Garrett’s Destiny by Anna Blakely

Chapter 8

“Is everything done?” Sal looked to his cousin for the answer.

Marcus nodded. “Almost. There are just a few more provisions we need to take care of, but nothing major. When that ship docks in two days, we will be ready.”

We’d better be fucking ready.

Sal’s ability to continue breathing depended on this job going smoothly. So did everyone else’s who’d agreed to help him.

It was a crazy plan, he knew. One he still couldn’t believe Emilio had agreed to. But it was all he had.

And if he wanted to stay alive, things had to go off without a hitch.

“What’s the final count?”

“Twenty,” Marcus relayed the number of tourists signed up for the excursion. “Eleven men, nine women.”

“Any potential sales?”

“One. Maybe two, depending on how she looks. Both American, ages fifteen and forty.”

Not bad, considering they would be bonus money.

“Good.” Sal nodded. “Everyone familiar with the plan?”

Marcus groaned. “We’ve only gone over it a thousand times.”

“And we’ll keep going over it until I feel comfortable with its execution.”

“Fine.” The other man blew out a frustrated breath. “We ambush the buggies, force the group into the three trucks, and transport them to the warehouse.”

“After that?”

“We split up the men between three cells and separate the two potential sales from the group.”

“And they’ll go…” Sal tested his cousin’s knowledge of the plan.

“Into one of the holding cells at the far end until the ransom’s been made,” Marcus bit out sharply. “I know the plan, Salvador. We all do. So do us all a favor and try to relax, yeah?”

He couldn’t relax. Not with so much riding on this job.

“Emilio won’t give us another chance, Marcus,” he reminded the other man. “We fuck this up; we’re dead.”

“I know.” Marcus put a hand on Sal’s shoulder and squeezed. “But we’re not going to fuck this up. We’re going to take the hostages, get their money, dispose of them, and sell the other three. And then you and I will use our cuts to finally get the hell out of here. It’ll be a fresh start for both of us.”

“A fresh start.” Sal stared back at his cousin who seemed confident with their plan.

Maybe if he said it enough, he’d start to believe it.

* * *

Avery’s heartraced faster than she could ever remember as she waited for Garrett to unlock his door. With a swipe of his plastic keycard, the electronic system beeped, indicating the locks had disengaged, and they were free to enter.

Once you walk into that room, there’s no going back.

Garrett opened the door and moved to the side, his eyes burning into hers as he waited for her to decide.

Avery stepped into the room.

“Sorry for the mess.” His deep voice vibrated through her system as he closed the door behind them. “I wasn’t planning on bringing anyone back here.”

Her lips curled slightly. Knowing he hadn’t assumed she’d be spending the night with him—or that any other woman would be coming into his private room—pleased her.

“It’s fine.” Avery stepped further into the room. “My room isn’t much better, but we’re on vacation, so I figure being a little messy is allowed. I mean, it’s not like there’s anyone around to hound us about our housekeeping skills, and—”


Her next words were caught in her throat. It wasn’t the first time Garrett had said her name. But it was the first time he’d said it that way.

So deep and sensual. Sexually charged and filled with promises of things to come.

With her back still to him, she opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she swallowed against the ball of nerves that had worked its way from the pit of her stomach and into the base of her throat.

“Look at me.”

The order was soft, almost gentle in its request.

Turning slowly, she spun on the smooth balls of her stilettos. The sound of her dress brushing against the wall broke through the quiet space, but it was her nervous heartbeat that filled her ears in an almost deafening way.

It’s just sex, Aves. Fun, casual sex between two consenting adults.

Listening to her inner voice, Avery turned and faced Garrett fully. Her focus remaining glued to the black tie and pristine white shirt covering the broad chest before her.

“Sweetheart, look at me.”

Her eyes lifted to meet his.

“Nothing happens that you don’t want.” Even in the shadows, his sincerity was clear to see. “If you’re not comfortable, we can leave this room right now and find something else to do. Or we can say goodnight and go our separate ways.”

Is that what she wanted? To go back to her room…alone?

“No.” Avery shook her head. “I don’t want to say goodnight.”

Garrett’s Adam’s apple bobbed with an audible swallow. “You sure?”


The second the word fell from her lips, Avery realized it was the truth.

