Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine

Chapter 24

The first night back at home, Harlow woke up from a nightmare twice. The second night, Bailey was finally able to come home and slept at the foot of the bed, right next to Harlow’s feet. Milyn slept soundly in the bassinet right next to Harlow’s side of the bed, only waking when she was hungry.

Thanks to Shelby, Hudson, Cruz and a bunch of Cruz’s friends, the whole place had been completely cleaned up. The backdoor was replaced, and a brand-new security system had been installed. One of the best on the market from a company out in Tallahassee, Florida called Cole Security.

No one was ever going to set foot in this house again that easily.

Still, that did little to help ease Harlow’s painful memories of what happened only a few days ago. That would come in time, at least that’s what Zane hoped for and what the therapist told him.

The FBI insisted that he needed to be seen by someone and they pushed to get Harlow seen as well.

Surprisingly, she didn’t even hesitate to meet with the therapist in the hospital before they sent her home. They both had appointments scheduled for once a week thereafter.

Maybe Hudson was right all along, they did need a good shrink to keep their heads on straight.

“Hey, ‘Low. That was Scarlett. She wants to know if you feel up to a visit later, she wants to stop by and spend some time with Milyn,” Zane pocketed his phone and leaned against the kitchen counter and watched Harlow prep Milyn’s bottle. “I told her I’d give her a call back in a little bit.”

“That’s fine,” Harlow yawned. “I’ll feed Milyn and put her down for a nap then I think I’m going to lay down too, until Scarlett gets here.”

Zane’s phone pinged. “Oh. She said your mom wants to know if you’d like her to come and stay a few days.”

“You know, I have expected both of our mothers to just take up permanent residence here once Milyn was born. I’m surprised they’re actually asking.”

He moved in closer and wrapped his arms around her shoulders while she shook up the bottle and tested it on her wrist. “Mhmm. We’re all struggling with everything, I think.”

“Yeah,” she looked over her shoulder at him. “Do you mind if she stays a few days? It’s one of those, the more the merrier things in my mind right now. It’s comforting.”

Zane kissed her temple. “I don’t mind. You don’t even need to ask.”

“Thank you. You can tell her that’s fine.”

He watched his wife pick up Milyn out of her swing and carry her into the bedroom. Bailey limped right behind her. “Do you want me to stay with you?” he asked.

For some, sticking to their wives like glue may seem like overkill, but after that they’d been through and with Harlow feeling more secure with someone always around, Zane never hesitated to ask.


Zane climbed in bed next to her and sat up against the headboard. “Let me text Scarlett back really quick. Then I’ll feed Milyn and you can lay down.”

“Are you sure?” she asked as she changed Milyn’s diaper.

“I’m sure.”

By the time she had a fresh diaper on Milyn, Zane was finished and took over.

Harlow settled into bed knowing she was safe, and Zane had everything under control.

When she woke, it looked like the sun was already beginning to set. Panic set in for a moment, until she saw Zane still sitting next to her.

“What time is it? Where’s Milyn?”

“Almost dinner time. Milyn’s in the living room with your mom and sister. You were sleeping so soundly that we didn’t want to wake you.”

“Did you get any sleep? You’ve been up every three hours right along with me.”

Leave it to Harlow to be more worried about him.

“I took a cat nap when they got here. Your mom brought a lasagna, it’s warming in the oven whenever you’re ready to eat.”

“I think I could use a nice hot shower first. Do you want to come with me?”

“Harlow, you realize we can’ hasn’t been…”

For the first time in days, she laughed. “I know. Doesn’t mean we can’t relax in a hot shower together though.”

“That’s true,” he shrugged and took her hand. “Come on. You wash my back, I’ll wash yours.”

For the first time since their entire lives were flipped upside down, Harlow felt the smallest sense of normal standing under the spray of hot water with Zane’s arms wrapped around her.

“You know, when we first looked at this house and you mentioned your ideas for this bathroom, I thought your idea for two shower heads was over the top,” she teased.

“Do you still think that?”

“Hell, no. One of us was always freezing or we were fighting for a spot under the water. Now, we can both enjoy it. Together.”

“Together. I like that,” he winked.

“You’re so cheesy.”

“It’s nice to see you smile again. I’ve missed it.”

“I can’t promise I won’t have another breakdown a minute or an hour from now but it’s nice to feel some semblance of happiness right now.”

“I agree.”