Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 1


Vivica was checking out the scene. There were people everywhere, it was very tight, and that was what she was looking for. It was a place where it was so crowded that people were bumping into each other constantly and wouldn't think anything of it if she were to do the same. She had already pocketed three wallets, and a nice gentleman had bought her a drink.

The guy wanted to do more than chat, but Vivica wasn’t interested. She wasn’t the sort that picked up men in bars, just their wallets. She drank the beer and started to the back of the club. She saw a few people that were dressed well, and she wanted to get close to them.

“Hey, baby, you want to dance?”

Vivica turned around and looked at the twenty-something guy that was trying to act like a teenager. He had hoops in his ears and was nervous, with tattoos from the neck down. She figured in some circles he would be attractive, however not to her. He was too young, too inexperienced, and hadn't lived enough life for her to even have anything to talk to him about. He was older than her, but Vivica could see that he was still drenched in innocence.

“No, but thank you.”

She always said it nicely, because she wanted to end it. Vivica did have to worry about hurting his feelings or his little pride or whatever it was that made men get belligerent when spurned, but sometimes it didn't matter how she reacted. They still reacted the same way.

“What, are you too good for me, bitch?”

She sighed. That was fast.

“Well, that didn’t take long. How long have you been holding that little nugget in?”

The guy started to move toward her, and she took a step back. She hadn't been there very long and didn’t want to raise a ruckus. Her first instinct was to kick him in the groin and take off. It was a surefire way to take down any guy, no matter how big they were. Vivica didn’t want to go there though. She wanted to stay and continue what she was doing. It was a good place for it, and she didn’t want one guy to ruin it for her.

Suddenly, this tall, blond guy with blue eyes and a handsome smile stepped in between them. He asked her if she needed help, and she immediately said that she did. He just looked trusting, nice suit, kind eyes. Vivica was a little attracted to his good looks and obvious willingness to help. Was this her savior?

“What can I help you with?”

“This guy will not take no for an answer. I just want him to leave me alone.”

The blond guy smiled and told the first guy to leave her alone. He didn't even fight him about it, nodding and agreeing, most likely because her savior was over six feet tall and about two hundred pounds of solid muscle.

Once the sleaze took off, Vivica was confronted with her ‘savior’, who was now checking her out with the exact same look. He was just bigger and more like a predator. Anytime a guy helped her, they always wanted something in return. Vivica was very aware of that, and she sat down at the table with him, already looking for a way out. She thanked him but wished she didn’t have to remind him of his help, not then.

“Do I bore you?”

“No, why would you say that?”

“Your eyes are everywhere but here.”

“I don't know you.”


She shook his hand when he offered it, and his fingers caressed her palm, making her feel weird. It was a creepy feeling that she just wanted to shake off.

Her gut told her to get away from the guy. She was feeling sick to her stomach, and it was coming in loud and strong that she needed to go. The feeling was so strong that she couldn’t ignore it and was looking for her exit strategy, even as he was planning what he wanted to do to her body.

To extract herself from Thom, Vivica was going to try the oldest trick in the book. She told him that she was going to go to the bathroom. It was in the back of the club and there was a side door that she had seen before. She’d made note of it, because she’d been put in that sort of situation several times before. It wasn't the first time that she had met a man that didn't like to hear the word no.

She told him that she would be right back, and he had a suspicious look on his face.

“You're not going to take off, are you?”

She tried to look innocent and disagreed. “Why would I do that?”

“I don't know, that's how girls are sometimes. They say one thing and do another. They aren’t very grateful.”

Vivica assured him that she wasn't that way, even though she had already taken his wallet and several other men’s wallets from the bar already. He didn't need to know that. It would be easier if he didn't.

She went to the back of the club and went into the bathroom first. She needed to give herself a moment, and she could feel the man's eyes on her, losing her when she went that way. He was making sure that she was where she was supposed to be. The very idea of that made her sick. Vivica wasn't supposed to be anywhere. She was supposed to be there making money, not trying to dodge men, though most of her excursions ended up that way. Why was it so hard for a man to hear the word no?

She gave herself a few more minutes, looking at herself in the mirror, hoping she could get out of there clean. He was just another guy that thought that she owed him something, and he would feel justified in about anything he would try to do to get it. She knew the type and didn’t want to have to deal with him. She didn't want to be in his presence, knowing what he was, so she certainly didn't want to get chased down by him either. She needed to get away fast, before he realized what she was doing.

Vivica made her way to the door, and she glanced over at the table where Thom was supposed to be. He wasn't there and she felt weird for a moment, hoping that he was at the bar getting them another drink. It would be easier if she had a little bit more time to get out of there, before he tried to come after her.

Vivica thought she was in the clear. She smiled to herself and went out the door. Everything was going to be fine; she could just go to another bar and start there. She had a good start going on and wanted to check but knew better than to do it then. She wanted to get clear of the place, before she saw how well she had done.

“How did I know you're going to do a runner?”

Thom was standing behind the door and he grabbed her quickly. There were other men there too, ones that she recognized when he had first intervened for her. She didn't know if they were bodyguards or what, but they didn't seem surprised by Thom’s actions or interested in helping her.

Vivica realized then that she was on her own and started to put some distance between them. The men with her started to push in on her from the other side. Vivica felt discouragement run through her. Not only was she alone and they weren't going to help her, but they were helping him. That was definitely going to have to be taken into account going further.

Vivica didn’t usually get discouraged, but that was one of those times where she couldn’t help herself. She was an orphan, had been on the streets since her parents died, and she ran away from foster care. It was the worst and she figured she could make a better life on the street. Most of the time it was true, but Vivica got into some situations, like the one she was in now, and knew that being on her own, meant life was a bit more dangerous. Dangers like Thom were not that uncommon.

Vivica was sick of the Thoms in her life.