The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 9


I don’t know where Heath is, but I haven’t seen him since this morning. The thought is troubling. So far, I’ve always been there to eat his meals with him and sometimes his friend, Liberato.

But not today. I watched half a dozen cars leave from the driveway this morning, and no one is telling me a thing about where everyone’s gone. Since Liberato is gone too, I can only assume it’s bad. I don’t want to think the worst, but the thought of losing Heath so suddenly after finding him has got me shaken up. I need him back here, now, before I lose my mind.

Even though I don’t want to give a fuck, I think about it every minute of the day. And as the hours tick by, I get more and more worried about what’s going on.

I ask the maids, but they just shake their heads at me. When I try to leave the house, they stop me. I’m allowed to walk in the garden and swim in the pool, but there’s a guard next to me with a loaded gun, so it’s not exactly relaxing.

By the time it’s dark outside, I’m dressed for bed and pacing the bedroom. There’s a guard outside my door and I can hear him talking on the phone. All I keep hearing are groans and worried sighs and I’m losing my mind, imagining the worst.

There’s a knock on the door and I rush forward, calling for the person to come in.

Liberato appears on the doorstep and I fly past the door he’s just opened, into the hallway.

“Where is he?”

“Rain, he’s fine.”

I turn to face Liberato, my panicked expression giving way to sadness.

“He is?”

“Yes,” Liberato nods. “He’s just... tied up. You’ll see him soon, I’m sure.”


I try to fight the tremble in my bottom lip as Liberato leads me back into my bedroom.

“Get some rest, Rain. You’ll need it.”

I nod numbly and say goodnight. He closes the door, leaving me enveloped in darkness. But my mind won’t stop racing.

Where the hell were they all day? Why won’t Heath come and see me? Is he upset with me?

I’m scared his absence has something to do with Xavier. What if he finds out whose house I’m staying in? What if he’s demanding Heath bring me back, so he can hurt me even more?

Biting my lower lip, I wriggle free of the covers and lie on top of them. It’s hot. I’m tired. Yet all I can think of is seeing Heath again.

Except I have no way of doing that unless he comes to find me himself.

I let my fists hit the mattress in frustration. I want Heath here. I want him. I need him. My whole body rebels to the idea of being here alone. I want him with me, even if it is just so he can hurt me.

My cheeks flush at the thought. It feels like a betrayal, but I can’t help it. I’ve craved the one I should fear most.

My pussy feels hot and wet against my silk panties. Biting my lower lip, I slowly push them off my thighs, lifting my hips off the bed.

I rarely get the chance to touch myself. I’m sure if he found out I enjoyed it, Xavier would own that, too. But he never knew about the secret brushes of my clit in the bathtub while his guards watched. Or the way I started getting off to pain...

It’s best for me that Xavier never finds out about that at all.

If he knew the shocks he sent through my cuffs got me off, he’d take them away.

If he knew I got wet when he slapped me, he’d find another way to torture me.

And if he knew about my love of pain... I’d be utterly humiliated. Something I’m not allowing to happen.

I push my fingers between my legs, softly brushing my pussy. I’ve been waxed since I got here, and my pussy is bare save for a line of dark blonde hairs. The woman who did it told me Heath liked it this way, making me think of how many other women she’d said that to.

And yet I can’t keep my mind off Heath as my fingertips start gently massaging my clit into an orgasm. I only remember Heath’s rule when I’m edging close.


He told me I wasn’t allowed to come while I was here. At least not without his permission.

My fingers slip away from my pussy and I groan, not sure whether I can willingly break Heath’s rules, even if he never finds out about it.

I’ll be thinking about him, anyway. So does it really matter?

Hesitantly, my fingers find their way back to my swollen clit. I shut my eyes and ignore the blare of my internal alarm. I know this is wrong, but I can’t help myself. Every circle my fingertips trace around my clit gets me closer until I’m gasping for the release he doesn’t want me to have.

And it’s unfair. Really fucking unfair. He gets to come all he wants, but not me. Not even when I’m humiliating myself by getting off to the thought of my captor. For that alone, I should let myself have this orgasm.

I press my fingers into my cunt stubbornly. A smile tugs on the corners of my lips as I fuck my wet hole. Every thrust of my three fingers feels invasive, making me gasp aloud. If I close my eyes tightly enough, I can almost feel him next to me. Watching me. His eyes sliding over my body as I debase myself for him.

I can almost imagine him watching me now, his hand sliding behind his belt to feel the growing thickness in his boxers, the one only I can evoke.

Despite wanting to deny it, we both know there’s something tethering us together - a string that neither of us will sever.

I’m getting dangerously close, my body arching and my lips parting to allow whispers to float from my mouth. I’m so desperate my vision is narrowing and I’m feeling the orgasm erupt from within me.


