Rescuing Harlow by Aubree Valentine


One year later…

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Dear Milyn. Happy Birthday to you!”

Milyn clapped right along with everyone else while Zane and Harlow helped her blow out her birthday candle.

All of their friends and family were gathered in their backyard. Kids were running around and climbing all over the new swing set that all the grandparents insisted the birthday girl needed while Tater and Bailey chased each other through the yard, having the time of their lives.

Zane grabbed Harlow’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We made it.”

“That we did,” she said with a kiss on his lips.

Together they sliced the sheet cake and handed it out to their guest while Milyn enjoyed her own smash cake and the grandparents continued to take way too many pictures.

“Are we ready for presents yet?” Hudson called out after he finished eating his slice of cake. Sadie, his girlfriend, playfully punched his arm.

Turns out a lot really does change in a year.

Danielle and Shelby tied the knot and had a baby.

Hudson met Sadie and managed not to scare her away.

Scarlett was seeing someone, though she refused to bring him home to meet her family.

And then there was Zane and Harlow, still not married but they did have a little surprise up their sleeves.

“How about I clean this little princess up, and then we can dive into those presents?” Harlow cooed at Milyn.

“Oh. Let me!” Scarlett bounced on her toes and already had her niece out of her highchair. “We’ll be right back!”

“Well, alrighty then,” Harlow laughed. “I guess I’ll clean this mess up instead.”

By the time Harlow cleaned up Milyn’s highchair and some of the trash, Scarlett was back with a clean baby, dressed in her second princess outfit of the day.

Zane took the entire theme way over the top for a first birthday, but Harlow didn’t have the heart to stop him. Watching him being a dad to their baby girl was possibly the hottest thing ever.

Harlow took Milyn from her sister and sat down on the blanket Zane arranged in the grass with Milyn’s gifts all around it.

“Hm, should we open your gift from Mommy and Daddy first?”

“NO!” Hudson yelled playfully. “Open ours first!”

“ no. Ignore him. Open ours first!” Shelby called out.

Zane chuckled. Some things really would never change.

“Or you could open ours first,” Cruz spoke up and added to the teasing.

“Forget it,” Zane shook his head. “She’s opening ours first.”

He handed Harlow the gift bag with a proud smile, and she dug inside. Pulling out the pink onesie.

“What’s it say, Milyn? Hmm. Does it say...Big Sister?” Harlow said loud enough that everyone could hear as she turned the onesie around for everyone to see.

“Surprise!” Zane yelled.

His father let out a whoop. “Hot damn. You see this, Lynn? Even more grandbabies. You were right, once they settled down, there would be no stopping them.”

Of course, Lynn and Mila were both crying. Finn and Gene toasted each other with their glasses of wine while everyone else congratulated Harlow and Finn.

“I hate you,” Hudson grumbled.

“Hudson’s next. For real,” Zane smirked back at his brother and handed Harlow another gift back.

She pulled out another onesie, this time a white one.

“Is it another baby?” Cruz called out. “Because if it is, I’m not drinking anymore of the water around here.”

Harlow read it out loud. “It says, “Flower Girl. Hashtag from Chambers to Clark.”

“What?” Lynn Clark gasped.

Sadie held up her left hand and Hudson shouted. “We’re getting married.”

“Oh my God! He really does answer prayers.” Gene hooted.

Their guests laughed.

“Man, your family is really big on the surprises, huh?” Cruz teased.

Zane shook his head. “You have no idea.”