The Setup and the Substitute by Jiffy Kate

Chapter 19


“Look at that big monkey!”Molly exclaims, running toward the plexiglass separating us humans from the zoo animals.

“That’s an ape,” Ryan corrects while trying to keep up with his sister.

Setting the record straight, I tell them they’re looking at a Silverback Gorilla. I always loved watching these beasts when I visited zoos as a kid, and I love that my two seem to enjoy them as well.

“Well, whatever he is, he’s huge!”

Molly isn’t wrong. I mean, they’re all big but this one sunbathing in front of us is clearly the biggest of the group.

“He must be the daddy since he’s big like you,” Ryan tells me.

I laugh and kiss the top of his head. “Maybe so, buddy.”

“When is Sophie gonna be here?” Molly asks, looking around at the people walking by.

To say my kids are already attached to Sophie is an understatement. They worship the ground she walks on and listen to her every word. It’s exactly what I wanted for them—someone caring who could give them stability and love, especially when I’m not around. But now that they have it, I’m worried about the day she’s no longer working for us.

And I can say it’s all about them, because everything always is, but I’d be lying if I said it’s not about me too. Because now that she’s a part of this—a part of us—I can’t imagine life without her and that’s fucking scary.

“I told her we’d meet her at Monkey Hill in a few minutes,” I say, redirecting my attention back to the window and then down to Molly and Ryan.

“Monkey Hill? That sounds fun, can we go there now?” Ryan asks while jumping up and down.

“Sure. Tell Mr. Silverback goodbye!”

All three of us wave to the gorillas then we begin our trek toward a play area here at the zoo called Monkey Hill. It’s supposed to have a wading pool, plus various climbing structures for kids and an actual hill to roll down. Once the kids spot the large treehouse, I know we’ve found our destination.

While the kids play, I try to nonchalantly look for Sophie. I’m anxious for her to spend the day with us, probably because we’ve never done an outing together, but also because her presence alone makes me anxious. I don’t mean anxious in a negative way, it’s just… different and I don’t know what to expect.

Every glance and touch somehow feel like a first and that’s something I haven’t experienced in a long time, if ever.

Only a few minutes pass before I notice the hair on my arms sticking up and a feeling in my gut that somehow tells me Sophie is nearby. I want to laugh at how ridiculous that sounds but sure enough, when I turn around, there she is.

Wearing a flowy dress with thin straps over her shoulders, as well as one of those floppy sun hats I’ve seen in her Instagram pictures, she looks like a modern-day flower child. When she gets closer, I can tell she’s not wearing much makeup because her freckles are on display, framing her blue eyes, and her lips have a sheer sheen to them.

I’m dying to kiss her again and remind myself what she tastes like.

She’s absolutely stunning.

“Hey.” Her greeting is simple but her smile is anything but.

I return the smile but pull back when I realize I almost tried to hug her.

“How are your plants holding up?” I ask, like a dumbass, fumbling for something to say to cover my almost public display of affection.

Sophie laughs, though, so maybe it wasn’t such a stupid question. “They’re doing great, thriving even though it’s hotter than Satan’s armpits today.”

Barking out a laugh, I look at her as though I’m seeing a different Sophie Callahan. She seems more relaxed… as poised as ever, which I guess is why her comment about the heat caught me off guard, but looser somehow. I think her brief trip to her apartment was good for her.

“Where is your apartment? I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m just curious what part of town you live in.” Basically, I want to know everything about her but I’m trying to play it cool.

And failing miserably.

Still laughing, she moves to my side. I don’t know if it’s to keep our conversation private or to just be closer to me but I’ll take it. Although, the desire to touch her is even stronger now.

“It’s in the Quarter and it’s perfect. You should see it sometime,” she offers, glancing at my mouth quickly before meeting my eyes again. “It has this fabulous patio that overlooks the area and is where I spend most of my time when I’m home. You can be a part of the party without actually being in the party, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I get it and it sounds amazing.” Of course, I’d love to see Sophie’s apartment but it has nothing to do with its location. Whatever can make her face light up like it is right now is a winner in my book.

“Sophie!” Molly and Ryan both yell before hugging her around her waist.

“Well, hey, y’all! Are you having fun on Monkey Hill? You know, I used to play here when I was a little girl.”

“You did?” Ryan asks, eyes wide.

“Sure did. This place has been around for a very long time and is special to the people here in New Orleans.”

“You’re the smartest person I know,” Molly gushes, which makes Sophie giggle.

“I don’t know about that but I do think it’s about time for a snowball.”

