Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 10


Vivica didn't see Shane the next morning, though Ernest was there and ready to give her a ride to the office. When she asked him where Shane was, he said that Shane was already there, and Vivica couldn’t imagine. She had gotten up early, seven o'clock, and wanted to be there at eight like he said, but he was already there? What was he doing there that early? There was so much that she didn't understand about him, but she was definitely feeling better about her new life. She had a place to stay, good conversation at night. Vivica was happy for once, and she wasn’t going to second-guess it.

When she got to her little office, she saw Devin and he looked rough. He looked like he hadn’t slept but stayed up all night partying. Vivica asked him what was wrong, since he was so different than the day before.

“I haven't slept. I got to sleep for a couple of hours and then Shane called me to get work done. I'm tired.”

Vivica felt bad for him. She didn’t understand why Shane had left dinner so quickly  just to go back to work. He had said something about going to bed.

She didn't say any of that though. Vivica didn't want anybody to know that she was living with Shane. It would look awkward, and it would look like she was doing something for the job. It wasn't true, of course. Vivica wasn't opposed to the idea, but Shane had been a complete gentleman.

“Well, is there something that I can do for you?”

Was it her fault that he hadn't been able to go to sleep?

“I just have to take notes at a couple of meetings. I'm sure it'll be fine.”

“I don't know if you should go anywhere right now. Maybe you should go lay down somewhere. There is a comfy couch in the receptionist area. It has a big plant in front of it that will probably hide you.”

“Thank you, Vivica.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“You are way more delightful than I thought you’d be.”

“What did you think?”

“That a woman who looked like you couldn't be half as awesome as you are.”

The compliment made Vivica blush. She got compliments all the time and she had even gotten one from Shane, but there was something about the innocent way that Devin said it. He said it so straight forward, and she didn't believe that he said it just to impress or make her feel a certain way. It was because he felt that way and Vivica was hard pressed to like anything more. She couldn’t help herself.

“Well, since you are buttering me up, let me take notes and you go get some sleep. I will come get you right before lunch.”

He looked like he didn't know what to do for a moment, his boyish looks played across his face. Devin’s brown hair was pushed back from his face, and he finally agreed. He was just so tired that Vivica didn’t think he had the ability to refuse her offer.

“Only if you promise to wake me up if he starts looking for me.”

Vivica agreed and watched him go toward the hidden sofa. She grabbed some paper and made her way to the conference rooms. When she got into the room, there were a bunch of men in there and she was the only woman. All eyes were on her, especially the smoldering green ones that were at the head of the table.

“What are you doing here?”

Vivica was taken aback by how rude he was, but then she remembered how short Shane could get. It was just kind of the way he was. He went around acting like he had time for no one and there was probably some truth to that. He looked tired as well, just like Devin, but Shane hid it better. He just looked a little rough around the edges and so help Vivica, it made him look even better.

“I am filling in for Devin, so that’s what I’m doing here.”


Vivica waited for him to try and kick her out, but he seemed satisfied enough with the answer. She was only taking notes after all, how hard could it be?

Vivica's hands did not stop. The men were constantly talking, constantly showing numbers and figures, and Shane would ask her about the last one that had been said two or three minutes before. She took particularly good notes and thank goodness for that, because Shane was acting like she was his mind. She got all the figures right, repeated it back to the man each time, seeing a little less suspicion on his face. The meeting broke for a moment and he came over to see her. Vivica was trying to catch her breath. She hadn’t imagined that the meeting would be so intense, though she should have known better. It was Shane after all. He didn’t do anything in half-measures.

“So, what do you think?”

“About what?”

“About the deal, are they going to do it?”

Vivica looked over to the two gentlemen that had not been even listening the whole time. They looked unsure and something was holding them back.

“They want more money.”

“How much more?”

“I don't know, probably 10%.”

“That's too much.”

“They make it fine if they want to do the work. Right now, they're going to walk away. You’re going to walk away, you're going to pretend that you don't care, but you do, or you wouldn't be here anyway. So, then they’ll come back to the table and you're going to work out another 5% anyway. So go for five and save yourself the headache.”

His brow went up.

“I knew it was going to be a good idea to hire you.”

“I wasn't supposed to be here, remember?”

“I know, I'm going to speak to Devin about it later. I don't like surprises.”

“If you don't like surprises, Shane, you probably shouldn't pick up a woman on the side of the road and bring her home and to your office.”

“You were about to be attacked.”

“Of course, but if you didn't want surprises, you shouldn’t have hired me too. It’s like you’re a glutton for punishment.”

“Are you telling me that you're going to be full of surprises?”

Vivica grinned. “I don't think I could stop if I tried.”

“Fine, I won't say anything to Devin, but he might just lose his spot in my meetings.”

“You want me to do another meeting, huh?”

Shane smiled. “I don't mind that idea at all.”

Vivica liked the answer, but she was a bit surprised by how he said it. Shane was forever a mystery to her. Once she thought she had him finally understood, he would change everything and there was nothing that she could do about it.