Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 23




I sat up a little too quickly, causing pain to shoot through my head again.

“Three days?”

“Yes, three horrible, please don’t ever make me repeat, awful days.”

I tried to think back to my last memories. My wolf was injured and weakening too much to save us both. When Landon arrived, I knew we were going to be okay. I’d shifted to explain it to him, but everything went black until now.

I could remember small blips of light, people talking around me, but it was hard to understand anything being said. Mostly I was just exhausted.

“We couldn’t wake you to shift so you could heal faster,” he explained. “You had to do it the old-fashioned way.”

“My wolf was injured and struggling. I had no choice,” I explained.

“How about now?” he asked.

I reached into my soul looking for my wolf, relieved to find her alive and well.

A tear slid down my cheek. “She’s okay,” I whispered.

“Do you want to shift and see if she can help you now?”

I nodded, the pain slicing through my head once more.

I hadn’t even considered I was wearing clothes until I heard them rip as I let the shift take hold. At the rate I was going, a shopping spree was in my near future.

My wolf felt whole and within moments, my headache disappeared along with the last of my pains.

I curled up against Landon and fell fast asleep.




I smelled them before I even opened my eyes.

I growled and moved to protect Landon. They’d have to come through me to get to him.

He leapt from bed in only his boxers as he got between me and two of my enemies. I knew Abby and Cadence hadn’t really been threats to me, but they had been a part of it all and I was struggling to differentiate between them and the wolf I had been forced to kill.

I growled and snapped in warning for them to back off.

I couldn’t believe Landon was turning his back on them.

“Kaitlyn, I need you to calm down. I know you’re in there and I know you can hear me.”

I whimpered in confusion.

“They aren’t a threat to you, or me. They’re here to help you.”

Help? That couldn’t be right.

Landon clearly trusted them though and as much as I didn’t like it, I forced my wolf to subdue.

“Well, I see you’re recovering nicely,” Abby said.

“Welcome back, Kaitlyn.” Cadence gave me a friendly smile.

I had to wonder what sort of alternate universe I’d just woken up in.

“Please wait in the kitchen. I need a minute to calm her down.”

The girls left. I knew when Landon chuckled that my wolf was no doubt glaring at him like a traitor.

“Would you please just shift back and talk to me? If you can of course.”

I shifted back to my human form landing myself on all fours on top of the bed.

“They tried to kill me,” I blurted out.

“I know. They told me everything. And actually, the three remaining only wanted to request a formal challenge, not take you on in an unsanctioned way. Do you remember differently?”

I thought back to everything. I recognized the two as Cadence and Abby, the first to bail on the group attack plan. I huffed. “No, I guess not, but they didn’t exactly try to intervene much either.”

“I know that too. They say they were going to, right up until River killed Jasmin.”

I cringed at the memory. I hadn’t wanted to battle River after that either.

“Yeah, alright fine, but what are they doing here?”

He sat down on the bed next to me. “First, how are you feeling?”

I stretched and rolled over to lay on my back. “Fine. I don’t even hurt anymore.”

Landon looked so relieved it nearly broke my heart. “Good, great even. Your wolf must have finally healed the last of your injuries. Abby, Cadence, and even Clover have stuck around to assist with your healing. That’s what they are doing here, checking up on you.”

“Huh? Really?”

“Really. They’ve been by your side with around the clock care waiting for your wolf to take over. You were really sick, Kaitlyn. We weren’t even sure you were going to pull through. I’ve never seen a shifter run a fever so high. The bite on your thigh was very infected.”

I looked down at the spot I knew he must be talking about. It was where River had bitten me while still in my human form, breaking every wolf code in history. There wasn’t even a faint scar remaining. My wolf had thoroughly healed it through the night.

“So what did they do anyway?” I asked.

“Well, Abby is a trained nurse. Cadence is a healer.”

“A witch?”

“Yeah, a witch.”

“That’s so cool. Ugh, I hate that that’s so cool.”

“Don’t. She really came through for you, for us.”

“What about Clover?”

“She’s an odd one, keeps to herself mostly, but she’s an expert in herbs and plants. She made some salves to help battle the infection in your leg and keep the scratches on your back from becoming infected.”

I cringed. “I forgot about that part.”

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me,” he said softly.

