Beg For Me by Sierra Cartwright

Chapter Five

Fighting for equilibrium, Elissa took a breath. She’d never really had to negotiate in this way before. Generally she told a Dominant what her limits were and informed him of her safe words. That there wouldn’t be a relationship later was understood. At the end of the scene, they each went their own way.

Until now, she’d never had to be concerned with what her Dominant wanted. She was now navigating unfamiliar territory. “Can we agree that whatever we share stays here? Let’s make no promises about what happens after this is over.” Why did that thought cause a pang of grief? “It doesn’t need to be complicated.”

“Elissa, you were a complication before I met you.”

She attempted a grin but then realized he wasn’t joking. “I don’t know what you want here.”

“Every damn thing you have to offer. Hold nothing back. I want to hear your moans. Your whimpers. Your pleas. Your screams. And I fucking want to know I’m not some random Dominant who you’ll forget next week.”

After swallowing the sudden lump in her throat, she told him the truth. “I think you know better. Believe me when I say you’re unforgettable.”

“Good. Otherwise we’d be done here.”

“We’re getting somewhere.” She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “So, can we at least agree that we’ll part ways without looking back?”


“No?” She blinked.

“I respect your need for rules, but this isn’t something I am flexible on. I’ll always be honest with you—that’s a promise. There will be no manipulation. But when the mission is over, if either of us want to discuss the possibility of continuing a relationship, we should be allowed to.”

Maybe he was braver than she was. She wasn’t sure she was ever capable of confessing her feelings like that. “But—”

“Maybe neither of us will want it. But I don’t want to play guessing games with you. Can you at least attempt to be equally transparent with me? If you want me at the end of our time together, I need to hear it.”

“I…” They were two different people from two different worlds who’d never chosen to be thrown together.


The level of transparency he demanded was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. And it was as scary as hell.

“It’s not that difficult.”

Elissa always waited for a man to express his desire for a relationship first. At a club, she was different because a scene there didn’t have the kind of meaning that one with Jacob would. “Terrifying.”

“But you accept my terms.”

Finally she nodded.

His smile was her greatest reward.

“And now… Would you like to submit to me?”

“Yes.” Every part of her ached for what he offered. Without conscious thought she looked away, but then dug for courage. “I want you to dominate me, Jacob.”

He placed his palms on the sides of her face and tipped her head back for a gentle kiss, one that conflicted with the untamed hunger burning in his eyes.

“In that case, Elissa…” He stood and offered his hand.

Her whole being trembled as she accepted, sliding her palm against his. The blanket tumbled to the ground as he drew her against him.

“I’ll be worthy of your trust.”

He released her to extinguish the fire and straighten the area, gathering their wineglasses.

“Now, like a good submissive, I want you to precede me into the house.”

His voice contained an unfamiliar note of command. She was no longer a client, and he’d masterfully started the scene. Adrenaline flooded her, and she took a breath to steady the onslaught of nerves.

He nodded almost imperceptibly toward the house. Obediently, now on familiar footing, she walked across the patio and into the living room. Once there, she stood patiently, head bowed, trying not to fidget as she waited for him to lock the door and load the stemware into the dishwasher.

“Very nice.”

The purr of his approval flowed through her, replacing nerves with confidence.

After engaging the alarm system, he crossed the room to stand in front of her. “I’m going to kiss you again.”

“Yes.” She met his eyes. “Please.”

He hadn’t said just how passionate he’d be. He tasted of rich red wine, and he claimed her mouth like a man dying of thirst. Her surrender wasn’t enough, and he plunged deeper, one palm pressed against the middle of her back and the other cradling her head as he coaxed a response from her. He wasn’t allowing her to be passive—he demanded her active participation.

At the club, no Dominant had kissed her.

Once again, Jacob proved he was no ordinary man.

He pulled away for a moment. Reeling, she blinked as she looked up at him. “Open your mouth wider for me.”

When he’d said he wanted everything she had to offer, he meant it. She leaned against him, curling her hands around his neck as he devoured her.

