Garrett’s Destiny by Anna Blakely

Chapter 6

A cool breeze took the bite out of the hot summer sun as it made its way across Avery’s exposed skin.

Her thoughts bounced between how relaxed she felt and how incredible Garrett looked wearing nothing but a pair of swim trunks.

She’d already known the man was fit. Even fully clothed, it was obvious he stayed in excellent shape. But when he’d taken off his t-shirt earlier…

Lord have Mercy.

The man wasn’t merely in good shape. He was incredibly fit and sculpted. Every muscle taut and firm. Every shadowed groove evidence of his discipline and hard work.

Even now, as she snuck a few peaks from beneath her dark lenses, Avery could make out the impressive ripples of his washboard abs.

Abs she’d had the pleasure of feeling when they’d been playing around in the water earlier.

Call it what it was, Aves. You were flirting.

It was true. She had been flirting. Shamelessly so. And the best part?

He’d flirted right back.

Laying in the hot sun, Avery replayed the recent moments over and over again. Him dunking her. Her splashing him. Taking every opportunity to share innocent touches as they teased and laughed in the cold blue sea.

She shivered at the thought of how his hard body had felt beneath her fingertips. Her inner muscles tightened as she thought of the impressive erection she was certain she’d felt during a particularly close encounter.

It was impossible not to imagine what it would feel like as he moved his magnificent body in and out of hers. She welcomed the erotic fantasy. Played it again and again until she felt her body begin to respond in real time.

Her heartrate spiked, and a bead of sweat trickled along her temple and into her damp hair. Her sex felt heavy and needy, and if he were to slide on over, he’d find her body ready for whatever he wanted to give.

Down girl. It was just some friendly flirting. Don’t make it into more than it actually was.

Forcing the thoughts away—because this was not the time nor the place—Avery let go of the fantasy and sighed.

“That a good sigh or bad?” Garrett mumbled lazily from the chair beside hers.

“Definitely good,” she answered before she could stop herself.

“Care to share?”

Crap. Crap, crap, crap!

Her mind raced to create a plausible explanation. There was no way she could tell him the truth. No. Way.

Keeping her eyes closed, Avery quickly came up with another plausible reason for the sigh. Something other than the fact that she’d been fantasizing about the two of them making love.

“Just that I’m really relaxed.” Nice save. “I spend so much of my time working, and my job can get kind of stressful at times. I guess I forgot how nice it is to just…be.”

“I know what you mean.”

Putting a hand over her forehead to block the blinding sun, Avery opened one eye and looked his way. “I didn’t realize the insurance business was so stressful.”

“You have no idea.” Garrett’s mouth did a funny thing before forming into a smile. “You hungry? I think they’re going to start serving the food soon.”

“I could eat.”

“In that case”—he swung his legs around and sat up—"we’d better get in line now, before Colt beats us and takes all the food.”

With a laugh, Avery started to stand but plopped back down when everything around her began to spin. “Whoa.”

“You okay?” Concern laced Garrett’s tone.

“Yeah.” She closed her eyes and dipped her head. “I think I just stood up too quickly.”

“How much water have you drank today?”

“Um….” She thought about the water bottle sitting next to her hat and purse. Garrett had bought them each one after they finished swimming, but she’d only taken a sip before laying down and losing herself in the relaxing sun.

“That’s what I thought. Stay put. I’ll go get you a fresh bottle.”

“I’m fine.” A little dizzy and a slight headache, but those were no big deal. “Really, Garrett. You don’t have to—”

Avery stopped talking when she opened her eyes and realized he was already gone. Her heart warmed at how sweet and attentive he was with her. Of course, then she wondered what was wrong with him and why he was still single.

Maybe he isn’t. Have you even bothered to ask?

No. She hadn’t.

She’d just assumed by his behavior toward her that he didn’t have a wife or girlfriend waiting for him back home. All Avery really knew about him was his name, his occupation, and where he lived.

Better have that conversation sooner rather than later.

Avery was still going through the mental list of other things she didn’t know about Garrett when he returned with two ice-cold bottles, one in each hand.

“Here.” He handed her one before squatting down in front of her. “Drink it slowly but be sure to get it all down.”

