Hard Fall by Brenda Rothert


Our villages expanded by a lot while writing this book. Everyone on our individual teams huddled up and worked hard to make this book a success, and we are grateful! We truly can’t list out everyone who helps us on a day-to-day basis, because that would take pages and pages, and we’d still probably forget someone. But know that if you’re a blogger reading the ARC for this book, an author friend to one or both of us, a reader who never misses one of our hockey books, or a really hot hockey player, we are grateful for you.

Special thanks to Renita McKinney, who worked us in for a developmental edit at the drop of a hat while she was traveling. Renita, your encouragement and sound advice gave us everything we needed to finish this book in the way we wanted to. Our publicists, Heather Roberts, Jessica Estep and Jenn Gaffney are our promo Dream Team. Thanks, guys, for handling so much of the non-writing work so we can stay lost in the St. Louis Mavericks world. Line editor Taylor Bellitto polished this book until it shone, and we dig her a whole lot. Rosa Sharon is our sharp-eyed, awesomely talented proofreader, who helps us rest easy and not feel like we have to read through the book several more times when our eyes are already burning. Our cover photo is by Rafa Catala, and it so perfectly captures our Wes. Lori Jackson put the perfect touches on it with her design work, and the cover was a huge part of our inspiration as we wrote.

This was fun, you guys! Maybe we should do it again...like soon?