By the time he eased back, her breathing was ragged, and the world was unsteady. He continued to hold her close; then he gently tipped back her chin.

“You’re exquisite.”

Ordinarily a compliment like that might have embarrassed her, but the sincerity radiating from his eyes spoke of authenticity. From him, it wasn’t some meaningless platitude.

“Now I’d like you to follow me.”

She nodded. Already she would follow him anywhere.

“I’d prefer to hear your answer aloud, please.”

“Yes…” For a moment, she paused and frowned. “How should I address you?”

“Thank you for asking. Sir or Jacob. I’m fine with either.”

“In that case, yes, Jacob.”

“I like the sound of my name on your lips.” He removed his finger from beneath her chin.

Quickly and effectively, he’d established a boundary, and she slipped a little deeper inside herself, to a place where the noise stopped. Sometimes that didn’t happen until later in a scene, after impact play had begun.

He led the way to his wing of the house and stopped outside the closed door that she’d noticed last night.

“Is this the room you were talking about? The one you said I wouldn’t like?”

“My dungeon? Yes.” He flashed a quick, wicked grin. “At this point, I’m thinking you’ll find it to your satisfaction.” After the biometrics disengaged the lock, he turned the knob, pushed open the door, then turned on the lights before looking at her.

Giving me a chance to change my mind?

“After you.”

Wanting this, wanting him, she entered slowly, then turned in a slow circle, taking in the space. It was a submissive’s dream, with lots of mirrors, a spanking bench with lots of rings, as well as siderails for her knees, a rather large, uncomfortable-looking straight-back leather chair fit for a Dominant, and a beautiful wood Saint Andrew’s cross with a small vinyl pad in the middle to make it more comfortable. That, she would appreciate. But what captured her attention was a metal structure. It had two upright poles and another that went across the top. It made her think of a high bar used for gymnastics.

Although there was no window, there was a sink, an armoire emblazoned with the ranch symbol, and a second door, maybe to a closet. There was a fireplace with a chair and rug in front of it, along with several sturdy metal rings attached to the floor…which no doubt meant he could secure her at his feet, something she’d never experienced before. “This is…”

“Frightening? Enticing?”

She faced him.

Jacob stood with his legs wide, arms folded across his chest, all commanding and ominous. His eyes were darker than they had been earlier, and while he still looked at her with kindness, there was now a glint of hardness in the green depths. In his element, he was magnificent. And he was studying her closely, waiting for her answer. It was difficult to express what was happening inside her, the collision of nerves and excitement. “Both, maybe.”

“What scares you?”

“The rings in the floor.”

“Interesting. Why?”

“The helplessness of it.” With other Doms, it had been enough to say she didn’t like something. But Jacob forced her to look inside herself. “And not knowing how long I’d be there. Would I be kneeling? Sitting? Lying down? Standing?”

“Go on.”

She glanced toward the fireplace setting. “But that speaks to… I don’t know how to put it into words. Like, I guess, a long comfortable evening between a Dom and a submissive. He—you—might be sipping a whiskey…”

“You remembered.”

“To me it represents something permanent. It seems like something that might happen in a long-term relationship—you know, between a couple who spend a lot of time enjoying each other.”

“I can see that.”

“A scene kind of has a natural progression—a beginning, an end—and that can be thirty minutes or a couple of hours. But you go back to your life, cooking dinner, doing the laundry.”

He waited, not saying anything.

”I’m not sure I have the patience to be tethered at my Master’s feet.” Had she really used the word Master? Something inside her stilled. She’d never had that thought about any Dominant, even the one she’d lived with. So why Jacob?

Her breaths were frantic as she fought to control her suddenly erratic emotions. “You’ve got this amazing setup. Did you put it together for someone in particular?” It shouldn’t matter, but she couldn’t contain her curiosity.

“I have particular tastes. But no. You are the only woman—submissive or not—who has spent time in my house.”

She took that in, loving that she was the first.

“I worked with a furniture designer in Denver to put the dungeon together. The cross is made with lumber from the ranch.”

