Hard Fall by Brenda Rothert

Author’s Note

When I first started publishing my fiction five years ago, I never imagined I’d want to share my characters and ideas with anyone else. The stories we create are so incredibly personal, it’s hard to invite someone into that process. And yet, from our very first phone conversation, Brenda and I found kindred writing spirits in each other. The storyline for Hard Fall grew quickly, and we started putting words on paper within a few days of discussing the project. Having someone to bounce ideas off of, and developing these characters together, made the process both painless and unforgettable. Usually, I’m ecstatic when I finish a book, but I felt an equal amount of sadness with this one because I didn’t want it to end. I hope you, the wonderful readers out there, feel the same way.

It’s an honor and a privilege knowing you’re out there reading my words, and I appreciate each and every one of you.
