More than the Game by Jenni Bara

Thank You

@Jenniferbbar3:A big thank you to all my readers

Dear Reader,

First, let me just say a massive THANK YOU! Thank you for reading More Than the Game. Thank you for supporting me. It’s only because readers exist writers get to live out their dreams.

I’ve had these characters in my head and played around with them for years. Their story has morphed and changed as time went on and finally became something I (and my mother and sister-in-law) fell in love with. The process was long and frustrating at times, but I will miss Marc and Beth, so they will both come back in all the Evans books.

I hope you loved them as much as I did. I loved Marc’s utter stupidity about what was going on. And Beth’s ability to keep it together because I definitely don’t have that. These two finding their happily ever after was so much fun.

If you want more of Beth and Marc, head to my website for Bonus Epilogue, and if you just love the Evanses, check out my website for Pre-order for More Than Fine coming in December.

Finally, yes that is my actual twitter handle and I’d love you to connect with me there or on Facebook or Instagram.

Remember: Live in your world, fall in love in mine.