I sat up and scowled. “Landon, this wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t Tobi’s fault either. Honestly, I’ve always said the Challenges were barbaric and archaic, but I think I needed them.”

“That wasn’t the Challenges, Kaitlyn.”

“I get that, but to them it was. It certainly felt like it when I was going up against River. There was no way I was going to let her beat me. My Pack was at stake. Not my position, Landon, my Pack. Something shifted inside of me. I wasn’t just fighting for me, but for you, and everyone here that we’re responsible for. I’ve survived living nightmares, but now I know for certain that I’m strong enough to face down my demons of the past, and any enemy threat to our family. Isn’t that what a pack truly is? A family?”

He hugged me. “I love you so much. Just don’t ever scare me like that again, okay?”

He squeezed me a little tighter. My arms froze in mid air as I moved to hug him back.

“You love me?” I whispered.

He pulled back and cradled my face. “So much. And it didn’t take almost losing you to know that. I just didn’t want to freak you out saying it too soon. But after this and watching you fight for your life these last few days, I don’t even care if that terrifies you, because it’s the truth and you’re going to have to get used to hearing it every single day for the rest of your life. I love you, Kaitlyn.”

His lips crushed against mine before I could even respond. A tear slipped down my cheek as I smiled against his lips and kissed him back.

I leaned away from him grinning, but still I rolled my eyes. “I suppose I will just have to try and endure it then. You should probably say it again just to make sure I heard you right.”

He chuckled. “I love you.” He kissed my forehead. “I love you.” He kissed my left cheek. “I love you.” He kissed my right cheek. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” He planted sloppy kisses all over my face until I was giggling and pushing him away.

“Fine, I think I got it now.” I ran my hand through his hair overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness. If this wasn’t what love was supposed to feel like, then I was truly clueless in the love department. What I knew for certain was that I had scored big time in the mate department and there was absolutely no one else I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. “I love you, too, Landon.”




As the next few days progressed, I was struggling to regain my strength. I was suffering from some mild convulsions and terrible migraines. My body ached all over and I had a tremble in my hands. I spent time in both my skin and my fur trying to recover, but I felt as if I were growing weaker by the day.

Even though I still wasn’t feeling great, I was going stir crazy from lying in bed. Landon had left to check on the Pack. I was told he stayed by my side the entire time I was down, only conducting minimal business from my bedside. Tobi had told me she was only allowed to stay with me a couple of times when he was needed elsewhere and even then, it was only briefly.

It warmed my heart to know how much he had cared and protected me during a time I was most vulnerable.

I’d certainly seen some of that first hand as he hovered over me ensuring I had the best care possible during my recovery.

Tobi rolled her eyes and groaned. “You look like a love sick puppy dog, it’s pathetic.”

I shrugged. “I can’t help it.”

“You almost died Kaitlyn. You shouldn’t be so happy.”

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Jackson will be back soon,” I reassured her.

“I know, Monday cannot possibly come fast enough.”

“What’s Monday?” Landon asked as he walked in on our conversation.

“Jackson comes home,” I reminded him.

“Oh right. That’s why you’re moping around here?” He asked Tobi.

“Do you want me to take your mate away for a week so you can see how it feels?”

He chuckled. “Not a chance. I can’t stand to walk into the kitchen down the hall and get myself a cup of coffee, let alone an entire week.”

Alphas didn’t usually admit to their vulnerabilities like that. It worried me a little. What if someone came to challenge him too? What if they tried to use me to get to him? Was I weakening my mate?

“Whoa, gorgeous. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Landon said and Tobi turned to look at me too.

“Nothing,” I lied.

Tobi snorted. “Really? You know he can probably feel all your emotions by now which is why his warning alarm went off in the first place, but I don’t need to be bonded to you to know that was a complete lie.”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“Come on, out with it,” Tobi insisted.

I sighed. “I’m just worried that someone is going to try to challenge you too, and that they could use me to get to you. I make you weaker,” I said voicing my fears.

Tobi laughed. “No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do. You heard him just now.”

She considered it while Landon watched in utter confusion.

“What are you talking about?” he blurted out.

“No, she’s right. You were so protective of her while she was down. You didn’t even like me coming in here. Your attention was divided and your focus on her… as it should be,” she insisted.

