Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 3


“Come with me. Don’t just stand there. The cops are going to be here soon, and I don’t want to be here when they do.”

Vivica resisted the hand that went to her arm. She had already gone from one guy trying to help her to another trying to kidnap her. How was she supposed to know if he was any different or not? He could be just as bad, though Vivica knew that she wouldn’t have a chance of fighting him. He was too big, fast, and he fought like the devil himself had gotten ahold of him.

Watching that guy fight the men off and take them all down with seemingly no effort, even the tall blond guy that had scared her so much, had made her feel some kind of way. Vivica didn’t know what to think of him. He didn’t seem human. He’d been punched several times in the face and had laughed, literally laughed. If he wasn’t some kind of robot, Vivica was sure that he had lost his mind. No one fought like that, with nothing to lose and such a smile on their face. He liked it and that scared her.

She pulled her arm back when he tried to grab her again. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but thank you for helping me. Now I have to go.”

There was the sound of sirens going off, and she looked around at the guys in front of her. They were laid out, bleeding, and there was going to be no explanation for any of it. Vivica had lived on the streets, didn’t have anywhere else to go, and that meant that she had run into the cops far more than she ever would have liked to. They were always messing with her, they knew her well, and Vivica could imagine that she would find herself in Orleans Parish Prison system before the night was over.

His reflexes were like a cat, and he grabbed her again, pulling her in the opposite direction of the cops that were most likely going to be there any minute.

“Where are you taking me?!”

“Relax! I am just going to take you home. If you aren’t there to ask questions, then neither one of us will have to worry about it.”

“I wasn’t planning to stick around and wait for the cops anyway.”

“You weren’t?”

Vivica agreed that she wasn’t, and it was hard for her to look at him. He was handsome, dangerous and sexy, all at the same time. Vivica knew that men like Shane were the ones that she was supposed to stay away from. They were trouble, the kind of trouble that she had no business being in.

“No, I wasn’t. But, since you are offering, if you get your hands off of me, I will go with you, just to get out of here.”

She waited for him to ask why she was avoiding the cops, but he didn’t. Instead, he let her go and told her to move faster. He was the bossy sort, the type that demanded things of people and expected to get what he wanted. She had met his type too many times before to count. She wasn’t trying to stay there and deal with all of that, but the sirens were close.

“Where are we going?”

“To my car.”

“Where are you parked?”

He said that he was another couple of blocks away and that made her happy. She asked him why he had parked so far away, but he just shrugged, saying that he had heard her and wanted to make sure that she was okay.

“You came all this way, because you heard me scream?”

He agreed, and Vivica didn’t know what to say to that. It made her feel a bit better, because if he didn’t know what she looked like before, then he was just helping to help. He wasn’t likely trying to help her to get into her pants, like Thom had done.

“Thank you. I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Shane.”

“I’m Vivica. It’s nice to meet you, even if it was under horrible circumstances.”

When they got to his car, Vivica was surprised by how nice it was. It was a Mercedes, worth more than most people’s houses and it was souped up even further, leather seats, flashy rims, and a navigation system that talked to him when he got in. Vivica was impressed, which didn’t happen all that often. Usually, men tried to use their money to get her attention, but men like Shane, she hadn’t known because he was so unassuming about it all.

Vivica was dirty because of the men and them pushing her down when she tried to get away. She was so dirty, and his car was so immaculate, that she didn't even want to get in. She paused, telling him that she would just walk or call a cab or something.

“Nonsense, get in.”

She didn't quite like his tone. He was talking to her like she was an idiot or something. Or like she didn’t have a choice. Vivica already knew there was something off about Shane. Just because he hadn't pounced on her yet didn't mean that he wouldn't.

“It's fine really. You have done more than enough to help me. Thank you.”

He stopped her again and told her to get in.

“I have to at least take you home, make sure that you get there safe. The streets aren’t the sort of place for a woman like you.”

Vivica scoffed to herself. She didn't have a home, unless she had enough money in the wallets to get her a hotel room for the night. Her duffel bag of stuff, the only things that she really owned, was in a locker at the train station. That was about as close to home as she was going to get, at least for the immediate future.

“I don't want to mess up your interior. It looks nice and those guys made me a mess. You will never get those seats cleaned, and it seems like a crappy thing to do to you, after you saved my life and all.”

Shane looked her up and down for a moment. What little trace of attraction had been there before was gone, and he was now evaluating her. It didn’t feel good at all, and she was shrinking from his shrewd attention.

“Well, unless you want to get naked, I guess you're just going to have to get in. I’ll have somebody clean it tomorrow.”

Vivica agreed, most likely because he said somebody, like he was not even thinking about doing it himself. As they got in, she asked him what he was doing there. Shane obviously didn't belong. He didn't live there, that was for sure.

“I work a few blocks away.”

Vivica didn't say anything more, and neither did Shane, which was another unusual situation for Vivica. She was used to men that never stopped talking about themselves. It was annoying, of course, but she had gotten used to it after a while, and now somebody that didn't give her their full resume in the first five minutes of meeting, made her feel off, like she needed to know those things, even though none of them really matter either way.

“So where can I drop you off?”

She wasn't sure if she was going to get a hotel that night or not, just because she wasn't sure how much money she had picked up. She did need to find some place to get cleaned up though. Vivica tried to think of a place to tell him, but her mind wasn’t working.

“Do you not know where you live?”

He took her hesitation as her just not wanting to say it. He had a clip to his tone, and she didn't want to annoy him, so she told him just to take her to the Corner Hull.

“What is that?”

“It's a budget hotel not too far from here. Do you know where it’s at?”

Vivica immediately knew as soon as she asked the question that he didn't. This guy didn't know a budget anything and she felt silly for even asking. If he did stay at a hotel, Vivica was sure that he stayed in the best one and on the top floor. He certainly wasn't the type that would rough it in a place like the Corner.

“I can't say that I've ever heard of the establishment.”

“Well, that’s where I am going to be staying tonight. Just take a left up here.”

He was asking too many questions, too many whys. She was feeling a little antsy and a part of her wanted to jump out of the car. It wouldn’t have been the first time Vivica had to go to such lengths. It might be the first time that it was partially because of her own attraction to someone else. That was definitely a first.

“Because I am in between places right now. If you could just take me there, that would be great. I really appreciate it.”

He shook his head that he wasn't going to do that.

“If you don't have anywhere to go, you can come home with me.”

That had alarms bells going off in her head and she immediately started to refuse.

“No, no, we will not be going down that route. You are a very sexy man, but no thank you.”

Vivica was going for the nice let down again, hoping that for once it would work.

“What route?”

“Don’t make me say it.”


“You know, the route that the blond guy whose face you smashed face in earlier was on, that road. He helped me too and decided that I owed him for it. I am grateful that you helped me, but I don't owe you anything. I'm not going to do naughty things to you because I'm grateful. I'm not that sort of girl.”

Vivica expected him to be upset. Most guys would be. In Vivica’s experience, when a guy didn't get their way, they usually got upset, so she was waiting for it. Her hand was on the doorknob. Shane wasn’t like most guys though. He just scoffed and clicked his tongue.

“You're not even my type, Vivica, so you don't have to worry about that. You are not at all what I am looking for in a mate.”

Vivica shouldn’t have cared, but she did. What did he mean that she wasn’t what he was looking for? Why was she so offended by that? That’s not what she wanted, right?