Take It All by Alexa Riley

Chapter Five


“What am I doing?” I mumble to myself, putting my phone back down on the kitchen counter. I told myself I was going to wait to text Rory. It’s already been a handful of days since I saw him, and I can’t stop thinking about the man.

I run my fingers across my lips, thinking about that kiss. It was something else. I don’t think I’ve been kissed that way in all my life, but it’s not exactly like I’ve gotten a ton over the years. Men don’t play me anymore—I play them.

Long ago, I wiped away my desire to have a partner in life. What’s the point really? All they bring you is pain and heartache. I can take care of myself; I’ve been doing it all my life. Rory made me question that, and it scares the hell out of me.

I almost believed what he told me about not being with anyone in almost two decades. It wasn't that far-fetched to me. I could relate to it, but I’m not a man. Everyone knows men only care about one thing, so there’s no way a man like him hasn't been with anyone in that long. Even if I can’t find evidence of it, it’s an impossibility.

When I hear a knock on my front door, I check the clock. Celeste isn’t out of school for at least another hour. When I look out the window, I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face when I see who is standing there waiting.

“Rory.” I smile up at him as I open the door and lean against it. Damn, he’s even more handsome than I remember.

“You didn’t call,” he accuses, and I lift my brows. “Fuck. That came out wrong.” He runs his hand through his short hair and he’s once again adorably flustered. Okay, maybe he wasn’t lying about not having been with a woman in years.

“How was it supposed to come out?” I tease.

“Like this.” He rushes forward and grabs me, then pulls me into his body. His mouth comes down onto mine faster than I can blink, and as much as I want to push him away, I melt at his touch.

This is a bad idea. I know Rory is dangerous because he has me wanting things that I shouldn’t. And the worst part is he has me questioning myself. Even with all those reasons, my fingers dig into his shirt as I try to pull him closer.

“Open for me, Anna. I need this.” How does he make it sound like he’s begging and demanding all at once?

My body is doing what it wants now, not listening to my logic. His tongue touches mine, and he groans into my mouth. The sound reverberates through to my chest and straight to my sex.

His hands go to my ass as he lifts me off the ground and kicks the door closed behind us. When it’s shut, he carries me over to the couch and lays me down without his mouth ever leaving mine.

“Rory.” I break from the kiss, trying to catch my breath. His mouth moves down my neck, and desires I put away long ago come crawling to the surface with a vengeance.

“I’ve been going insane,” he says between open-mouthed kisses on my neck. “You didn’t call,” he repeats. “You know how many times I’ve driven past here just trying to see you?” His mouth moves down to the top of my breasts.

“Stalker,” I moan. It really shouldn’t turn me on that he drove by so much, but I can’t talk to my body right now because it’s beyond my control. Instead of running for the hills, I spread my legs.

“You have no fucking idea.” His hands push my dress up, and I lift my hips in invitation.

I want his mouth everywhere all at once, and I’m beginning to bargain with my determination. How much could it really hurt? We could have a bit of fun, and it might work out some of this fascination I have for him. Maybe this is exactly what I need to get him out of my system.

He moves farther down my body as his fingers slip into my panties and he drags them down my legs. To my shock, he stuffs them into his pocket, but I don’t have time to process that right now. His eyes are staring right at my pussy, and there’s a barely restrained hunger there.

“You smell so damn good.” He leans in, and his warm breath tickles as he inhales deeply.

“Stop teasing.” I try to lift my hips, but he pins me to the couch.

“I’m the one teasing? I could have been eating your pussy for the past week. I think you’re the one stringing me along.”

“Rory,” I moan, and then I do something I said I’d never do again: I beg. “Please.”

“Oh, you’ll get it, Anna. I’m not leaving here without having you on my tongue,” he says before his mouth descends.

He groans loudly the second his mouth connects with my clit, and I gasp at the sensation. His tongue circles around the bundle of nerves before dipping lower to thrust inside of me. He pumps his tongue in and out like he’s fucking me, and holy shit, does it feel good.

With each thrust of his tongue, he knocks down all the walls I’ve built to keep out the desires to be with a man. Now all I can think about is him rutting on top of me. Maybe it’s because we’ve both gone so long without, or it’s the crazy desire between us, but right now this room is charged with electric lust.

He replaces his tongue with his fingers and goes back to sucking on my clit. The first orgasm hits me fast, and I cry out his name as my legs shake. Then he pins me down with his arm as he keeps eating, and I think I might die from the erotic torture. When he hooks his finger deep inside of me, another orgasm hits. This one is different from any other I’ve ever felt in my life, and I cry out his name.

My eyes close, and I enjoy not only the pleasure but the peace of having him so close. When he moves up my body and starts to kiss me, I kiss him back, tasting myself on his lips.

“I’ve never done that before.” The words are out before I know I’m speaking, and I realize I’ve said too much. I’m supposed to keep those things to myself.

“Then the men you’ve dated before me didn’t deserve you.” This time the kiss is hard and possessive. He doesn’t like the idea of other men having been with me, and there I go again, enjoying something I shouldn’t. A jealous man is never a good thing, but the brain between my legs is loving it.

“Oh gosh, my daughter.” I sit up quickly. “I need to pick her up from school soon.”

He nods in understanding. “I'm having an event at my house this weekend. Say you’ll come. You can bring your daughter. I’d love to meet her.”

“I don’t know.” I’m falling way too fast for this man.

“The whole town will be there.”

My teeth sink into my bottom lip. It would be a good time to meet everyone. “I think you just want to show me off,” I tease him, but he doesn't deny it.

“Say you’ll come.”

“I just did.” I smirk, making him let out a deep, sexy chuckle.

“I want your number. You can’t be trusted to call me.” When he stands, my fingers itch to grab him and pull him back down on top of me.

There’s no missing the outline of his hard cock, but he doesn't push me to get him off. In fact, all he’s pressing me for is my number and more time with me.

“Okay,” I agree, rambling my number off to him. He puts it into his phone, and a moment later mine is ringing. He offers me his hand and helps me to my feet.

“Until then.” He kisses me again once more and then he’s gone.

Afterward, I stand there a bit dumbfounded. Rory is better at working me over than I am at working him. How is this even possible?

It’s a few moments later when it sounds like someone pulls up outside. When I go to the door, I see a fancy sports car in the driveaway. When I step out to see who it is, I realize my daughter is in the car making out with a boy. I have to fight a laugh as I walk over and tap on the window. They break apart, clearly caught, and when I see who the boy is, I’m shocked that I recognize his eyes all too well.

This is Rory’s son. It has to be.

Which makes things a bit more complicated.