My lips pucker into a moan, and my hips arch off the bed. I aim my fingers just right, desperately licking my other hand and pressing it to my clit. I’m so close. So fucking close I can feel myself throbbing before it even happens.

I could stop right now.

I should stop right now.

I don’t.

The first scream rips itself from my lips just as a hand wraps around my throat and another forces my hand off my pussy.

“Heath,” I wheeze through his fingers clenched around my neck.

His name dies on my lips, along with my breath. I struggle against him when another wave of my orgasm hits me hard. I flail, falling back on the bed and moaning his name again.

“What the hell, Sunshine?”

There’s that nickname again. The one that used to make me weak all those years ago.

He doesn’t let go of me, but his fingers loosen their grip as I struggle to breathe. I inhale deeply, clawing at him to get him off, but to no avail.

“Did you just come without permission?”

“N-No,” I whisper, finally pushing him off.

“You did, you little slut.”

His eyes look wild. I wonder if this has something to do with the white powder I saw him using in his study. I thrash on the bed, trying to get away, but he grabs me by the hips and pulls me back as I squirm.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he tells me. “Not before I teach you a lesson. And just for disobeying me, you can kiss your orgasms goodbye for a full month.”

“A month?” I glare at him. “You can’t do that to me.”

“Fucking watch me, Rain. I’m doing it, and I’m going to fucking enjoy it, too.”

My mind is racing. I’m still coming down from the orgasm, but I’m also curious how he intends on keeping me from coming for a full month. Surely I’ll be returned to Xavier before that happens. But the thought that Heath doesn’t seem to think so is making my head spin.

Is he going to keep me? Does he want me to stay here with him?

How would it change my life? A certain improvement, but Xavier would never go for it. There’s no way he will give me up.

“Now, I think I should show you just how badly you’ve fucked up.”

“Why?” I whine as he pulls me closer to him on the bed.

Spreading my legs wide, Heath kisses the insides of my thighs and makes me shiver. I’m trembling all over, goosebumps erupting in the path Heath is kissing down my skin.

“Because you need to be taught a lesson,” he mutters against my skin before his lips sink between my legs, making me moan. “You need to be shown how a good girl should behave.”

I whimper as he kisses my clit, his tongue darting out between his lips and making circles around my most sensitive spot with its tip. I’m seeing stars again and he’s barely just started. But Heath seems determined not to let me have the release I crave so badly.

His tongue swirls around, creating patterns I’m eager to commit to memory because they feel so fucking good. It feels almost wrong to have this much pleasure. I feel like I don’t deserve it, and he reminds me of that every time he stops just as I’m about to orgasm.

Every time I get maddeningly close, he retreats, making me whimper and cry for the moment he keeps ripping away from me.

“Please,” I finally whisper, giving in to his cruel temptation. “Don’t do this to me. Let me have more, make me come.”

“Not a chance in hell, Rain. And you won’t be coming without permission. Not while you’re here. Not even once. Trust me, I’m going easy on you with this punishment. I can do things to you that are so much worse.


I slam my fists against his shoulders in frustration, but Heath merely laughs and continues kissing me. I give in, my body arching off the bed to get closer to his mouth. What he’s doing to me is indescribable. He’s making me feel butterflies flutter in my stomach, something I thought I’d never feel again. Just for that, I’ll always be grateful to Heath... for my first love.

He pulls away again at the last second, making me cry out in frustration.

“How long do you think I have to keep you denied until you come the moment I put my cock inside you?” he whispers in my ear, making me shiver. “I bet it’s not long at all. A week, tops. But I’ll go for longer. So much longer. Just so I can torture you. Just so I can taste your sweet desperation on my tongue, Rain.”

My eyes threaten to roll back as he unzips his pants. He takes out his cock and my eyes widen again, like every time I see him naked.

Heath is muscular and lean, and his cock looks like a fucking machine.

I’m desperate to taste him, but he doesn’t give me a choice. Instead, he just pushes his throbbing length against me, toying with my pussy lips.

Fuck. Our first time... something I’d long ago stopped believing would happen.

“You feel so fucking good already,” he groans. “I waited so long for this sweet little cunt, I can’t fucking wait to-“


The call comes from outside, followed by somebody clearing their throat and knocking on the door loudly.


He curses before tucking his cock back in.

“You can’t leave right now,” I cry out, swallowing my embarrassment. “I need you...”

His lips thin, and he answers the door, still buttoning up his shirt.

“What?” he barks at Liberato on the other end of the door.

“A call,” the other man growls, sneaking a look at me as I hurry to cover myself up, watching them. “You’ll want to take this one?”

“Dragon cartel?” Heath mutters, barely loud enough for me to hear.

Liberato shakes his head and Heath groans.