Feeling like a total wuss, she broke the seal on the cap and took a sip. Then she took another. And another.

God, that tastes good.

She hadn’t realized how thirsty she’d gotten until that first sip. Garrett had said to go slow, but Avery’s sudden need for more had her tilting her head back and chugging the rest.

“Easy,” he warned. “Don’t want you getting sick.”

“I’m good.” She swallowed the last drop. “Thanks for getting that for me.”

“I actually got you two, but I’m thinking you might want to give it a minute before starting in on this one.” He held up the second bottle.


Garrett’s focus lowered to her mouth, an odd smile spreading on his lips. Reaching up, he used his thumb to brush away some water that had dripped onto her chin.

“Thanks,” Avery spoke softly.

He cupped one side of her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

She wanted to laugh. Men never called her beautiful. Not ones that looked like him, anyway.

Feeling as though she was going to laugh, Avery remembered what she needed to ask him.

“Are you married?” The blurted question was personal but necessary.

“No.” Garrett dropped his hand and frowned. “Do you think I’d be acting this way with you if I was?”

“I don’t know.” It was an honest answer. “We don’t really know each other, and when it comes to men, I haven’t always been the best judge of character.” One of the few things she and her sister had in common. “Okay, I’m just going to say it. I…I feel a sort of connection to you, Garrett. I know that sounds crazy, but—”

“It’s not crazy.”

“—Unless I’m reading things wrong, I think you feel it, too.” Please feel it, too.

His blue eyes softened. “You’re not reading anything wrong, sweetheart.”

Sweetheart.The endearment sent her heart into a flutter.

“I didn’t mean to insult you or your character by asking if you’re already involved with someone. I just thought it would be best to ask. Because if you were married or have a girlfriend…”

“I’m not, and I don’t.” His response was unwavering and sincere. Setting the unopened bottle of water down onto the sand, he took both her hands in his. “I’ve never been married, nor do I have a girlfriend. And as attracted to you as I am, I wouldn’t be here with you like this if I did. I’m not the kind of man who cheats, Avery.”

He could be lying, of course. Most cheaters didn’t come right out an announce their intentions to be unfaithful. Alex’s ex sure as hell hadn’t. But deep inside, Avery somehow knew this man was telling the truth.

“Okay.” She offered him a smile.

With a quick lick of his lips, he said, “What other questions do you have?”

Avery thought for a moment. “Do you really sell insurance?” Because he seriously did not look like any insurance agent she’d ever met.

“I do.” He nodded. “If you want, when we get back to the ship I can show you my license. A quick web search will give you my professional bio and all you could ever care to know about Travel Assurance. Anything else you want to know about me?”

Only everything.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

The crooked smile he wore set her insides on fire. “Sweetheart, I have about a billion things I want to ask, but there’s one thing I’m dying to do first.”

“What’s that?”


Garrett leaned toward her, giving her plenty of time to back away if she wanted…which she didn’t. Closing his eyes, he brushed his lips against hers.

At first, Avery was so shocked that they were kissing, she just sat there. Stiff as a board. But when he gave her bottom lip a tiny nibble, she closed her eyes and fell into the moment.

With a groan, Garrett tilted her head and took the kiss deeper. Avery opened for him, their tongues twirling together in a soft, sensual dance.

Her insides clenched as electricity arced from his body to hers. It was just a kiss, yet somehow it felt more intimate than all the physical interactions of her past combined.

Unable to hold back, Avery released a low moan as she leaned further into the kiss.

Having forgotten everyone else around them, she put her hands on his bare shoulders. The heated skin there burning against her palms. Tingling spread throughout her lower belly…and below.

Taking her time, she savored Garrett’s delicious taste as a deep, guttural sound escaped the back of his throat. Somewhere in the back of Avery’s mind, she registered the thought that this was the best, most perfect first kiss she’d ever had.

With each swipe of his tongue, she wanted more. Every brush of his fingers against her cheek, or the way his bare chest pressed against her sensitive breasts…everything this man did made her want more.

The one thing holding her back was time.

