The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 10


Walking away from Rain in her bedroom is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

I’ve had a rough fucking day and I’m tired as fuck. Certainly not in the mood to deal with Rain’s husband demanding she come back.

Diego’s crestfallen face keeps coming back to me. He accepted his death, which was brave of him. But I wasn’t brave then. I killed an innocent man. I took a life to make an example. I’ve become just like the man I don’t want to turn into.

I want to fucking kill L for calling me away from Rain, but the moment I pick up the phone and bark a hello into it, my spine catches a chill as the man I hate most in the world picks up.

“So you’re The Wife Breaker.”

I can practically feel Xavier smirking on the other end.

“At your service.”

I’m struggling not to hiss my answers, but I know full well I can’t blow my cover right now. Xavier can’t suspect who I am, otherwise Rain will be taken from me sooner than I’d expected.

“I heard you were the best at what I just hired you to do. So tell me, are you?”

“I guess you’ll find out.”

My hand forms a fist, and I force myself to calm down before I scream at him. The man has got me pissed off and we’ve barely spent a minute talking.

“Thing is, Mr. Wife Breaker,” my uncle goes on lazily. “My wife is really fucking pretty, and I’m really fucking bored without her. So I’m going to need you to hurry the fuck up and bring her back, broken in or not, in a month.”

I feel sweat erupting on my forehead, my jaw setting as I realize he won’t budge on this.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible,” I say. “She’s... a complicated case and we’ll need more time with her.”

“I can assure you, anything you’re doing to her, I’ve already tried,” Xavier hisses. “It’s best to just return her to me and let me do the hard work.”

“No offense, signore, but you haven’t done that so far. So please trust the process and let us finish what we’ve already started. We only want the best for you and your wife, of course.”


“Excuse me?”

“She’s my toy, not my wife.”

My blood boils at his words but I force myself to swallow down the rage and say, “Of course, signore.”

“Look, I’ll even offer more money,” my uncle goes on, as if the entire conversation is boring him now. “Just break her in as fast as possible and bring her to me. Got it?”

“We’ll do our best, signore. Speak to you soon.”

I cut the call, knowing he’ll want to keep going otherwise. Leaning against the desk, I exhale, realizing just how close I was to blowing my cover.

Fuck. If Xavier finds out who I am, it’ll be game over. Under no circumstance can I allow him to find out I know who Rain is, or who I really am.

Determined, I walk back to Rain’s bedroom with my heart pounding in anticipation.

I find her just the way I hoped I would - exposed in a compromising position, naked and terrified.

What I hadn’t expected was the guard kneeling next to her bed, talking to her while he admires her slender body.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

I reach him just as he picks himself up, shoving him against the wall. Rain shrieks as I pull my gun out of its holster and aim it at the prick’s mouth.

“What the fuck are you doing with my woman, you piece of shit?” I snarl at the guy. “You think you have the right to fucking touch her? Look at her?”

“I’m sorry!” he cries out, but I only use the moment to shove the barrel deeper into his throat.

He chokes on it, tears escaping his eyes as he raises his hands.

“Don’t shoot,” he begs pathetically.

“Get the fuck out of my sight,” I hiss. “Be lucky I haven’t killed you. And you’re fucking fired. You speak of this to anyone, I’ll blow your brains out.”

He scrambles past me, but I change my mind at the last minute. I step out into the hallway, shooting at his feet. He screams, narrowly escaping the bullet.

“Never come back here,” I snarl in his wake before retreating into Rain’s bedroom and locking the door behind me.

I don’t even want to check if I shot him. All I want is to get back to the blonde beauty in my bed. But now, the thought of facing her again is fucking painful.

I just allowed some piece of shit to see her naked. She must feel so used, betrayed.

I turn to face her, and yet the only thing I see in her eyes is pure desire.

“I couldn’t stop him,” she whispers, breaking me with the words. “You tied me up, bastard.”