She felt the decision to stay deep inside her bones. This wasn’t just what she wanted. It was what she needed.

Setting her trepidation free, Avery closed the short distance between them. The toes of her shoes met his, the palms of her hands resting on his chest.

She could feel his heart racing to the same forceful rhythm of her own. She smiled, relieved from the knowledge that this strong, gorgeous man was as affected by the moment as she was.

Garrett’s warm hands fell onto her bare shoulders. His thumbs brushed along her skin, the gentle caress creating an intense current that rolled throughout her entire system, ending only when it reached the tips of her toes.

Once again, Avery was reminded of an electrical storm.

The kind that filled the night sky with sharp, jagged streaks of white. Bolts of lightning that were beautiful to watch but could be deadly if you got too close.

He won’t hurt you.

Another truth Avery felt to her bones. Garrett would never intentionally hurt her.

But as his heated blue gaze remained locked with hers, she also realized that, intentional or not, this man had the power to break her.

“Avery,” he whispered her name as though it were a prayer. Still, he made no move to take things further.

He’s giving me the control.

And with that knowledge, she fell a little bit in love.

It was crazy and irrational, but she didn’t bother to fight it. Because no matter how quickly things between them had moved, or how many times she told herself this was just a casual fling, Garrett had already marked her in ways no other man had.

With her body aching for his touch, Avery rose to her tiptoes and brought her mouth to his. Tracing his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, she pulled the sensitive skin between her teeth and gave a gentle tug.

Garrett’s fingers dug into the skin covering her shoulders and a low, rolling groan bubbled up from somewhere deep inside his throat.

He likes that. Good to know.

He moved his hands down, those same fingers gripping her hips in a way that screamed possession. The energy in the room changed, a powerful current filling the air around them.

It was the only warning she had.

Growling her name, Garrett lifted her up and crushed his mouth to hers. On reflex, Avery wrapped her legs around him. Linking her hands behind his neck, she held on tight. Never wanting to let go.

Turning, he pinned her up against the wall. Her head may have bounced a little, but she was too busy feasting on his lips and tongue to notice.

Garrett slid his hands lower. Long, calloused fingers slipped beneath her dress. Gripping the low curves of her ass as she ground her aching sex against his impressive bulge.

With a guttural moan, he thrust his pelvis forward. Closing her eyes, Avery threw her head back, the friction from his body rubbing against hers with a teasing promise of things to come, but it wasn’t enough.

A raw, insatiable hunger consumed them both. Clawing its way to the surface in search of something…anything to ease their overwhelming primal need.

“God, I want you.” Garrett spoke between kisses. “Never wanted…anything…more.”

His arousing words spurred Avery on. Sliding her hands upward, she raked her fingers through his hair. Fisting what she could grab hold of and pulling her mouth free.

“I want you, too.” She kissed him wildly. “Please, Garrett. Now.”

Even in the shadows, she could see his pupils expanding. The blues surrounding them becoming dark with the same blinding heat scorching the deepest parts of her soul.

Keeping his grip firm, he lifted her from the wall and walked the short distance to the bed. His mouth continued to work hers, even as he slid her down the length of his hard body and back onto her feet.

Avery wanted to take her time. To go slow and savor every breathtaking, mouthwatering second with him. But she couldn’t make herself stop. Neither could he.

Already on the edge, she and Garrett began undressing each other in a frenzy. His jacket. Her hair clip. His shirt and tie. Her dress.

In less than a minute, he was shirtless, and she was standing before him in nothing but a black, lacy thong and high heels.

“Christ Almighty.” Garrett’s heated gaze fell onto her breasts.

Avery knew exactly what he was seeing.

Flushed skin. A heaving chest. Thick, dark hair falling past her shoulders, stopping just shy of her dusty pink nipples. Hard, aching nubs begging for his touch.

Only his touch. Only Garrett.

The pointed buds gave away the desire she felt for him. And as she released his belt and slid his pants over his narrow hips and lower, Avery rejoiced in the unmistakable proof that he wanted her just as badly.

“Need to taste you.”

Garrett leaned in, cupping one of the mounds with a gentle fist while pulling the sensitive peak of the other between his lips.

She cried out, her hands flying to his biceps to keep herself from falling as he sucked and teased. Arching her back, Avery moved her hands into his hair, her nails scraping against his scalp with every incredible flick of his tongue.