Would it be great if he wanted to start dating after this? Absolutely. Did she expect that to happen?

Absolutely not.

Sure, they both lived in Charlotte. But it was a city of almost 900,000 people. The fact that they’d literally been across the street from each other and still hadn’t met before now spoke volumes as to their chances of running into one another again once they returned home.

Which begged the question…

Did she really want to get involved with a man she’d probably be saying goodbye to in three short days?

Her sister’s voice invaded her thoughts.

You’re an adult, you’re single…and as long as you’re smart about it and take precautions, there’s nothing wrong with having a casual sexual relationship.

It was true, Avery had never done the whole casual thing before. But as Garrett continued seducing her with his oral skills, she realized for the first time in her life…she wanted to.

Just this once. And only with him.

In that moment, Avery decided to forget about the future beyond the next three days. If the man was willing to offer even a small part of himself to her, she was going to take it.

No strings. No commitment. Just a whole lot of fun.

Pulling away much too soon, Garrett’s chest rose and fell with heaving breaths matching her own. He stared back at her with the same wide-eyed expression Avery was certain she was wearing.


“I’d say I’m sorry, but…” His raspy voice trailed off.

Licking his taste from her lips, Avery shook her head and whispered, “Don’t you dare.”

Heat filtered into his eyes as the corners of his mouth curved. When he started to lean in for another kiss, Avery tilted her chin upward to meet him, but stopped when someone cleared their throat in a loud and deliberate way.

“Sorry to interrupt, but they opened the buffet for lunch.” Colt stood next to Garrett’s chair with a knowing grin. “Figured you guys could use some sustenance, but it looks like you skipped straight to dessert.”

“Coulter,” Garrett warned his younger brother.

Heat that had nothing to do with the sun began crawling up Avery’s neck.

Still crouched in front of her, Garrett gave her a smile that sent her hormones flying. “As much as I hate admitting it, Colt’s right. You need to eat.”

“We both do,” she agreed.

Standing, Garrett held out a hand to help her up. This time, when Avery got to her feet, the world swayed for an entirely different reason.

Wrapping her towel around her waist and slipping on her shoes, she and the two men headed up the hill to where their meal was being served. Garrett placed his callused palm against her lower back, keeping it there as they walked.

Over an authentic island lunch, which included steamed shrimp, crab legs, roasted vegetables, and a mixture of fresh fruits, the three of them got to know each other even better.

“So, Avery. Garrett tells me you live in Charlotte, too. Such a small world.”

“It is.” She took a bite of fresh strawberry. “Do you live there, too?”

Colt shook his head. “I have an apartment in Omaha, close to where we grew up. But I’m hardly there.”

“Why is that?”

“His work keeps him busy, too,” Garrett finished for his brother.

“I’m in public relations. I go where my work takes me.”

“That must get kind of lonely,” Avery noted.

But Colt shrugged it off. “I’m around people all the time. Plus, I knew what I was getting into when I took the job, and I enjoy it. Guess that makes all the traveling worth it.”

“I’ll be sure to relay that sentiment to Dad next time he crawls up my ass about not hearing from you for months on end.”

Garrett’s sarcastic tone was impossible to miss.

“As a matter of fact”—Colt raised a defiant brow—“I called him before we left the port. Which reminds me, he wants us both to spend a weekend there after we get back.” Then Colt surprised the hell out of her when he turned and said, “You should come with us. Dad would love you. And as a bonus, it would get him off G’s back.”

Avery blinked, the presumptuous invite to Nebraska taking her aback. She and Garrett had just shared their first kiss, and Colt was ready to introduce her to their father?

Relax, Aves. He’s obviously kidding.

Of course, he was kidding. He had to be. Right?

Giving herself a mental slap on the head, Avery chose to bypass the comment about her accompanying them to Nebraska by asking Garrett, “Why is your dad on your back?”

After shooting his brother a thanks a lot glare, he looked back at her and sighed. “Our mother passed away a few years ago. I was still with the Army, and Colt had just graduated college and had started his new job. We made time for him as much as we could, and I eventually left the Army to help him on the farm. About a year later, I got hired on with Ta..uh..Travel Assurance.…” Garrett paused to regroup from his near blunder. “Anyway, after that, I wasn’t able to go back to visit as often as I’d like.”

