Take It All by Alexa Riley

Chapter Two


The time before school starts is always my favorite time of year. Apollo is going to be a senior next week, and then he’s headed to college. This summer felt different because I knew change was coming. This was my last summer with him at home, and I’ve spent as much time as possible soaking it up.

This morning we got out on the water and took the boat for a ride. I need to go into the office today, but I wanted to get coffee with Apollo before that. He told me he has plans to hang out with Jackson this afternoon, so we’re just stopping in for a quick drink before we have to go our separate ways. I made him promise to have dinner tonight with me at least three times this week, and he agreed without much of a fight. He’s such a good kid. He’s my entire world.

There are a lot of wrong turns I made, especially being a single dad his entire life, but seeing him thrive and become an incredible person has been my life's joy. When I was younger, some of the guys at the country club used to try and push women on me, telling me I should be living it up or that I needed to find Apollo a mom. I quit going to the club after that.

My life has been all about my son, and I’ll never ever regret putting him first. With him going to college next year, it feels like I’m losing him, and I’m not ready. He’s always been my little boy, even now when he’s as tall as I am. He’s even managed to get into State without a single ounce of help from me, thanks to the sneaky behind-the-scenes work between him and Principal Nolan. I wasn’t at all surprised he wanted to get in on his own merit, I just hate that he kept it from me until it was a done deal. Maybe I push my agenda on him too much, and maybe I smother him with my attention, but I don’t know how not to love him like this.

“What do you want from the counter? I can order for us,” he says to me as we walk to the front door of the coffee shop.

“Probably just an iced coffee. I’m going to take it and go.” I glance at my watch as I reach for the door. “Are you going to get food?”

As I open the door, I see someone coming and pause. The woman coming out of the coffee shop isn’t from Craven Cove, because there’s no chance in hell I wouldn’t remember seeing her before now. Her blond hair is over one shoulder and looks like spun gold. She’s got on a tight dark blue sweater and jeans with boots. My eyes travel up and down her curves as I stand there completely stunned. It’s like I’ve been hit by a fucking freight train.

“Dad, are you coming?” Apollo asks as he steps into the coffee shop.

“Um, no, I think I need to get to work early. I’ll see you tonight, right?”

“I’ll text you. Coach may want the team to come out tonight just to go over the matches before school starts.”

“All right, let me know,” I say before we say goodbye and I move briskly to the parking lot. Scanning the lot quickly, I see the blond woman making her way to her car. I hurry over and move in front of her car before she gets in. “Excuse me.”

When she turns her bright green eyes on me, I realize that I have no idea what I’m going to say to her.

“Hi,” she says, and it’s so damn sweet.

“You’re new in town.” I hate that it comes out like an accusation instead of a question. “Sorry, I mean it’s just that I know everyone here.”

“Yes, I just moved here.” She leans up against her car and doesn’t make a move to come closer to me. “I’m Anna Binx.”

“I’m Rory Crew.” I move closer to her and hold my hand out. When she smiles at me, I think it might have been kinder if she just kicked me right in the gut. She glows like an angel, and for a second, I completely lose the power of speech.

She takes my hand and lets out a little laugh when she sees how stunned I am. “Nice to meet you.” I see the beautiful pink in her cheeks as she blushes and then releases me. “Well, thanks for the warm welcome.”

“Wait,” I blurt out, still trying to gather my thoughts. “I’m not usually this scattered, but you’ve taken me by surprise.”

“I get that a lot.” She smirks, and damn if it doesn’t make me hard. “You live around here?”

“Yeah,” I answer, thankful she’s navigating the conversation. “On the east side, by the water.”

“Oh, the fancy part of town.” She points her thumb behind her. “I’m over on the west side in a rental off Ivy Avenue.”

“The little blue house?”

“Yeah, you know it?”

“It’s one of my investment properties.” I’m excited by the small connection, because it can give me several reasons to see her again. “I have a company that maintains the rental contracts.”

“Small world.” The way her eyes sparkle makes me think she’s got a secret.

“Would you like a tour of the island?” I pretend to be casual about it when I’m nothing close to it. “I can show you all the people to avoid.” The smile in my voice is genuine, and it surprises me. I can’t remember the last time I had a conversation with a woman that wasn’t business related or about Apollo.

“Oh, so you’ve got the town gossip?” When she smiles, it’s like looking into the sun, and she might just make me blind.

“No, but I have no problems making something up so you’ll spend some time with me.”

“Hmm.” She pretends to think it over, and I realize that I’m nervous.

When was the last time I wanted a woman’s attention? Jesus, Apollo is eighteen, so at least that long. After he was born and his mom took off, that was the last time I ever factored women into my life. But here I am standing outside the coffee shop, wondering if I can convince this woman not to run away from me. I was never good at picking up women, and I wasn’t a player even when I was young. Being completely focused on my son for the past eighteen years has given me blinders to relationships, and now it feels like I’m lost.

“I was planning on going to the farmers market. Maybe you could come with me?”

“Yes,” I say too quickly and then clear my throat. “I’d like that.”

“Good, let’s go for a walk.”

She pushes away from her car, and I move beside her, matching her steps. For the first time in my life, it feels like maybe I don’t have everything I want. Maybe there’s something missing, and maybe it’s Anna Binx.