“A snowball?” Ryan asks, his little nose scrunching. “Won’t it melt?”

He’s not wrong. The kids are a little dirty and sweaty from playing, but Sophie doesn’t seem to mind. She’s still holding them close to her as though they’re clean and dry and my heart does this weird tightening thing as I watch them.

“You probably call them snow cones,” Sophie explains. “But here, we call them snowballs and there’s a stand right over there. Y’all want one?”

“Yes!” they both exclaim before letting go of Sophie and running toward the stand.

She stands, winking at me. “Come on, I think you need one, too. My treat.”

As she follows the kids, I try to collect myself before joining them.

At the snowball stand, we each choose a different flavor—bubble gum for Molly and blue raspberry for Ryan while Sophie and I get cake batter and dill pickle, respectively—and sit at a nearby table to enjoy our treats.

Sophie leans toward me and whispers, “Snowballs are even better when they’re spiked.”

Damn, I love how comfortable she’s being with me today but I don’t know how much longer my dick can take it. She’s driving me absolutely wild with every brush of her shoulder and lingering glance. When I was on the road, I thought about telling Sophie we couldn’t have sex again, even though I desperately wanted to. But it just seemed like a complication we shouldn’t invite into our lives and I don’t want either of us getting hurt. So, the best solution was to put an end to things before they even started.

Now that I’m back home and in her presence, I know that was asinine. There is no way I can ignore the pull I feel towards her. My eyes, my thoughts, my needs, my wants—everything is drawn to her, including my dick.

I wonder if she’d notice me holding my snowball against my crotch to try and tame the hard-on I always seem to sport when I’m around her.

“Spiked? You mean with alcohol?” I manage to ask without sounding like a prepubescent teen.

Sophie nods fervently. “Oh, yes, I’ve been adding booze to mine for years. It makes the heat more tolerable I believe.”

With our eyes locked, a bit of Sophie’s snowball falls onto her creamy skin, right at the dip in her cleavage. Her cheeks tinge pink as she gives me a shy smile and dabs at the spot with a napkin. “Oops.”

God, she’s so fucking gorgeous. But it’s not just that. It’s the way she is with my kids and the way she is with complete strangers. She’s caring and sweet. Yet when I had her in my bed, she was seductive and sensual, knowing exactly what she wanted and unabashedly taking what she needed. But she was also generous too, giving as much as she took. At times, she’s every bit the twenty-four-year-old nanny I hired on a whim, and then there are other times where she feels like the oldest soul—intuitive and wise beyond her years.

I want to pull her to me and kiss her so badly right now.

Before I can do anything inappropriate, an older lady walks up to us. “Pardon me, I just wanted to tell you what a beautiful family you four are. It warms my heart to see young families out here together having fun. What wonderful memories you must be making!”

While I’m completely frozen and unsure how to respond, Sophie doesn’t miss a beat. She slips her hand into mine and smiles at the woman. “Thank you, that’s very sweet of you. We’re having a wonderful day. Hope you are as well.”

The lady smiles and nods, giving us a sweet wave as she passes by. Once she’s gone, Sophie removes her hand from mine and I miss her touch instantly.

“Sorry,” Sophie says with a small laugh and shrug of her shoulders. “I figured it was easier to go along with her perception than try to explain the truth.”

“No,” I say, feeling my own cheeks heat a bit at the rush of emotions coursing through my body. “It was sweet of her to say.” Leaving it at that, I smile what I hope is a reassuring smile, unable to tell her what I really felt. I can’t admit I liked hearing someone refer to us as being a family. That part of me—a big part—wishes it were true. And the guilt from having those thoughts is making me sick to my stomach.

Family time with Lisa was never this relaxing and easy. It always felt like she was on edge and never really enjoying herself—nothing like Sophie.

We spend a couple more hours at the zoo checking out the animals and walking around, until the kids start whining about their feet hurting and we call it a day.

When we get to the parking lot, it doesn’t feel right parting ways with Sophie as she goes to her own vehicle. I’m not ready to let her out of my sight. And I definitely would never admit the relief I feel when I see her pull into my driveway.

Fuck, my own feelings are giving me whiplash. One minute I’m wanting her like I’ve never wanted anyone in my life. Then I’m feeling guilty over a stranger referring to us as a family and how much I like it. And now, I want to wrap myself around her and not let go.

The kids are exhausted from the day and it’s a miracle Sophie and I are able to get them fed and bathed before they both crash in their beds for the night.

And this is the moment I’ve wished for and dreaded all day: being in the house, alone with Sophie.