“What my brother is taking entirely too long to say”—Colt chimed back in—“is, our dad is lonely, and he wants grandkids. Like, yesterday.”

“And since I’m the oldest…” Garrett picked up where Colt left off.

Avery smiled. “He expects you to be the first to give them to him.”

“That is so cute.” Colt picked up his water bottle. “You two are already finishing each other’s sentences.”

With a flip of the bird, Garrett began razzing Colt in retaliation for the smartass remark. Before long the two were tossing insults back and forth, the way brothers often did.

They were still carrying on when a Sunset Adventures staff member came around announcing the smaller boats were docked and ready to take passengers back to the Majestic.

Several minutes later, as they sat next to one another on the short ride over calm waters, Avery thought about the day’s surprising turn of events.

She’d hoped to see him at the beach. Had looked for him the second she’d stepped onto the dock. It had taken her best acting skills to not act like a giddy teenager when she’d ran into Colt on the way out of the pirate-themed bar, hoping that meant Garrett had come to the island, too.

When Garrett had asked her to go swimming, Avery had considered telling him about the freezing cold water. But then she thought better of it, wanting to see his raw reaction when he realized the island’s sultry weather was deceiving.

Of course, Garrett had clearly made plans of his own…coming up behind her the way he had. She could still feel his breath teasing her ear as he’d challenged her to a race into the water.

His lips on hers as his tongue invaded her mouth in the most delectable way.

Looks like you can cross number twenty off your list a lot sooner than you thought.

Avery smiled as she imagined drawing a line through that one. There was no way her sister ever truly expected her to go through with it, but she had. Not only that, the kiss hadn’t even been her idea.

Garrett had been the one to lean up and take her mouth in his. And he would’ve kissed her again if his brother hadn’t shown up.

Yes, it had been a very, very good day. One Avery would remember for the rest of her life.

Thoughts of mind-blowing kisses had her sneaking another quick glance at the man sitting beside her. With his powerful arms stretched out along the back of the metal bench, Garrett had his hat on backward and his face tilted up toward the sun. Though she couldn’t see his eyes, she knew they were closed.

God, he’s beautiful.

“What do you want to do for dinner tonight?” Colt’s voice rose over the boat’s motor.

“I don’t know.” Garrett brushed her bare shoulder with his thumb. “What do you have planned?”

“I’m not sure,” she answered honestly. “Tonight’s the night everyone’s supposed to dress up, but I think I’ll need a nap before I decide whether or not to participate.”

“A nap sounds great.”

Wanna come to my room and take one with me?

Avery swallowed the question down before she did something stupid like blurt it out.

They may have shared one kiss, but that didn’t mean she was about to start acting like a lovesick fool. She may not have a lot of experience with men, but that didn’t mean she was desperate.

“I forgot about the formal dinner being tonight,” Garrett rumbled beside her. “Guess I’ll have to cut my nap short so I can press my shirt and suit.”

Garrett in a suit? That was something she had to see.

Play it cool, Aves.

Something her mom and sister had always told her.

With a casual, non-committal tone, she said, “Yeah, I should probably steam the dress I brought. In case I decide to go.”

“We could…go together.”

Garrett’s breezy remark left her chest tightening and her heart pounding. “I don’t want to impose.”

He turned to her. “You’re not imposing if I invited you.”

“I know, but you’re here with Colt. Brother bonding trip, remember? Besides, I’ve already monopolized enough of your day.”

“Oh, no.” Colt shifted in his seat. “Don’t use me as an excuse. If you don’t want to have dinner with my brother, just say so.”

“What? No.” Avery’s head shook vehemently. “It’s not that I don’t want to go. I just feel bad getting between you two when this is supposed to be a brother bonding trip.”

“Meh.” Colt waved her off. “We spent yesterday together. And dressing up for some hoity toity meal isn’t really my thing. Plus, we’re snorkeling along the reef and playing with the stingrays tomorrow, so…”

“Stingrays?” Avery’s brows arched high. “I saw that excursion on the website. The people in the pictures were actually holding them.”

