More than the Game by Jenni Bara


@Jenniferbbar3:I don’t want to forget to thank all these important people either

A big thank you to my wonderful husband, who has the patience to deal with me living in another world half the time. You can laugh when I zone out thinking about a scene in the middle of our conversation and love me even with all the voices in my head. All of me loves you! To my kids who have to hear, “Hold on a second, mom is writing.”—it takes a lot for you all to deal with my writing, but you all are awesome about it.

Thank you to my parents, who support me in all I do all the time. I couldn’t get through life without you guys. Being able to count on you both all the time for help or support, or encouragement, is the best gift. Thank you for being examples I can stride to be with my kids and being the best grandparents ever.

Katie, I don’t even know where to start. Thank you for finding me and reaching out. This would never have happened if you didn’t. Thank you for being my first rounds of edits on everything and then being willing to read it again and again! Thank you for listening to me say I can’t do this and convincing me every time I can! You’re the best.

Amanda, Craig, Carly, and all my other beta readers, your feedback is priceless. Thank you!

Amy, thanks for reminding me the water was off—plus all the other reading and editing you have done for me. I’ll thank Will next time.

Elayne, thank you for all your countless edits and your patience with me asking questions and helping me make sure everything was spot on. Thank you for making me laugh with your emails and side notes. You made the process fun. And thank you for going back and forth with me about ‘the ring’ and ‘the shirt.’ Plus, for dealing with all the baseball terms. BOSox is a thing I promise.

Kari, your cover is incredible, and your patience with me asking for changes was unending. I sing your praises to everyone.

Moe, thank you for your ability to make me look fabulous. And for all your opinions while listening to me talk books all the time even though you hate it. I love you, my sister!

Thank you, Erica, Natalie, and Patti, for telling me I don’t stink at this and encouraging me to do something with it. And big thank you to the rest of my friends and family who have helped me with encouragement and feedback. Even the stuff I didn’t go with, like ‘girl on the left.’ I love you all and am so thankful for your support.