Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter 25


Vivica was listening to the exchange and each word of it made the dread that she felt even worse. She couldn’t believe that she had been brought there, and it was even worse when she considered why she was there. They talked about the baby in her stomach like it was already out into the world, powerful and strong enough to take down even the likes of them. Vivica didn’t want to believe it, but she was starting to think that meeting Shane was the biggest mistake of her life. She didn’t want to think that way, but everything had gotten weird, and she didn’t know how to cope with everything that was going on. Her life was changed again in an instant, this time from a book that was ancient and had predictions of her and her son, and the true leader Shane.

Her mouth was taped, her arms were tied behind her back, and there was nothing that she could do about any of it. Vivica was sure that she was being held captive somewhere close by. She just didn’t know where and the way that the men were talking, it didn’t sound like Shane would be able to easily secure her release either. He wanted to fight the laws, which would only make it more expensive. Vivica didn’t want a hefty deal for her. She just wanted out and was focused on making it happen.

Vivica listened longer, as they argued over where she was going to live and be. Scott wanted her to stay there and breed more children. Their numbers were dwindling, and it was her ‘duty’ to do that. Vivica could only hate the man more and desire to get free faster. Shane was right there. All she had to do was get to him.

She made the loudest sounds that she could. Vivica could barely move, and she was gagged, so her screams came out as whimpers that had no real volume behind them. It wasn’t enough for anyone to hear, but Vivica knew that Shane was different, well they all were. She then worried that everyone had heard her. Vivica was so out of her comfort zone. This wasn’t what she was used to, all of the chaos and drama.

The men’s voices got lower, and she could no longer hear what was going on. She craned her head, trying to hear something to give her a clue to what was going on. She wasn’t sure what Shane’s dad wanted her for, but he’d been happy to find out about the baby. It was going to be special and there was a prophecy about it, written in some book. Did they go to find the book? Vivica needed answers and she had never been so infuriated and helpless in all of her life.

Someone came through the door suddenly and Vivica hoped it was Shane.  That hope was dashed though. It was another one of his cousin’s men. She’d met several when she had first tried to escape. She had fought off a couple, but they were faster, stronger, and since they couldn’t hurt her baby, Scott had promised that he would scar her face instead, making her ugly and unwanted. Vivica had balked at the idea, though she wondered inwardly if Shane would still want her. It bothered her to think that he wouldn’t.

So, she stopped fighting and when the guy came close and told her that he was moving her, she went with it. The man let his guard down, she saw it in the way that he stood, and Vivica used it as a way to get out of there. She pushed past him and started yelling Shane’s name. She didn’t get far before someone tackled her, but it was enough.

About the time she was being pulled up from the ground, Scott and Shane were staring at her. The man on top of her was slung and probably killed immediately. The look in Shane’s eyes were frightening and as Scott moved toward her, Shane threw him as well, telling him if he got up in the next few minutes, he was going to be just as dead. Vivica had never seen him like that before and it was scary. Shane was so mad, and he was staring at her in disbelief.

“Are you okay? The baby?”

Vivica said she felt fine, but she was still trying to get over the initial feelings that had come over her. She was scared, elated that Shane was there, all of those things, rolled up into one. Vivica didn’t know what to think or do. She just let him hold her for what felt like a very long time. Scott was getting up, but not coming any closer. Shane wasn’t going to let anyone touch her again and he made it clear to everyone there. Considering how scared Vivica still was, it was like music to her ears. She liked to believe herself an independent woman, but it was obvious that she needed Shane. He was fearsome to the world that tried to mess with her. Vivica knew that she was safe. Everything else felt like it was up in the air, but not that.

“I think we are okay, Shane. I am so glad you are here.”

“I’m not. I shouldn’t have had to ever come here again. Did you know what they wanted?”

Vivica agreed that she knew enough. She would hear more later, surely, but for now, Vivica didn’t need anything to be made clear. She got the gist of it and that was bad enough.

“Well, I want to know where this information came from. I’ve never heard about a prophet that I was involved with.”

“It just became clear who they were talking about, once your father came back with her. She even has the mark.”

“What mark?”

“It is said that the ‘true leader’s mother’ will have a crescent moon on her hip and that the father will have one in the same place. I am sure you have realized that, haven’t you, Shane? Your father says that you have that very mark too. Which means, this baby she is carrying, or another to come, is going to be special. It’s going to be ‘the one’ to bring us into the future and help us find our place in the new world.”

Scott was staring at Vivica like he believed every word of it. Why hadn’t she seen it before? This guy was crazy!

“Please, Shane, we need to get out of here before something happens. Please!”

He turned to Vivica and told her that he had to see it for himself. Vivica didn’t care what their child did or didn’t do in the future. He was her son and all she was worried about was keeping him safe and away from people like George and Scott. All of them.

“Nothing is going to happen to you, Vivica. I promise.”

“Something already has. I want to get out of here. I don’t like it here, all these people. You said they aren’t your clan. I’m your mate. Let’s get out of here!”

Vivica didn’t realize how loud she was talking, but Shane didn’t seem to mind. The others around did though. They’d seen Shane throw people, but Vivica wasn’t worried about him or his anger.

“Let me get the book and then we will leave.”

“I will leave without you then, Shane. I am not going to stay here a second longer. If this is what your people have to offer me and my son, then we aren’t going to stay.”


Vivica shrugged. She’d been dreaming about a boy and for some reason, she was convinced. She could be wrong, having no proof of anything, but she wanted to believe that it was true what she was seeing. Everything was changing and it had only been a short amount of time, but once Vivica knew he was there, it was like she didn’t see anything the same way again.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Are you having dreams?”

She agreed that she was, though she didn’t like that Shane knew it somehow. Whatever was going on, Vivica was convinced that she didn’t want to be there to find out the rest.

“We have to get that book and read about the prophet. It could be important, Vivica.”

She didn’t want to hear it. She wanted out of there. It was just that simple. Vivica could feel something was off and she didn’t want to be there for whatever was going to happen next.

“Please, Shane, I’m begging you to get us out of here. I never want to come back to this place. The things they want me to do, I won’t be able to. I want to leave, please!”

Shane ordered Scott to bring him the prophecy book. Scott didn’t want to give it up, but no one was fighting Shane. He was known for his viciousness and now, too many people had seen it with their own eyes. Shane was fierce and everyone knew it. He’d been gone a long time, but the fire in his heart wasn’t forgotten. They were all convinced that he was his mother’s child.

Scott left to go get the book and came back rather quickly. Everyone was just staring at the pair and Shane had what he needed. Vivica watched him threaten them all, if they ever came after them again.

“I will burn this whole place to the ground, don’t think I won’t. You betrayed my family, the blood that runs your clan. Come at me or my family again, I will make sure that there is no Montauk clan left.”

His father was brought up and he scoffed. “He’s dead to me and shouldn’t come back. He won’t get the warm welcome he did last time.”

They were leaving and Vivica was able to breathe again. The knot in her stomach was loosening. She held Shane’s hand fiercely, never wanting to let go of it again.