Take It All by Alexa Riley

Chapter Seven


My legs tremble as Rory keeps me at his side and introduces me to one person after another. I’m not sure if I should be annoyed or not. On one hand he’s parading me around like a show pony, but at the same time he only wants everyone to know I belong to him. The worst part is that I want to belong to him.

I’d worn the dress to get at him, and maybe he was right about me getting off on making him lose his mind. Everyone always says how cool and collected Rory is, yet somehow, I shatter that control. It makes me feel powerful.

Most men just want to get in my pants or for me to be some dirty secret. It helps wash away the guilt of conning money out of them. With Rory, I don’t have that luxury. Everything I’ve seen of him so far is good. I keep telling myself he’s a job, but it’s a lie. I’m falling for him, and I’m pretty sure my daughter is falling for his son.

“Can I leave you alone for a few moments? I need to go get my son,” Rory whispers into my ear.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I glare up at him, enjoying this game we’re playing.

“I see the way men are staring at you.” His hold on me tightens.

“I can’t control what other people do.”

“I should drag you upstairs and tie you to my bed until the night is over.” Lust blooms through my body at the thought, but I narrow my eyes.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.” My body only heats more at his intensity.

“I’ll be a good girl. Unless you give me a reason not to.” He doesn’t take his eyes off my mouth as he watches me lick my lips.

“I’m not sure I believe that.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him he shouldn’t.

“Mr. Crew, the auction is about to start,” a woman about my age says, interrupting our conversation. Her eyes bounce between the two of us, and like everyone else tonight she’s curious.

“I’ll be right there,” he tells her before he turns his attention back to me and pulls me close. Without warning, he bends down and gives me a long, hard kiss. “Stay out of trouble” is all he says before he’s gone.

It takes me a second to find my footing, but after I steady myself, I decide to mingle. Drifting around the room, I say hello and meet a few new people. Craven Cove has surprised me with how sweet it is with everyone making an effort to get to know me. They ask a few more questions than I care to answer, but they mean well.

I spot Celeste when she enters the tented area, and I can see the distress on her face. If that little prick broke her heart, I’ll make him and his father regret it. If there is one way to snap me out of the fog Rory has covered me in, it’s by hurting my daughter.

Apollo guides Celeste over toward me, and I spot one of the bidding paddles in her hand.

“Ms. Binx. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“Call me Anna,” I say, letting him take my hand. Celeste is leaning into his side, making me think it’s not him causing her distress.

“I wish I could stay longer, but I’m needed on the stage.” He gives Celeste a kiss on the cheek before he’s making his way through the crowd. Celeste's eyes follow Apollo, and there’s no mistaking she’s already in love with him.

“You’re bidding?” I ask, nodding to the paddle in her hand and drawing her attention back to me.


“Tell me,” I push, wanting to know what is bothering her.

“His dad is making him do it. Apollo tried to get out of it, but his dad wasn't having it. I don’t think he likes me.” I try to keep my face impassive, but anger builds inside of me.

The thought of Rory not liking Celeste chills me to the bone. I’d thought Rory was one of the good ones. To be rude to a sweet young girl is unacceptable, even more so when it’s my little girl.

“His father is making him do the auction after he said he’s with you?” I ask, wanting to make sure I’m getting this right. She nods. “Did he say anything to you?”

“Not a word.”

“I see.” Celeste’s eyes widen, not missing the irritation I’m trying to hide.

“It’s fine, he was in a hurry,” she rushes to say. My sweet girl is trying to cover up for him and come to his defense.

“The auction is starting, honey.” I change the subject as Rory steps out on the stage with the microphone. His eyes come straight to me, but I divert mine and start talking to the man next to me, knowing it will piss him off.

If Rory wants to push his son into this silly auction and make it hard on my daughter, I can do the same to him. He’s stuck on stage and unable to do anything about it. He calls Apollo up first, listing off all of his son’s impressive accomplishments. Does he think his son is better than my daughter? I grit my teeth.

“You must be new in town,” the man next to me says as he takes my hand and kisses it. I barely pay attention to what he’s actually saying. My focus is on my daughter and the bidding war that is happening over Apollo.

“Five thousand.” Celeste lifts her paddle to bid, fighting through her shyness. Good, she’s going after what she wants. Another girl throws out a bid from across the room, and Celeste shifts on her feet.

“Ten,” I whisper to her so she can end this.

Her eyes widen for a moment, and I give her a nod to place the bid. It’s not as if the Crew family can’t afford it. Rory brought this on himself. He’ll pay in more ways than one for disrespecting my little girl. Celeste holds up her paddle, making the bid.

“I have ten thousand from the lady in the front, do I have another bid?” Rory asks as he looks in the crowd, dragging this out. I glare at Rory when his eyes come back to me.

Apollo walks over and takes the microphone from him, calling the bid. My respect for Apollo grows because it’s clear he cares about Celeste, at least to some degree.

When he makes his way off the stage, he comes straight for Celeste. “I can’t believe I just did that,” she says to him. Apollo kisses her right in front of everyone, making his claim clear to the room.

“Thank you,” Apollo says to her. Celeste ducks her head as her cheeks flush with color.

“You’re welcome,” Celeste responds, biting her bottom lip nervously.

“Congratulations,” I say, cutting in. “This has been a wonderful party, but it’s getting late.” I want to get my daughter out of here and away from anyone who would dare try and hurt her.

“Of course.” Apollo’s disappointment is evident. “Are you free tomorrow? I can take you out on the water—”

“We’re going into the city tomorrow for a girls’ day,” I cut in again before Celeste can agree to his offer. I take my daughter’s hand, giving it a small squeeze.

“What about tomorrow night?” Apollo tries again.

“We won’t be back until late,” I shut him down. I’m not sure how I feel about these Crew men. As pissed as I am at Rory right now, my heart is aching too. I hate that I let myself fall even a little for him because I should know better.

“Mom,” Celeste hisses at me, but I don’t care. I’m trying to protect her.

“I guess I’ll pick you up for school on Monday then,” Apollo tries to confirm, and Celeste beats me to this one.

“Yes.” Celeste cuts me a glare, reminding me of my own. “I’ll be ready at eight.”

“It was lovely to see you again, Apollo,” I say before releasing my hold on Celeste. “I’ll meet you at the car, sweetheart,” I tell her when I see Rory headed right for me.

Ignoring him, I begin to walk away, but he steps in front of me. “Where are you going?” he asks, but I sidestep him and keep walking, wanting space between Rory and my daughter. She doesn’t need to hear what might be said. “Don’t run from me,” Rory all but growls, stepping in front of me again.

Deciding to get this over with, I put my hand on his arm, leaning in close.

“You can fuck off, Rory. You disrespect my daughter, you disrespect me,” I hiss, unable to keep my emotions in check. My voice is low enough that no one else can hear us. If anything, it looks like we’re flirting.

“It’s not what you think, Anna. I’m sorry—” he rushes to say.

“Sorry isn't enough,” I cut him off.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black American Express card, and it's like a slap to the face. “Let me make it up to you. I heard you say you’re going to the city for a girls’ day. Let me pay for it.”

Without hesitating, I take the card from his hand. He wants to treat me like a whore, I’ll act like one.

Not only will I take all his money, but I’ll take his heart while I’m at it.