The Setup and the Substitute by Jiffy Kate

Chapter 18


“Oh my gosh, you’re a lifesaver,”Casey croaks, as she opens the door to her home. “Stay on the porch, though. I don’t want to get you sick.”

Bless her, Casey looks just awful and I wish I would’ve called her last night instead of waiting until this morning. I bet she didn’t sleep at all, the poor thing. Her hair is a mess, her eyes are bloodshot, and she has a scarf wrapped around her neck but fixed high enough it covers her mouth, to keep germs at bay, I presume.

“I’m just glad I’m able to help. Owen’s kids are in the car and they’re so excited we’re going to have a baby in the house.” I’m trying to reassure Casey but she doesn’t look convinced based on how her eyes are welling up with tears.

“Casey, are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to take you to a doctor?”

She huffs out a laugh and wipes her eyes. “Gah, being a mom has turned me into such a sap. Sammy is almost seven months old and my hormones are still out of whack.” I watch as she takes in a deep breath and releases it before picking up a baby carrier with her sleeping son tucked inside. “I’ll be fine, I just hate being away from him, you know?”

Not being a mother yet, I don’t truly know what she means but, I can certainly empathize. I know without a doubt I’d be sad to leave Molly and Ryan. Will be sad, I mentally correct myself because Owen has already said this job is temporary. I’ve already said this job is temporary.

But, I can’t think about that now.

Casey, oblivious to my inner turmoil, continues, “I’m worried Sammy might get sick. And then he’ll get y’all sick. Maybe I should just keep him home. I’m sure I’ll be better soon.”

She starts pulling the carrier closer to her body, looking like she’s about to run inside the house and lock the door, but I grab the carrier by the base.

“Everything is going to be fine,” I assure her, using my firm teacher voice. “You need to rest. You can’t take care of Sammy until you take care of yourself first. I know it’s hard but it’s what’s best for both of you. He won’t be far. You can even FaceTime us after you take a nap, okay?”

Casey’s chin wobbles as she gazes at her son and my heart truly breaks for her. Eventually, I feel her grip on the carrier loosen and she lets me take it

“I’m sorry I’m such a mess. I know you’re right in here”—she points to her head—“but it still hurts here.” She pats herself over her heart.

“I wish I could hug you right now to make you feel better,” I admit.

“Don’t worry, when this is all over, I’m gonna hug you so tight. You just made yourself a new best friend whether you wanted one or not,” she says with a laugh.

Both kids are in total awe as I secure Samuel’s seat into the car. They’re pleased because I put him in the middle of them. Thankfully, Owen’s Land Rover is big enough for all three seats. When I announce an ice cream stop on the way home, through the drive thru of course, they both loudly exclaim their excitement. Samuel doesn’t seem to mind and by the time we’re waiting for our order, Molly announces that he’s asleep.

Once we get home, the kids settle in and I check the contents of Samuel’s bag which seems to have all the necessities, plus plenty of extra. I place the milk Casey packed in the fridge and we all settle into the living room with a movie on the television.

But the Zen only lasts about an hour before Samuel lets us all know he’s hungry.

“When is he gonna stop crying?” Molly asks, concern etched across her face.

“Yeah, he’s more fun when he’s not so loud,” Ryan chimes in.

“I warned you two that babies sometimes cry a lot and I need you to be patient with him and with me. He’s hungry and I’m trying to heat up his bottle, but I have to be patient and very careful. We don’t want it to be too hot, do we?”

They both shake their heads.

“Hot milk sounds yucky,” Ryan says with his nose scrunched up.

“Well, it’s not like the milk we drink, buddy. This is special milk for babies that his mama made for him.”

“That’s very nice of her.”

Molly sighs. “She seems very nice and she’s pretty.”

Casey has already FaceTimed with us once since we brought Sammy home and I dare say the kids are quite smitten with her.

“She is both of those things, I agree. Now, let’s see if this bottle is up to this little guy’s standards, shall we?” I reposition Samuel in my arms and hold the bottle up for him to see. He immediately grabs it with his chubby hands and pulls it to his mouth.

