Paparazzi by Erika Vanzin


We expected denial from the Jailbirds, especially after the video posted by the blogger. Instead, they completely floored us with a confession that made the walls of every news room tremble. The Jailbirds didn’t randomly choose their name, they met in a juvenile prison. The confession has provoked reactions all over the music world. Most offer their support, while others turn their noses up, sensing a publicity stunt. However, the band will undoubtedly need as much publicity as it can get. Their record label has confirmed their contract with the Jailbirds has come to an end and will not be renewed. Now we’ll wait and see how the fans will react and whether they will continue to support the band after hiding the truth for so long.


Rock Now!

Breaking news we did not expect: confirmation that the Jailbirds have served time in prison has been discovered in a video posted on the blog site, Rocking in New York. We’ve always wondered about the mysterious past of the most famous band in the world, and now we have the answer—from their own voices. Damian, Thomas, Michael, and Simon met in a juvenile prison and played music together to survive a situation that threatened a somewhat dark future. Words of support flooded in from several major bands, as well as admiration from all over the world, for what these four guys managed to do, proving that it is possible to redeem themselves and change a seemingly hopeless future. It’s a profound example of how kids who make mistakes can become thriving, successful adults. Their confession is further confirmation that this band has integrity, and not just musically. We’ll surely be hearing from them for a long time to come, despite the fact that their record company decided to cut ties with them.


Gossip Now!

Sexy, famous musicians and bad guys with a past in prison? Where do we sign up to have one of the Jailbirds delivered directly to our house?


@jailfreakingbirds How sweet are they all together on that couch? No matter what your past is, we will always be by your side.


@jailbirds_groupie Can we talk about that video? They’re the best. But I don’t understand why they used that Iris blog after what she did to Thomas.


@wannabe_rockstar I knew it! I sensed something was up when I met them to listen to their single!


@Thomas_Jailbirds Thank you all for the support you are giving us at this particular time in our lives. Remember that the only official and reliable information about us is found at Rocking in New York.


@Damian_Jailbirds Our fans are the best. I’ve always said that. Thank you all for your support.


@Michael_Jailbirds You’re the best! And remember, the only blog that doesn’t bullshit you about us is Iris’s official blog.


@Simon_Jailbirds You’re the best fans in the world. Thank you for not abandoning us at this difficult time. We’ve been wanting to tell you our story for a while. We finally got to do it.