The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 16


My ankle and cut have almost healed up completely. It’s a painful reminder of how long I’ve spent here now. Painful only because I know there’s still a chance Xavier will somehow steal me back.

I know Heath is determined to keep me here, but I’m not so sure Xavier will just let that happen. Especially once he finds out Heath is still out there - after all, he’s the proper heir to the Scorpion cartel. Something Xavier will never risk losing.

My fear is all the more reason I’m excited to finally have a shooting lesson with Liberato.

Since Heath will be away for business this morning, Liberato had agreed to show me the ropes for shooting. I wait for him eagerly in my bedroom, and when the knock finally comes, I run to the door.

“You’re not exactly dressed for shooting?”

“How?” I demand, twirling in front of him.

“You look like you’re going riding in an English field.”

I roll my eyes and follow him into the hallway. I know I should be afraid of Liberato, but because he’s Heath's best friend, I know he’ll go easy on me. There’s a friendship between us. I don’t even quite understand myself, but I’m grateful for it. As we walk out into the field, I see some targets have been set up in the gardens, along with a makeshift gun range.

“Won’t people hear us out here?” I wonder as I touch one of the laid out guns.

“No one here for miles.”

Liberato pries my fingers off a shotgun and I stick my tongue out at him.

“Don’t touch them so carelessly, they’re dangerous. The first step is to respect the weapon, toy.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“Why not?”

“Does Heath call me that?”

“No,” he begrudgingly admits.

“So why would you get to?”

“You got a sharp tongue on you, Rain,” he smirks. “But then again I knew that already. Or at least my dick did.”

I turn to face him with a horrified expression.

“That first time in the dungeons...”

“That’s right,” he smirks.

“I sucked your cock?” I feel myself flush as he watches me with mean satisfaction.

“Not just mine. There were more of us, remember?”

“Oh god.”

I pick up the gun, grinning as I see the horrified look in his eyes.

“Well, I’m just beside myself.”

“Put down the gun, Rain.”

“Why?” I smile innocently. “You don’t trust me?”

“I really fucking don’t.”

I put it down, rolling my eyes, and he glares as he takes over.

“No more embarrassing me,” I order him.

“You’re embarrassing yourself, toy.”

He places the gun in my hands and stands behind me, telling me how to position myself as he places some protective goggles over my eyes. I make the shot without waiting for his instruction.

Liberato is about to lose it with me when he sees how near the target I was.

“Huh,” he mutters. “Beginner’s luck.”

But as we continue working on the shooting, it quickly turns out I’m a natural. I’m delighted by the fact. I can’t stop smiling. Knowing I can defend myself with a gun will make life so much less stressful. Now I just need to convince Heath to get me one.

We spend three hours in the gardens before Liberato decides we’re done for the day.

“Don’t mention this to Heath or he’ll fucking gut me,” he tells me as he escorts me back to my bedroom.

“I don’t want him to find out either. Thanks for helping me.”

“You’re welcome,” he gives me a reluctant smile. “Turns out you’re more fun that I thought.”

“Thanks, Liberato,” I grin wickedly. “You’re a barrel of laughs, too.”

“Oh, shut up, toy.”

We smirk at each other, and he heads down the hallway. By the time I close the door of my bedroom, I’m pleasantly tired and I take a sigh, peeling my jacket off.

“Why don’t you come in here?”

Heath’s voice scares the living hell out of me and I tremble as I realize he must’ve heard everything that just happened. Fearfully, I go around the corner and face him. He’s sitting on my bed, dark charcoal eyes trained on mine.

“You afraid I’m going to punish you for going behind my back?”

“Y-Yes,” I admit quickly. “We were just-“

“Just what?”


“I saw you,” he hisses. “You didn’t think to ask me to help you with that?”

“I didn’t think you’d want me to learn.”

“Of course I do.”

His expression softens just a little, making me feel less tense.

“I would’ve taught you myself. You need to protect yourself. And even though you were a bad girl and kept this from me, I have something for you.”

He hands me a small velvet box.

“What’s this?”

My senses are on high alert as I accept the box. I remember all the times Xavier gave me gifts like this one. How he pretended like it was something nice, but it always ended up being a way to hurt me.

Maybe a diamond plug for my ass, or a simple gold hook for it.

A pair of ruby-encrusted nipple clamps, or a golden collar.

Xavier’s gifts were never innocent, and they came at a price. He thought I should be grateful for the reward and beat me if I didn’t have the proper reaction. The one he wanted.

I open the box to reveal a small revolver on a pink pillow. My eyes shoot up to Heath’s and my lip trembles.

“I can keep this?”

“It’s yours.”

“But what if I shoot you?”

“I’m trusting you won’t,” he growls. “Don’t disappoint me, Sunshine.”

“I won’t.”

