Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 16

Harlow woke up the next morning sore in all the right places and well sated.

Zane was still passed out beside her, his chest bare and the bed sheet tangled around his waist.

It took a little convincing on her part and maybe even a bj or two, but he was finally coming around to her way of thinking about the house Landry left her.

In her mind it was no different than anything her mom and dad would have left her or anything his parents were to gift to him. As long as they were together, what was hers was his and vice versa. But she knew all about Zane and his pride. Harlow agreed to let Zane use his savings to pay for half of any upgrades or repairs. Granted he fought like hell to try and pay for all of the things they both decided they wanted done to the house, but she flat out refused, arguing that he needed to consider the house her 22nd birthday present and that if she wanted a specific tile for the bathroom and the farmhouse sink - she was damn well going to pay for it. Just like he was paying for the hardwood flooring and the massive tv that he insisted they needed for what would eventually be the open family room and dining area.

There were plenty of details to work out and paperwork that needed to be signed before they could actually move in.

Just knowing they’d made a decision made her happy though.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, she contemplated waking Zane up with her mouth - until her cell phone rang from somewhere across the room.

Harlow considered ignoring it but thought it could be important. Not many people called her before noon on a good day.

Still in the pocket of her purse, her phone rang again. When she pulled it out, she noticed her dad’s name on the screen. Nervous butterflies swirled in her stomach while her heart and her head fought over the right thing to do.

“Hello,” she reluctantly answered.

“Harlow. It’s Finn, I mean, Dad.”

“I know it’s you Daddy, I haven’t deleted your number from my phone.”

“That’s something, isn't it?”

“I’d say so. Is everything okay?”

“Oh. Yes. I’m sorry. I know it’s still early, but I wondered if you would join me for breakfast. I’d like to talk to you. And apologize. If that’s okay.”

She let out a breath she didn’t even realize she’d been holding. “Daddy.”

“I screwed up, darlin’. I know I did. Give me a chance to make it right?”

“Of course. What time did you want to meet up?”

“Could I pick you up in fifteen minutes or so?”

Harlow ran a hand over the unruly mop on her head and looked down. Yep, she was still naked. “Uhm. Make it twenty and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

“I’ll see you then.”

As soon as the call disconnected, she rushed back to the bathroom for the quickest shower she’d ever taken. Her jet-black curls got pulled up in a bun and she threw on a brand-new sundress that she found in the maternity section yesterday.

Zane, who could sleep like the dead, stirred and sat up in bed.

“Going somewhere?”

His gritty morning voice was enough to melt her panties right off.

“Oh. Yeah. I was getting ready to wake you. My dad called. Invited me out to breakfast in,” she quickly glanced at her Apple Watch “six minutes.”

Zane swung his feet over the side of the bed and stood. “Need me to come with you? I’ll throw on some clothes real quick.”

Harlow walked over and kissed his cheek. “No, thank you. Go back to bed. I’ll be back soon and can fill you in.”

“You sure,” he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m sure. We need this. He needs it.”

“Okay. If anything happens and you need me…”

“I know how to get a hold of you,” she smiled. “I better get going.”

Harlow gave him one more kiss before she grabbed her purse and headed out the front door.

Her dad was already waiting for her. Leaning against the passenger side of the car, he gave her a timid smile when he spotted her. As she walked closer, he opened her car door and waited for her to climb inside before he shut the door and made his way around the car.

“Feeling okay, kiddo?” he asked awkwardly.

“It’s been a good day so far,” she held a hand over her belly. “No morning sickness, yet.”

“Good. Good. I thought we’d just go to the diner if that’s okay?”

“Yes, of course.”

Short drive and good food? Harlow was all for it, especially once her dad fell silent for the rest of the car ride.

The diner was crowded but they still managed to find a corner booth in the back.

They each ordered their favorite breakfast dish, coffee for her dad and English Breakfast Tea for Harlow.

“I guess, I should probably start talking,” Finn chuckled. “Or groveling.”

“You did say you wanted to talk,” Harlow said softly.

“Harlow, I am so sorry. For everything. For even suggesting we kept your...Landry...I mean, your dad a secret....”

She held up one hand and tried to cut in.

“Wait. Please. Let me get this all out because I’m kind of a mess right now,” Finn confessed.


“Things were a lot different back then. Complicated. Very complicated. When Landry died, it broke my heart to know this little curly haired cutie had lost her father, ya know? Your mom, she needed someone and there was history there. Harlow from the moment you truly came into my life, I never hesitated. You’ve always been just as much mine as Scarlett, and I would have done anything to protect you. Back then, that meant saving you from all the hurt and pain in the world.” Finn blew out a breath.

“This past year. The last six months really. I felt like the clock was ticking down. I knew when you turned 22, we were going to have to explain some things and I was terrified you would hate me. That I would lose this little girl that I love with all my heart. So, I did what the stupid, hairbrained, younger me would have done. I started acting like an ass. I distanced myself from you anyway I could. And in the end, I did the one thing that I didn’t want to do back then. I hurt my little girl,” he finished with a sip of coffee, fighting back the tears.

Harlow reached across the table and took his hand, giving it a squeeze. “I think the very first thing you need to understand is that you, are my dad. You raised me. You took a little girl who wasn’t yours and you loved her like she was your own. You nurtured and protected her. You taught her everything she needed to know about life. Landry was my birth father. He’s not here. He can’t steal me away from you. The only way you’re going to lose me is if you continue acting the way you have been, that includes continuing to be so rude to Zane and his family.”

Finn shook his head. “That’s the other thing. Zane. You know. He reminds me a lot of the kid I used to be. Or he did. And the kid I was back then, hell the “adult” I was supposed to be back when Scarlett was born - didn’t deserve a woman like you, a woman like your mother. I saw myself in him and that’s why I’ve been the way I am with him. It’s not right. I judged him for my own mistakes. I don’t want to do that anymore either.”

“No more pressuring him to marry me?” Harlow raised a brow.

“No more pressuring him to marry you. I promise. Don’t expect me to stand back if he ever treats you or that baby poorly. But, as long as he continues to be the man he is right now, he has my respect.”

“That’s all I ask.”

“Harlow, I am so sorry. I am. Will you give me the chance to make this right?”

“I will,” she smiled as the waitress sat their food on the table. “Now let’s eat. Your grandchild is hungry.”