The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 14


Even though the drugs are blurring my experience, they don’t take away from what’s happening.

Rain’s body is splayed beneath me and my cock is throbbing with the need to bury itself between her folds. And when she mutters those fateful words, I know I won’t be able to hold back any longer.

With a loud grunt, I push my cock inside her, burying it in her soaked pussy to the hilt. Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t make a sound, forcibly clamping her own palm over her mouth.

“Moan for me,” I growl into the shell of her ear as I rock my hips inside her. “Let me hear you, show me what a good girl you are for me, Sunshine.”

A guttural groan rips itself from her lips, so primal it makes me laugh, pounding inside her with growing force.

“You like this, don’t you, Rain? You fucking waited so damn long for it. I bet you don’t want it to end.”

“Please.” She lifts her uninjured arm, the fingers burying in my hair. “Please keep fucking me, don’t stop, never stop.”

I want to fucking destroy her. But the drugs aren’t what’s powering me right now, and shockingly, neither is the hatred I feel for my uncle. Instead, it’s the fact that Rain is finally mine is ruling over my mind.

The girl I fought for, the girl that kept me going the whole time I was a prisoner of the cartel, made me the man I am today. And now she’s here with me, open to fulfill any of my desires.

I can feel our connection, can almost see the invisible threads that tie us together. She’s tried to cut through them, sure, but Rain never succeeded. And from this moment on, she has to know she’s only. Fucking. Mine.

I fuck her without mercy, and she dissolves into a mess of moans and whispers beneath my body.

“I need to come,” she breathes. “Your stupid rule... I-“

“Come,” I order her. “Come on my cock right now.”

Freed of what I told her, she doesn’t need much else to come apart beautifully on my cock. Her innocence leaks from her like a flood, her pussy enveloping me in its embrace that’s tight enough to break my goddamn cock.

“I can’t hold back much longer,” I grit out. “Need to come, too.”

“Not yet.”

Her lips find mine, and she kisses me. She smells like vanilla and desperation. A heady cocktail that makes me go wild.

“Now,” I grunt against her lips.

“No,” she begs. “Not yet. I want more, don’t stop. I need to feel you for the first time like this... I need you to remind me this was yours all along.”

“Shut up,” I hiss, overwhelmed by the barely held back I’m loading in. “Fuck, Rain, just... fucking shut up.”

I kiss the words of protest from her lips, feeling her tremble beneath my fingertips. It’s getting really damn hard to hold back now, and every thrust inside her feels like an orgasm.

I close my eyes so I don’t have to look at her enticing form, forcing myself to slow down, breathe through the haze the drugs have put me in. I inhale deeply before opening my eyes again and seeing her in a new light.

The Rain before, the one I fell in love with, was a girl.

This one, the one I can’t fucking resist, is a woman.

I watch her writhing form beneath me, committing every move she makes, every inch of her to memory, so I can revisit it again and again. There’s a foreboding sense in the air, a painful reminder this can’t last, not while Xavier is alive.

I swear to myself I’ll cut that bastard’s throat before plunging myself deeper than before inside her, making her cry out in pain.

“Ready?” I growl.

“Please,” she nods eagerly. “Fill me up.”

“Just like this, nothing between us?”

She swallows, looking into my eyes as she shakes her head.

“No,” she breathes. “Nothing between us. Fill my pussy up.”

The sound of her words is alone to make me pump harder and harder until my load leaves my body and I groan my release. Rain thrashes beneath me, but I don’t let her go, filling her to the brim with my thick load.

But I can’t stop after that. I keep fucking her long after the last drop has been drained. My cock refuses to stop throbbing and I keep going until Rain comes again, this time without asking for permission.

I allow it because of the way she keeps looking at me, her eyes doe-like and full. Like she’s just now realizing what I’ve known all along - that she belongs to me.

We’re sinners. Cheaters. But I don’t let that phase me. I’ll cut Xavier’s ring off her finger just like I did with her cuffs. I’ll force my own ring over it. I’ll fucking steal her. I’ll gut him like a fish so I can own her.

Because without a doubt, Rain Ferrell belongs to me.

“I need a morning-after pill.”

I raise my eyes to meet hers from her full lips.

“Why the fuck would you need that?” I narrow my eyes at her, pulling back my hand that’s been stroking her soft sunny hair since we woke up. “You don’t want me inside you anymore?”

“I do,” she whispers. “I just...”

“You just what?”

I haven’t taken anything today, and it’s affecting me fucking badly. My mind is all over the place, my body scrambling for another dose. But I don’t want Rain to realize just how addicted I am. I’m too worried about our fragile connection, and there’s no way in fucking hell I’m going to damage the budding relationship by showing her my need for the stuff.

“I’m worried if I get pregnant...”

Rain hesitates, her sentence hanging half-finished in the tense air between us. I wait with bated breath for her to go on, but when she does, rage bubbles in the pit of my stomach.

“I’m worried if I get pregnant… Xavier will get rid of it when I go back to him. So please, can I just get the pill? I haven’t been taking my contraception and I’m scared.”

I pull myself up on one elbow, glaring at her.

“Xavier made you take birth control?”

“No,” she hisses. “My maid had to bring it to me in secret, Heath. He wants an heir. If it were up to him, I’d have three children already.”