“It’s beautiful, and I understand why you have that and the spanking bench. But I’m curious about the rings attached to the floor. Was my guess right?”

“I enjoy the flexibility they offer. And standing over a submissive who’s helpless beneath me is a powerful image. For example, you could be on all fours, secured by a collar around your beautiful neck.”

Unable to help herself, she pressed her palm to her chest.

“There’d be no escape as I eased a butt plug inside your ass.”

His focus was relentless, and beneath his scrutiny, her pussy moistened. And he was still several feet away from her.

“You’d have no choice but to take my cock in your hot pussy as I entered you from behind.” He took a step toward her, his footfall ominous on the honeyed floor planks. “You’d be full for me. And I’d show you no mercy.”

Protective instincts urged her to flee, but submissive ones compelled her to stay rooted in place.

“Or maybe I’d place you on your back and require you to tug on your nipples as I dropped hot wax onto your belly.”

Her knees were weak. It wasn’t just from his words, but the intent beneath them. They were more than random musings. He was watching her, weighing her response.

“But I definitely like your idea—of seeing you tied at my feet while I sip whiskey in front of the fire.”

Earlier, she might have put that on her limits list. But she was no longer certain of that. His scenario sounded companionable, emotional rather than sexual, and she suddenly craved that connection in a way she never had before.

“Do you know what would make this even more spectacular?”

“No.” Tipping her head to one side, she looked at him. “What?”

“The image you’re working on. Having the original portrait hanging on the wall above the mantel.”

“Are you serious?”

“I’d like to commission the piece, if it’s not too late.”

Her mind reeled. He wants it for himself?

“Do you take requests?”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“I’d like the submissive to have darker hair. Perhaps blue eyes as well.”

He had seen his resemblance in the image, and he wanted the woman to look more like her? “I’ve never done something like that before.” Of course, until today, she’d never changed an image to look like a man who was consuming her thoughts.

“Bonds recognized your talent. So do I. I’d like to purchase your art before you have a showing and the price goes up.”

She laughed at the absurdity.

“I’ll consider it an investment.”

“Look, if you really mean it, I’ll paint it and give it to you. I wouldn’t feel right charging you.”

“I insist. A lot of labor goes into it, not to mention supplies and the opportunity cost.”

He was a businessman. Of course he’d understand that concept. While she was working on his piece, she couldn’t earn money doing anything else.

Jacob named a price that made her gasp. It was twenty times anything she’d consider charging. “I want the original, along with any line drawings. No posters, giclées, or any other reproduction. It’s for my private collection, and no one else can ever see it.”

The offer was absurd.

There was little chance she’d ever become famous. If she wanted to pursue a career as an artist, the picture would be a crucial part of her portfolio. And being able to make copies of it would be an ongoing source of income.

Yet no one else would ever have the connection to the painting that he did, and she’d always remember his belief in her—misplaced though it may be. “If I finish it, it’s yours. And I agree to your terms. The price doesn’t include framing or potential shipping charges.”

“If you’re not here when you complete it, simply name the time and place, and I’ll personally pick it up.”

“You could hire a professional company to do that.”

“I know.” The huskiness in his voice traced down her spine. “It’s a deal, then?”

For better or worse.“Yes.” Since this was a business transaction, she didn’t add the honorific that would make her feel like his submissive.

He extended his hand.

“I said if I finish it,” she reminded him.

“Hope is eternal, fair Elissa.”

When she took his hand, he surprised her by raising hers to his lips. This badass protective agent, honorable cowboy, made her swoon.

She was falling for him, hard and fast.

When he finally released her, she looked away from him, trying to put some emotional distance between them. Her reaction had to be because of the strange circumstances, being alone with him in an idyllic setting and the millions of pheromones zinging between them, creating a bubbling cauldron of sexual need.

“You told me what scared you about the room.” Like a good Dominant, he brought her back to the present, but he did so in a nonthreatening way that helped her to refocus. “What pleases you?”

This, a BDSM inquiry, was familiar and not as tricky to navigate. “The spanking bench.”

“Tell me why.”