“He did nothing?”

“He would have if you didn’t walk in,” she hisses.

“Relax, Sunshine, you’re fine.”

“Not when you look at me like that, I’m not.”

I watch her swallow with an amused expression before asking, “Scared, are you?”

“I’m not scared of you. I’m not afraid of anything, remember?”

I remember. In those sunny wheat fields, she muttered the same words to me. How much has changed since then? Everything.

“That was your husband on the phone.”

I shock myself by changing the topic so suddenly.


Her bottom lip trembles in fear, and for some fucked up reason, it makes me jealous.

“That’s the man. Now I have a dilemma here, Rain.”

“What kind of dilemma?”

“He’s offering more money for me to train you,” I mutter. “So I could keep you and keep working on breaking you... or I could send you back to him. But he said if I can’t break you... he’s going to kill you.”


Rain’s eyes widen in fear and I know right away she’s fallen for my lie.

I knew she would. With how fucked up Xavier is, it’s easy to believe what I’ve said.

“Don’t send me back.”

Her pleading eyes meet mine, and I smirk at how quickly her tune has changed.

“I won’t, Rain,” I mutter. “But then you have to hold up your end of the bargain.”

“Which is?”

“Let me break you.”

“No,” she hisses right away. “Not happening.”

“Why? I know you secretly want it. And if I do, it’ll be so much easier to let Xavier do the same.”

“I will not let any man control me,” she hisses. “Not you nor your uncle. Now untie me.”

“Oh, that’s right,” I smile. “I almost forgot you were in a bit of predicament.”

I allow my gaze to wander over her exposed body, watching as her nipples harden under my scrutiny.

“Look at you. You’re so fucking ready for this. You want it, don’t you?”

“No,” she mutters helplessly.

“Come on, Rain. You don’t even believe yourself, do you?”

“Stop it, I-“

“You what? You’re going to stop me yourself?”

I laugh, taking a step closer and allowing my cool fingertips to wander over her naked skin. The sound of her gasps are like music to my ears.

“I don’t think you’re in any position to do that, Rain. Now stop being so stubborn. Let me enjoy this for a while. And don’t you dare come.”

She bites her lower lip so hard it bleeds. I gently pry her lips open with my fingers, tugging on them.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” I tell her with a low chuckle. “That’s my job.”


The word escapes her lips again as I lower my mouth against her nipples, sucking them into my mouth and groaning at her sweet taste.

“Please what, Sunshine?”

I wrap my fist in her hair and gently tug on it, making her moan my name.

“Please hurt me.”


I laugh out loud at her, and she flushes fiercely.

“Don’t make fun of me!”

“I’m not,” I grin. “You little fucking pain slut. Does Xavier know this about you?”

“No,” she mutters. “Please keep it that way. I don’t know what he’ll do to me if he finds out.”

“It’ll be our little secret,” I whisper against her lips while my hands tug on her nipples.

She gasps, moaning as I twist her body closer to mine. Her hips arch, and she pushes them against me to get my attention. It fucking works.

My eyes are glued to her. Glorious skin, freckles, her long mane of golden hair and those blue eyes are making me lose my goddamn mind. I watch every twitch of her lips, every roll of her eyes as I release her nipples.

“You like that?” I ask. “You want more?”

“More,” she nods eagerly. “More, please, Heath.”

I pull my leather belt out of my pants, loop it and smack it on my hand as I ask, “Can you take it on your pussy?”

“Yes,” she breathes.


I smack her once, barely touching her. She yelps and shakes in her ropes, making my cock jump to attention. Fuck, this woman has got me captivated. I don’t dare look away from her, I’m too damn worried I’ll miss a second of her explosive beauty.

I smack her again, watching a slew of whispered curse words leave her lips as she whimpers.

“Tell me you like it.”

“I love it, Heath! Please...”

“Love it?” I grin. “Perfect. I don’t even have to make you say it. You’re more than ready to degrade yourself, aren’t you, Rain?”