I shook my head. “No, the Pack should come first. He’s the Alpha.”

“Sweetheart, the Pack always comes first. And you are the Pack Mother. It’s natural for me to protect and care for you. Just because I worked from here, doesn’t mean I was slacking or anything.”

“That wasn’t what I meant,” I argued.

He sighed. “I know. I’ve got all the paperwork filed with the Grand Council and the official notice of our mating has gone out. If someone comes to challenge me anyway, then I’ll deal with it, just like you did.”

I nodded. He somehow knew that was exactly what I needed to hear.

“But what if they come for both of us? Then what? Your attention would be divided.” That was my real concern. When the shit hit the fan, would he protect himself, the Pack, or me first.

“That isn’t going to happen, but if it did, we fight together. I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine, plus our Pack might not be large in numbers, but we’ve been protecting this territory for many generations. It’s not a choice between one or the other.”

I sighed and relaxed a little. I understood his point and knew I was just being ridiculous and overly sensitive after my own attack.

There was a knock at the door and Clover peeked her head in. I hadn’t seen her since the incident by the cabin.

“Oh, I’ll come back,” she whispered.

It amazed me that this meek girl ever thought to challenge me in the first place. She looked as if she were scared of her own shadow.

“It’s okay,” I said.

The other two had flitted in and out to check on me a few times and I felt badly for my reaction to them every single time. As long as they were here, they were kind of my responsibility. I knew I needed to make at least some effort to get to know them.

Clover hesitantly walked in and handed me a hot cup of tea. “It will help you enhance your energy, Pack Mother.”

“Kaitlyn,” I corrected her.

She simply nodded in response.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Just some simple ingredients I found in the woods.”

“Like what?” I asked curiously.

I sniffed the tincture. It smelled nice. I took a little sip as she rattled off a list of herbs most of which I’d never heard of, but one in particular stood out.

“Drink up,” she said sweetly before turning to leave.

“Thanks,” I muttered.

As soon as she was out of the door, I set the cup down and pulled out my phone. I quickly ran a search on hemlock. I read through the various types. Just about all were bad, but water hemlock was deadly.

I pulled up the description of water hemlock… trembling, muscle pain and weakness, convulsions. I had a sinking feeling in my gut.

“Hey drink up, so you’ll feel better,” Landon encouraged.

I stared at the glass. “Did she say hemlock?”

“Water hemlock,” Tobi corrected.

“That’s what I was afraid of.”

“What’s wrong?” Landon asked. “She’s really good with herbs and plants. She knows what she’s doing.”

“And that’s what I’m really afraid of.”

Tobi grabbed my phone and started reading. Her face slowly dropped. “I’m going to murder her,” she said softly, in a scary calm voice.

“Give me that,” Landon insisted. “No way, she was trying to help. She said she wanted to help you to heal faster.”

“Well she’s not healing faster. Look at it. Trembling. Have you not noticed how her hands have been shaking? Convulsions. She just had a bout of those last night, remember? Pupils dilated.” Tobi turned on the flashlight mode on my phone and shined it into my eyes. Landon, we have to do something.”

“I need proof,” he insisted. “It’s not that I don’t believe you, and you aren’t to touch anything Clover gives you from now on, but I need evidence before accusing her.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Both of you, stay quiet about this. If you’re right, then she thinks she has the upper hand. I’ll send it in for a toxicology report.”

“You know how to do that?” Tobi asked.

“Yes, Tobi, I’m not a complete moron.”

I giggled.

“Why are you laughing right now?” Tobi demanded.

“It just cracks me up when you two go into sibling mode.”

“Sibling mode?”

“Yeah. You guys act just as I always imagined siblings would act.”

Tobi softened and nudged Landon affectionately. “Well, I guess in a way he has always been like a brother to me.”

“Anyway,” Landon interrupted. “Like I said, stay quiet about this until I have proof and don’t drink anything she offers again.”

“I won’t. You know, I was just thinking how sweet and meek Clover is. I couldn’t understand how she had planned to take me down in a challenge, but now, I guess I get it.”

“Sneaky bitch,” Tobi muttered.

“We can’t accuse her of anything for certain yet,” Landon reminded us, but there was no convincing me otherwise. Clover may not be as aggressive about it as River had been, but she was just as big a threat to me.