirely.

“Always. I consider that essential equipment now that you’re around, fair Elissa.”

Thank God.

He removed his shirt and draped it around her shoulders, then left her only long enough to spread out the blanket and grab his cell phone. Something else he obviously considered essential.

Then he opened the metal button at her waistband. Looking in her eyes, he lowered the zipper. Instead of pulling her shorts off, he slid his hand inside, then brushed aside the gusset of her panties to stroke her clit.

At his light touch, she moaned.

“You’re already wet, aren’t you?”

“Mmm.” He coaxed responses from her that she didn’t know she was capable of.

As he continued to work his magic, she clamped her hands on his biceps for support and allowed her eyes to drift closed.

“Come for me, Elissa. No holding back.”

His rough command melded with his masterful touch, lighting a fire deep in her. Within seconds, whimpering and crying, she climaxed, giving him what he demanded, as if it could be any other way.

Finally, when her breathing returned to normal and the brain fog cleared, she looked at him.

Maybe it was a trick of the sunlight, but she read purposeful intent in his dark green eyes.

“I need to be inside you, Elissa.”

She nodded. Rather than satiating her, the orgasm had only made her crave him more.

After he guided her to the blanket, he tossed aside his hat. She reclined onto her elbows to watch as he shrugged off his lightweight jacket to reveal a gun holster.

He’s carrying?

She shook her head. Of course he was. How could she think otherwise?

He covered the handgun with a towel, then tugged his T-shirt up, revealing the honed planes of his stomach. A shiver of arousal chased through her as he finished tugging the material over his head.

“See something you like?”

Elissa blushed. “I’ll be honest, I’ve never been so fascinated by a male body before.”

Showing zero embarrassment beneath her steady gaze, he gave her a quick grin. “And I meet your approval?”

A shiver tracing through her, she met his eyes. “You know you do.” And she ached to explore every part of him with her fingers as well as her mouth.

He toed off his work boots and socks, then unfastened his belt before removing his jeans. His tight gray boxer briefs showcased his enormous erection. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you? Tell me you are.”

“I always want you.”

Jacob removed his underwear before stripping off her remaining garments. Within seconds he’d taken total control. He was lying on his back, and he captured her wrists to guide her on top of him.

“Couldn’t get over the image of you like this, sitting up, wide open.”

Being in nature, naked, straddling him, should have made her shy. Instead, his approval emboldened her.

He toyed with her pussy to ensure she was lubricated, allowing her to set the pace.

Since her insides were a little tender, she took him in small, measured strokes.

When he was all the way inside, he groaned. “My God, woman.” He cradled her breasts, then tweaked her nipples.

The sensation—tenderness and pain in one—caused her to pitch forward. As she’d known he would, he caught her, protectively cradling her against him.

Then he grabbed hold of her ankles and tucked her feet inside his thighs, forcing her knees even farther apart, seating himself even deeper inside her.

“I…” She whimpered.

“You can.” After taking hold of her chin, he kissed her deeply and for so long that her senses were overwhelmed, and she no longer noticed the discomfort of him filling her. “Touch yourself for me.”

With as tight as he was holding her, it took some maneuvering for her to slide a finger across her swollen clit.

“That’s it, Elissa.”

He grasped her waist, steadying her as his powerful hips pistoned and he fucked her hard, seemingly with no restraint—not that she would deny him anything.

She was rising and falling on him, finding her climax when he moaned. How incredible this was, knowing he was on the verge.

Elissa lifted her head enough to watch him in fascination, adoring the way his lips pressed together and his jaw tightened.

His breaths were shallow, and he bit out her name, along with a soft curse.

The forceful way he came in her sent her over the edge, but he was there for her, clasping her again, murmuring reassuring words in her ear.

It wasn’t until long minutes later that she became aware of the sounds around her—the burbling water, the cry of a hawk. She managed to slow her breathing and regain her bearings long enough to press a palm against his chest in order to sit up. She blinked against the sunlight and saw his triumphant smile.

“I think you liked that.”

“More than a little.” The admission was easier than she imagined it might be.

“Then I think you’ll also enjoy my next suggestion.” Using his superior strength, he managed to roll them over, leaving her pinned helplessly beneath him.

“Oh?” Skeptically, she raised her eyebrows.


“I… Uh.” She drew a breath. “We’ve had that discussion before. I don’t do that kind of thing.”

“Until five minutes ago, you didn’t have sex outside either.”


“You have to admit, it will feel nice after being hot and sweaty.”

No doubt he was right about that. Because there were no clouds, her skin was warm.

Unabashed, he stood and crossed to the four-wheeler. She sat up and watched as he discarded the condom, then grabbed two towels. He tossed one to her. “You can preserve your modesty with this.”

“It’s a little late for that.”

“That’s not a bad thing.” He strode to the water and stepped in. “Cold, but not frigid.” He crouched to pour a handful of the pure Rocky Mountain water over his chest and half-hard cock. “You’ll love it.”

“I don’t know about that.” Despite her reservations, she was tempted.

“Have I led you astray?”

“Not yet.”

As if conceding her point, he grinned. “Never know when you will get another chance.” He extended a hand toward her. “Live a little. Promise I’ll keep you warm.”