Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 18

Four Months Later...

Zane stuck close to Harlow’s side as they made their way around the vineyard courtyard, saying hello to all of their guests.

Their mothers, with help from Scarlett and his soon to be sister-in-law, Danielle, really outdid themselves. Pink and blue decorations were splattered everywhere to celebrate the pending arrival of their bundle of joy.

A bundle of joy that's gender still remained a secret, much to their families’ dismay.

A familiar face joined the crowd and looked around. Zane caught his glance and nodded.

“Ladies, if you’ll excuse us for a moment,” he looped his arm through Harlow’s. “There’s someone I’d like Harlow to meet.”

The women, friends of the Keller's, smiled and nodded while Zane whisked her away.

Cruz Livingston stood near the bar with a drink in one hand and his fiancé, Mickie holding the other. He looked almost as uncomfortable as Zane did and that was saying a lot, but at least his friend and now mentor took the time to show up.

“Harlow this is Cruz and his fiancé Michelle,” Zane introduced their guests.

“It’s Mickie, please, call me Mickie,” the woman laughed.

“Cruz, it’s nice to put a face with a name,” Harlow shook his hand. “And Mickie, so nice to meet you both,” she hugged the other woman. “I understand, you’re the one I have to thank for Zane’s new job.”

Because wasn’t that just the way shit worked. Right in the middle of moving into their house that they spent two months fixing up, he got the call that the FBI wanted him on their team. Forty-five days before their baby was due to enter the world.

“All I did was share some information. Your...uh...Zane, he did the rest,” Cruz smiled back at her.

“Well, either way. Thank you both for coming, we really appreciate it.”

“I hope you don’t mind; Zane may have mentioned to Cruz that you’re trying to adapt to this new normal. I just wanted to say, if you ever need a friend or want to talk about it with someone who’s living through it, I’m here,” Mickie offered.

“You mean that? I would love to chat sometime. Even if it’s not about these two,” Harlow winked.

“Great! Before we leave, I’ll give you my number and we can do lunch.”

Cruz slapped Zane on the back. “See man, I told you it would all work out.”


“Anxious about Monday?” he asked.

Zane shrugged. “A little. Only because I’m not really sure what to expect.”

“Ah, Cruz Livingston,” Gene joined the group and held out his hand. “Zane mentioned you might stop by today.”

“Mr. Clark. Nice to meet you in person. Man, the family resemblance is strong around here,” Cruz laughed and shook Gene’s hand.

“Call me Gene. None of that Mr. Clark shit.”

Zane shook his head. “Please forgive him. He’s quite excited about his grandchild’s arrival and has been celebrating with my brothers since we got here.”

“Oh, bullshit. Don’t you dare tell this man I’m drunk. Far from it, Zane Archie Clark.”

The whole group laughed, and Zane held his hands up in the air. “I was trying to help you out. I didn’t want Cruz to know that you’re always this weird.”

Harlow stifled a laugh behind her hand.

“I’ll show you weird,” Gene shook a finger at his son. “Kids these days,” he muttered before shuffling away.

“Your dad’s adorable,” Mickie commented.

“Please don’t tell him that. My mom has got her hands full with him and here we thought it would be my mom and Mila we’d have to worry about,” Zane replied.

“He’s excited,” Harlow reminded him.

Zane rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I haven’t seen him this excited since Shelby brought home that mutt of his.”

“Kids,” Mila wrapped an arm around Harlow, “I think it’s time to open up some of these gifts,” she pointed to the gift table.

There was an entire table piled high with diapers and wipes with an empty spot in the middle of what could have easily been described as a throne made just for the Momma-to-be.

“Go on. We can catch up later,” Cruz shooed them away.

* * *

Harlow opened another gift, this time laughing out loud and holding the gift up in the air.

Zane chuckled as he caught his first glimpse, “I know this had to be one of my brothers. A Daddy Diaper Duty Belt, really?”

Harlow shook her head and handed him the card.

If there was one thing I learned in all my years, it’s that a dad can never truly be prepared for fatherhood. Dirty diapers have nothing on the dirty criminals we deal with on a daily basis.

~ Dad

“Dad? Really?” he shook his head. “Clever, Old Man.”

“I’ll show you old man,” his dad called out. “You’ll thank me for that later, son.”

Zane took a moment to analyze his tool belt further while Harlow moved onto the next package. At the rate they were going, they might be here a while.

Three gifts down, four million more to go.

He was pretty sure that Baby Clark wasn’t going to need anything.

“This one is from me and Danielle,” Shelby came walking up with an awkward box in his arms.

Zane quickly helped Shelby set it down and gave his brother a weird look. “What the hell did you get?” he mumbled under his breath.