I check on the kids one last time while secretly listening for signs that Sophie is still up. It’s possible she’s already in bed and I’m tiptoeing around my own house for no reason. When I step into the kitchen, I see the pantry light is on with the door wide open but I don’t hear anything. Assuming Sophie forgot to turn off the light before leaving, I walk over, close the door and flip the light switch.

Then, I hear a scream.

Oh, shit.


I rush back to the pantry and throw the door open as quickly as I can, pulling a startled Sophie along with it. Her hand is grasped tightly around the doorknob so she isn’t able to brace herself when she face-plants right into my chest.

“Owww,” she mumbles, still not moving.

Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her, one hand cradling her head, and hold her close to me. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“I think so,” she mumbles against my chest.

I can feel her wiggle her nose against my left pec and I expect it to tickle but instead, it causes me to break out into goosebumps. Now is not the time to be turned on. She could be really hurt and I need—no, want—to take care of her.

“Can I see?” I ask, brushing her hair away from her forehead while trying to sneak a peek at her face.

Slowly, she looks up at me and for a moment, I forget about her nose because I’m enchanted by her eyes. Her beautiful, soulful eyes that always turn me to mush.

“Is it bad?”

“It’s perfect,” I whisper before catching myself and realizing I haven’t even looked at her nose yet. Her eyebrow quirks upward and she giggles, letting me know I’m totally busted.

And why try to deny it at this point? Surely she knows the effect she has on me. I bet she can feel it against her stomach right now.

“I mean, your nose is a little pink but I think you’ll live. Would you like an ice pack for it?”

She shakes her head no, her eyes fixated on my mouth and I realize at this moment, I can’t stay away from Sophie Callahan. Gingerly, I place my lips on the bridge of her nose, hoping to soothe what discomfort she may be feeling but when she tilts her face up to mine, I know she wants this as much as I do.

My tongue slips into her mouth as soon as our lips connect and she clasps her hands around my neck, pulling me closer. Her arms tighten and it’s the only warning I get before she does a little hop and wraps her legs around my waist.

I fucking love how she’s not afraid to go after what she wants. If it wasn’t for her taking charge the other night, I’d probably still be nursing a massive case of blue balls, but I don’t want her to doubt how much I want her.

Because I absolutely want her.

But I also don’t want her to think I’m taking advantage of her. That first night in Philly, over the phone, we never really discussed whether or not this should happen again and look where we are… about two seconds from fucking in the pantry.

“God, Owen, I need you.” Her words sound like a plea and I want to give her everything she wants.

“Upstairs,” I grunt out while stepping away from the pantry.

She slides down my body and out of my arms before walking toward the stairs.

Her gaze pierces me as she does a little shimmy then steps out of her panties, dropping them at the base of the steps. I didn’t even notice until now that she was only wearing a long t-shirt, which drops to the floor next to her underwear.

All the air leaves my lungs as I drag my hand down my face in an effort to calm my racing heart.

Fuck me.

I’m still standing there like an idiot when Sophie wiggles her glorious ass to get my attention.

“Are you coming?” she asks, a wicked grin peeking over her shoulder at me, like the vixen she is.

Probably quicker than you’d like is what I should say but instead I grab her discarded clothes and quickly follow her up the stairs.

“Grab a condom,” she says, walking into the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I barely get a glimpse of her glorious blonde hair hanging down her back before she disappears and a second later, the water is running.

Quickly following behind her, I do as I’m told and grab not one, but two condoms, from the cabinet. When I see her bent over, testing the temperature of the water, I’m barely able to contain myself.

As I haphazardly undress, I can’t take my eyes off her perfect ass that’s on full display.

Stepping behind her, I can’t help but marvel at the expanse of her smooth skin, running my hand down the length of her back. I watch as goosebumps follow the trail I make across her hip and around her backside. As she arches into my touch, I follow her cues and slip two fingers into her hot pussy, groaning at the sensation of her muscles contracting around me. Being able to see and feel the effect I have on her reassures me she really does want this—me—and it’s a powerful thing.

She moans as I pump my fingers inside her a couple more times before removing them and rubbing her wetness along my cock. When I tease her entrance with my crown, I see Sophie grasp the sides of the shower door, preparing for what’s to come.

Reaching for the condom, I tear it open and sheath myself. “I’m going to fuck you,” I say, leaning forward and nestling my cock between her legs. Sophie lets out a moan and as soon as she relaxes, I push into her, not stopping until our bodies are flush.

“Oh, God, yes!” she cries, arching her back even further, pressing her sweet ass into me and begging for more.