“Depending on the position, it supports my whole body. It’s comfortable. Because I can put my head down, I find it easier to let go mentally. It helps ease my worry.”

“Good to know.”

“I’ve never seen one of those in a club.” She pointed to the metal structure.

“Let me show you how it works.” He crossed the room, and she followed.

Now that she was close, she noticed the notches and hooks that were in it.

“It’s a variation of a suspension frame. The height is adjustable, making it suitable for Shibari rope work. I have a different plan for it.” Gently he moved her so she stood beneath the overhead bar. “Unlike the Saint Andrew’s cross or the spanking bench, it allows unrestricted access to a submissive’s body. Of course, she won’t have the same kind of support as a more physical structure, so there are times, like a sustained, sensual flogging, where something else is a better choice.”

Anticipation made her pussy damp.

“This frame allows the Dominant, me, to select a number of different positions for my sub—you.”

She shivered.

“I can place you on your tiptoes. Or not.” He never took his gaze from hers, and she was ensnared, helpless to look away. “Your ankles can be secured to the sides so that you can’t escape or try to protect your pretty cunt.”

The words hung in the still air, naked, frightening, tantalizing.

“Or I can bind your legs, in a mummy effect.”

“It’s…” Words. She needed to think. But how could she when he was mere inches away, talking about what he intended to do to her? “Ah…more versatile than I realized.”

“The possibilities are numerous, aren’t they?”

With her imagination painting some vivid pictures that she couldn’t wait to sketch out, she looked away. Now that her creativity had been unleashed, she couldn’t stop the flow of ideas.

“The metal plates at the bottom are bolted to the floor, giving the structure stability. That means you will be completely safe, and you’re free to turn yourself over to me.”

There was nothing she wanted more.

“Take off your shoes for me, Elissa.” It was part invitation, part command, and his voice was as gruff as sandpaper over pebbles. “Then strip down to your bra and panties.”

Though she’d expected the soft, uncompromising order, her heart still jolted. He was a new partner, and the unexpected was as wonderful as it was scary.

Her fingers trembled slightly, and she fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. She appreciated him walking away, toward the armoire, granting her a momentary reprieve from his focus.

Once she was half naked, her clothing folded on the floor, she tried to peek at what he was doing, but his back was to her, blocking her view.

He opened a drawer and placed a few items in it.


“I’d like that.” Anything was better than the silence, amplifying the sound of her frantic breaths.

He selected something she recognized from the club, an EDM tune that pulsed with eroticism. “Do you like it?”

It made her more aware of him, of his constrained power. “Yes.”

“I was hoping you would.” He bumped up the volume a little more, giving the space an audible heartbeat.

“It’s intimate. Moody.”

“And not so loud that I can’t hear your whimpers or cries of ecstasy.” He glanced over his shoulder, and she wasn’t sure whether or not he was joking.

Unsure what to do, she placed her hands at the small of her back and tried not to squirm as she waited for him.

When he faced her, he was holding a leather collar. “Any objection?”

The room held a slight chill, and she told herself her sudden shiver was from that.

“Elissa?” He’d obviously noticed her reaction. “Is it a problem for you?”

“I… Uhm…”

“It’s your choice entirely.”

In that instant, with the way he was looking at her, she was reminded of the couple she’d painted, the one she told him about.

The moment pulsed with expectation. To her, the collar represented some kind of commitment, but she wasn’t sure he meant it that way. “Is it a fetish for you, Sir?”

“Not at all. To me, it’s symbolic. It will be the only thing you’ll have on, and from the moment I fasten it in place until I remove it at the end of our scene, it will mean you belong to me.”

Being honest would make her emotionally vulnerable to him, yet she was compelled to confess what was in her heart. “I’d be honored.”

“In that case, please lift your hair out of the way.”

As she did so, he crossed the room. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, letting her know he appreciated her decision.

His touch both gentle and firm, he fastened the collar in place, then checked the fit. “Good.” When she released her hair, he nodded his satisfaction. “You’re mine.” Possession punctuated his words. “It couldn’t be more perfect if it had been custom-made for you.”