My goodness, he’s adorable. And such a sweetie, too. I can see why Casey would be heartbroken to be away from him and he’s not even mine.

To be honest, I haven’t given much thought to having children of my own. It’s something I assumed would happen when the time was right but I don’t have a plan for when that could be.

As much as I love children, I love my freedom and being able to come and go as I please. Even as I think this, though, I realize I haven’t had my usual desire for travel since working for Owen. Typically, I’m rarely home during the summer months. With New Orleans being hot as hell and school being out, I take advantage of my time off and explore the world.

Maybe I’ve just been too busy to think about it this year.

Busy… and preoccupied with my growing feelings for Owen.

Now, that man can knock me up any time.

“Look, Daddy! There’s a baby here!”

I nearly jump out of my skin as I look up and find Molly’s iPad facing me. I can feel my face warming with a blush that only gets worse when I see Owen looking back at me and smiling.

Oh, God, he’s smiling at me.

Stammering, I say, “Uh, hi. I didn’t hear your call. I guess I was too engrossed with this little guy.”

“I called him,” Molly corrects. “I wanted him to see how cute Samuel is when he eats.”

“You’re right, Molls. He’s a cutie. Looks like he’s being taken good care of, too.”

Glancing back at the screen, I see Owen’s smile is gone but his eyes are… smoldering? I’ve seen that look on his face, but only once—the night we had sex. But with him halfway across the country and me standing in his kitchen, feeding a baby, I’m not sure what evoked that reaction. Unless… Does he like seeing me hold a baby? Because that’s… well, I don’t really know what to think of that but I do know it just got really hot in here.

Maybe Sammy is running a fever? Maybe I am? I have a feeling it’s a fever only Owen can douse but I should not be having thoughts like that while holding someone else’s baby. Or ever, perhaps.

Just because we cleared the air last night, doesn’t mean we’ll have a repeat of our night together when he gets back.

Thankfully, Ryan runs up to the iPad and waves a toy for Owen to see. “Look, Daddy, I let the baby play with my dino toy. Sophie said it was okay because it’s soft.”

“That’s so nice of you. I’m proud of you both for being such good helpers with Sammy.”

“Please tell Ross that Sammy is doing great and that Casey is finally getting some rest. He has nothing to worry about on the home front,” I tell Owen.

“I’ll definitely do that. Speaking of, I’d better go. It’s about time for the bus to pick us up and take us to the ballpark. I’ll call tonight if it’s not too late.”

We all wave and wish the team good luck before the screen goes black, just in time for Sammy to be burped.

* * *

After havingthree kids in my care for the past few days, Casey is well and rested, and baby Samuel is back at home.

It took Ross and her sister, Lola, to convince her to let me keep him overnight. I almost broke down and took him to her the first night he was here, but I held strong. I think it helped her knowing he was only a few miles away. I literally could’ve had him back home in five minutes. That and, once she finally started resting, she realized how run-down and exhausted she was.

Thankfully, Samuel stayed well, along with the rest of us.

It was fun having him here, but I won’t lie and say I’m not relieved to have the house back to normal. Thankfully, Sharon was around to help with grocery pickup and laundry. She also stopped back by and cleaned the house again after he left.

Bless her.

Babies are exhausting. Cute as can be but, man, I was wiped out.

The last couple of days have been spent recuperating from our adventures in babysitting. After a much-needed rest day, mostly spent watching movies and lounging in the pool, we spent all day yesterday at the aquarium. It’s been fun.

But now, Owen should be home any minute and my nerves simply will not settle down. I’d feel better if I knew what to expect but I honestly don’t. The few times we’ve talked since he’s been gone has either been kid-related or regular mundane chatter. Since our phone call after he first left, we haven’t discussed us or our night together so I’m assuming it was a one-and-done experience.

It’s unfortunate but I understand.

Doesn’t mean I don’t wish things were different though.

“Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!”