Our bodies fit perfectly and the way her pussy grips my dick, molding around it before squeezing then releasing it, feels like she was made for me.

I’m not typically a caveman kind of guy but she makes me want to be. I want to take her, claim her as mine, and dare anyone else to challenge me. Then I want to take care of her, protect her, and cherish her.

Fuck, two nights with this woman and I’m already strung up by the balls, ruined for any other woman. And I bet she has no idea.

My hands hold onto her hips as I thrust into her.

“Just like that, Owen. Don’t stop,” she grunts between the sounds of our skin slapping together.

I couldn’t if I tried.

I’m so consumed with the feel of her and the sounds reverberating around the small enclosure I can’t form words.

Sweat runs down my back, landing at the base of my spine where my nerve endings are firing off, preparing to explode across my body. I lean over Sophie and trail my lips across her shoulder, tasting her skin. She tips her head to the side to allow me more room to explore as my fingers find her swollen clit.

“So close,” she moans and it makes me smile. I love how vocal she is during sex.

It’s hot as fuck.

She’shot as fuck.

When I feel her body begin to shudder, I amp up my movements, both inside her and on her clit, wanting us to come at the same time.

I feel my balls tighten and let instinct take over, driving us to a state of pleasure I’ve never experienced before. My teeth sink into her skin and I feel Sophie explode around me, her pulses exactly what I need to send me over the edge.

My cries of pleasure are muffled by her skin while Sophie uses the back of her hand to hold back her own. I pull her hand away and speak into her ear. “Don’t hold back. Never hold back with me. I want to hear you come.”

She lets loose a string of words—some cuss words, others incoherent—as our orgasms begin to wane and our bodies slow down.

Not wanting to remove myself from her yet, I lean back and run my hand from her lower back to the nape of her neck, gathering her hair into my fist. And that’s when I notice the mark on her right shoulder.

What the fuck, Owen?

I’ve never bitten anyone before and the euphoria I was feeling a moment ago quickly changes to disgust.

“Oh, shit, Soph,” I say, swallowing my panic as I lightly touch the red marks. “Did I hurt you?”

She still looks blissed out when she glances at her shoulder and laughs. “Hell no! That was incredible.”

“But I left a mark.”

“I know and I kinda like it.” The cock of her eyebrow shoots straight to my dick and I feel it twitch inside her.

Is it wrong to say I kind of like it too?

Not the pain. I would never intentionally hurt her. But I like that my mark is on her.

Slowly, I remove myself from her, quickly discarding the condom in the nearby trash and then step back into the shower. Once I’ve checked that the water is still warm, I wrap my arms around Sophie and bring her in with me, the water cascading down our bodies. But it’s not the warm water that brings me so much peace, it’s her. I love the way her soft skin feels against mine.

Grabbing my loofah, I lather it up with body wash and begin washing Sophie, starting with her back and taking care with every inch, committing her body to memory. When I turn her around and start on her front, gently cleaning her breasts and then between her legs, I notice her watching me with an expression I can’t read.

Finishing by giving her adorable feet a once-over, I stand and go to return the loofah to its hook, but Sophie stops me. Taking it from my hand, she squeezes some body wash and begins gently running it over my chest, her eyes darting up to mine and then back to my pecs, which she’s eye level with.

“Thank you,” she says, offering me a soft smile. “I don’t think anyone has ever done that before.”

“What?” I ask, my mind going back to the bite on her shoulder, which doesn’t look as bad now that it’s had a few minutes for the redness to subside.

“Not that,” she says, motioning to her back as she continues her path down my body.

Standing on her tiptoes, she kisses me. “This,” she says, running the loofah down my torso to my cock. “No one has ever done this before and I really like it.”

I’m sure she means for the kiss to be sweet and innocent, but it quickly turns hot and heavy and before I know it, my arms are wrapped around her waist and I start to get hard again.

Pulling back, I look down between us, chuckling. “I wasn’t even sure we should be doing this again… you know, blurring the lines and everything, but I realized I can’t keep my hands off you anymore. Clearly, you can see the effect you have on me.”

She drops the loofah then slips her hand down and wraps it around my cock, making my eyes roll back. “There’s no reason why we can’t enjoy each other and our time together. You’re still a great father and I’m still one hell of a nanny.”

When she winks at me, I can’t help but thrust into her grasp.

“So, you’re okay with this?” I ask, my words already coming out in pants as she strokes me.

“Very,” she says, forgetting her task of cleaning me up as she drops to her knees.