Against her neck, the leather slowly warmed.

“Now finish undressing for me.” This time, he watched, taking in her every movement.

When she was naked before him, she pressed her tongue to her upper lip. The club she played at had rules against nudity, and for a moment, uncertainty claimed her. She hadn’t been this vulnerable since she was with Robby.

“You’re even more spectacular than I dared hope.” Jacob traced his thumb along the top of the collar.

Then, moving behind her, he cupped her breasts and dragged his thumbnails across her nipples.

Whimpering, she wrapped her hands around one of his wrists for support.

He leaned into her, his lips near her ear. “Do you like that, Elissa?”

She loved the way he whispered her name, the syllables laced with sensuality.


“Yes, I do. Sir.”

He rewarded her by squeezing her nipples and gently tugging on them, with the right amount of exquisite pressure.

“And what do you think of floggers?”

“I love everything about them.”

“Tell me.”

She’d never had to explain it before, and she really hadn’t thought it through. “The way it bites. The way the falls can wrap around my body. So many points of contact. It’s like a dance of pleasure and pain, and often both at the same time.”

“Well said. And a violet wand?”

How could he expect her to think while he was tormenting her so exquisitely? “I’ve actually never played with one.”

“Is it on your limits list?”

“No. I’m actually interested.”

“Excellent.” He released one nipple and skimmed his hand down her belly to find her heat. “Open your legs. For me. And keep them spread apart. Don’t deny your Dominant.”

Everything in her yielded to him.

He played with her pussy, teasing her to the very edge of an orgasm, and then he pulled away, leaving her shaking.

If she wasn’t still holding on to him, she wasn’t sure she could stand up. “Jacob!”

“Hmm?” He knew exactly what he was doing and seemed totally unconcerned. “Let’s get you to the suspension structure so that you can earn that orgasm.”

“You’re such a damn Dom.”

“Sounds like a complaint.” This time, there was a hint of a tease in his voice, another new side of him.

Finding connection in a way she hadn’t expected, she responded in kind. “It was more of an observation, Sir.”

“An observation?”

“A proper submissive doesn’t complain. She simply tries to please her Dominant.”

“Exactly as I thought.” He left her again and returned with a length of rope.

The sight of the sturdy bright-pink silk left her riveted. The color was arresting, and no doubt it would be the stuff of her future fantasies.

“Hold it for me.”

She accepted the strand, and then he led her to the metal structure. Then, after studying her, he raised the top bar a couple of inches.

In less than a minute, her wrists were tied together and secured above her head. Fortunately he’d been kind and allowed her to keep her feet flat on the floor.

“Now spread your legs as far apart as possible.”

With speed that attested to his skill with ropes, he had her completely at his mercy in no time at all. Nervousness crashed against her arousal, leaving her reeling.

He left her for a moment while he took out a metal box, then plugged in the violet wand and tucked the conduction pad inside the waistband of his jeans, which meant he didn’t need the toy. He intended to use his body to electrify hers.

When he turned on the machine and tested it, the unmistakable sparking hum made her jump. She shrank back and tugged against her bonds. Not surprisingly, he hadn’t left her much room to wiggle around.

“I have it on the lowest setting. Ready?”

For a moment, she considered using her safe word. But she told herself she could try it once. If she hated it, they wouldn’t have to continue.

Opting for bravery, she nodded. “I’m a little apprehensive.”

“Understood.” He brushed two fingers between her breasts. “How’s that?”

“Like…tiny bubbles.” It was so light she was barely aware of it.

He touched both of her nipples, and absolute pleasure caused them to tighten immediately.

“Oh God. That’s magnificent.”

“Let’s try a little more intensity.”

When she didn’t object, he adjusted the setting. This time, when he skimmed her nipples, she cried out from pleasure. She never wanted this to stop.

Keeping contact with her, making her twitch from the little pulses, he moved behind her. He tormented her whole body—shoulders, breasts, ribs, belly. Determinedly he started over, from the top, trailing down her arms, then her sides, before zapping her buttocks, electrifying her.

