Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 11


She found herself riding home alone. Vivica wanted to speak to Shane, she thought that they had a moment, but then Ernest said he needed to take her home instead, alone. Vivica was hoping that they could have dinner together again. It was silly to think that way though. She was just another one of the employees that lived in his house. Vivica didn't know why she thought she was special, or why she wanted to be. She really did though.

Maria had dinner waiting for her when she got home, and it just happened to be the exact same thing that she had told Shane was her favorite. Vivica didn't understand why he was so nice to her, but it was clear that he was doing things for her, but he did it in a way so that she would never know it was him. She could guess, but never know. For some reason, that was more endearing than any other show from a man. What was it about Shane that made her wonder so much about the path not taken?

Vivica couldn't sleep. She stayed up a little later than usual, hoping to catch Shane when he got home. She didn't realize how quickly she had gotten used to his presence, until it was gone. And then she was stuck sitting at a table that was far too big for just one person. Vivica remembered the comments Maria had made. No wonder Shane didn't want to eat there alone. It was rather hard to do, and she couldn't even finish at the table, but took her dinner into his office and took a seat in there. It just felt weird to eat in the bedroom, and Vivica abhorred the dining room table as well. Vivica was trying not to snoop. She had been trying not to look around since she got there for many reasons, but for some reason that evening, she was unable to control where her eyes went. Instead, she checked out his books and anything visible, trying to get a clue about the man that was helping her. She knew very little about him. What was it about Shane that caused her to be so taken by him?


“Is your bed not comfortable?”

Vivica lurched away, the sound of Shane's voice pulling her from her slumber. She looked around confused for a moment, realizing that she was still sitting at his desk. What was she doing that for? Vivica felt embarrassment run over her. Usually, she was better with her control and actions.

“No, it is, I just fell asleep. I was in here because it’s lonely and feels less so in here, I guess. Anyway, I’m sorry.”

“I am very rarely here for dinner or the evening.”

“I know. I was just hoping you would come back with me like you did before.”

“Sorry about that. I have a lot to do.”

“I get the feeling that is your excuse a lot of the time. You are a very busy man, Shane, aren’t you?”

“My excuse?”

“Yeah, I would imagine that you use that excuse a lot. I mean, who can question you?”

“I don't usually have to give an excuse for anything. If I want something, I just want it and I get it.”

Vivica forgot where she was and who she was talking to. Of course, he didn't have to refute or give a reason for anything. Everybody there was there because of him.

“Sorry about that.”

He sighed loudly and Vivica wasn't sure what she had done wrong now. He didn't seem too happy; he didn’t have the same jovial smile that she usually saw at least once. Shane was just a frustrated man, who found her the newest frustration in his life.

“I didn't mean it like that.”

“Well, it's true. You don't have to give a reason for anything, certainly not to me. I’m sorry that I fell asleep in your office. I shouldn’t have been in here anyway, and I will make sure it doesn’t happen again…”

Shane sighed louder and touched her hand. She was talking fast, working herrself all up, and for what?

“It was a nice surprise.”

“I thought you don't like surprises?”

“I am starting to warm up to them.”

“That is good to hear. I thought that you might be rigid and stuck in your ways.”

“I am open to new things.”

“Are you?”

Vivica was smiling, leaning in, but soon, she was looking into his eyes. He was right there all of a sudden and he grabbed her on the upper arms, holding her in place. Her breath hitched in her throat and Vivica was trying to figure out what was happening. What was he doing?

“I am.”

They stared at each other for several seconds, Vivica waiting for Shane to make a move. She’d been dying for it, almost did it herself, but now he was, right?

Vivica waited, her heart slamming in her chest and Shane did nothing. He just smiled at her and moved past her to get to the seat she had just vacated. Vivica felt like an idiot. There she was, thinking that they’d had a moment, and she was finally going to get that kiss that she’d wanted from him since they met. Now, Vivica was sure that he was messing with her, or he had someone else to occupy his time.

“Well, I will leave you to it, Shane. Like I said before, I’m really sorry that I fell asleep in here. It won’t happen again.”

Shane told her that there was nothing to worry about. Vivica was devastated, embarrassed, and she just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. Why had she thought that he’d meant her? Vivica should have known better. She should have known that Shane wasn’t coming onto her. It was all in her head, and Vivica wished that she didn’t have such a vivid imagination. It probably would have saved her some time and a bit of heartache that she didn’t understand. Why was his rejection so hard on her?