“I’ll be right there. Let me finish up here.”

“No time.” Liberato shakes his head. “He wants to speak to you now.”

“What the fuck am I supposed to do with...”

Both their gazes trail in my direction and I flush, pulling the sheets tighter around my body as I mutter, “What?”

“Tie her up.”

Heath nods at Liberato.

“Don’t you dare look at her or touch her improperly, though.”

“Fine,” he barks in response.

My heart beats into overdrive as Heath disappears down the hallway. I fight every instinct I have not to call out after him. I do trust Heath, but I know next to nothing about his friend.

“Relax,” Liberato says calmly, approaching with arms held up. “I won’t hurt you. Pretty fucking sure Heath’s going to kill me anyway just for being here.”

I watch him with narrowed eyes. He sits on an armchair next to my bed and pulls out a roll of rope from a drawer in the bed. I swallow nervously.

“Why don’t you make this easy for me, Rain?”

Liberato speaks in a low, deep voice. If I didn’t know better than to upset Heath, I’d even say it was sexy in its huskiness.

“How?” I demand.

“Don’t fight.”

He picks himself up. I’m relieved he leaves the sheets where they are, but he grabs my wrists and ankles and ties them to the bed frame, and I don’t fight him. I’m sure I’m still in trouble from my first transgression - I don’t need to add another thing to the list.

So I let Liberato tie me down with soft silk ropes dyed a wine-red color. I don’t struggle. Not even when he pulls the sheet out, leaving me exposed. But he barely looks at me before leaving the room - something else that fills me with absolute hatred.


I don’t know what possesses me to call out after him, but I do.

Heath’s friend turns on his heels and comes back toward me, a playful smirk on his lips.

“If you’re about to beg for an orgasm, you can fucking forget it,” he tells me in a low growl.

“No,” I shake my head. “I just... Is Heath okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“You were gone all day and now the call...”

“He’ll be fine,” Liberato replies in a clipped tone.

“Please, tell me what’s going on.”

“There’s no need to worry.”

“How can I not?”

“Trust me,” he chuckles darkly. “The less you know, the better. Otherwise you’ll worry yourself into an early grave.”

“That bad?” I whisper.

“Let’s just say dear Heath has no problem starting a war over you.”


My eyes widen in surprise.

“Why me?”

“Haven’t you noticed?” he laughs. “Heath’s pretty much decided to keep you.”

My cheeks flush and I shake my head vehemently, saying, “I can’t stay here.”

“I don’t think you have a choice.”

Lips tightening into a line, I glare at Liberato as he walks out again.

“I’m out, I’ve been here while you were naked long enough. Don’t want any more shit.”

“Don’t!” I cry out. “Please. Help me.”

“Fine, but I’m not looking at you.”

He leans against the wall, facing away from me. It would almost be funny if I wasn’t so desperate to find somebody to help me get the hell out of here. I want to be free. Free like I’ve never been in my whole life.

“I need you to help me because Heath won’t,” I mutter. “What can you do?”


I watch him shrugging from behind.

“Heath will kill me if I’m around you too much. He’s weirdly possessive about you.”

“You don’t say,” I mutter. “Give me something, anything.”

“Like what?”

“Can you teach me how to shoot?”

“I... shouldn’t.”

His shoulders tense this time.

“Please, Liberato. I need some training if I want to survive Xavier Gunn.”

“Heath won’t allow it.”

“Then we’ll tell him you’re teaching me something else,” I plead. “Please. We’ll say... we’ll say you’re teaching me Spanish. Okay?”

He hesitates before his shoulders finally sink and he says, “Yes, okay.”

“Oh, thank you, Liberato. Thank you so much.”

“I’m sure I’ll pay for this, eventually. In fact, I’m already regretting it,” he sighs, pushing himself away from the wall. “See you later, Rain.”

He leaves the door open on his way out, and I can hear Heath’s heated phone call down the hallway. My heart pounds as I wait for him in my compromising position, knowing when he returns, he’ll show me no mercy.

But something about this situation excites me. My pussy is getting wet, desperately leaking between my legs. My nipples have hardened in the cool night air.

Finally, I hear footsteps in the hallway. I remain frozen until I see a figure appear on the doorstep of my room.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” I whisper.

“Oh, have you?”

He pulls himself forward, which is when I realize the man isn’t Heath. He’s one guard I’ve seen before, with light brown hair and a tanned complexion.

“I-I...” I manage. “Heath’s about to come back here.”

“I don’t see him here right now,” the guard smirks. “Meanwhile, you’re just lying here waiting to be used, aren’t you?”

“Don’t,” I hiss as he reaches for me, thrashing against my restraints. “Heath will kill you.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” he laughs. “Now let me see that pretty body.”