Paparazzi by Erika Vanzin

Red Velvet Curtains Interview!


Hi, Roadies!


The wait is over. Finally, you’re going to know what the Red Velvet Curtains confessed to me during our interview. We covered some powerful topics, some of them inspiring their most meaningful songs.

Q: Your song, “I Will Rise Stronger,” that we heard at the festival, talks about bullying. As you shared yourself from that same stage, it’s based on your personal experience with this topic. Is this a commentary about the society in which we live?

A (Lilly): More than commentary, it’s the desperate cry of a victim who can no longer bear to be crushed. The experience I had when I was only fifteen years old has marked me deeply. Bullying is something that changes your life and transforms you. It can make you stronger, but it can also make you slide into a deep state of depression. I needed to channel my emotions and suffering in the only way I had to express myself at the time: music. We found that this song helped many people to process their own pain and we’re pleased about that.

Q: This aggressive bullying, nowadays, is channeled mainly through social media. What’s your relationship to it?

A: (Luke): Love and hate (laughs). Sometimes we’re still amazed at how inclined people are to confess deeply personal things to us through social media. We get the impression, reading specific messages, that people think they know us. They make assumptions, give us advice, or, in great detail, confess to us what they would not dare to say to people close to them. While it flatters us, it scares us to death. Because some get very insistent and ask very personal questions that we don’t want to answer. We always walk the thin line between not answering and giving the impression of agreeing or answering and starting an uproar because we disagree with them.

Q: I assume “I Will Rise Stronger” will be included on the new album. How far along are you? Are you finished with it? The record company has not yet announced a release date.

A: (Martin) We finally have a final list of songs that will end up on the first album (laughs). I swear before I signed with the record company, I had no idea it was a problem to have too many tracks. It was hard to decide which ones made the list and which didn’t; each of us has songs we’re attached to that didn’t make the cut. But now we can go ahead with the promotion and then launch it.


Roadies, there’s more to the interview, but if you want to read it and see new exclusive photos, subscribe to my newsletter. You’ll get more content about the up-and-coming band of the year!


Be kind and Rock’n’Roll,



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