Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks


Six Years Later


“I know that the book said you were going to rule again, but did you really think that it was going to happen?”

Shane agreed that he did, though a part of him had questioned that part of the old witch’s prophecy. It was long-winded and had included Marco, their first special child. It had also included the rest of his children, four in total, that all had human appearances. There was to be one more, another son, that would have his shifter abilities. It had all been written and it was strange to live out the pages of a book.

He hadn’t minded some of them though. The baby making was fun. Vivica was his true mate and couldn’t be contested really, even though several had tried. When his cousin Scott was killed, there was another cousin that was set to take over, but the Elders intervened, and Shane was made the Alpha. The ceremony today was to solidify his title for all time. Shane was nervous, especially since he had threatened to end the whole clan, his clan, for a human.

“You know what happens later right, finally?”

Vivica agreed and her face was turning red. Shane loved the color on her and he couldn’t help but pull her close. She was fixing his hair, brushing it back and forth, trying to keep her hands moving.

“You’re worried.”

“What if it’s a set-up? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past them.”

“All these years later and you still harbor fears?”

“Not fears, but maybe. They want our children, Shane. Our children and I won’t let them have them.”

Shane tried to silence her worries with a kiss, but she needed more than that. It was obvious that Vivica was working herself up. When he pulled back, her eyes were glistening, and he kissed her again.

“It’s going to be okay, Vivica. If you don’t want to do this, we can leave, right now.”

Vivica sighed and wiped her eyes. “Sorry, I’m so emotional lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

Shane smiled at her and told her that it was going to be okay.

“You know something, don’t you? You always have that look on your face when you know something.”

“I think we should wait till this is over to talk about it.”

“I already know. I can feel it this time. It’s different.”

That made Shane grin wider, and he was ready for their last child to come into the world. His son, the one that was going to be like him. He loved all of his children, but the last one was going to be in his image, and he was feeling a little extra sentiment toward it.

“So, the prophecy has held true, all of it. That includes a human becoming the mother of the most powerful children of our time, as well as the queen of the Montauk clan.”

Vivica’s hands were shaking as she touched his chest. “Do you really think that it will work out that way? They hate me, Shane.”

“You have made them stronger, Vivica. They will love you just like I do soon enough. We have to go out there and show them, that’s all.”

Vivica still wasn’t sure. “But the ceremony later, I don’t know if I can do that. In front of all of those people…”

Shane pulled her close, ignoring her fake request for space. “We’ve been together a million times, Vivica.”

“Yeah, but not in front of everyone.”

“I am looking forward to it. I know that the oil is going to be bewitched. I’ve been told that is makes everything feel better.”

Vivica was turning red. “But why do we have to do it in front of everyone?”

“It was done a long time ago as a tradition, to show that the marriage was consummated, and a new child was growing. These unions are important for all, not just the leaders. The continuation of our line needs many unions.”

“Well, we’ve helped in that category already.”

Shane grinned. “You have, my Queen, and you will bring me one more.”

“Can we handle one more?”

He scoffed. “Maybe.”

Shane held her close and ignored the knocking at the door. It was time for him to finally follow through on his destiny, the one that was stolen from him. Shane didn’t want to let go of Vivica. It was all because of her, a young woman not even twenty at the time. She was beautiful and innocent then, but she’d had a strength in her that he’d needed. Shane was finally exactly where he was supposed to be, and he had remembered being told in his youth by an Elder that everything would work out, the day would come where he would be back and lead his clan. Shane had thought it was the silliest thing he’d heard, considering that they were being banished when he was told. Now though, it was funny to think of it. It had all worked out, though he would have never imagined the road traveled to get there.

Who would have thought that his journey would include a human, special children, and a father that was finally of use? George could no longer speak, pissing off a witch and losing his tongue for good. Now, he was the perfect father to Shane, always giving the best advice and knowing when to keep his mouth shut.