“It’s easier if you open the side and slide it out,” Shelby warned.

Harlow and Zane each took one of the side flaps and opened it.

Zane reached in and grabbed a hold of a wood spindle. “You didn’t.”

“What is it?” Harlow asked.

He answered by gently tugging the antique bassinet out of the box for everyone to see.

“Oh,” Harlow gasped. “That’s...oh my goodness!”

“We made sure it’s one-hundred percent safe for the baby. I refinished it and Danielle painted it with some special paint that is baby safe.”

Happy tears streamed down Harlow’s face. She never thought when she mentioned loving the idea of having an old bassinet like Zane’s mom kept in the living room with dolls in it, that anyone had even paid attention.

“Wait, this is…”

Lynn spoke up with the same tears in her eyes. “The bassinet. It was my boys and now it’s yours.”

Harlow gave Shelby a big hug and then hugged Danielle and Lynn. “I can’t thank you all enough.”

Zane patted his brother on the back and thanked him. “That means a lot, Big Brother.”

“It was nothing. We were happy to make it happen.”

Danielle gave Zane a look, silently letting him know it was go time. Zane nodded.

“Hey, I’ll be right back. I need to go grab something,” he said with a kiss to Harlow’s cheek.

Zane headed toward the parking lot with Danielle not far behind.

“You promise me this dog is already trained?” he asked for what was only the millionth time since he decided to surprise Harlow with a two-year-old rescue pup.

“Yes. Fully trained, though you’ll have to keep practicing. Caught up on all vaccines and a clean bill of health from the vet. She’s going to love her.”

He snorted. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

Bailey’s foster mom was waiting for them outside the car with the black and white Border Collie that Danielle helped him find. The dog was busy sniffing around in the grassy area but when she turned around, Zane spotted the huge pink bow on her collar.

“Well, shit,” he cursed. He’d seen plenty of pictures of the dog over the last few weeks, but damn if she wasn’t the cutest damn dog. Not that he was ever going to admit that.

“I think your new family member is a little excited to be going to her forever home,” Aliana, the pup’s foster mom, handed her leash over to Zane.

“Thank you for taking good care of her,” he said, already down on his knees fluffing Bailey’s fur and getting dog kisses.

“It’s my pleasure. It’s always worth it when you know they’re going to a good home.”

“I appreciate you doing this favor for us and bringing her here today,” Danielle added.

“Anytime. I was more than happy to help,” Aliana replied. “Oh, one more thing!” She quickly popped the trunk and pulled out a gift bag. “I brought a little something for the baby.”

Zane’s eyes widened. “You did not have to do that. Are you sure you can’t stay? We’ve got plenty of room for an extra guest and I’m sure my...Harlow would love to meet you.”

“That’s really kind but I need to get back home. I’ve got a house full of puppies and children to get back to.”

“Thank you again,” Zane repeated.

“Let me just give you her box of belongings, then you should get back before your love comes looking for you,” Alaina smiled.

Danielle took the box from Alaina and followed Zane back toward the vineyard’s outdoor patio.

“Why don’t you leave that here?” Zane pointed to a corner where some of their bigger gifts were situated out of the way. “I need to do one more thing then I’ll be out.”

“You got it.” Danielle grinned. “She is going to be so excited!”

“I hope you’re right about this,” he laughed nervously.

Once Danielle was out of sight, he pulled the neatly folded ribbon and a card from his pocket and tied it around Bailey’s neck. “Okay, Bailey. It’s showtime, girl.”

One more deep breath then Zane led his new companion to Harlow.

There was no way to hide Bailey once he was in view of their guests. The overall oohing and ahhing quickly caught Harlow’s attention.

“What in the world?” she asked.

Zane grinned as Bailey seemed to instinctively take a seat beside Harlow and sat her head on Harlow’s lap. “You said you wanted a puppy. This lovely lady is Bailey.”

“She’s ours?!”

“She’s ours.”

Harlow rubbed her head then noticed the ribbon around Bailey’s neck. “What’s this?” She untied the ribbon and found the card.

When she looked up, Zane was down on one knee with a ring in his hand.

Everything else around them ceased to exist. For a moment they were in their own little world.

“Harlow Keller, the last few months have taught me a lot of things. The biggest thing I learned is that I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, as your husband. Will you marry me?”

“Zane! Oh my goodness.” Harlow gasped.

“Is that a yes?”

Harlow nodded. “Yes. A thousand times yet.”

Zane slipped the ring on her finger and wrapped her into a hug. Harlow pressed her lips to his while everyone clapped and beside them Bailey let out a woof of approval. “The surprises never cease with you, Zane Clark.”