“Oh, God, Garrett,” she rasped.

Avery was losing control, and she didn’t care. No one had ever made her feel so alive. So free.

Which seemed impossible given they’d only known each other a couple of days.

She knew nothing about his past with women, other than what he’d shared about his job keeping him too busy to date or settle down.

He may get what he wants tonight and move on to another prospect tomorrow. For some reason, however, Avery didn’t believe that would be the case.

There was a lot—a lot—she didn’t know about this man. But her gut said he wasn’t the kind of guy to get his rocks off and run. Or maybe he was, and she was simply too caught up in the moment to see it.

Either way, for the first time in her life, Avery realized she didn’t care. Because this…this moment right here… It was all that mattered.

Tonight wasn’t about their pasts or their future. Or the fact that they barely knew each other. It was about the here and now and submersing themselves into the pleasure they were both about to experience.

Speaking of pleasure…

Avery reached between them, her fingertips slipping into the stretchy elastic band at the top of his boxers. She started to push them down so she could—

“Wait.” Garrett covered her hand with his.

Her heart kicked against her ribs, and her mind began to race with questions.

Why was he stopping? Had he changed his mind? Was he going to tell her how this was all a big mistake and politely ask her to leave?

Oh, God. Just the idea of having to put her dress back on and walk out with her tail between her legs was mortifying, to say the least.

But if that’s what was happening right now, it was better to rip the band-aid off and deal with it head-on.

Lifting her chin, Avery straightened her shoulders and braced herself for the rejection she feared was coming.

“Do you want to stop?” she asked him point blank.

“Hell no.” Garrett frowned. “Do you?”

“No!” Avery blurted much too loudly. “But you—”

“Need to get a condom.”

She blinked as his words sank in.

Protection. Of course. He wasn’t stopping because he’d changed his mind. They needed protection.

“Condom,” she repeated the word. “Right. Of course.”

The lines on his forehead smoothed as his lips turned upward. Sliding a palm along the side of her face, Garrett brushed his thumb along the hot skin covering her cheek.

And when he looked into her eyes, Avery could’ve sworn he saw…everything.

“I want you, Avery,” he rumbled in a sweet, reassuring way. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

Every lingering doubt she may have had vanished with that one, heart stopping confession.

“Make love to me, Garrett.” She told him in no uncertain terms what she wanted. “Please.”

“Ah, baby.” He feathered his lips against hers. “There’s nothing else in the world I’d rather do.”

Turning, he walked over to the small bedside table and opened the top drawer. Avery tried to control her face, but he must’ve caught a glimpse because he started to explain.

“These aren’t mine.” He held up the brand-new box of condoms. “I mean, they are, but I didn’t buy them.”

Understanding struck. “Colt?”

Garrett nodded with a smirk. “He brought them by earlier…as a joke…when I was getting ready for dinner.”

“Guess we got the last laugh, after all.”

Smile growing, Garrett ripped the box open and pulled out a strip of foil packets. Tearing one of the squares free, he dropped the box onto the nightstand and the unopened packet onto the mattress.

And then he reached for her.

“Come here.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her body flush with his.

The feel of her bare chest against his left her lungs breathless and her knees weak.

“I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I first laid eyes on you,” he told her softly.

Avery expected him to kiss her again. Or maybe remove her panties and shoes. Instead, he slowly began combing his fingers through her hair.

“So soft,” he whispered. “So beautiful.”

When he looked at her that way, Avery felt as though she was beautiful.


He pressed his lips to hers, taking his sweet, sweet time as he coaxed her mouth open and let himself inside. They stood like that, tasting one another at a slow, unhurried pace.

Eventually, Garrett let his hands drift lower. First stopping to caress her firm breasts before rolling their distended buds between his forefingers and thumbs.

Tiny mewling sounds escaped with heaving breaths, filling the room as he taunted and teased. Goosebumps appeared in his wake as he traced down along her sides, stopping when they reached the lacey waistband of her barely-there panties.

Avery shivered with anticipation as he slid one of his hands beneath the lace. Her breath hitched, and…God.

He’d barely touched her there, and already she could feel her insides quivering with her impending release. Cupping her mound, Garrett moaned with a wild hunger that Avery still couldn’t believe was all for her.

