Tender Billionaire Daddy by Scott Wylder



Liam had to be too good to be true. Not only did he not mind me acting like a kid but he also seemed to enjoy it.

My entire life, my parents had told me that they would not tolerate childish behavior. I had grown up beneath the poverty line and they were always stressed out about money. I stressed them out more. I always wanted new toys like my classmates had, or cute princess dresses, or to go over to friends' houses to play games. With money being so tight, it angered them no end.

When I was around five, they told me that I needed to grow up, and "act my age", although they really meant five years older than my age. They sold all of my toys to pay rent. I only managed to save Cocoa Puff by hiding him in my pillowcase. I tried to save some others, but my parents tore them out of my hands. It was a lot easier to put up with a kid reading quietly in the corner than a kid attempting to throw a tea party with all of their stuffed animals.

So, I grew up. Or at least tried to. I spent all of my time reading or studying. When I was old enough to take odd jobs, I did so. I hoped that if I helped out, they would be happier, but they were never happy. There would never be enough money to go around. I didn't know it at the time, but they were deeply in debt. Their minimum wage jobs hadn't covered the bills for years, so they had started taking out payday loans to keep us off the streets. They would never get out from under that.

That was why the idea that Liam wanted me to be carefree, even childlike, was insane to me. It didn't feel possible.

The next day, he surprised me by bringing me breakfast in bed, himself. It was two covered platters. "I hope you don't mind me eating with you," he said.

"Not at all," I said.

"I also got you something" He held out a puzzle and coloring book, along with a set of crayons. "To keep you entertained while you're bedridden."

I flushed with pleasure at the sight of it. "This looks amazing," I said. "I've never done one of these before."

He looked surprised. "Really?"

"My parents didn't like them. Once I was old enough to hold crayons, they decided I was old enough for pencils, which I was only allowed to use for school projects."

His brow furrowed. "That sounds rough. What did you do for fun at home?"

"I usually just read silently. There wasn't much free time between homework and chores."

"Even when you were little?" There was a trace of sorrow in his voice.

"My parents worked two jobs each," I said. "They weren't around much so I started doing chores to help out as soon I was able to walk. They did their best, but there were limits to even their abilities."

"That must have been so hard," he said.

I shrugged. It was hard, but there was no use dwelling on it. Besides, I didn't want him pitying me just because I grew up poor. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked.

He grinned and lifted the cover off my platter to reveal a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and a bottle of milk.

I laughed. "Oh my gosh!" I said. "It's been so long since I've eaten this." I blushed. "I'm sorry, that was loud."

"Don't apologize," he said. "That was exactly the reaction I was hoping for."

I smiled hesitantly at him. He seemed genuinely to enjoy my reaction, but how long would that last? I would annoy him eventually. How could I not, if I kept acting like an annoying kid. One day he would be completely exhausted by me. I hated the thought of it but better to prepare myself now.

I ate the Cocoa Puffs slowly, savoring each bite, as he ate his own meal of toast, eggs, and bacon. Once I was done, he handed me a small plate of breakfast sausage. "Eat up," He said. "You're going to need protein to balance out that sugar."

I smiled at him. Even if this was only temporary, I would enjoy him taking care of me right now. "Thank you," I said.

He smiled at me. "It's my pleasure, Little One."

After breakfast, he needed to get to work, so I spent some time doing the puzzle book. It was a lot of fun. I felt relaxed while doing it and it was cool to see the picture I was coloring come to life.

Around noon, Liam came back in with more food. He served me grilled cheese and tomato soup along with some hot tea. "This is will help you get your strength back up," He said. "If you want more, just let me know, Little One."

I smiled at the endearment. It made me feel special. "Thank you," I said.

He looked at me hesitantly. "Are you okay with me calling you that?"

I nodded. "I like it a lot, actually," I said.

He smiled, relieved. "Good. I'm glad."

The lunch was delicious. After eating, I was so full, I felt a little sleepy. It was rare for me to have so much food at one time. I’d survived on the occasional quick bite of ramen noodles or scraps from work. The feasts Liam gave me made me feel sleepy but somehow stronger too.

"Why don't you rest, Little One? I can read you a story to help you fall asleep."

"That sounds nice." I noticed my voice sounded a little higher pitched than usual, almost as if I was a little kid.

He smiled and reached under the bed to pull out a children's book. "I keep my stash of childhood favorites in here," he said. "This room is rarely used, so I keep some extra storage under the bed."

I peered over his shoulder to see the book. A Wrinkle in Time. "That was one of my favorites too."

"Good. You'll enjoy it, then." He opened the book while I got comfy in bed. I noticed he was planning just to read, while sitting on the edge of his bed. It couldn't be very comfortable.

I patted the space beside me. "Why don't you read up here?" I said. "You'll be comfier."

"Are you sure? Would you be comfortable with that?"

I nodded. At this point, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. If he planned to do that, he would have acted on it by now.

He lay down next to me but stayed over the covers. When he looked at me, his gaze was warm with restrained desire. My breath caught at his look. He was so sexy. I would never understand why he wanted me. But. I would enjoy it while it lasted.

"Close your eyes, Little One. Get nice and comfy."

I nodded and complied. I felt something soft brush against my arm and realized he’d put Cocoa Puff under the blankets with me. I squealed with delight and hugged him close to me.

Liam smiled at my antics before opening up the book to read again. "It was a dark and stormy night..."

The gentle sound of his voice lulled me off to sleep.