Garrett gave her a boyish grin. “Pretty cool, right?”

“Uh, no. Not cool. Suicidal, maybe, but definitely not cool.”

With a low chuckle, he shook his handsome head. “Stingrays are very docile creatures. As long as you don’t try to hurt them or go after them in a threatening manner, they’ll swim right up to you.”

The mere thought sent a shiver down her spine. “Well, you two have fun with that.”

“We will,” Colt piped up with an excited grin. “Which is why I’m saying, if you two want to have a romantic dinner tonight, go for it. ‘Cause I’ve got this guy all day tomorrow.”

Excited at the thought of an honest-to-goodness date with Garrett, Avery forced her eyes to remain on Colt’s. “What about you? What are you going tonight?”

“Probably search the ship for his first ex-wife,” Garrett quipped.

Avery snickered, but Colt ignored his brother’s dig and kept their conversation going.

“Don’t worry about me, sweet pea. The ship is packed with places to eat and people to meet. I can handle bein’ on my own. Trust me.”

Several seconds passed before Garrett brushed his fingers along her shoulder once more. “What do you say? Want to have a fancy schmancy dinner with me tonight?”

Hell, yes!“I’d like that.”

His lips stretched into a smile that sent her pulse racing. “Give me your phone.”

“My phone?”

“I’ll put my number in it. That way you can text me when you’re ready.”

Digging her phone from her purse, Avery handed him the device and waited. When he was done entering his contact information, he sent himself a text before returning the phone.

“There. Now we have each other’s numbers.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and typed something out. A half a second later, her phone dinged with an incoming text.

Glancing at the screen, Avery saw the numbers 3563. Confused, she lifted her focus back to him.

“That’s my stateroom,” he explained. “If the ship’s WiFi gets spotty, you can come grab me, and we’ll walk there together. Figured you’d be more comfortable doing it that way, rather than telling some guy you just met where your room is.”

Avery studied him closely before leaning forward to look across him at Colt. “Okay, spill it.”


“The reason your brother’s still single. There has to be something, because no guy I know is this good looking and this considerate. So what is it? Sociopathic tendencies? Bodies hidden in his basement…there has to be something.”

“You’re preachin’ to the choir, sister.” Colt smirked. “Why do you think our dad rides his ass so hard about settling down? Hell, half the family has a bet on when he’s gonna come out of the closet.”

“Hey!” Garrett turned to his brother. “I’m not gay.” His head swiveled back toward Avery. “And I’m not a sociopath who keeps bodies in my basement.”

“Not even one?” Avery teased.

“Not a one.”

“So what is it? You afraid of commitment?”

Seemed like every other guy she’d dated had that same problem. They all wanted one thing, and when they realized she wasn’t the type to give it up after a mediocre meal and an evening of dry conversation, they split.

“More like I don’t have the time for commitment.”

“Your job?”

Garrett nodded. “It’s a big company with a lot of clients all over the country. I’m not gone as much as Colt, here, but my job does require me to travel. Sometimes out of the country. Most women I meet want a man who can be at their beck and call.” He lifted a shoulder. “I can’t promise that.”

“It’s the same with my job.” She gave him a sad smile. “Most days, I can set my own hours. But there are times when a company with my program hits a glitch and needs me to run an emergency system check. Sometimes it happens during normal business hours. Others in the middle of the night. Not the same thing as your situation, but I get it.”

And she did. Having to leave a date or time with friends or family because of work sucked. But it also came with the territory. Something she’d known when she decided to go freelance two years ago.

Sliding her phone back into her purse, she switched topics back to their evening plans. “What time should I be ready for dinner?”

Glancing at his expensive and complicated watch, Garrett moved his gaze back to hers. “Seven-thirty too late?”

“That’s perfect.”

It would give her enough time to shower and take a quick nap to recharge. This was the first date she’d had in months, and she wanted to be at the top of her game…just in case.

Whether this thing between them went anywhere after they got back to Charlotte was anybody’s guess, and something Avery had no control over.

What she could control…what she found herself wanting more than anything…was to simply enjoy the here and now.

Starting with dinner.