Jacob crouched to electrify her legs, down to her ankles, before moving back up the insides of her thighs.

Instinctively she pulled away as he neared her most delicate spot, but the ropes caught, holding her prisoner. “Jacob…” She angled her head but couldn’t make eye contact. “Sir?”

“Hmm?” But instead of stopping, he brushed his hand over her pussy.

The energy rocked through her. Instantly she became more aroused than she’d ever been. When he did it again, she whimpered. “I need…” God. She wanted sex. Had to have him.

But he was nowhere close to being finished with her.

When perspiration dotted her body, he left her only long enough to switch out the violet wand for a flogger with short falls. And he turned up the music, seeming to make the floor vibrate. Or maybe that was a residual effect of the electromagnetics.

For a few moments, Elissa allowed her eyes to close, and she was barely aware of his footsteps when he returned to stand behind her.

He swept her hair to one side and stroked a finger across her nape. “Are you doing okay, fair Elissa?”

She was. “Yes, Jacob.”

“Ready for more?” He placed the strands of the flogger on her shoulder, then eased them back, igniting a promise of pleasure.

“I’m already in a submissive stupor.”

“Good.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Should we stop?”

“No.” Not ever.

Her body chilled when he released her. Almost instantly he was in front of her, in all his Dominant magnificence. His powerful legs were spread, and he was still fully dressed, including his hand-tooled cowboy boots. Maybe she should have asked him to release her and take her to bed.

She expected him to begin the flogging, but he didn’t. Instead, he pleasured her breasts and pussy until she writhed against him.

“I love seeing you so needy.”

“May…” Damn, she wanted to come, but she knew he was finding pleasure in denying her. “I’m on the edge, Sir.”

“Your eyes reveal all of your reactions. You can’t hide anything.” He lowered his hand. “Even your frustration. You’ll come when I give you my permission.”

She clamped her lips together so she didn’t say anything else.

“Your brains match your beauty.”

Then, taking a step back, he flicked the flogger across one of her breasts. She sighed. As a Dominant, he met her every need. She’d never been with a man who intuitively read her the way he did.

In total trust, she relaxed in her bonds, turning herself over to him.

Each thuddy stroke from the thick falls was everything she could have hoped for, the pain both blunt and welcome.

He was a master. Her Master.

She had no idea how long he kissed her body with the whip; all she knew was that she was lost in the reverberation of music, of whimpers. The tears clinging to her lashes were from happiness and release, and she was soaring, dancing in a place where only pleasure existed.

He placed the handle of the flogger against her clit and rubbed hard. When he spoke, his voice reached her from a distance, compelling and commanding. “Tell me what you want. Ask for it.”

Over and over, he teased her, making her beg.

An eternity later, he yielded. “That’s it. You’ve earned it. Come for me, fair Elissa. Come.”

With a scream, she spiraled, letting go as the orgasm rocked her.

She rode wave after wave as he fucked her with his hand, wringing climax after climax from her, the last so intense that she tipped back, exhausted, with nothing left to give.

Jacob moved behind her to pull her body back against his. The steel of his erection pressed against her, making her woozy, delirious with desire.

Without her consciously being aware of it, he somehow managed to unfasten her wrists. “Wrap your arms around yourself.”

Once she had enough awareness, she did. And then he rubbed her biceps, helping circulation to return.

Her entire body hummed with awareness.

As he released her ankles, he instructed her to close her legs when she was ready. After he stood, he captured her face between his palms. “Are you back with me?”

“Almost. I think.” Her knees were still trembly. “That was…” Because her voice was little more than a whisper, she cleared her throat to try again. “Everything.” She’d yielded to him in a way she never had with any other man.

“I need to get you some water, take care of you.” He held her against his powerful body, and his heartbeat was steady beneath her ear.

She snuggled in closer, knowing something had been transformed inside her. She’d never be the same again. “Jacob…”

“Anything, Elissa.”

God, she couldn’t let this end. “Will you take me to bed? I want you to make love to me.”

Her request stoked passion in his eyes. “There’s nothing I’d like more.”