“N-No, I...”

“Don’t lie,” I smile, knowing I did just that moments ago when I told her Xavier was going to kill her.

I force myself to believe I had to do that so I could keep her tethered to me forever. But I was too afraid she’d choose to leave me and pick Xavier instead.

“Tell me the truth, Rain,” I go on, trying to cover up my tracks. “Tell me how you love to degrade yourself. Tell me you love to be a little slut for me. Tell me how much you enjoy me toying with your pretty parts.”

“Please,” she moans, arching her back again. “Abuse me. Hurt me. Make me feel it. Make me feel how much you hate me.”

“Oh, I don’t hate you, Rain.”

I grin at her.

“I like you very much. You’re so pretty. Especially when you writhe in pain just... like... this.”

With every word at the end, I smack the belt against her pussy, making her gasp out loud. The sound is turning me the fuck on, and that I was almost just inside her is making me crazy.

But that was a momentary lapse of judgement. Regardless of whether Rain returns to Xavier, she’ll need to be broken. And who better to do it than me?

“Tell me you’re my little slut, Sunshine,” I order, snapping the belt against my palm and making her wince. “I’m waiting.”

“I’m-I’m a little whore,” she whispers.

“Offer yourself to me.”

“Please use me...”


“Use me for anything you want. Hurt me,” she whispers, eyes wide enough to make me think even she can’t believe how much of a little slut she’s being for me right now.

“What else? Offer me more. Tell me I own everything.”

“You... you...” She shakes her head, screaming in frustration. “I hate you!”

“So close, Rain,” I laugh. “So close to getting a reward. But now all you’ve achieved by being a little brat is that I’m pissed off and really fucking horny from looking at you. Clearly, I can’t fuck you since you don’t deserve it, so what do you suggest we do?”

Her bottom lip trembles as she struggles in the ropes, whispering, “Untie me.”

“I don’t trust you enough yet,” I mutter. “Tell me what you’ll do for me if I do.”

“I’ll... suck your cock.”

“Not in the mood,” I shrug, like my cock isn’t jumping up at the thought. “What else? And don’t offer me your cunt. You haven’t deserved that yet.”

“My... my...”

She swallows thickly, unable to get the words out.

“Yes? What are you trying to say? Need some help, Sunshine?”

I raise her ass off the bed and my fingers seek the little hole I have yet to use.

“You want me here, Rain?” I mutter. “Has Xavier had this one yet?”

She nods, a sob leaving her lips as she rocks her hips against the bed and my hand.

“Use your words, my pretty little slut. Let me hear you say it.”

“I want you to fuck my ass,” she begs. “Please, fucking please. I want you to use me. Hurt me. Put things inside me. Just, please, don’t hold back. Fuck me... Anything you want...”

Her words make less and less sense as she goes on and my cock hardens so much I can feel droplets of precum escaping the tip.

“If only you’d been better,” I mutter as I reach into my pocket for a knife. “I could’ve fucked your sweet pussy and made you feel so damn good.”

She cries out as I cut through her ropes. I don’t have time to untie her; I want to be inside her most forbidden hole right the fuck now.

The moment she’s free, I grab her and force one of her legs over my shoulder, exposing her to me.

“Tell me you want it,” I demand. “Tell me to fuck you until you’re crying to come or begging me to stop at the same time.”

“Please, Heath,” she begs. “Don’t keep me waiting any longer, I’m begging you, just give me what I need, what I want, please push your cock inside me, fuck me, fucking please!”

I spit on my hand and quickly massage it into her tight asshole before pushing my cock inside her hungry hole. She grips the sheets so tightly they tear and screams my name as I fuck her, slowly at first, but picking up speed with each thrust.

My cock grows exponentially and I feel myself taking up so much space her ass stretches around me, slowly adjusting to my length and girth. I laugh out loud, smacking her pussy with the palm of my hand while Rain moans my name and begs me to keep going.