“It’s good that you never did.”


“Because now you’ll start having mine.”

“What about... What about Xavier?”

Rain worries her bottom lip with her teeth.

“I’m not letting that bastard lay a hand on you or my child.”

“Heath, you know he’ll want to take me back. You told me he was going to kill me if I go back untrained.”

I remember the lie guiltily, realizing how terrified she has to be.

“He won’t get you back,” I promise, pulling her closer even though she tries to push me away. “You’re never leaving this house again.”

She groans just as there’s a knock on her door.


I glance around the room that looks like a bomb site. There’s a needle on the floor, the sheets are stained with cum, and Rain looks... Rain looks like a good girl that finally got what she so desperately wanted. She looks... broken in.

“One moment.”

I put on my shirt and boxers and open the door.

“She in there?”

“What do you want?”

Liberato tries to sneak a look over my shoulder, but I block his way. He sighs, rolling his eyes at me.

“We need to talk.”

“About fucking what?”

Liberato’s eyes bore into mine as he says, “About Diego, Heath. We need to talk about Diego.”

Groaning as I realize he’s held back for long enough, I motion for him to give me a moment and close the door on him. Rain is waiting with the sheet pulled around her waist.

“Let me guess, business calls again. Got another toy you need to train?”

“Don’t start, you little fucking brat.”

I cover her with the duvet, kissing her forehead. “Don’t move. Get some more rest. Remember what the doctor said, Sunshine.”

“Since when do you care this much?” she asks, making me smirk.

“Since always. See you soon, Rain.”

Still feeling on cloud nine as I walk into the hallway, I follow Liberato to our office. But the thought of what we have to talk about is making me worry. I’ll have to tell him the truth about Diego, and Liberato will be fucking pissed.

I get into the study and quickly realize this isn’t a meeting, but an intervention. All the guys are in the room and I groan, collapsing onto my desk chair.

“Just get it over with,” I mutter.

“Tell us what Diego said first,” Liberato demands. “We’ve been waiting for it. We need to make a move on the Dragon cartel situation.”

“Why?” I grunt. “Did something happen?”

“Well, while you were busy dealing with your dramatic girlfriend,” Cannon speaks up from behind. “The rest of us have been dealing with the fallout from the docks... situation.”

I look at Liberato for confirmation, but his stony expression tells me everything I need to know.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I hiss at my brother.

“You seemed preoccupied with that walking set of holes, and her husband,” he replies.

I’m so shocked by his answer I don’t smash my fist into his face, something I regret as he goes on.

“Fact of the matter is, we left witnesses. Witnesses that have now spread the news about our cartel.”

“Fuck,” I mutter. “How many people know?”

“Heath... Everyone knows. And this is really fucking bad, because we needed to build up our numbers before we got in the radar of every gang member in this city. But now we’re fucked.”

“What about the Dragon cartel?” I demand.

“Well, they’re pissed with good reason,” he says, rubbing his temples. “They know it was us, too. So tell us now. What did Diego say?”

I glance at the other guys, remembering that night on the docks. This is so fucked up.

“I can’t... I don’t want to share that with the class, L.”

“You have to,” L snarls. “We’ve lost too many men over this. Who is the leader of the Dragon cartel, for fuck’s sake?”

“He didn’t tell me,” I roar, jumping to my feet. “Okay? Diego whispered in my ear and asked for a merciful killing so his daughters wouldn’t suffer when they found out he was tortured. And I gave it to him.”

“What?” Liberato looks dumbfounded. “And you killed him? Without getting the truth out of the bastard? What, is he a goddamn charity case? Who gives a shit about his daughters, Heath! The guy was a criminal.”

“So are you, L.” I glare at him with venom in my gaze. “So are all of you. Including me. So whatever the fuck this is, get off your high horse and get the fuck out of my study.”

The other guys mutter to themselves, and I slam my fist on the desk.


They file out of the room, but Liberato doesn’t follow, and I glare at him as I take a step closer.

“Didn’t you hear me, L? I want you out of here.”

“I can see right through you, Heath.”

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“I have to say, I thought we were having problems before... but this is a new level of fucking insanity, brother.”

“What the fuck are you on about?”

“You. Getting as addicted to that toy as you are to the drugs.”

“She’s not a toy, I told you already.”

“She is,” he yells. “She’s another man’s toy, Heath, and you need to accept that. He knows we’re out there now, Heath. It’s only a matter of time before Xavier realizes who we are. Our connection. You think he’ll stop at anything to take her back, Heath? He fucking won’t. He’ll kill us all to get her back.”

“You think I can’t take my uncle? I’ll fucking destroy him.”

“I’ll probably die watching you try,” he sighs in response. “Go train your toy, Heath. The cartel’s better off without you ruining shit.”

“Fuck you.”

I want to attack him, but deep inside, a small part of me knows just how right he is about everything. But I can’t face that truth right now. Not yet.

He leaves the room and lower my trembling hands to the drawer in my desk. I take out some white powder, inhaling some, licking the rest.

The hit comes fast, making me forget about all this shit. All that’s left is her face.

Freckles, pale skin.

Cornflower blue eyes.

Hair golden like the sun.



Rain or shine, she is fucking mine.