She wasn’t the type of woman men moaned for. They didn’t pick her up and press her against a wall in a frenzy of passion and raw, wanton need.

Yet for reasons she may never understand, this man had done those things and more.

I want you.

She believed him.

Not only because he’d said them, but because she could see it in the way he was looking at her now. And earlier when he’d lifted her up and pressed her against the wall, his need had poured over them both in waves.

But most importantly, Avery had felt this man’s desire for her when she’d placed her hand over his heart. The organ’s forceful, rhythmic beating had told her everything she needed to know.

I want you.

Regardless of where this thing between them was headed, Avery knew she’d cherish those words for the rest of her life.

Garrett slid a finger along her bare slit, sending a jolt of pleasure rushing through her when he brushed against her swollen clit.

“Garrett,” she moaned his name again.

He slid the finger lower, gathering her juices before rising back up to rub the tiny bundle of nerves.

Avery threw her head back, pleasure racing through her with every calculated, torturous touch. She wasn’t going to last, but that didn’t stop her from tilting her hips forward, her body begging him without words to give her the release it so desperately craved.

“I’m going to make you come.” The statement low and filled with warning as his fingers continued playing her body in the most masterful of ways.

He slid a finger inside. First one and then another.

Avery cried out as he stretched her most intimate muscles. Muscles that had long been neglected.

“Please,” she did beg him then.

With one hand on her hip to keep her steady, Garrett began pumping his fingers in and out of her welcoming body at a gloriously slow pace.

In and out. In and out. In and out.

Avery’s breathing picked up pace. Her heart fluttered and flipped inside her chest, and her legs shook to the point she thought she’d collapse.

And still, he didn’t stop.

Garrett continued working her with his hand, changing the pace from slow to God, yes! And just when she thought she’d die if she didn’t climax, he pulled his fingers free.

“Wha—” She started to protest.

Truth be told, she damn near cried from the sudden void he’d created.

But then he grabbed one side the thin lace covering her, and yanked it with both hands. The lace snapped, and Avery gasped.

Okay, that was seriously hot.

He did the same thing with the other side, tossing the ruined panties somewhere behind him. Avery had no idea where they landed, and she didn’t care.

Because Garrett had dropped to his knees in front of her.

“What are you—”

“Shh…” He wrapped his fingers around her left ankle.

“There’s a little clasp on the side. I can take them off for you, if you can’t get it.”

Not that he was inept or incapable. But those tiny clasps could be a pain in the ass to get loose sometimes, and…

“I’ve dreamed about this.” He began running his hand up the length of her calf. “You in nothing but these.”

“Y-you have?” Avery swallowed against a sudden onslaught of nerves.

“Mmm hmm.” He nodded, his eyes never leaving her exposed sex. She should be embarrassed, given that the position he was in put his face right…well…there.

But when he brought his gaze to hers as his hand continued moving higher, her inhibitions vanished, and she spread her legs a little wider.

Pleased by this, Garrett smiled as he stared at her most private of parts. He reached up, tracing her slit again before burying two fingers deep inside.

A tortured sound escaped her throat, and Avery reached down and fisted his hair to keep from falling. After several more mind-numbing thrusts, Garrett used his free hand to lift her right ankle, draping her leg over his shoulder and bringing himself closer.

“You don’t have to—”

He put his mouth on her, and the world exploded. Crying out, Avery closed her eyes and let herself go.

Garrett’s hot, wet tongue licked and lathed as his fingers moved in and out of her molten core. Sounds of her arousal filled the room, but she was too far gone to be embarrassed or even care.

Avery fisted his hair to the point she knew it had to sting. He moaned against her sex, the vibrations combined with his fingers and tongue bringing her closer and closer to that glorious edge.

“I’m close.” She panted. “So…close.”

Garrett’s hand moved faster, his fingers pumping in and out of her at a more forceful rate. And his tongue? His talented, magnificent tongue worked her swollen clit with utter perfection.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Please…don’t…stop!”

He didn’t stop. Instead, his hand moved harder. Faster.

Avery’s inner muscles quivered with her impending climax. Garrett put her clit between his lips, and with the perfect amount of pleasure he began to suck.

A second later, Avery imploded.