I take the gun out and weigh it in the palm of my hand. I’m so overwhelmed by his almost sweet reaction, I feel like I’m about to pass out.

“Why do you trust me this much?” I wonder out loud. “All I do is let you down.”

“Bullshit, Rain.”

He gets off the bed and approaches me, pulling me in for a hug. I hold the gun between us.

“We belong together, you know that. And when you told me about your fear with Xavier, I tried to listen. I hope this makes you feel safer.”

“It does. Thank you.”

We break apart, but there’s still something on my mind as I set the gun down.

“Did you lie about being away?”

“I did,” he smirks. “Needed to see if you’d behave this time when I wasn’t watching.”

“I learned my lesson the last time.”

“Good girl.”

As he kisses me, I let myself feel everything I’ve been holding back, just for a moment. All those feelings come rushing in, hitting me hard as I struggle to catch my breath.

“I want to fuck you again. Do you want to fuck me again, too, Rain?” he mutters in my ear and I shiver, nodding eagerly.

“I brought something for us to play with.”

“What is it?”


He pulls a silver contraption from under the bed. It’s got a metal collar connected to two smaller bands for wrists. My eyes widen as Heath watches me.

“You want to use it?”


The word escapes me before I can stop myself and I know I won’t be able to go back on what I’ve just admitted. With a knowing smile, Heath locks me into the metal contraption, but not before making me strip naked in front of him.

I feel helpless, exposed to his prying glare as I kneel on the floor and wait for him to use me. He makes circles around me, softly touching my hair and brushing my shoulders with his fingertips. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin as the threat of an orgasm rips through my body.

“Are you close right now?”


“Liar. I can see it on your face. I’m not even touching you, Sunshine. Look how far you’ve come.”

I flush and close my eyes.

“Look at me, Rain.”


“Look at me.”

I shake my head again, but he wraps his fingers around my chin and my eyes fly open just as he appears in front of me.

“You look so good restrained like this. Like a proper toy should be.”

“Thought I wasn’t just a toy.”

“Stop talking back.”

He pulls out his cock and I try to hide how much I want it inside my mouth by focusing my gaze on Heath instead.

“Suck this load out of me, Rain. Don’t half-ass it. I want a proper, broken-in toy tonight since I let you have so fucking much today.”

“Okay,” I manage before he forces his tip between my lips.

My tongue darts out as I let out muffled moan of pleasure. I taste him again and my eyes roll at the feeling of him in my throat.

Heath groans and grabs me by the hair, driving his hips against me until I sputter and cough.

“You feel so fucking good like this,” he mutters, not paying me any mind as he continues using my mouth. “I could fuck you for weeks. I don’t want to stop. Fucking hell.”

I gargle as he pushes in deeper and it makes him lose control. His thrusts become harder and more insistent.

Even though I know I should fight this, an orgasm builds between my legs. My pussy’s making a mess on the floor and Heath’s cock is throbbing in my mouth so hard I know he’s seconds away from filling me up.

“Beg, Rain,” he groans against my ear, waking me up from my frozen state.

He pulls out of my mouth and I scream his name.

“Fuck my pussy,” I beg. “Please, I need you there.”

With a growl, Heath pulls me to my feet and bends me over the bed. I cry out as I hear him spitting on his cock. A moment later, he’s inside me and my pussy eagerly awaits him.

“Such a fucking glutton for punishment,” Heath mutters as he fucks me. “Holy shit, Sunshine, you’re the most messed up addiction I’ve ever had.”

I moan his name as he hits something inside me. My pussy tightens up and an orgasm rips through my body as he bottoms out inside me.

“You want my cum in your tight little snatch?”

“Yes, Heath.”

“Then do something for me.”

He grabs my hair and makes me look back at him.

“Tell me I broke you,” he smiles. “Tell me you choose me over Xavier.”

That horrible moment is when I realize this is all a game.

And that every single toy before me has had to endure the same.

Even worse, the realization hitting me right after. I’m going to give him what he wants, because I can’t help myself.

“You broke me,” I recite. “I choose you over my husband.”

At the sound of those words, he finishes inside me, grunting as he kisses me, rendering me into a crying, orgasming mess.

He kisses the curses from my lips and unlocks me from the cage.

“You’re sleeping in my bed tonight,” he mutters in my ear as he carries me back into his bedroom.

He gets into bed beside me and holds me close. Neither of us mentions what I just admitted to. But for me, the seed of doubt has been planted.

I now don’t know whether this was all a game to Heath, or whether he truly feels like I do about him.

Something tells me they don’t call him The Wife Breaker for nothing. After all, I’ve just experienced on my skin just how messed up Heath can be.

But he called me an addiction.

And that means, at least on some level, I control him.

Maybe he’s fooled me... but I fooled him even better. Because Heath still has no idea, I’ll take the first chance to run to get the hell out of here.