If I ever dreamed of us together, I never imagined this.

My fantasies were dirty, sure, but I always saw Rain as this innocent little being I needed to protect, at least before she re-entered my life. Now, though, all I see is a fearless little slut eager to experience every kind of sensation out there. Be it pain or pleasure, Rain seems starved for both.

While I’m fucking her, she grabs me by the shirt. Buttons fly everywhere as she pulls me in and suddenly, her lips find mine, kissing me like she has every right to put her lips on mine.

I pull out and groan, smacking her ass as she crawls closer.

“Don’t you dare, Rain.”

“I’m not allowed to kiss you?”

I watch her with a firm expression, choosing not to answer. Her pretty face falls, making me feel guilty as fuck.

“Come on,” she begs. “I can’t do this without kissing you.”

I remain quiet, and she finally speaks again, her bottom lip trembling.

“Xavier never kisses me, either. You know, Heath, sometimes you’re just like him and I can barely tell you-“

She doesn’t get to finish her sentence because I press my lips to hers the next moment, draining the power to speak from her poor little abused body.

I grab her by the throat, but my fingers refuse to cooperate and hold her with their usual strength. Instead, I’m almost gentle, carefully wrapping my hand around her swan-like neck. I don’t want to leave marks... not unless she begs me for them.

And I’m sure she will soon enough.

My kiss betrays how I really feel and I can only hope Rain can’t sense that. I kiss her with every emotion I’ve held back for the past eight years. I kiss her so deeply she struggles against me, but I still don’t let go. I need her, need this moment between us. A reminder of a past we lost but a future that could await us both... if only we were brave enough to reach for the stars.

“Fuck,” she whispers as I pull back, trembling fingers reaching for her lips. “Fuck, you can’t just-“

I don’t let her finish, too wrapped up in what I want to do to her to care about her feelings about it.

Grabbing her ankles, I pull her closer to me and climb on top of her. But Rain playfully changes our positions until she’s on top of me.

Normally, I’d never allow this. But something in the playful glint of her eyes reminds me of an innocence I thought I’ve lost forever. So I grin back and allow her to straddle me, feeling every inch of my cock hardening beneath her as she grinds her hips against mine. Her fingers roam into her golden mane and she moans as she rocks her pussy on top of my leaking cock.

It’s almost too much to take. I’m getting close myself, and though I have every intention of coming tonight with her, I can’t let that happen yet. It would give her too much satisfaction.

“I want you inside me,” she breathes.

My body struggles not to give her what she wants because I want it too. So fucking badly. But I hold back, forcing myself not to give in to her demands. She’ll get what she needs soon enough, but until then, she needs to stay my obedient little toy.

When I get unbearably close and realize I won’t be able to hold back much longer, I force her off me and cage her body beneath mine.

“You, Rain Ferrell, are a tease,” I mutter in the shell of her ear while she struggles to break free. “But I know exactly what to do with toys like you. You want to tease me? Fine. Because I can tease you right back.”

I grab the remains of the rope I cut earlier, this time only tying down her wrists. As much as she thrashes and tries to get away, she’s powerless against me, and once I’m done, I take a step back to admire my work.

“You look so pretty helpless like this,” I tell her. “I can’t wait to take advantage again.”

“You can’t leave me like this,” she moans. “You can’t make me stay tied up all night.”

“Watch me.”

With a smirk, I turn on my heel and walk out of her room, ignoring her desperate shouting. What’s harder to ignore, though, is the bulge in my pants, eager to be stroked.

All this was almost enough to make me forget about what happened at the docks, but as I walk back to my bedroom, my raging cock wasn’t the distraction I needed. I’m tempted to go back to Rain’s bedroom, but my pride won’t let me take my frustrations out on her. So instead I catch some much-needed rest, ignoring my hard as a rock dick between my legs as best as I can.