Both Molly and Ryan run through the house, anxiously waiting for Owen to grab his bags and exit the Uber that just dropped him off. They’re so cute as they wait for him to open the front door and as soon as he does, they tackle him to the ground.

The kids were great these nine days he was gone and were great helpers when we had Sammy but I know they missed their dad terribly. Their happiness has just increased ten-fold and I almost feel like an intruder by standing here watching.

You can see the relief on Owen’s face as well as he hugs and tickles his children. The joy surrounding this precious family almost brings a tear to my eye. Their love is simply beautiful. As close as I am with my own siblings, we didn’t share these types of experiences with our parents. It just goes to show, you never know what you’ve missed out on until you experience it with others.

When I begin to sneak out of the room, giving them the privacy they deserve, Ryan calls after me. “Sophie! Come and help us tickle Daddy!”

I fake a cough to try and cover my surprise at his request before shaking my head. “No, thanks. You two look like you’re doing a great job on your own.”

“Yes, come help us!” Molly agrees.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I glance at Owen to get his take on the situation. The man is smirking at me. Smirking! It’s almost as though he’s daring me, like he wants me to join them.

What is happening?

Are we flirting now?

Thankfully, I’m able to stand my ground, using the excuse of checking on dinner as a way to escape.

And escape I do. I hide out in the kitchen until dinner is done, then I make an excuse of not being hungry, leaving Owen and the kids to dine alone.

Half an hour later, when I leave the solitude of my bedroom, I can hear the three of them talking in the living room. Tiptoeing back down to the kitchen, I begin putting away leftovers when Owen comes to help clean up.

We’re quiet for a while but the familiar electricity crackles between us, even while doing mundane things like washing and drying the dishes.

“Since tomorrow is an off day, I was thinking about taking the kids to the zoo,” he says, breaking the silence. “Would you like to come with us?”

I can’t hide the surprise I feel because I’m genuinely caught off guard with his invitation. We’ve never been out in public together, the four of us, and I can’t help but wonder what it’d be like. Would we look like a family or would it be obvious I’m the nanny?

When I don’t answer right away, Owen continues speaking. “I know you must want a day off and you certainly deserve one but we’d love for you to go with us. If you want to, that is. No pressure.”

“I appreciate you thinking of me but I need to check on my apartment. You know, water the plants and all that.”

Greer was nice enough to check on things for me a few days ago and reported back that nothing was amiss, except the sad, half-empty bottle of wine in my fridge.

“Yeah, sure, of course.” He turns away to put up the dishes he just dried.

“But, I could do that first thing in the morning and meet y’all there when I’m done,” I offer.

He closes the cabinet and turns back to me with the corner of his mouth turned up. “That’d be great.”

And just like that, the air around us tenses, that electricity from before amping up.

I feel my heart begin to race, especially when I notice the vein in Owen’s neck pulsing. There’s both excitement and relief in knowing he feels this too.

His fingers wrap around my wrist and pull me toward him but freezes at the sound of small feet running into the room.

“There you are, Daddy,” Molly says, jumping up and down excitedly. “We did everything you said, brushed our teeth and everything!”

“Ok, I’ll tuck you in in a few minutes.” He may be speaking to his daughter but his eyes remain on mine.

“No, you said the three of us can watch a movie and sleep in your bed tonight. Remember?”

The spell we were under officially breaks and Owen mumbles under his breath. “Shit, I did say that.” Louder, he replies to Molly, “You’re right, sweet girl. Go jump in bed and I’ll be right there.”

“Yay!” Molly squeals as she runs down the hall.

When he looks at me, his apology is written all over his face but it’s not needed.

I lean toward him, placing a kiss on his cheek before whispering, “You’re an amazing father.”

And then go to bed—alone—with visions of Owen dancing in my head and trying to figure out the things I’m feeling and whether or not going to the zoo tomorrow is the best idea.

My heart says yes, but my head says don’t go there, bitch. It says, distance and boundaries are what I need, not pretend family time with my employer and his children, who are feeling more and more like my own with each passing day.